Healing The World and Return

Once Feng Lou finished recounting the events from the Ice Palace, a stunned silence fell over the group as they processed the things that happened. The shocking revelations left them all reeling with disbelief.

Suddenly Jack said "I believe I crossed paths with this skeleton figure before. His name was Daniel Sterling, and it happened three years ago during a United Council meeting. He was kicked out from the assembly for nonsense."

"What was he saying?" Jiang Xiaoyan asked, intrigued. Feng Lou knew the answer from the memories he absorbed, but he stayed quiet, letting Jack explain instead.

Jack hesitated for a moment before responding, "He was ranting about how the world should be restarted because we humans destroyed it too much, I didn't take him seriously then. I mean, who would've thought he'd turn out to be some kind of skeleton mage?"

"It's not your fault, Jack," Feng Lou reassured him, looking at the memories he had absorbed from the skeleton mage. " I think, He was consumed by violence and despair."

"I think he has a point," Jiang Xiaoyan voiced, hearing that everyone suddenly backed away from her.

Sensing their unease, she quickly clarified, "What I mean is, he's right about our impact on the planet. Did you know there was a clock in the Eagle Country? It counted down how many years we had left until our planet was doomed by pollution. Three years ago, when it was still working, it showed we only had seven years left. I think the skeleton guy just accelerated our destruction."

Hearing that, Feng Lou interjected, "I think you are wrong here, first of all just because the clock showed us that we have a limited time left doesn't mean the world will actually end at that point. Humans are unpredictable creatures. Look at us now, banding together to defeat a mysterious threat. Do you think humans, in a timeline where this zombie virus didn't exist, would have simply accepted that their world was ending in 7 years? They would have undoubtedly tried something to save the Earth." 

Feng Lou made himself sound mysterious like he knew something because he suddenly remembered his time traveler identity.

Hearing Feng Lou's words, Jiang Xiaoyan exclaimed, "Ah, I understand now!"

After all that was done Feng Lou said with a smile "Shall we go back now, we still have a world to heal"

everyone said "yes" in unison, realizing that the real hard journey for them was just about to begin.


Few Hours Later

Everyone was back in the Military base, Feng Lou asked Jack to gather everyone up in the field because he needed to tell them something, Soon everyone gathered in the field as Feng Lou requested, curious about what he had to say.

Feng Lou's voice resonated across the field as he began to speak, "I have both bad news and good news to share with all of you."

Feng Lou started explaining "Firstly the bad news, as you know we went to find the culprit that caused the end of our world, so we did end up finding him. unfortunately, the news we got from him wasn't good. There's no cure for the zombie virus." His words hit them hard, sinking in like stones dropped into a pond, creating ripples of despair.

"But don't lose hope just yet. Here's the silver lining: While we may not have found a cure, we've discovered something just as valuable. We can make people immune to the virus," Feng Lou announced.

Those words breathed new life into the hearts of the despairing survivors.

"What I need from all of you is to gather in the circle I'm about to create. Once you're inside, you'll be granted immunity from the virus," Feng Lou announced again

As soon as the words left his lips, Feng Lou began chanting incantations, using the magic that he got from the skeleton mage memories. With each syllable, the air around him shimmered with arcane energy until a vibrant circle materialized on the field. "Quickly step inside and then step out," he instructed.

Hearing his words, people one by one started entering the magic circle and emerging unscathed.

And soon Feng Lou was done.

After he was done Feng Lou turned to Jack, asking, "Can u tell me all the places where I can find other survivors, I should go use this spell on them too. i don't have much time left"

Jack quickly listed all the places he knew where survivors might be, and he also ordered his men to assist in locating others.


3 Days Later

Feng Lou traveled across the globe, tirelessly using his spell to grant immunity to survivors. With time slipping away, he knew he had to act quickly.

And soon almost all the survivors were immune from the zombie virus.

As his journey was coming to an end, Feng Lou summoned Jack to his room. "I'll be leaving soon," he said. "I hope you all can rebuild this world even better than before. Goodbye, and please pass on my farewell to Jiang Xiaoyan as well."

Feng Lou added, "If I ever have the chance to see you all again I will definitely not miss it"

Right as he said that, Feng Lou vanished, leaving Jack speechless, his farewell hanging in the air unanswered.