The World Order

I'm Jiang Xiaoyan. It's been two years since the world ended, and I've gone from being a rich second-generation heiress of a major corporation to a mere scavenger, resorting to deception and theft just to survive.

But just a few moments ago, I witnessed something that shattered my perception of reality. I saw a man soaring through the sky, effortlessly reducing a building to dust with a single punch. Afterward, he gracefully flew away and landed on another building.

Now, here I am, frantically running towards that building for safety as hordes of zombies are running upon me. It seems my only hope of survival lies with that god-like figure.

After some time Jiang Xiaoyan finally reached the building, she went inside the building and found that the whole hallway was filled with zombies. the only way to get past them was by sneaking. 

She began to move stealthily, wearing a mask to muffle any noises her breath or voice might produce. After successfully navigating past several zombies, she reached a staircase blocked by a zombie. The only way to pass was to divert its attention with a noise.

With quick thinking, she retrieved a battery from her backpack and threw it into the distance, ensuring it landed close enough for the zombie to hear.

As the battery clattered against the ground, the zombie's head snapped in the direction of the noise, its vacant eyes fixed on the noise. Seizing the opportunity, Jiang Xiaoyan ran past the zombie, her heart pounding in her chest with each step.

Reaching the foot of the stairs, she glanced upwards, her eyes filled with hesitation. With cautious steps, she ascended, the creaking of each stair echoing in the eerie silence of the desolate building. As she reached the top, she paused, her senses on high alert, ready to face the being.


Upon landing on the building, Feng Lou pondered his next move. The idea of finding survivors crossed his mind first. but it would be rather difficult with all of those zombies in the street.

As he contemplated, he was startled by a strange noise. Despite looking around, he found no one nearby. So, he focused on his ears and suddenly heard a flood of noises. It took him some time, but he eventually learned to filter out the distractions. In doing so, he realized that his hearing power had also grown along with his other abilities.

Focusing on his hearing, Feng Lou suddenly caught the faint sound of breathing echoing from the stairway nearby. the possibility of encountering a survivor made him feel a surge of hope. Patiently, he waited, anticipation building with each passing moment. Finally, the door to the stairway creaked open, and a woman cautiously stepped out. 

The woman had a slender build, and her frame weathered by the hardships of survival in a post-apocalyptic world. Her dark hair, once lustrous, now hung in unkempt tangles around her face, partially concealed by the makeshift mask she wore for stealth. Despite the grime that streaked her skin and the fatigue etched into her features, her eyes still retained a glimmer of resilience and determination.

Slowly, the woman began to speak, her words cautious yet measured. "Hello, my name is Jiang Xiaoyan," she introduced herself, her tone tinged with wariness. "And who are you ?"

Naturally, Jiang Xiaoyan attempted to conceal any knowledge of witnessing Feng Lou's incredible display of power, yet Feng Lou couldn't help but sense her unease. After all, if she had been nearby, she should have witnessed the entire spectacle. Though the thought of her possessing teleportation abilities crossed his mind, such a thing seemed highly improbable.

"My name is Feng Lou," he introduced himself, fabricating a tale of his origins. "I hail from a Distant country and have only recently emerged from seclusion. I couldn't help but notice the chaos here. What are these zombies, and why are they infesting this place?" Feng Lou inquired, his voice carrying genuine curiosity.

Though Feng Lou was well aware that his tale of distant origins was dubious at best—after all, how could he explain his presence in this country and his mode of travel? such concerns mattered little to him at the moment. All he desired were answers to his questions, and he didn't care about the credibility of his own story.

As Feng Lou spoke of his distant origins, Jiang Xiaoyan couldn't help but notice the dubious nature of his tale. However, her skepticism wavered as she recalled witnessing his incredible display of power—flying and reducing a building to dust. In light of such a demonstration, she found herself inclined to believe his origin story, despite its questionable credibility.

"Two years ago, in Eagle Country, this virus suddenly emerged out of nowhere," Jiang Xiaoyan recounted, her voice tinged with sorrow. "In just a matter of months, it spread across the globe, and within a year, the majority of the world lay in ruins."

"Hmm," Feng Lou pondered for a moment. After a brief silence, he asked, "Was there anything peculiar about how the virus spread or how it was discovered?"

"No, not that I know of," Jiang Xiaoyan replied sadly. "I was too young to pay attention to the news back then. I was only 14 years old when the virus was discovered."

Feng Lou's realization struck him with a sense of astonishment. "That would make you 16 years old now. Wow," he remarked, the vast age gap between them suddenly apparent. Right now he is 120 years old.

In this world, Feng Lou may be considered old, but in the prehistoric realm, he would be deemed as nothing more than a mere infant. Creatures in that world boast ages stretching back millions, if not billions or trillions of years. Take Goddess Nuwa, for instance—born at the very inception of creation, she has witnessed the passage of countless eons, rendering her age beyond comprehension.

"Do you know anywhere I can find information on the virus and other secrets?" Feng Lou inquired.

"I heard the main military base in Eagle Country is still standing, and they still have the entire country's database. Maybe you can go there," Jiang Xiaoyan suggested.

"Okay, I should go there," Feng Lou acknowledged.

"Can I come with you?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked, realizing that this guy might be her only hope of surviving in this world. As long as she reached the military base, maybe she could be safe for a few more years.

"Okay, you can come with me, just don't make any noises," Feng Lou agreed, not knowing the direction to the Eagle Country. "Get on my back," he instructed, kneeling on the ground.

Jiang Xiaoyan quickly climbed onto his back, and before she could even utter a scream, they were airborne.

Feng Lou didn't care about showing his abilities mainly because a few moments ago while Jiang Xiaoyan was talking Chaos Bell suddenly told him that he would return to the prehistoric world in two weeks.

"Tell me the direction," Feng Lou prompted.

"West," Jiang Xiaoyan replied weakly.

Feng Lou wasted no time, soaring swiftly towards the west.