Preparation To Go to North

Eagle Country Main Military Base

Jack sat at his desk, his mind replaying the scene from the research center over and over again. When the death qi burst forth from the flower, it sent a chill down his spine. Suddenly, he found himself face to face with the darkest corners of his own mind, where sinister desires lay dormant. Despite his usual confidence, Jack was taken aback by the power of the death qi to stir up these malevolent thoughts. It was a stark reminder of the fragility of his own willpower in the face of such influence.

Jack's train of thought was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a soldier in his office. "General," the soldier announced urgently, "the flying guy is here to see you."

"Let him in," Jack instructed calmly.

As Feng Lou entered the office, Jack listened intently to his words. "I have located the culprit that destroyed your world," Feng Lou announced casually. "The person is in the north of this planet."

Before Jack could even say anything Feng Lou spoke. "Yes, that's correct, I can sense a concentration of death qi emanating from the north. It's likely the source of the virus and possibly the individual responsible for unleashing it upon the world."

"Huh?!! what's death qi? And you think a person is responsible for that?" Jack again said with some shock

Feng Lou explained, "Death qi is a malevolent energy associated with death and decay. It's the same energy we encountered in the research center, the one that erupted from the flower. This energy is likely linked to the origin of the zombie virus and I think the owner of this energy is the main culprit of this world destruction"

"I will not explain any further, as it might disrupt the timeline" Feng Lou lied mainly because he didn't want to let anyone know about cultivators "I am here because I want to ask for your help well mainly your army's help" 

Feng Lou's response left Jack puzzled, but he nodded, sensing the urgency in Feng Lou's request. "What kind of help do you need?" he asked, willing to lend support despite his lingering doubts.

"I'm not sure how strong that person is, so I might need some extra help," Feng Lou explained.

Jack considered Feng Lou's words carefully. Despite his reservations, he couldn't ignore the gravity of the situation. "Alright," he replied, "I'll come with you and I'll also mobilize a team to accompany you. We'll provide whatever assistance we can." With that, he signaled to a nearby soldier to make the necessary arrangements.

"Okay, also I was wondering about transportation. How can I transport all of these men with me to the north?" Feng Lou inquired.

After some contemplation, Jack replied, "You can take a plane from the city airport, but I'm not sure if it has fuel or not."

"Alright then, we'll need to check the airport first," Feng Lou acknowledged. "Let's head there tomorrow and see what we can find." With a nod of agreement, Jack led the way out of his office.


Next Day

Almost all the stuff like weapons and extra food rations were ready. Families bid tearful farewells as loved ones prepared to embark on the hard journey.

Standing side by side, Jack and Feng Lou shared a moment of reflection. "It's incredible," Jack remarked, his voice tinged with admiration. "Every single one of these people volunteered. They're willing to follow us to the ends of the earth, all for the chance to confront the one who brought about our world's downfall."

Feng Lou's chest swelled with emotion as he surveyed the determined faces around him. Each volunteer represented a leap of faith, a testament to the collective resolve to seek justice. The weight of their trust was great. He even saw Jiang Xiaoyan amidst the crowd.

"She also volunteered?," asked Feng Lou pointing toward Jiang Xiaoyan 

"Yes," replied Jack, a hint of admiration in his voice. "She was one of the first to step forward. Seems like she's determined to see this through to the end."

Feng Lou felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on him even more heavily.

"Shall we depart?" Jack inquired, and Feng Lou drew in a deep breath before responding, "Yes, let's proceed."

"ATTENTION EVERYONE! PREPARE FOR DEPARTURE IN 3 MINUTES!" Jack's voice echoed through the base, galvanizing the troops into action. 

In no time, all preparations were complete, and the convoy of vehicles set off towards the airport, a sense of purpose driving each member forward.

the convoy of vehicles traversed the deserted streets of the city, shooting every zombie that came their way.

As they entered the airport, the sight was grim. Charred remnants and wreckage littered the once-bustling terminal, a testament to the chaos that had engulfed the world. Feng Lou scanned the scene, his expression troubled.

Beside him, Jack voiced the obvious concern, "What now? There's not a single functioning plane here."

"Find a plane that can fit all our troops. I have an idea," Feng Lou said to Jack, a sharp military mind who had witnessed Feng Lou's powers firsthand. Jack hesitated, uncertainty clouding his expression.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked cautiously.

"Yes," Feng Lou replied with confidence. "Don't worry too much."

They quickly located a partially damaged plane that seemed salvageable. Jack wasted no time, instructing his men to abandon their vehicles and board the aircraft along with all the supplies. Without hesitation, Jack joined them, his determination unwavering.

With a mixture of hesitation and determination, Feng Lou positioned himself beneath the plane, preparing to lift it. As he exerted his strength, he was surprised to find the aircraft almost weightless in his grasp, he hoisted the plane effortlessly onto his shoulders. With the aircraft now secured, Feng Lou took to the sky, carrying the plane he went into the sky and set course for the origin of the death qi.