The Palace of Underworld

Feng Lou, Han Mei, and Xiao Meiying stood before the massive gates of the palace, its towering structure looming over them with an almost oppressive presence. The intricately carved wooden doors, adorned with ancient symbols and designs, creaked open slowly as they approached.

Stepping inside, they found themselves in a grand courtyard filled with statues of warriors and scholars, their expressions frozen in time. The eerie silence was punctuated only by the distant echoes of the market-like voices they had heard earlier. The voices seemed to be coming from deeper within the palace.

As they walked through the grand courtyard filled with statues, Han Mei's eyes widened in recognition. She slowed her pace, studying the statues more closely

"Feng Lou," Han Mei whispered, pointing to one of the statues. "These statues... I recognize them. They are historical figures from centuries ago."

Feng Lou paused and turned his attention to the statues Han Mei indicated. "Who are they?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Han Mei stepped closer to one of the statues, running her fingers lightly over the engraved nameplate. "This is General Bai, a legendary strategist known for his unmatched military tactics. And over there," she pointed to another statue, "This is Empress Li, renowned for her wisdom and just rule during a time of great turmoil."

Hearing her words, Feng Lou looked closer at the statues, the detail was astonishing, each figure appearing as though they could spring to life at any moment.

Xiao Meiying, listening intently, added, "So, this palace must hold great significance if it houses statues of such important historical figures."

Han Mei nodded. "These figures are not just random; they are icons of our history. The lifelike quality of these statues is astounding, almost as if they were real people turned to stone,"

As they moved deeper into the palace, Xiao Meiying, clutching her mother's hand, looked up at Feng Lou with worry in her eyes. "Why would father be here? Are you sure your divination was right, Feng Lou?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Feng Lou paused, turning to face her. He could see the fear and doubt etched on her face. "I understand your concern, Xiao Meiying," he said gently. "The divination showed us the way to this place for a reason. Your father should be here," 

Going toward the source of the voices he heard, Feng Lou navigated through the labyrinthine hallways. Each corridor was lined with opulent decorations, yet the air felt heavy with an ominous tension. Han Mei and Xiao Meiying followed closely.

As they ventured further, the voices grew louder, yet still indistinct, like a bustling crowd just out of sight. They reached a grand hall, its ceiling high and adorned with elaborate chandeliers. At the far end of the hall stood a massive throne, and around it, two ghostly figures seemed to flicker in and out of existence, moving as if engaged in a silent conversation.

Feng Lou paused, taking in the scene. The ghostly figures were dressed in the attire of ancient nobility, one of them was wearing white clothes and the other was wearing black, their expressions animated yet soundless. Feng Lou stepped closer to the throne. 

Right as Feng Lou stepped near the throne, suddenly, one of the ghostly figures turned towards them, its eyes locking onto him. The figure's form solidified, becoming more tangible, and it spoke in a voice that resonated through the hall, "Who dares enter the Palace of the Underworld?"

Feng Lou stood his ground, his gaze unwavering. "I am Feng Lou. We are here to find this girl's father and this woman's husband," he said, pointing toward Xiao Meiying and Han Mei.

The Black ghostly figure studied them for a moment, its expression inscrutable. "The Palace of the Underworld is not a place for the living," it said, its voice echoing ominously. "Those who enter are bound by the rules of the dead. How did you enter this place?"

Feng Lou stood firm, his gaze unwavering. "We came through a portal, guided by a divination spell," he explained. "We are searching for this girl's father and this woman's husband," he continued, pointing to Xiao Meiying and Han Mei.

"A portal in the mortal world? That's impossible. And a divination spell? Are you a reincarnator? How does anyone in the modern world know those kinds of ancient spells?" the white ghostly figure said, its voice filled with disbelief and suspicion.

"Reincarnator?? This world has reincarnators?" Feng Lou thought to himself, "This world is more complex than I thought."

After some time, Feng Lou met the figure's gaze with a calm but firm expression. "I am not a reincarnator," he replied. "I got this divination spell from a relic that I found two years ago."

The ghostly figure continued to scrutinize him, its ethereal form flickering slightly. "A relic, you say? Such items are rare and powerful. If you have indeed come into possession of one, it may explain how you were able to perform ancient magic."

Han Mei stepped forward, her voice steady but filled with urgency. "We are here out of necessity. My husband disappeared two months ago, and we believe he is here."

"Child, if your husband is here, that means he's dead," the black ghostly figure said, its voice cold and unforgiving.

Both Xiao Meiying and Han Mei were shocked by the revelation. Xiao Meiying's fragile mental state couldn't handle the news, and she started crying, her sobs echoing through the hall.

Han Mei's face turned pale, but she forced herself to remain strong for her daughter. She turned to the figure, her voice trembling but determined. "Is there any way to get him back??" 

"The only way you can revive a person is by the order of the King of the Underworld, but he disappeared about 250 years ago, so it's impossible to do, unless someone completes the trial of the underworld and becomes the new king," the white ghostly figure said, its voice solemn and grave.

As its words hung in the air, Xiao Meiying and Han Mei's eyes turned to Feng Lou.

Feeling their gazes upon him, Feng Lou was surprised and started thinking if he should do the trail. If he wanted to he should be able to do any type of trail with his strength.

"There's hardly anything in this world that should be able to kill me," Feng Lou thought to himself. "Even the creature that ate the moon should only be able to hurt me. And even if I were to die, nothing would happen to me in the prehistoric world."

Finally, with a resolute nod, Feng Lou made his decision. "Yes," he said firmly. "I will undertake the trial,"