The Virus (2)

In the military base interrogation room 

The interrogation room was simple and bare, with plain walls painted in a dull color. Bright fluorescent lights overhead illuminated the space harshly, casting stark shadows. In the center of the room sat a worn table and two chairs, opposite another solitary metal chair. A large mirror on one wall hinted at hidden observers on the other side.

Feng Lou and Jiang Xiaoyan sat side by side on one end of the room, while Jack occupied a chair opposite them. The atmosphere was thick with tension, Jack was sizing up both of them with wary glances. Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of a cough, breaking the oppressive stillness that had settled over the room.

*cough* *cough*

It was Feng Lou who coughed.

"Listen, Mister," Feng Lou began.

"My name is Jack, just call me Jack," interrupted Jack, his tone firm but not unkind.

"My name is Feng Lou, and this is Jiang Xiaoyan," Feng Lou continued, gesturing towards Jiang Xiaoyan beside him.

"OK, Feng Lou, now tell me who, or better, what are you? How can you fly?" Jack asked, his tone firm yet cautious, betraying a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"Like I said before, I am from a distant land, and basically everyone from that land can fly," Feng Lou repeated, his statement maintaining a semblance of truth. After all, if anyone from the Great Wilderness were to come to this world, they should theoretically possess the ability to fly.

Jiang Xiaoyan, seated beside them, listened attentively, her curiosity piqued by the discussion of the powers of these distant land natives.

"Where is the distant land you speak of?" Jack questioned, his tone tinged with skepticism.

"Even if I tell you, you will probably never be able to go there," Feng Lou replied cryptically.

"And why is that?" Jack pressed further.

"Mainly because you need the technology or power to cut open the entire fabric of space to go there," Feng Lou explained, his words laden with a sense of impossibility.

"So are you saying that whatever distant land you came from has that kind of technology?" Jack inquired, his skepticism evident in his tone.

After a brief pause to consider his response, Feng Lou replied, "Yes," his answer delivered with a hint of conviction, yet leaving much to the imagination.

Of course, Feng Lou lied. Even if someone were to throw his soul into the ninth level of hell, he would never tell the secret of the Chaos Bell and its abilities.

"So why are you here? What do you want from us humans and this apocalyptic world?" Jack asked, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

"First of all, I am a human too," Feng Lou replied casually, unaware of the profound impact his words had on Jack and Jiang Xiaoyan.

"WHAT?!" exclaimed Jack, his voice laced with disbelief. "You are a human too?"

Realizing he had inadvertently revealed a secret, Feng Lou felt a surge of anxiety wash over him, though outwardly, there was no sign of it. As a human immortal, he didn't sweat, nor did he require sleep or any food.

"Yes, is there anything wrong with that?" Feng Lou replied, his tone measured despite the rising tension in the room. "Should I not be human?"

"No, no, there's nothing wrong with that," Jack responded, his shock palpable. "But how? How can you fly? I don't understand."

Feng Lou let out a sigh and decided to play along. "You've caught me. Actually, I've been sent here from the future to save you guys," he said, weaving a tale of intrigue in an attempt to divert attention from his true origins.

"The future," Feng Lou repeated, dropping another bombshell. Both Jack and Jiang Xiaoyan were left speechless, their minds reeling with the implications of this revelation.

"I am from the year 4202. I have been sent back in time to save this world from this sudden apocalypse," Feng Lou declared with such conviction that even he began to wonder if he truly came from the future.

"In the future that I am from, this zombie virus didn't exist. Our time-patrolling machine suddenly detected a change in the timeline, and they sent me here to investigate the true cause of this apocalypse and eliminate it," Feng Lou lied as naturally as he breathed

Both Jack and Jiang Xiaoyan were stunned, their minds struggling to digest this new information.

"How can we believe that what you say is true?" Jack finally spoke, his voice tinged with skepticism.

"You don't need to believe me," Feng Lou responded, his tone carrying a hint of emotion. "What I need from you is not your trust, but access to your information database. I need that database to figure out what truly happened, how this virus was born," he reiterated, his voice devoid of emotion, resembling that of a machine.

"The fate of our world rests on your shoulders, Mr. Jack," Feng Lou stated, his tone carrying a subtle threat. "It's either to let me go and access your database, or just let the world end," he reiterated, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.

"You can save the world," Feng Lou added, his tone now taking on a manipulative edge as if he were luring the general into a trap.

"Let me think about it in the fresh air," Jack declared, rising from his chair and making his way outside.

After some time, he returned to the room and spoke, "Okay, we will let you access the database, but I will be with you at every point."

After he said that, Jack motioned for Feng Lou to follow him. They proceeded down a dimly lit corridor, the air heavy with the scent of aged concrete and metal. Eventually, they reached a nondescript door marked "Data Room." Jack unlocked it with a keycard and ushered Feng Lou inside.

The data room was a stark contrast to the rest of the base, bathed in the cool blue glow of computer screens lining the walls. Servers hummed softly in the background, their blinking lights casting eerie shadows across the room. Jack led Feng Lou to a terminal and gestured for him to begin his search, his expression serious as he stood guard, ready to intervene at any sign of trouble.

Feng Lou, with his expertise in computers from his previous life, navigated the database with ease. After some tapping and searching, he finally came across the file detailing the first-ever case of the virus.

As he began to read, Jack, standing right beside him, interjected, "You know, I was there when this virus was first discovered. You can just ask me anything you need to know."

"Okay, first let me read the file, then I will ask you," Feng Lou replied, his attention fully focused on the screen in front of him, trying to find anything unusual that might help him in his cultivation.

The file contained details of a peculiar discovery made by a team of scientists in a remote jungle expedition in the bear country. It described how they stumbled upon a strange plant, unlike any known species. Its vibrant colors and otherworldly appearance immediately captivated their attention.

As they examined the plant further, they discovered that it emitted an unusual energy signature, one that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly power. Intrigued by this anomaly, the scientists collected samples for further analysis.

However, shortly after their return to civilization, reports began to surface of bizarre incidents linked to the plant. People exposed to its pollen exhibited erratic behavior, resembling that of zombies. Panic ensued as the strange affliction spread rapidly, eventually leading to the declaration of a global pandemic.

The film concluded with a note of urgency, urging further investigation into the origins and properties of the mysterious plant, as it seemed to hold the key to understanding the true nature of the apocalypse.

Just as Feng Lou finished reading, a realization dawned upon him. The description of the strange plant sparked a flicker of excitement within him. Could this plant hold the key to increasing his cultivation?

"Where is this plant mentioned in the file?" Feng Lou asked Jack, his curiosity piqued.

"It was in the main research center of the capital city, but it suddenly disappeared," Jack replied with a troubled expression. "After the apocalypse, I even sent some of my men to try to find the plant, but it was to no avail."

"Can you tell me where the research center is? Maybe I can try to find the flower," Feng Lou suggested.

"Yes, I can, but I want to come with you," Jack replied firmly.

Jiang Xiaoyan chimed in, expressing the same desire to accompany them.

"Why?" Feng Lou inquired, taken aback by their insistence.

"Why not? It's related to the survival of the human race. Why wouldn't I try to help?" Jack responded with determination, a sentiment echoed by Jiang Xiaoyan.

Moved by their resolve, Feng Lou agreed to take both of them with him.

"Point the way then, General," Feng Lou said, acknowledging Jack's leadership.