Green Talents

The tales of the lich war left Feng Lou and the hunting group stunned. While Feng Lou had heard of it before, the depth of detail revealed now was new to him. The sheer destructive power of the witch and monster races instilled a sense of fear within him.

Feng Wei reassured them, "Don't worry, as long as Holy Mother is with us, nobody will dare try to harm us."

While others were comforted by these words, Feng Lou stayed doubtful because he knew that Goddess Nuwa didn't truly prioritize humans; to her, they were just tools for maintaining her saintly status.

After everything, Feng Wei said, "Let's all go home now. Don't talk about what happened today. It might make people anxious."

Hearing that, everyone went back to their respective tribe and homes.


Back in his mud house, Feng Lou was chatting with Chaos Bell, asking if he could learn about the world he was about to visit. To his surprise, Chaos Bell remained silent.

Feng Lou started to feel a bit worried, thinking that maybe the world he was about to visit was too risky, and that's why Chaos Bell wasn't saying anything.

However, he realized that if he wanted to become stronger, he had to go to this world. Simply being afraid and avoiding it wasn't going to help him grow.

"Let's start the travel," 

Feng Lou said with some determination and just as he spoke, Chaos Bell suddenly chimed, and four green talent tickets emerged from it.

[Guns Mastery] 

[Parkour Mastery]

[Body Cultivation Genius] 

[Fire Dao Holy Body]

Looking at all the talent tickets, Feng Lou was a bit surprised. At first, he wanted to choose the Fire Dao Holy Body. However, he soon realized a problem: what good would this holy body be if he didn't even have a cultivation technique to go with it?

He also realized that the Fire Dao Holy Body might not even help him survive in the world he was about to enter because he didn't know any cultivation techniques related to fire.

Feng Lou made the obvious choice: he selected the Body Cultivation Genius talent ticket. He knew that with the witch cultivation technique he obtained from Zhurong, he would likely be able to protect himself in the new world.

Right after he made his choice, the green ticket slowly emerged from the chaos bell and began to merge with him.

As the ticket merged with him, Chaos Bell began to hum, and a small portal the size of a fingernail appeared. Before he knew it, Feng Lou found himself being sucked into it.

As Feng Lou was drawn into the portal, Chaos Bell began to contemplate, "This time, unlike before, nobody will be able to discover this."


Wucheng City, Veridiania Country

In a rundown two-story building, in the upper room, there sat a computer table cluttered with gamer energy drinks. The computer screen flickered lightly, casting an eerie glow in the dim space. The keyboard was coated in oil and some kind of strange white substance, as if it hadn't been cleaned in years.

On the table lay a man who appeared lifeless, his chest unmoving as if he wasn't breathing. Suddenly, the man's eyes snapped open, and in an instant, there was a jolt in the mind of the young man, or rather, Feng Lou now.

A flood of memories rushed into Feng Lou's mind, and after a bit, he began to piece together his identity in this world.

Strangely, the name of this body was also Feng Lou. He was an orphan, and his parents left him a large sum of money when they passed away. It was enough for him to live through his school and college comfortably. At 18 years old, he was in high school, but he was a bit of a shut-in NEET, not really fond of going outside except for school.

He only enjoyed going to school because he had a crush on a girl. But yesterday, he found out she had a boyfriend, and that really crushed him. He ran away from school and came back home, where he felt safe. He spent the next 24 hours playing games non-stop, Trying to escape reality, he did not even stop to eat, he just drank gamer energy drinks.

Just as expected, due to not eating anything and only drinking energy drinks, he died, and Feng Lou from The Prehistoric world took over his body.

"Pathetic bastard," Feng Lou muttered, but as the words left his lips, his heart began to ache, and he quickly corrected himself, "Sorry, sorry, I won't call you a pathetic bastard."

Right as he apologized, a strange weight on his soul suddenly lifted.

While he was occupied with his thoughts, suddenly Chaos Bell chimed and sent him a message, It detailed his mission in this world, informed him about the duration of his stay, and also revealed the reward he would receive from this world's way of heaven if he completed the mission.

[Mission: Protect Xiao Meiying Until the End of the Stay]

[Stay Time Left: 20 Years]

[Reward: 5 Time Law Fragments, 5 Space Law Fragments]

Looking at the rewards, Feng Lou was surprised. He realized that if he completed this mission, he might be able to become a true immortal or just reach the peak of profound immortality with those law fragments.

"Where is this Xiao Meiying?" Feng Lou asked the Chaos Bell. To which the Chaos Bell replied, "Just follow your daily routine; the way of heaven of this world will automatically lead you to meet her."

After hearing that, Feng Lou started to check his body and realized he had little to no muscle. He even thought this body might not be able to pick up a small dumbbell for kids.

"I should try to get stronger as soon as possible," 

As Feng Lou started to study the witch body cultivation technique, he learned that it had nine levels. The first level, known as Witch Initiate, was akin to the human immortal level. To reach it, he had to awaken his witch bloodline using special rituals. This discovery made Feng Lou a bit nervous because he wasn't sure if this body had a witch bloodline.

Suddenly, Chaos Bell chimed again, and a message appeared: "Would you like to use some merits to summon the Zhurong Ancestral Witch Bloodline to this world?"

"Do I even have a choice?" Feng Lou said bitterly before relenting, "Just use them."

Right as he said that, a small blackish-red blood droplet appeared and merged with his body.