Martial Artist

Both Xiao Mieying and Lin Xiaohong were speechless by his words.

Feng Lou walked over to Lin Xiaohong, untied her, and said, "Here, I'm setting you free. Can you tell me about this martial arts stuff?"

Lin Xiaohong was confused by Feng Lou's sudden weird actions, however, she quickly regained her composure and moved towards Xiao Meiying and said, "Stay behind me, miss. I'll take care of him." As she spoke, she transformed into a blur, launching an attack on Feng Lou.

Once again, Lin Xiaohong found herself defeated in mere seconds. Despite landing one of her attacks, it felt like hitting an iron wall, leaving her fists numb.

"Please, stop attacking me. With your current strength, you'll never defeat me in your lifetime," Feng Lou remarked.

Lin Xiaohong wasn't convinced and began to attack even harder, so much so that it could be deadly for an average person.

No matter how hard she tried, Lin Xiaohong couldn't even scratch Feng Lou. In fact, she ended up hurting herself with her own attacks.

"STOP," Xiao Meiying exclaimed, her expression showing some anger. "Stop attacking him. I think you've got it all wrong. He saved my life from the assassins."

Upon hearing her words, Lin Xiaohong ceased her attacks. Then, as if remembering something important, she responded, "As you wish, miss."

Xiao Meiying was taken aback by Lin Xiaohong's sudden change and asked, "Why did you do that? Why did you suddenly change your behavior?"

"I was instructed by your father that if I were ever discovered by you, I must obey every order you give me," Lin Xiaohong explained, her demeanor displaying a sense of devotion.

Xiao Meiying was surprised, then she asked, "What if I told you to jump off a cliff? Would you do it?"

Both Lin Xiaohong and Feng Lou were taken aback by her words, but Lin Xiaohong quickly regained her composure and responded, "Yes."

Xiao Meiying chuckled and said, "I was just joking. Now, stop attacking Feng Lou. Come here and sit down in front of me." As she spoke, Lin Xiaohong quickly sat down in front of Xiao Meiying.

"Can I ask her some questions?" Feng Lou inquired of Xiao Meiying, to which she replied, "Sure, go ahead."

Upon receiving her confirmation, Feng Lou began to ask Lin Xiaohong questions, starting with, "What is a martial artist?"

"Do you really not know?" Lin Xiaohong looked at Feng Lou suspiciously, but she still replied, "A martial artist is someone who trains their body by using the spiritual energy in the environment."

"There's spiritual energy in the environment?!" Feng Lou exclaimed in surprise. If that were true, he could achieve the second level of witch body cultivation and also utilize the magic spells he acquired from the skeleton mage using spiritual energy.

"What's the hierarchy of martial artists, and what is the highest power someone can achieve with martial arts?" Feng Lou continued to inquire.

"Martial arts is divided into 5 realms: White Jin, Dark Jin, Golden Jin, Diamond Jin, and lastly the Celestial Realm being the highest. Legends say that someone in the Celestial Realm can live for 1000 years and can destroy a small mountain with a punch," Lin Xiaohong continued to explain. As she uttered the last words, there was longing evident in her eyes.

Feng Lou thought to himself, "I should be at the level of the Celestial Realm, or perhaps even stronger, but I can never know until I meet a real Celestial Realm person." Suddenly, Feng Lou also felt a strong urge to become more stronger as soon as possible.

Xiao Meiying, on the side, was surprised. Although she knew of the existence of martial artists, she hadn't realized they were that strong. Suddenly, she felt a desire to become a martial artist herself.

Xiao Meiying suddenly felt curious and asked, "What level are you, Feng Lou?" To which Feng Lou replied nonchalantly, "I should be at the level of the Celestial Realm, maybe even stronger."

Both Xiao Meiying and Lin Xiaohong were shocked. Lin Xiaohong, a little dumbfounded, said, "You're lying! I've never seen such a young Celestial Realm martial artist."

To which Feng Lou replied with a simple flick of his finger, and soon every item in the room turned into dust. Then he said, "I could have done that to you, but I held back because I am a good guy."

Both Xiao Meiying and Lin Xiaohong were once again dumbfounded. Lin Xiaohong was left speechless, realizing her mistake. She thought to herself, "I am so foolish. A mere Dark Jin trying to fight against someone on the same level as a Celestial Realm martial artist."

"Why is a martial artist like you following my father's orders? He's just a businessman," Xiao Meiying suddenly asked.

Lin Xiaohong hesitated for a moment, letting out a sigh before speaking. "Actually, your father is not just a businessman. He is also the leader of one of the biggest martial arts factions, The Order of the Silent Fist, of which I am also a part," she admitted.

Xiao Meiying was shocked, taking a moment to process. After a while, she asked, "Does my mother know?"

Lin Xiaohong hesitated again before responding, "Yes, your mother is actually part of the martial arts world too. She was the daughter of the previous leader of the order."

"Both your parents are in the Diamond Jin Realm," Lin Xiaohong dropped another bombshell.

Xiao Meiying was speechless for a moment. After gathering her thoughts, she said, "Why did they hide it from me?"

"I don't know either," Lin Xiaohong admitted, equally puzzled. She couldn't understand why Xiao Meiying's parents never disclosed their involvement in martial arts or taught Xiao Meiying martial arts for self-defense.

Feng Lou, on the side, was also thinking. He couldn't shake the feeling that there must be something larger at play here. Considering the mission that the Way of Heaven had given him, Feng Lou speculated that Xiao Meiying's parents might have a clue about who is after her life.

"I guess I need to meet Xiao Meiying's parents for more information, but first, I should reach the second level of the witch body cultivation technique," Feng Lou thought to himself.