The Witch Race

The Qingqui Mountain range has a really vast forest that almost seems tailor-made for humans, it is filled with animals.

Feng Lou was trailing behind Feng Yi and the others, scanning the forest in search of prey.

While they were searching everyone in the group was also whispering and talking with each other. 

Feng Yi and Xuan Mei were happily talking together, showing their affection for each other.

Feng Lou was chatting with Feng Xiang and Xuan Ying. While Xuan Ying was quite talkative, Feng Xiang remained quiet, only saying a few words here and there.

Feng Ming on the other hand was leading the way, leading the group silently through the forest, searching for animals to hunt with sharp eyes.

Feng Lou was also searching around for a spiritual flower that could help him recharge the Chaos Bell. 

Suddenly, Feng Ming, leading the group, stopped and gestured for silence, putting his finger to his lips.

At Feng Ming's signal, everyone in the group fell silent, their attention fixed on him, waiting for further instructions from him.

Feng Ming, scanning the area ahead, suddenly remarked, "There's someone lying over there. Looks injured."

the group's attention shifted forward, scanning the area until they spotted the figure. It appeared to be a human, but it had distinctive tattoos all over its body.

As they approached the figure, Feng Lou couldn't shake the feeling that he knew the race it belonged to. However, he kept silent, not wanting to reveal his knowledge when he was not powerful enough.

Suddenly, the figure, as if sensed their presence, pleaded, "Please help me. I can't die yet."

Hearing the voice, everyone jumped in surprise, but they quickly regained their composure. Feng Ming, taking the lead, asked, "Who are you, and why should we help?"

As the figure lying there opened his eyes, he revealed, "I am Zhurong from the Great Witch Clan, Descendant of the Great God Pangu." With those words, he collapsed unconscious.

The mention of the Witch Clan was like a bomb to everyone. To them, the Witch Clan was no more than a legend—a lineage born from the pure blood essence of the Great God Pangu, they call themselves the descendants of the Great God Pangu.

Their bodies were so strong that even the leaders of the monster race couldn't put a dent in them, However, their unique physique came with a downside—they lacked a soul to cultivate. Instead, they focused solely on honing their physical forms, wanting to make them invincible. They are the only race that is capable of rivaling the behemoth Monster Race.

Everyone quickly started thinking of the pros and cons of helping Zhurong, But soon they understood that refusing him aid could lead to the extinction of the human race, as the Witch Clan harbored no fear even of the saints.

Legend had it that when the Taoist Ancestor became the Saint of Heaven and preached his teachings, the Witch Clan couldn't attend because they didn't have souls and they couldn't cultivate the soul, so the Taoist Ancestor didn't offer an invite to them, However, they were enraged because of that, so they decided to show off their body cultivation and show the creatures of the prehistoric realm that it is far superior to Taoist Ancestor soul cultivation.

To show that their body cultivation was more powerful than Taoist ancestor soul cultivation, they wreaked havoc in the chaos where the abode of Taoist ancestor, Zixiao Palace is. Many anticipated retaliation from the Taoist Ancestor, but to their astonishment, he remained silent. This led many to believe that the Taoist Ancestor was intimidated by the power of the Witch Race.

Thinking of all the legends, the group decided unanimously to assist the injured figure and take it back to the Feng Lou tribe because it was the closest to them and it was also the place their human race patriarch and Feng Lou and Feng Yi's Father lived. 

While they were taking Zhurong back to the tribe, Feng Lou started remembering who Zhurong was, Zhurong, one of the Twelve Great Witches, Strong enough to compete with the Monster Race Emperor without breaking a sweat. Zhurong was also known as the Great Witch of Fire because of his great control over the Fire Law. Legend has it, That his fire law mastery is better than both of the monster race emperors that live in the Supreme Sun but nobody knows for sure.

Feng Lou also started to think about the war between the Human Race and the Witch Race, the monster Race that will happen in the future. A war so fierce that it would tear the prehistoric world into almost uncountable pieces, He also recalled the grim fate awaiting most of the Great Witches, including Zhurong, who would meet their end at the hands of the human race in the distant future. However, he pushed aside these thoughts, knowing that this war was still millions of years away.

Right now, the human race was far from matching the might of the Witch Clan, let alone shining their shoes. However, Feng Lou was determined to change that. He knew that his survival depended on the human race's strength, and due to that he promised himself that he would make the human race stronger, no matter the cost, Even if it meant offending a saint.