
Prehistoric World

With a swift whoosh, Feng Lou found himself back in his mud house courtyard, he now was a stronger ant.

As he surveyed his surroundings, he was surprised to find that not even a minute had passed since his departure.

Suddenly Feng Lou started worrying because he feared that others might become suspicious of his sudden increase in strength and the potential detection of his death qi.

Soon Chaos Bell's message came, Telling him that it will help Feng Lou mask his cultivation level to appear as any lower level he desired. After hearing this, Feng Lou immediately commanded the Chaos Bell to conceal his cultivation, making it appear as if he was only a high-level human immortal.

After all that was done, Feng Lou went outside to check on his family.

Feng Lou, as the grandson of the Ancestor of Humanity, holds a position of royalty. He has three brothers and two sisters, with his eldest brother being the one he feels closest to. While he exchanges greetings with the others, their relationships are not as close.

His father, Feng Wei, became the patriarch of the human race after the ancestors went to serve the goddess Nuwa. Feng Lou's mother, Xuanhua, is also a Heavenly Immortal like his father and they are currently the leaders of the human race.

Feng Lou made his way to his eldest brother's residence, wanting to share the news of his promotion to a "high-rank human immortal." Yet, he also had another purpose in mind: to inquire about the origin of the flower his brother had given him.

He wanted to know more about the flower because he hoped to go to another world soon to get stronger quickly.

Soon, Feng Lou arrived at his eldest brother's house and hesitated to enter, fearing his brother might be busy with cultivation. Instead, he called out to him from outside.

Hearing Feng Lou's voice, Feng Yi stepped out of his house and greeted him, "What brings my little brother here? I thought you went to refine that flower I gave you."

"Brother, check out my cultivation. I refined the flower you gave me, and its potency exceeded my expectations. Before I knew it, I became a high rank human immortal," Feng Lou exclaimed proudly, while showing off his cultivation.

Feng Yi was speechless, he didn't realize that the flower was that powerful.

Feng Lou continued, "Actually I am here because I wanted to ask you how you found that flower, I feel like we can obtain more of these flowers we can make our tribe more powerful"

Hearing that Feng Yi responded, "I stumbled upon that flower by chance, while I was out hunting with our cousins"

Feng Yi added, "Now that you're a high-rank human immortal, you can join us for hunting. Would you like to come along?"

After some thinking, Feng Lou replied, "Yes, count me in." He agreed, hoping that he will find another flower that could recharge the Chaos Bell.

"Alright, go back home now and rest. We'll leave early in the morning, meet up is near the forest entrance" Feng Yi said with a smile.

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning," Feng Lou responded with a nod, heading back home to prepare for the upcoming hunt.

Feng Lou while walking back home started thinking about why the human race did hunting if they didn't need to eat.

Well, it was because people in the human race don't have any cultivation techniques to improve their cultivation like other races, so the only thing they can do to improve their cultivation is to eat raw meat.

They eat raw meat because fire hasn't been discovered yet. Eating stale raw meat was one of the reasons Feng Lou was still low rank human immortal even after almost 100 years.

As he pondered this, Feng Lou finally reached his house and stepped inside to rest.


Early Morning, Next Day

Feng Lou woke up early today, because it was his hunting day, he got ready and went outside to meet with Feng Yi and his cousins.

After their parents left to serve the goddess Nuwa, Feng Lou's father and his nine siblings went their separate ways, each settling in different parts of the mountain to grow the human population. The hunting trips are organized every day to allow their children to mingle and perhaps find partners for marriage, continuing the family line and strengthening the community.

Participating in the hunting trip is a significant rite of passage for young members of the tribe.

At last, he spotted Feng Yi accompanied by four others—two men and two women. All of them were exceptionally handsome and beautiful, surpassing even the most famous stars on Earth.

Feng Yi finally noticed Feng Lou coming here and said "Feng Lou, come here, let me introduce you" Feng Yi hurried over to Feng Lou, beckoning him to join the group.

"This is Feng Lou, my little brother, he just became a high-rank human immortal," Feng Yi said proudly, gesturing towards Feng Lou to introduce him to the group.

People in the group began introducing themselves. First was a sharp-eyed fellow named Feng Ming, who declared, "I'm Feng Ming, the scout. You can count on me to track down our prey." Despite his menacing appearance, his smile radiated warmth.

The second person to introduce herself was a chubby, adorable girl named Xuan Mei. With a warm smile, she greeted Feng Lou, her eyes darting occasionally towards Feng Yi, seemingly seeking his approval as she spoke.

The third member exuding an aura of honesty and goodwill, introduced himself as Feng Xiang, his smile conveying genuine warmth and friendliness.

The fourth member, a girl with a mischievous glint in her eyes, introduced herself as Xuan Ying. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she said, her smile radiating warmth as she glanced at Feng Lou.

After they were done with the introductions, Feng Lou said with a smile "it's nice to meet you all, I hope you guys can take care of me"

Feng Yi chimed in, "With introductions out of the way, shall we begin?"

After Feng Yi said that, everyone walked into the forest.