Profound Immortal

Back in the Military Base

After returning to the base, Feng Lou asked Jack for a private room. Though Jack was confused and suspicious about the sudden need for privacy, he could sense the gravity of the situation by Feng Lou's expressions and complied without hesitation, granting Feng Lou access to a secluded chamber.

The private room was small yet functional, its walls adorned with maps and tactical diagrams. A single bed sat in the center with a lamp right next to it.

In his room, Feng Lou sat in deep contemplation, his thoughts consumed by the weighty decision before him. The chamber was dimly lit, casting long shadows that danced across the walls, adding to the sense of gravity in the air. With a furrowed brow, Feng Lou thinks about whether he should absorb the death law fragments or not. so in the end he decided to ask the Chaos Bell about it and soon enough Chaos Bell told him if he wants to get stronger he should absorb the fragments but he should be ready for the consequences. 

"What kind of consequences?" asked Feng Lou in his mind and soon Chaos bell reply came, the artifact said a sobering warning: absorbing the fragments of the death law could unleash a torrent of violence and recklessness, reshaping his very essence.

Yet, amid the cautionary tone, the Chaos Bell offered a glimmer of assurance, that the long-term benefits would outweigh any initial drawbacks, promising minimal consequences once he becomes more stronger.

With this knowledge, Feng Lou still struggled with the decision, weighing the risks against the rewards that awaited him on the path to power.


With a heavy sigh, Feng Lou resolved to absorb the fragments of the death law. "Okay," he murmured, his voice tinged with determination. Without hesitation, he commanded the Chaos Bell to initiate the absorption process.

As the Chaos Bell began its work, streams of death qi flowed forth, enveloping Feng Lou in their eerie embrace. Yet, to his surprise, this energy felt strangely tempered, its once malevolent nature softened and subdued. With each passing moment, the death qi permeated his being, infusing every fiber of his being with its essence. The energy gathered around Feng Lou's head, forming a swirling vortex that slowly condensed into his first immortal aperture. 

"Immortal aperture!" Feng Lou exclaimed in astonishment. Achieving an immortal aperture typically marked the attainment of the profound immortal rank. "Does this mean I'm a profound immortal now?" he thought to himself.

In the new hierarchy, human immortals were the lowest rank, established after the birth of the human race, they also got merit for that. To advance, one needed to fill their body with immortal qi and condense it into the first immortal aperture. Initially, Feng Lou had only filled 40% of his body with immortal qi, making him a low-rank human immortal. Advancing to 50% would elevate him to a mid-rank, and reaching 70% would classify him as a high-rank. But now, with the sudden attainment of an immortal aperture, he had skipped all these levels and ascended directly to the profound immortal rank.

But soon enough, confusion crept in. Feng Lou couldn't sense any trace of the death law fragments he was supposed to absorb. Then, a message from the Chaos Bell arrived, explaining that while he couldn't comprehend the law fragments that are in his immortal aperture at the moment, but they were indeed there. He would only be able to understand and harness their power after he ascended to become a true immortal.

Feng Lou's confusion dissipated as he began to cautiously explore his new powers. Unlike before, he proceeded with care, gradually uncovering the extent of his strength. Soon, he realized that he was nearly a hundred times stronger than he had been before.

As Feng Lou tested his newfound abilities, he became aware of a faint trace of death qi permeating the air around him. Gradually, he sensed its presence throughout the entire military base. What startled him even more was the realization that this death qi, likely emanating from the zombies, was converging towards the north of the planet.

As Feng Lou grappled with the decision of whether to intervene, the urgency of the situation weighed heavily on his mind. His thoughts drifted back to his earlier declaration of wanting to alter the fate of the human race. Despite the uncertainty of his opponent's strength or identity, Feng Lou couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility.


Feng Lou's sigh echoed in the quiet of the room, a testament to the weight of his decision. As he pondered his next move, a wistful thought crossed his mind. "Damn it," he mused internally, "I wish I were like those saints, unaffected by emotions." 

After some deliberation, Feng Lou finally reached a decision. "Okay, I'll help them," he declared to himself. With resolve in his heart, he came out of his room and went to find Jack.