Pink Forest

Feng Lou turned to the black and white ghostly figures. "Take us to Santuro's realm," he commanded firmly.

The ghostly figures exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. "Yes, Your Highness. But first, you must summon a portal using the power of the crown upon your head," the black ghostly figure instructed.

Feng Lou nodded, his mind focused on the task ahead. He reached up to touch the ornate crown adorning his head, feeling its weight and power. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on channeling his energy into the crown, envisioning the realm of Santuro with clarity.

As Feng Lou focused his thoughts on conjuring the portal to Santuro's realm, he delved deep into his mind's eye and the underworld crown. He envisioned a landscape unlike any other, a realm shrouded in darkness yet pulsating with an eerie energy.

In his mind, he saw towering mountains cloaked in shadow, their peaks piercing the sky like jagged teeth. Below, a vast expanse of barren wasteland stretched out, devoid of life save for the occasional twisted tree gnarled by dark magic. 

The air was thick with an ominous fog, swirling around unseen forces that whispered secrets of ancient power. Strange creatures slithered through the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malevolent intent.

Above, in the brooding sky, a colossal worm-like creature soared, its massive form blotting out the dim light of distant stars. Feng Lou's heart skipped a beat as he recognized it—the same creature that had devoured the moon with voracious hunger. Its sinuous body writhed through the air, casting a chilling shadow over the desolate landscape below.

The Portal was opened. 

Feng Lou took the first step into the swirling portal, his companions, Han Mei and Xiao Meiying, following closely behind. As they entered the threshold between worlds, a surge of energy enveloped them, pulling them deeper into the unknown.

Han Mei's eyes widened in shock at the surreal sight unfolding before her. The swirling vortex of colors and shapes seemed to defy all logic, challenging her perception of reality.

She instinctively gripped Feng Lou's arm tightly, her usual reservations forgotten in the face of such overwhelming uncertainty. Her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and anticipation, adrenaline coursing through her veins as they ventured deeper into the unknown.

Beside her, Xiao Meiying remained surprisingly calm, her demeanor serene despite the chaos surrounding them. As they ventured further into the portal, a soft glow emanated from the bead embedded in her heart, its light pulsating. It was as if the bead had finally found its home, resonating with the mystical energies of Santuro's realm.

As they emerged from the swirling portal, Feng Lou, Han Mei, and Xiao Meiying found themselves standing on the barren landscape of Santuro's realm. The air was thick with an oppressive darkness, and a sense of foreboding hung heavy in the atmosphere.

Their attention was immediately drawn to the sky, where a colossal worm-like creature soared through the air, its monstrous form blotting out the faint light of distant stars. Han Mei gasped audibly, her eyes widening in shock at the sight of the creature.

Yet, it was Xiao Meiying's reaction that struck them the most. Despite her usual calm demeanor, her breath caught in her throat, her gaze fixated on the behemoth above. A gasp of disbelief escaped her lips, and her hand instinctively reached towards the bead embedded in her heart. The glow emanating from the bead pulsed with an almost rhythmic intensity, as if it were synchronizing with the creature's heartbeat

"We need to find the master of this realm quickly to locate your father," Feng Lou declared

Xiao Meiying and Han Mei nodded in agreement with Feng Lou's plan, Feng Lou then gestured for them to prepare for departure.

"Together, we'll move faster," Feng Lou suggested. "Han Mei, climb onto my back. Xiao Meiying, can you hold onto me?"

Xiao Meiying hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering uncertainly towards Feng Lou. But then, a subtle shimmer from the crown on her head caught Feng Lou's keen eye, a tiny indication that the crown was exerting its influence, subtly nudging her to accept his directive.

Noting the shimmer, Feng Lou maintained a calm exterior, offering her a reassuring smile. With a nod, Xiao Meiying stepped forward, tentatively wrapping her arms around him as Han Mei climbed onto his back.

As they settled into position, Feng Lou couldn't shake the feeling of unease about the crown's influence, but for now, finding those answers that made him curious was important, he doesn't care much about the mission to protect Xiao Meiying anymore, he wants to know more about this evil god and why one of his creatures ate the moon.

Feeling a sudden shift in the atmosphere, Feng Lou's senses heightened as he flew over the strange pink forest. A peculiar warmth enveloped both Han Mei and Xiao Meiying, causing them to squirm in discomfort. Han Mei, perched on his back, began to rub herself against him, as if driven by some unseen force to alleviate the intense heat.

Alarmed by Han Mei's sudden behavior, Feng Lou's heart skipped a beat as she began to remove her clothes, her actions driven by a strange daze. Her words, spoken in a hazy tone, sent a chill down his spine.

"Feng Lou, forget about Xiao Lei," she murmured, her voice distant and disconnected from reality. "Why don't we have some fun?"

Feng Lou's mind raced, his thoughts muddled by confusion and concern. He couldn't comprehend what had come over Han Mei, but he knew he had to act quickly to snap her out of whatever trance she was in.

With a sense of urgency, he quickly flew down and then he reached out to gently restrain her, his touch firm yet gentle as he attempted to bring her back to her senses. As he did so, his gaze inadvertently fell upon her exposed form, the sight of her delicate features and the curves of her body stirring conflicting emotions within him. 

Relief flooded through Feng Lou as he realized that Xiao Meiying, nestled against him with the protective glow of the crown surrounding her, remained unaffected by the strange influence that had overtaken Han Mei.

With Xiao Meiying's help, they worked together to gently but firmly restrain Han Mei, preventing her from further disrobing.

Feng Lou's heart raced as the voice echoed from deep within the mountain, its eerie timbre sending shivers down his spine.

"Come on, let that girl breathe, she has been suppressed for so long,"

Before he could react, Han Mei, suddenly infused with seemingly inhuman strength, broke free from their grasp with a force that left them stunned. With a wild and frenzied determination, she tore off her remaining clothes, her actions driven by an unseen force compelling her toward the source of the mysterious voice.

With lightning speed, Feng Lou lunged forward, his reflexes honed by his supernatural abilities as he caught Han Mei in his arms just in time. But before he could fully comprehend the situation, Han Mei's actions took him by surprise as she began to rub her naked body against his, her movements fueled by an inexplicable frenzy.

Caught off guard by the sudden intimacy, Feng Lou struggled to maintain his composure, his mind reeling with conflicting emotions. Despite his best efforts to focus solely on ensuring Han Mei's safety, he couldn't ignore the undeniable physicality of the situation, the sight of her naked form stirring a primal instinct within him.

As he held her close, Feng Lou couldn't help but notice the softness and elasticity of Han Mei's youthful body, her curves pressing against him with an almost intoxicating allure. Despite the chaos and danger surrounding them, he found himself momentarily entranced by the intimacy of their closeness, his senses overwhelmed by the overwhelming presence of Han Mei's nakedness. 

"Feng Lou, snap out of it"

Shaken from his momentary trance, Feng Lou snapped back to reality as Xiao Meiying quickly intervened. With a renewed sense of clarity, he refocused his attention on the task at hand, joining Xiao Meiying in restraining Han Mei and ensuring her modesty was preserved.

Quickly regaining his composure, Feng Lou assisted Xiao Meiying in covering Han Mei with one of her discarded garments, their movements efficient and purposeful. With Han Mei now properly restrained and covered, Feng Lou nodded toward Xiao Meiying.