
Meanwhile, in the Arena of Echoes, Xiao Meiying found herself trapped in a powerful illusion. The arena's enchantments had plunged her into a nightmarish vision where she was born ugly and poor, constantly ridiculed and scorned by those around her. She felt the sting of their harsh words, the weight of their disdain crushing her spirit.

In this illusion, her current life seemed like a distant dream. She saw herself struggling, begging for scraps, and being treated as less than human. The contrast between this bleak existence and her real life was stark and painful. She realized that everything she was now—her beauty, her status, her confidence—seemed to stem from her father's wealth and protection.

As the illusion deepened, Xiao Meiying saw her father in the distance, a beacon of hope. She ran towards him, but he vanished just as she reached out. The cruel laughter of the illusion echoed around her, reminding her of her perceived worthlessness without her father's influence. Her confidence wavered, and she began to doubt herself.

Tears streamed down her face as she struggled against the despair. The voices in the illusion taunted her, saying she was nothing without her father's money, that her beauty was her only asset, and without it, she was worthless. The harsh words cut deep, and Xiao Meiying found herself sinking more into the illusion's grip.

Suddenly, deep within Xiao Meiying's heart, a red, blood-like bead began to shine. The light from the bead grew stronger, enveloping her entire body. In an instant, the light burst forth, and from it emerged a figure—an apparition of a very beautiful woman that turned into Feng Lou.

This 'Feng Lou,' a projection formed by the mysterious bead, looked at Xiao Meiying with a mixture of compassion and determination. Seeing the despair in her eyes, he spoke, his voice calm and reassuring, "You think you are going mad?"

Xiao Meiying stared at the apparition, her eyes wide with confusion and fear. "Feng Lou.. What... what is this? Am I losing my mind?"

The apparition of Feng Lou shook his head. "No, Xiao Meiying. This is not madness. I am here to help you. The fears and doubts you face are illusions meant to break you, but you are stronger than this."

She looked down, tears streaming from her eyes. "But everything feels so real... so painful. i feel like I am going mad"

The apparition stepped closer, his presence radiating a comforting warmth. "Pain is real, but it does not define you. Remember who you are, Xiao Meiying. You are not just a product of your father's wealth or protection. You have your own strength, your own worth."

Before Xiao Meiying could even say anything, 'Feng Lou' continued, his tone shifting slightly. "You are not going mad. You don't even know the definition of madness. Do you know what madness is like? Let me tell you."

The apparition's voice grew more intense, yet remained calm. "Madness is looking into a mirror and seeing a stranger, someone you can't recognize. Madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Xiao Meiying's breath caught in her throat as she listened, the weight of his words pressing down on her.

"However, madness is not all bad," the apparition continued, his voice taking on a softer, almost comforting tone. "Madness can sometimes be sanity. Madness is sometimes the only sane way to respond to the world. So, Xiao Meiying, why don't you go mad to stay sane in this insane world?"

Right as the apparition said that, it turned into a blinding light and surged inside Xiao Meiying's mind. The sudden brilliance was overwhelming, and she felt a profound change within her. Before she even knew it, the fear and doubts in her mind turned into pure chaos and madness.

'Xiao Meiying,' who now seemed to have turned mad, said to herself, "You don't even know what real pain is. Pain is smiling at other people and seeing their smiles go away. Pain is a gruesome way to slow down time."

Her eyes, once filled with fear, now gleamed with a wild intensity. She stood up, her posture straight and defiant. The illusions that had tormented her began to waver and dissolve under the force of a chaotic mind.

and the strength trial was complete.


Feng Lou and Xiao Meiying stepped out of the portal, the air around them shifting from the eerie stillness of the trials to the foggy atmosphere of the mysterious city. Feng Lou immediately noticed a change in Xiao Meiying. Her eyes, once filled with fear and doubt, now gleamed with an intensity that reminded him of the wild beasts he had just fought, they were full of anger and hate.

Before he could react or say anything, the ghostly figures reappeared, their forms shimmering in the misty air.

"You have both completed the strength test," the white ghostly figure announced, its voice echoing through the hall. "Now, you will proceed to the soul test."

The black ghostly figure continued, "The soul test is similar to the strength test Xiao Meiying completed, however, this trial will challenge the very essence of your being. You will be taken to the Hall of Souls, where you will face the deepest truths of your soul. There, you must confront your past and the reflections of your true self."

Without further delay, the ghostly figures guided Feng Lou and Xiao Meiying to two separate archways. Beyond each lay their own Hall of Souls, an expansive chamber filled with swirling mists and flickering lights. The atmosphere was thick with an eerie, almost tangible presence as if the very walls were whispering secrets.

As they stepped through their respective archways, the mists enveloped them, and the world around them shifted. Feng Lou felt a deep, resonating hum within his chest, as if his very soul was being drawn out. He glanced at Xiao Meiying, her eyes still burning with that wild intensity, but now there was a hint of something else, it was fear.


Within his Hall of Souls, Feng Lou faced the echoes of his past in this world, each memory stirring emotions long buried. It felt like this hall only held memories from this world, not from his past lives or the Prehistoric world.

One memory, in particular, that stood out was the encounter with Lin Xiaohong. He remembered the surge of power and satisfaction he had felt when he had hurt and tortured her. Another memory followed, of the assassins he had eliminated with ruthless efficiency. In those moments, he had felt a sense of peace, a belief that justice had been served but was it actually served by killing those people?

A younger version of Feng Lou appeared before him, questioning his motives. "You have so much anger in your heart," the echo said, its voice tinged with concern. "Why do you still want to help humanity?"

Feng Lou paused, his gaze locked with the younger version of himself. In that moment, he realized that this trial was not just about confronting his past actions, but about understanding his true motivations.

"I may have anger in my heart," Feng Lou replied, his voice steady and resolute, "but that anger does not define me. It is a part of who I am, but it does not control me. I want to help humanity because I believe in redemption, in the power of change. Despite my anger, I choose to use my strength and anger to protect and serve humanity."

He continued, his voice filled with conviction, "In my life, in my worst times, I have experienced everything humanity has to offer. I know the hate of humanity, but I also know its kindness. It is because of that kindness, because of the potential for good that lies within every person, that I choose to help humanity."

With those words, Feng Lou felt a sense of clarity wash over him. His past actions, driven by anger, doubt and Death qi, no longer burdened or defined him.

Feng Lou felt like he could see clearly now. He decided he wouldn't hide his anger anymore. Instead, he'd use it to make humanity rise in all realms and beyond.

And thus Feng Lou finished his Soul trial.

  1. credits to instagram, found some quotes from insta.