Chapter 3 Trouble

As soon as the bell rang, Amy immediately made her way out of the room only to be stopped by Mrs Allen.

"Amy," she callef out. Amy paused and turned to her.

"Mrs. Gertrude, the principal wishes to see you."

"Oh?" Amy looked surprise to hear such request.

"You should bettee meet her now," Mrs Allen said, looking at her watch.

Amy, though confused obediently nodded and walked outside. There she found Pearl outside, waiting for her.

Damn! She thought, almost forgetting that she was invited to lunch by Pearl along with a few of her friends.

"Um, hey Pearl," she said, "something happened to ruin our plans..." she began, but, at the look of Pearls face, she already knew she understood.

"Its quite alright. Join us if you have time to spare before class starts," she said.

Amy nodded and, after asking where the principal's office was, left. Despite the short time they still ha together, she had gotten quite acquainted with her as her seatmate.

As she was told, she found the principal's office at the second floor. There on the door were labeled in bold, capital letters:


Amy knocked on the door and was instantly let inside by an old looking woman, which perfectly ressembled the woman shè saw on the internet earlier. It was the principal, Mrs. Allison Gertrude.

She closed the door behind them upon the girl's entrance and sat down behind her office desk.

Amy, still confused as to why she wàs here, stood before her silently oberving the vast room.

"Amelia Elsa Jones, am I correct?" The principal inquired. Amy nodded.

Mrs Gertrude chuckled towards her silent reply.

"Ah, I never thought theyd come back " she muttered to herself and smiled. "You must be David's only child, right?"

Amy nodded, still speechless. She was surprised that she knew who her mother was after only hearing her name.

"David went to school here when she was your age, and we happened to know each other," she explained as if she could read her mind. Now that she mentioned it, Amy then remembered her mother telling her that she and her father went here when she was young.

"When I first heard your family name, I wanted to make sure that you were really David's daughter. Thats why I summoned you here."

"Oh, I see."

"I'll be looking forward to once again meet your parents. After all, they bth left in such a hurry, I couldnt get the chance to bid them farewell," Mrs Gertrude went on but Amy understood not a single word she said.

Noticing her confused look, Mrs. Gertrude muttered silently unďer her breath, "I suppose they still kept quiet about it." She made sure she said this quietly but Amy heard her anyway.