The Virus (1)

The Eagle Country

It took nearly two hours for Feng Lou to reach the military base. He couldn't help but acknowledge his remarkable speed. he could fly at the speed of sound. However, he stopped himself from doing so because he was mindful of Jiang Xiaoyan on his back.

As Feng Lou and Jiang Xiaoyan approached the military base, they noticed a lot of activity below. Soldiers and civilians alike stopped in their tracks, gazing up at the sky in astonishment. Murmurs of confusion rippled through the crowd as they saw Feng Lou hovering in the air, his presence defying all logic.


Jack, once a revered military general of the Eagle Country, he was there when the first case of the virus was found. Recognizing the threat, he wasted no time in preparing for the worst-case scenario, and low and behold what he thought happened. The world was destroyed but he prepared he quickly took over the main military base and started taking refugees and soon enough the military base became the largest safehold of the human race in the world and he became its leader.

Under his guidance, the base became a bustling hub of activity, teeming with life and purpose. From the ashes of devastation, Jack forged a new community, united in their resolve to endure against all odds. 

For him it was just another day, He was doing some papers for the admission of new refugees, checking out their background and stuff. Suddenly, He heard a lot of commotion outside, fearing a potential zombie horde attack, Jack hastily abandoned his desk and dashed out of his office.

Emerging into the open, he was met with an unreal sight. Members of his military base stood in awe and fear, their gazes fixed in the sky. Following their line of sight, Jack's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw a man standing suspended in the air, with a young girl on his back. In that moment, everything Jack thought he knew about the world was challenged, as the extraordinary sight unfolded before him, reshaping his entire worldview.

Realizing the potential threat posed by the figure in the sky, Jack wasted no time in issuing urgent commands to his soldiers. "GET READY TO FIRE!" he bellowed, his voice echoing across the base as soldiers swiftly armed themselves, prepared for confrontation.

As tension mounted, the figure began to descend from the sky, prompting Jack to brace for an attack. However, to his surprise, the figure landed gracefully and began to speak before Jack could even give the order to open fire.


"Hello, I am not an enemy," Feng Lou began, his voice calm yet resolute. "I am from a distant land and recently emerged from seclusion." he still used the same dubious origin story.

"I just want to ask some questions, that's all" Feng Lou said

"How can we believe that?" Jack said 

Feng Lou turned his gaze towards Jack "This must be the leader" Feng Lou thought to himself.

Jack was a man of around fifty years old, whose presence attracted attention. Jack stood tall and imposing, his military background evident in his sturdy frame and confident demeanor. Despite the lines etched upon his weathered face, his eyes shone with a fierce determination, revealing a spirit unyielding in the face of adversity. Draped in the uniform of his rank, Jack exuded an aura of authority and strength, every gesture purposeful and assured. Feng Lou couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for this formidable figure, even as he sought to convince him of his intentions.

"You can only believe my words," Feng Lou admitted, recognizing his lack of tangible proof. "But you can ask the girl; I am not here to hurt anyone," he added, gesturing towards Jiang Xiaoyan, who stood beside him.

Jack didn't say anything and just looked at the girl, her appearance seemingly human, yet doubts lingered in his mind. What if she was in some scheme with this man? Despite his uncertainty, Jack remained vigilant, not willing to let his guard down in the face of uncertainty.

Sensing Jack's continued vigilance, Feng Lou offered a suggestion to ease the tension. "You can cuff me if you want," he proposed, extending his hands in a gesture of cooperation.

Jack hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. Ultimately, he decided to trust his instincts and Feng Lou's offer of cooperation. Ordering his soldiers to stand down, he approached Feng Lou cautiously and proceeded to restrain him with handcuffs. With the immediate threat seemingly neutralized, Jack turned his attention to Jiang Xiaoyan, his expression guarded yet curious.

Meanwhile, Feng Lou remained calm and composed, understanding the necessity of Jack's caution. As he was led towards the military base for further questioning, he couldn't help but wonder about the secrets that lay within its walls.