
Right as Feng Lou said that, Suddenly there was a ding in his mind. Shocked by the sudden sound of the chaos bell, He swiftly turned his attention to the Chaos Bell, his heart racing with anticipation. "What's going on?" he inquired

In a response that seemed almost sentient, the Chaos Bell said with some anger, "Someone is attempting to alter your destiny."

"What do you mean by changing my Destiny??" Feng Lou asked, feeling a bit nervous.

"Some saint or someone stronger is trying to change your destiny," Chaos Bell said. "But don't worry, I made it appear as though your destiny was altered."

"WHAT?!" Feng Lou exclaimed in shock. "Which saint is it? Taoist Ancestor or Goddess Nuwa?"

Chaos Bell replied, "I don't know. It could be any of them, or perhaps a saint from the future has traveled back to change your destiny."

"Why would they want to change my destiny?" Feng Lou questioned.

"It could be for any reason, perhaps even because you're aiding Zhurong," Chaos Bell speculated. "We may never know until we identify who's attempting to alter your destiny. As you are not yet a Super Unity Golden Immortal; you're still susceptible to time and destiny attacks."

"What's Supreme Unity Golden Immortal?" Feng Lou asked

"It's the realm beyond Golden Immortal," Chaos Bell elaborated. "In that realm, your past and future merge within the river of time, leaving you without a distinct past or future. You become a truly unique being, immune to attacks on time and destiny."

Feng Lou was taken aback by these words. He began to think, wondering if Zhurong was a Supreme Unity Golden Immortal or perhaps even more powerful.

As Feng Lou was thinking of Zhurong's potential power while carrying him, the group finally arrived at the tribe.

As soon as they reached the tribe they quickly took Zhurong into Feng Lou and Feng Yi's father's house.


Feng Wei, the patriarch of the human race was sitting cross-legged in his mud house, When suddenly he heard some voices from outside his house, realizing that these noises were from his sons that were calling him outside he quickly teleported out of his house with his heavenly immortal cultivation base.

Feng Wei possessed no formal cultivation technique; his heavenly immortal cultivation base was inherited from his father, Feng. However, through some stroke of fortune or perhaps innate talent, he managed to grasp crumbs of wind law and due to that he was able to move with unparalleled speed.

Feng Wei quickly came outside, his eyes widening in astonishment as he saw that his sons and members of other tribes were holding a member of the Witch Race.

"What did you guys do? Who is this guy?" Feng Wei carried a note of anger. He knew from the inheritance of his father that the Witch Race was the mortal enemy of the Monster Race, and since Goddess Nuwa was a part of the Monster Race, humans were considered enemies of the Witch Race by association.

Feng Lou quickly stepped forward to take the lead. "We were out hunting when we stumbled upon this guy. He says his name is Zhurong and he's from the Witch Race. We weren't sure what to do, so we brought him here," Feng Lou made sure to put an emphasis on the guy's name to remind his father, who this guy might be.

The name "Zhurong" struck Feng Wei with shock because he knew one of the twelve great witches was called Zhurong, if it was a normal witch race member he would have just said to throw him out but now, facing one of the Twelve Great Witches, he realized he couldn't simply cast him out. Doing so would likely provoke the Witch Race.

Feng Wei found himself trapped in a dilemma. Suddenly, an idea struck him: why not seek guidance from Goddess Nuwa? So he quickly asked the hunting group to take the guy to the Goddess Nuwa temple they built.

Soon enough they came to the Goddess temple, this temple was also made with mud but it looked like it was made out of wood for some reason, Inside, a grand hall greeted them, dominated by a towering statue of Goddess Nuwa. Flanking her were smaller statues, depicting Feng Wei's mother and father, the progenitor of the human race.

Feng Wei knelt before the statue of the Goddess and started praying to the goddess and asking for her help but to his surprise it didn't matter how much he tried, the goddess didn't seem to respond as if she was purposely ignoring them.

Feng Lou beside him was surprised by the shamelessness of the goddess because he knew the relationship between the monster race and Goddess Nuwa, he also knew why Goddess Nuwa was ignoring them, it was because she didn't want to tell the monster race that she helped a great witch but she also didn't want to provoke the witch race, so she chose to just remain silent.

In this moment of need, however, her silence felt like a stark betrayal, leaving the human race to fend for themselves. One wrong move and humanity will be destroyed. 

Finally, Feng Lou was unable to bear his father's desperate pleas any longer, gently approached him and offered his perspective. "Father," he began, his voice filled with a mix of resolve and compassion, "I believe the Holy Mother's silence may be a test for us. Perhaps she wishes to see how we navigate this challenge without depending solely on her,"

Feng Wei, reassured by Feng Lou's wisdom, gradually regained his composure. "You may be right," he conceded, his tone reflecting a newfound sense of resolve. "Perhaps this is indeed a test by the Holy Mother."

"What do we do now, Feng Lou?" Feng Wei asked.

Feng Lou felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. It seemed like his father was avoiding making decisions, leaving it all up to him. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone was pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Finally, after some thinking, Feng Lou proposed, "Let's try to heal him."

Feng Wei voiced his concern, "But how do we heal him? Simply feeding him meat might not suffice. We're dealing with the physiology of the Witch Race here, and we're not familiar with their biology."

Feng Lou countered "We at least got to try, even if it didn't work we can just say we tried to help but it didn't work,".

Feng Lou had a Healing technique that he got from the skeleton mage but he was afraid that using it would trigger some kind of weird reaction from the way of heaven and his chaos bell might get discovered because that kinda of magic is not in this world.

Suddenly, the Chaos Bell made a sound in his head, and Feng Lou waited to hear what it had to say.