
Right as Xiao Meiying asked, "What are you?" Feng Lou answered, "I'm just someone who wants to keep you safe."

"Are you a martial artist sent here by my father to protect me?" Xiao Meiying asked, sounding a bit upset.

Feng Lou was surprised by her anger and felt a bit confused because he had just saved her. He soon replied, "No, I wasn't sent here by your father, and I'm not a martial artist."

"You're lying! That must be why Uncle Zhang Wei introduced me to you. It's all a plan of my father's. And how can you not be a martial artist? Only martial artists can do things like that," Xiao Meiying replied, imagining scenarios in her head.

"You can believe whatever you want, but I don't even know your father, and I don't know what a martial artist is," Feng Lou said honestly.

Xiao Meiying sensed he was telling the truth, which made her feel confused again. She asked, "You're not lying to me, are you?" Feng Lou responded simply and honestly, "No."

Right as they were talking, Feng Lou suddenly sensed that someone was killing the assassins, almost with superhuman speed. Shocked, he thought to himself, "Finally, I can come in contact with the mysterious side of this world."

Just then, he turned to Xiao Meiying and spoke honestly, "Someone is taking out all the assassins. I want to see who it is."

With those words, he quickly grabbed Xiao Meiying and started running towards the person who was taking out all the assassins.

Soon, he and Xiao Meiying came across the last two assassins, they were panicking cause a lot of their colleagues had stopped responding on the walkie-talkies. suddenly out of nowhere a blur came, one of the assassin's necks twisted suddenly, as if in a horror movie.

Xiao Meiying was taken aback by the unreal scene, but Feng Lou remained unfazed. He saw that a figure clad entirely in black, moving with such speed that it appeared as a blur. Witnessing this figure swiftly twist the assassin's neck, Feng Lou realized that this person was the one who was taking out all the assassins.

Feng Lou instructed Xiao Meiying, "Wait here. I need to see who's taking out all the assassins. I'm curious." With those words, Feng Lou turned into a blur, and, in just a blink, he had someone on his shoulder and the remaining assassin had his neck ripped apart.

Xiao Meiying was stunned by the sudden turn of events and asked, "Who is this?" Feng Lou responded, "It's the person who twisted the assassin's neck just now."

"Then why did you catch them? They were helping us," Xiao Meiying questioned. Feng Lou explained, "I wanted to see who this person is and why they can move so fast."

"Shouldn't you already know?" Xiao Meiying said bitterly, recalling Feng Lou's own speed. Feng Lou replied, "That's different."

Feng Lou asked, "I want to question this person. Do you want to come?" Xiao Meiying nodded eagerly. She also wanted to see who this person was.

Feng Lou quickly found an empty room, and once inside, he found a chair and seated the person on it, and then tied her with some ropes.

Xiao Meiying turned to Feng Lou, asking, "Can I take off the mask?" Feng Lou was surprised by her eagerness but nodded in agreement, saying, "Yes."

Right as Feng Lou gave the signal, Xiao Meiying removed the mask on the person, and soon both of them saw a beautiful girl, with vibrant red hair cascading around her shoulders in loose waves. Her features were delicate yet defined, with high cheekbones and piercing eyes, Soft freckles adorned her cheeks, adding to her natural allure.

Both Feng Lou and Xiao Meiying were momentarily taken aback by the girl's beauty, but they quickly refocused on the situation at hand. Feng Lou suggested, "Let's wake her up." Without hesitation, he delivered a sharp slap to the girl's cheek, hoping to rouse her from unconsciousness.

As soon as the slap landed, the girl stirred and woke up within seconds, crying out, "Owww, that hurt!" Her manner of speaking was surprisingly cute, leaving both Feng Lou and Xiao Meiying momentarily speechless.

However, the girl quickly regained her focus and noticed Feng Lou and Xiao Meiying. Upon seeing Xiao Meiying, she exclaimed, "Miss! Stay away from him! He's dangerous. He was able to defeat a Dark Jin martial artist like me in just a second. He must be from the opposing faction."

Xiao Meiying was confused by the girl's words. She knew she had never seen her before, yet the girl seemed to know her well. "What are you talking about? Who are you?" she asked, seeking clarification.

Hearing Xiao Meiying's question, the girl, realizing she might have said too much, quickly replied in an attempt to gain Xiao Meiying's trust. "Miss, it's me, Lin Xiaohong. I was ordered by your father to protect you and I've been protecting you since you were six years old," she said earnestly, hoping to reassure Xiao Meiying and protect her from this guy.

Hearing these words, Xiao Meiying became even more confused. She couldn't recall anyone named Lin Xiaohong in her life. "I don't know who you are, and I can't trust anything you say without proof," she stated firmly.

Hearing Xiao Meiying's words, Lin Xiaohong felt a twinge of sadness but also began to contemplate how to prove her words. After a moment of thought, she spoke up, "Do you remember when you were kidnapped by some people a few years ago, and when you woke up, you were back home? It was me who helped you back then."

Hearing Lin Xiaohong's words, Xiao Meiying was indeed a little surprised because she did remember that incident. However, she remained cautious. "That's true, but it still doesn't prove much," she replied, still hesitant to fully trust Lin Xiaohong's claims.

Lin Xiaohong hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Miss, do you remember when someone was bullying you in 7th grade, and that person suddenly fractured her foot? That was me, protecting you back then."

Xiao Meiying was taken aback by Lin Xiaohong's revelation. "How have I never seen you? Have you really been protecting me for this long?" she asked, a mix of surprise and curiosity in her voice.

To which Lin Xiaohong replied, "It was an order from your father to never reveal myself to you. But this situation was urgent, and that's why I disclosed my identity. Please, Miss, get away from him. We don't know who he is."

Xiao Meiying felt torn and uncertain. Should she trust Feng Lou, who had just saved her life, or Lin Xiaohong, who claimed to have been protecting her since she was six years old?

While Xiao Meiying was contemplating her decision, Feng Lou, who had been quietly listening, addressed Lin Xiaohong. "Don't worry, I'm not here to harm anyone. I knocked you out because I was curious about how you can move so fast," he explained, trying to ease the tension in the room.

"What are you talking about? If you knocked me out, you should know how I can move so fast," Lin Xiaohong retorted, her tone filled with confusion and suspicion.

Feng Lou responded, "I don't know what you're talking about. If you think I'm a martial artist, you're sorely mistaken."

Lin Xiaohong, still puzzled, questioned, "If you're not a martial artist, how can you move so fast?" Feng Lou, prepared for this question, replied with a touch of humor, "I was born like this. I'm built different."