Witch Body

To become the witch initiate, one must undergo a special ceremony under the full moon. Then, they must meditate in a quiet forest, and dance encircled by old trees. During this ritual, they need to light incense and candles while reciting incantations.

Feng Lou was somewhat surprised by how simple it seemed, but then he realized that if someone didn't have a witch bloodline, no matter how hard they tried, they wouldn't be able to cultivate this technique.

Feng Lou quickly checked his computer to find out when the next full moon night was, and he was surprised to discover that it was tonight. Feng Lou couldn't help but wonder, "Is this just a coincidence, or did Chaos Bell deliberately arrange my travel near the full moon?"

Feng Lou tried asking Chaos Bell, but it remained silent.

Seeing that Feng Lou couldn't really do anything about it, so he decided to just move on. He started looking up information, trying to find anything unusual In this world.

But to his surprise, nothing seemed out of the ordinary in his research, except for the fact that the social hierarchy of this world was very strict. It reminded him of the world he was in before he traveled to the prehistoric world, where the rich became richer and the poor struggled to survive.

The technology level of this world was similar to Earth, except for one oddity: phone technology was notably outdated, with people still using those old phones for some reason. Feng Lou found that extremely odd.

This world is divided into five countries, with Veridiania Country being the most powerful of them all.

After researching the world, Feng Lou began searching for a place with ancient trees where he could cultivate the witch body cultivation technique.

He soon found a place close to the outer edge of the city he is in, the city called Emeraldwood City.

The name of this place is 'TechnoPark', but contrary to its name, the area has a lot of ancient trees dating back thousands of years. This felt like the perfect place to cultivate the witch body, so he decided to go there.

After he found the place, he started looking for his mission target on the internet. But to his surprise, as soon as he searched that name, his antivirus went crazy, warning him that someone was trying to track him. Seeing that, Feng Lou quickly unplugged his PC and internet.

"What was that? Who am I supposed to protect? Such tight security for just a name," Feng Lou thought to himself, feeling curious.

"Let's just become a Witch Initiate as soon as possible, then wait for the target to show up," Feng Lou thought to himself, making a plan.

Feng Lou quickly started preparing. He had to sneak into the park because it was closed at night, so he began searching his house for gear that could help him hide better.

Soon, Feng Lou was able to find some black clothes and a cosplay mask. He also found a rope and a dagger that looked fake but was very sharp.

Feng Lou realized he needed some blood for the ritual he was supposed to perform. It didn't matter what kind of blood it was, as long as it came from a creature capable of reproduction.

Feng Lou marveled again at the simplicity of the witch body cultivation technique, as if it was designed for idiots. Almost every creature can reproduce, so that meant he could obtain blood from almost any creature.

Feng Lou quickly went to the nearest marketplace and bought some chicken blood and some incense.


Night Time, TechnoPark

The full moon hung high in the sky, casting its radiant light down upon TechnoPark. The park, despite its name, had a creepy and quiet atmosphere, as if a monster lived among the ancient trees.

Feng Lou was afraid of being caught, so he decided to walk all the way from his home to the park to avoid leaving a trace. However, he soon found himself very tired because this body had never exercised in its life.

Feng Lou quickly sneaked inside by using a rope to hop the fence of the park.

After he was inside, Feng Lou started searching for the trees that he saw on the internet. After a while, he found those ancient trees.

After finding the trees, Feng Lou quickly went near them and started removing his clothes until he was only in his underwear.

Feng Lou quickly took the chicken blood from his backpack and started rubbing it on his body. As he did so, he began reciting incantations and started dancing.

Soon, the chicken blood on his body started to burn and morph into strange shapes. The sensation was so intense that Feng Lou could barely endure it.

Chicken blood on his body slowly started turning into strange tattoos. As these tattoos formed, a black substance started coming out of Feng Lou's nose, indicating impurities in his body. Realizing this, Feng Lou stopped caring and let them flow, focusing instead on the tattoos as they formed. Suddenly, there was a popping noise, and Feng Lou's muscles started swelling up. Then, with another pop, and suddenly another heart started forming in Feng Lou's body.

This heart is called the witch heart, and every witch has one. Since witches don't have souls, they use this heart to store immortal and spiritual energy, as well as for casting spells.

Right as the witch heart was formed, the process was complete. Feng Lou was now a witch initiate, which meant he was a human immortal, strong enough to move mountains and calm seas. He also no longer needed to eat or sleep.


Wei Chen is the security guard of this park. He has been working here for almost 3 months now. He's heard a lot of rumors from his colleagues about a monster that supposedly lives in this park, but he's never really believed them until today.

Today, Wei Chen was doing his routine patrol of the park. While he was doing that, he heard some strange humming sounds coming from the trees.

Thinking it might be an animal, Wei Chen initially wanted to ignore the humming. But soon, the humming increased in volume, becoming really loud. Despite remembering all the rumors, Wei Chen wasn't afraid and decided to check out the source of the sound.

Right as Wei Chen looked at the place, he saw something that he would never forget in his life. He saw a red-colored monster humming and dancing around the trees, spewing some black kind of substance out of its nose.

Wei Chen quickly took out his button phone and started to record. However, soon, the red-colored monster stopped dancing. Thinking it might have spotted him, Wei Chen quickly ran away.

Feng Lou didn't realize he was going to become a trending topic on the internet for a few days. He was just happy that he had the power to protect himself now.