Chapter 2: First Day

MrsJones gave her a concerned look. But she said nothing in turn. She continued driving until, after a while theu rreached tje school.

The grand school building was the center of attraction in the entire area. It was in front of a vast historical park where they found a couple of students hanging out before entering the building.

Amy gulped nervously. Here I am, she thought. As soon as the car parked, she got out of the car, bidding her mother farewell.

,"Are you dont want to escort me?" She asked before she officialy left her.

Mrs Jones shook her head. "Im peefectly fine. Now go off! You dont want to be late!"

Amy hesitantly yet obediently trotted off inside the school gates.

Clutching tightly onto her skirt, she nervously went into the school building, blending in with dozens of students who went her way.

She walked absent mindedly through the thick crowd of students in the hallway and was accidentally pushed by someone from a girl who wasnt at all pleased. They bumped each other so hard that the two of them fell to the ground.

"Ugh!!" The girl in a ponytail shrieked in disgust!

"Mind your way, will you? I'm sick of having mindless people about me all the time." She stood, looking at Amy in diagust. She too stood up, apologized and quickly walked away from the scene.

Naturally, she felt embarrassed. But eventually, she didnt want to tolerate such atitudè. She sighed and checked the time. She still had a couple of minutes before class started so she decided to look for the comfort room. When she found it, she immediately went inside and washed her face, cooling her down.

New school, new people. Just be casual. She repeatedly told herself as she faced her reflection in the mirror. She checked the time once more to realize that she must be going.

She walked out of the comfort room to find out that there were less students in the hallway now.

I hope I wont be late, she thought as she went off to look for her classroom. From her sling bag, she took out her phone, remembring her mother had texted her all the details she needed to find her classroom.

Room 09

Mrs. Melissa Andrews

1st floor room

After reading the deacription, she walked down a quiet hallway where she found no one but herself and a boy in the almost empty hallway. The boy, despite if the short period before class started,was reading calmly from a bulletin board. Sensing her presence, he slowly turned to her. He looked only but a year older than her, as she observed.

"Excuse me," she said, "but would you mind telling me where room 09 is?" She asked, seeing this as her only opportunity to ask for directions.

She waited patiently for his answer. But instead, he laid his eyes on her for a long moment before he said his response.

"What if I say I do?" He said. Amy looked bewildered.


"What if I say I mind?" He gave her a non chalant look.

She definitely was not expecting that.

"Um..." She looked blankly at the boy who now began to walk in her direçtion. Just as he was about to pass her, he paused.

"Its just around the corner," he said, side eyeing her and left.

She was at first amazed at the sudden transition of his rude atitude and failed to reach her room, as she stood in place. But as soon as she got over her shock, she inatantly followed the directions she were given and arrived at her class room just in time.

The teacher didnt seem to arrive yet so she found herself an empty seat next to a bored looking giŕl leaning on the chair, waiting for the teacher. But as soon as she caught sight of Amy, her expression soon changed.

"Are you new here?" She asked, noticing the unfamiliar face.

Amy nodded, carefully studying her .

"Well, I'm Pearl Dallas," the girl said, extending her hand politely towards her with wide smile plastered on her face.

Amy shook it and introduced herself. "Im Amy Jones. Nice to meet you." She all said this in a less expressive tone as she didnt really expect to be making friends this easy. A few moments later the teacher arrived and class began tò start with the usual first day of school routine: introductions.

As the clasa went on, Amy realized that, though it was the first day of school, everyone was well acquainted with one another. She later pressumed that all of them were either schoolmates or classmated way back in elementary. Thus, it was now clear that, regarding the situation that she was the only one new around, she was left with the need to introduce herself.

All of them turned to her, including the teacher.

She stood up and was about to speak up when she was rudely interrupted by a loud knocking outside. All heads turned to the door way, where a familiar boy stood. He was none other than the boy she had previously encountered in the hallway earlier. Their eyes eventually met, but Amy instantly averted her look, remembring his unpleasant atitude earlier.

"A plesant morning to you, Mr. Logan!" The teacher said in a mocking tone. "I expect you will have a brief explanation to as why you are late on the first day of school, eh?"

Despite the tight situation he was in, he looked pretty unbothered by it.

"I...just got distracted, Ma'am," he simply replied.

The teacher sighed tiredly and asked him to take a seat. They all waited for him to take his seat before they continued on to where they left.

The teacher turned apologetìcally to Amy. "Sorry about that. You may continue."

"I'm Amelia Elsa Jones. I'm 13 and I moved here from Reading, because..." She happened to look hesitant for a moment. "Because of my parents' job." That was, of course the truth, but not the entire truth and she knew that. She stopped speaking and sat down, thinking her time to speak was up.

"Is that all? You dont have any hobbies to share with us?" The teacher, Mrs Allen asked.

Amy shook her head, honestly. Aside from he fact that she didnt want to talk any further about herself, that was everything she could tell.

After all, since Jenna's death, all her hobies died away with her. She was, in fact, the reason why she moved away from her old neighborhood: so as to get rid of the pain and all her nightmares she had to eňdure in that place.

She closed her eyes as Mrs Allen drew out a sigh.

"Well then...we better start our class."