Third Level [5]

According to the original narrative, the opportunity that the side character had was on a mountain range. 

More accurately, it was in a mountain range. 

Since the novel didn't really talk much about it, it just meant I had to put more effort into looking for it. 

First of all, though, I had to find a mountain range. 

Standing on top of the tree, though it was currently nighttime and the atmosphere was dark, the moon in the sky still provided enough light to see. 

I noticed that as I got stronger, my body capabilities improved as well. 

Right now, while it couldn't be said I had night vision, I could see more clearly in the dark compared to when I arrived in the tower. 

Soon after turning left and right on the tree, I finally found what I was looking for—a mountain range. However, there was more than one, but thankfully they were close to each other.