Strength Trial

Right as Feng Lou said, "Yes", both White and Black Ghostly figures disappeared for a second, and soon, they reappeared, their forms shifting and flickering in the dim light of the chamber. Their presence was both ominous and authoritative as they prepared to explain the details of the trial.

"The trial consists of three stages," the white ghostly figure began, its voice echoing through the hall. "The first stage tests your physical strength. Only those with the might to endure the harshest conditions and overcome formidable opponents can proceed."

The black ghostly figure continued, "The second stage tests your soul. This stage will delve into the very essence of your being, challenging your spiritual resilience and purity. It is a trial of inner strength and integrity."

Finally, the white ghostly figure spoke again, "The third and final stage tests your will. It will push you to your limits, demanding unwavering determination and unbreakable resolve. Only those with the strongest willpower can succeed and claim the title of the King of the Underworld."

As Feng Lou absorbed this information, the black ghostly figure turned its gaze towards Xiao Meiying. "We sense something special within you, child," it said, its voice softer but filled with an eerie certainty. "You should also participate in the trial."

Xiao Meiying looked startled, her eyes wide with surprise. "Me? But why?" she asked, her voice trembled slightly 

The figures did not provide a clear answer. "You have a unique potential," the white ghostly figure said cryptically. "We can see it, even if you cannot. Participating in the trial may reveal your true nature and unlock your hidden strength. We will make sure that you will not die in the trial if that's what you are afraid of,"

Hearing that, Xiao Meiying took a deep breath, her initial fear was slowly going away after thinking about her father and not being able to die. "If it means helping find Father and saving our world, then I will do it," she said firmly.

Han Mei looked at her daughter with concern and uncertainty. "Are you sure about this?" she asked, holding Xiao Meiying's hand tightly.

The white and black ghostly figures observed Feng Lou and Xiao Meiying, their ghostly forms flickering in the dim light.

"The trials will not be held together," the white ghostly figure began, its voice resonant and authoritative. "Facing them together might make the challenges too easy. To truly test your worth, you must face these trials separately."

"You will each be sent to different trial grounds," the black ghostly figure continued. "Only by conquering these trials on your own will you prove your strength and resolve."

Hearing that Xiao Meiying got a little afraid but soon her eyes became determined.

"Feng Lou," the white ghostly figure said, turning its gaze towards him, "your trial of strength will be held in the Valley of Titans. This place is home to ancient beasts and formidable creatures, remnants of a bygone era. You will be tested against these mighty foes, and only by defeating them will you be able to proceed."

Hearing that, Feng Lou knew that this would be a true test of his physical prowess, but he was confident in his abilities.

"Xiao Meiying," the black ghostly figure said, looking at her with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, "your trial of strength will take place in the Arena of Echoes. This arena is enchanted to reflect your innermost fears and weaknesses, manifesting them as physical opponents. You must overcome these embodiments of your fears to prove your strength."

The Arena of Echoes sounded daunting, but Xiao Meiying was in an adrenaline rush, so she was not afraid. 

The ghostly figures raised their hands, and a swirling portal appeared before each of them. "Enter the portals," the white ghostly figure instructed. "Your trials await. Remember, the path to becoming the King of the Underworld is not an easy one, but with strength and resolve, you can succeed." 

Feng Lou stepped towards his portal, and soon he found himself in a vast, rugged valley surrounded by towering cliffs. The air was thick with the presence of ancient, powerful creatures. He could hear the distant roars and felt the ground tremble beneath his feet. This was the Valley of Titans.

Meanwhile, Xiao Meiying approached her portal, she was shaking but her eyes showed determination. She stepped through and emerged in a massive arena, the walls echoing with whispers and shadows. The Arena of Echoes was eerily silent, but she knew that soon it would come alive with the manifestations of her deepest fears.


Feng Lou stood at the entrance of the Valley of Titans, the rugged terrain stretching out before him. Towering cliffs enclosed the valley, and the air was thick with weird ancient energy. As he ventured deeper, the ground began to tremble beneath his feet, signaling the presence of the ancient creatures that ghostly figures were talking about.

In the distance, he spotted movement—massive, lumbering shapes that reminded him of colossal dinosaurs that roamed the prehistoric earth. Their scales glistened in the dim light, and their roars echoed through the cliffs.

Feng Lou took a deep breath, gathering his strength. He was a witch adept now, he now possessed the power to wield elemental forces and to fly, giving him a significant advantage in this trial. He summoned the elemental energies around and within him, feeling the familiar surge of power course through his veins.

The first creature, a massive, Tyrannosaurus-like beast, charged towards him with a deafening roar. Feng Lou leapt into the air, effortlessly avoiding the beast's snapping jaws. With a quick motion, he unleashed a torrent of fire, engulfing the creature in flames. The beast roared in pain, but its thick scales provided some protection.

Not deterred, Feng Lou summoned a gust of wind, amplifying the flames and causing the beast to stagger. He then conjured a spear of ice, hurling it with precision. The icy spear pierced through the creature's tough hide, striking its heart. With a final, anguished roar, the beast collapsed to the ground.

Before he could catch his breath, two more creatures emerged from the shadows—one resembling a Triceratops, with massive horns, and another, a swift Velociraptor-like predator. The Triceratops charged at him, horns aimed to impale. Feng Lou quickly dodged, his movements fluid and precise. He summoned a bolt of lightning, striking the beast's flank and causing it to stumble.

The Velociraptor lunged at him, claws extended. Feng Lou parried with a shield of earth, the claws scraping harmlessly against it. With a swift motion, he created a whirlwind, lifting the predator off its feet and hurling it into the Triceratops. Both creatures struggled to rise, disoriented.

Seizing the opportunity, Feng Lou unleashed a torrent of water, creating a wave that swept the beasts off their feet. He then solidified the water into ice, trapping them in a frozen prison. With a final gesture, he summoned a burst of fire, shattering the ice and ending the battle.

The valley fell silent.

  1. I was playing Genshin ;-;