Xiao Meiying

Next Day

Feng Lou was back home, getting ready for high school. He knew he had to fit in because he's here for 20 years. He had to follow his usual routine until the way of heaven of this world makes him meet Xiao Meiying.

His high school, Sunset Valley High School, was known for catering to the wealthy elite. Through his parents' connections, Feng Lou got admission to this prestigious institution without having to pay. However, being poor and orphaned made him an outcast among the student body. This social divide left him isolated, with no friends, causing him to spend most of his time alone at home.

Feng Lou chose to run to his high school. At first, he thought he might be able to fly, but he quickly discovered that he couldn't. This made him realize that this world was different and more powerful than the one he came from. However, despite his confusion, he couldn't find anything strange or supernatural about this world.

Finally, Feng Lou arrived at his high school in just 2 minutes. He was still incredibly fast, but not quite as fast as the speed of sound.

The high school sprawled across the area, boasting several large buildings. Its design seemed to reflect styles from the earth's 1980s, giving it a distinct vintage feel.

Feng Lou observed a group of students emerging from their fancy cars. It was clear that most, if not all, students at this high school were incredibly wealthy. While he knew that everyone was beautiful at this school, he was still taken aback by just how stunning they all were.

While Feng Lou was in the hallway going to his classroom he suddenly spotted a girl, and in that moment, he knew exactly who she was. It was this body's crush, Li Xiuying. She was breathtaking, her figure curving like an hourglass, moving with graceful elegance. Dressed in the standard school attire that embraced her form delicately, she exuded a timeless charm and sophistication.

This body's previous owner only admired her from a distance, never mustering the courage to speak to her directly.

As expected Li Xiuying ignored him and just went straight into the classroom, he soon also followed her and went inside the classroom.

Nobody really noticed any changes in him because he hardly talked to anyone. And even when he did, it was just a quick "hello" or "goodbye." He was practically invisible to them, just a side character in their lives.

While sitting in his chair, Feng Lou felt a hand land on his shoulder. He had seen it coming from a mile away, but chose to ignore it because It belonged to his benchmate, Chen Dapang.

Chen Dapang is a handsome man, with captivating eyes and a warm smile that lit up the room. But there was one thing that stood out - a big scar on his nose.

"Where were you yesterday? I was looking for you," Chen Dapang asked, smiling.

"I got a bit sick, so I had to leave," Feng Lou lied, coming up with an excuse.

Suddenly, Chen Dapang remarked, " Dude, You look a bit different today. Did you grow taller or something?"

To which Feng Lou lied again, "No, I'm the same height as before," making an expression as if implying that Chen Dapang didn't know him well enough to notice such things.

Chen Dapang responded with a simple "oh" before continuing in a hushed tone, "Do you remember I told you about Li Xiuying's boyfriend yesterday? I have some new information. I heard he's five years older than us and works as a businessman."

Feng Lou replied with a nonchalant "oh" and responded as if uninterested, "Why are you telling me this? It's her life; let her live however she wants."

"I thought you were interested in her. Guess I was wrong," Chen Dapang remarked, sounding a bit surprised.

Right as he finished speaking, the teacher entered the classroom, prompting everyone to quickly take their seats.

And soon, the teacher began speaking, "Attention everyone, we have a new transfer student joining our class today. Let's make sure to give her a warm welcome," the teacher emphasized, ensuring that everyone heard her request to be kind.

Right after the teacher finished speaking, a girl entered the classroom with a graceful elegance.

This girl had an aura of holiness and purity as she entered the classroom. Her presence seemed to illuminate the room, drawing everyone's attention. Despite her ethereal appearance, she possessed curves in all the right places, accentuating her natural beauty. Her movements were graceful, like that of a gentle breeze, and her eyes held a serene depth that seemed to captivate those who gazed upon her.

She spoke with a voice as gentle as a spring breeze, "Hi, my name is Xiao Meiying. I come from the capital city. I hope you all treat me kindly."

Hearing the mention of the capital city, any lingering negative thoughts about Xiao Meiying quickly dissipated. Being from the capital city implied a significant background, causing everyone to reassess their initial impressions of her.

After Xiao Meiying finished her introduction, the teacher suggested, "Why don't you take a seat beside Feng Lou? He's sitting over there," the teacher said, pointing towards Feng Lou.

"Chen Dapang, please leave the seat and go sit in the front. Your performance in the last exam wasn't satisfactory, and this change might help you study better," the teacher added.

While everyone was taken aback by the teacher's suggestion, Feng Lou was more surprised. He hadn't anticipated that the way of heaven would bring Xiao Meiying to sit beside him like this. Now, all he had to do was protect her for the next 20 years, and then he would grow stronger in the prehistoric world.

Xiao Meiying approached the bench where Feng Lou was seated and took a seat next to him, her movements calm and deliberate.

She turned towards Feng Lou and uttered the mandatory greeting, "Hello, nice to meet you. I hope you take good care of me." With a cold demeanor, she swiftly redirected her attention back towards the teacher, who had begun teaching.

With such a demeanor, Feng Lou realized that it would be challenging to protect her if he didn't break through her cold exterior and become her friend.