
As Feng Lou and Xiao Meiying held down Han Mei, the voice from the forest echoed once more, this time much closer and more menacing.

"Poor girl, so much suppressed sexual energy," it intoned, sending a chill down Feng Lou's spine.

He tightened his grip on Han Mei, his resolve hardening in the face of this unseen threat. "We need to get away from here," he said urgently to Xiao Meiying. "This voice is manipulating her. We can't let it control her any longer."

"I have a suggestion," Xiao Meiying said, her voice steady despite the tense situation.

Feng Lou turned to her, his eyes seeking answers. "What is it?"

Xiao Meiying took a deep breath. "I think we can use the crown's power to create a barrier around Han Mei, shielding her from the influence of that voice. The crown has protective abilities, and if we channel its energy correctly, it might help her regain control."

Feng Lou nodded, understanding the gravity of her suggestion. "Let's do it"

Closing his eyes, Feng Lou concentrated on the crown, feeling its power pulse beneath his touch. He visualized a shimmering barrier of light surrounding Han Mei, blocking out the sinister influence of the voice. Xiao Meiying's presence amplified his focus, her own energy merging with his as they worked together to protect their friend.

Gradually, a soft glow emanated from the crown, spreading outward to envelop Han Mei in a cocoon of protective light. As the barrier solidified, the voice's influence seemed to wane, and Han Mei's frantic movements slowed.

"It's working," Xiao Meiying whispered, relief evident in her voice.

"Can you hold the barrier on your own?" Feng Lou suggested, his gaze shifting towards the source of the ominous voice. He felt a surge of determination to confront and defeat whatever was manipulating Han Mei.

Xiao Meiying nodded, her eyes pure for some reason. "Yes, I can manage it. Be careful, Feng Lou."

With a firm nod, Feng Lou gently handed Han Mei to Xiao Meiying, ensuring she was secure and protected within the barrier. He then turned his attention towards the direction from which the voice emanated, his resolve hardening with each step.

Feng Lou moved swiftly, his senses heightened as he ventured deeper into the eerie pink forest. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to thicken with each step, the whispers of unseen forces growing louder in his ears. He navigated through the twisted trees and unnaturally colored foliage, his focus unwavering.

Suddenly, the air grew colder, and a figure emerged from the shadows—a woman with an otherworldly presence, her eyes glowing with a pink light. Her barely covered form invoked primal instincts with every movement, a strange, unsettling charm emanating from her. She smiled, a weirdly enchanting expression that sent a shiver down Feng Lou's spine.

"Ah, you've come to me," she purred, her voice dripping with a mix of allure and menace. "Such determination... But can you resist my power?"

Feng Lou squared his shoulders, forcing himself to focus on her eyes rather than her distracting form. "Shut up"

The woman's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with dark amusement. She raised a hand, and tendrils of pink energy began to swirl around her fingertips. "We shall see," she said, her voice echoing through the forest like a haunting melody. "You cannot resist what you truly desire."

Ignoring the seductive undertones, Feng Lou steeled his resolve. He felt the power of the crown on his head, its energy helping him resist the weird pink energy swirling around the woman.

"Annoying," the woman hissed. Then, her voice rising in the air, she called out, "Master, please help me suppress the underworld crown."

As soon as she spoke, Feng Lou felt a sudden shift. The connection to the underworld that empowered his crown weakened significantly, though not completely cut off. The energy around him flickered, and he could feel the strain of maintaining his resistance.

Suddenly, the pink energy intensified, swirling around Feng Lou with overwhelming force. He felt a heat rising in his body, impure thoughts about Han Mei and the mysterious woman amplifying uncontrollably. His mind was awash with desires that threatened to overpower his resolve.

Just as he felt he might be consumed by the energy, a sharp "ding" resonated in his mind. Instantly, all the impure thoughts vanished, dissipating as though faced with their worst enemy. Clarity returned, and with it, a renewed strength.

The crown on his head pulsed with a faint light, its connection to the underworld not entirely severed. The protective influence it offered helped him regain control over his thoughts and actions. Feng Lou's eyes snapped open, now clear and focused.

The woman before him recoiled, surprise flickering in her eyes. "How...? What was that bell, so pure, so chaotic, so... ev—"

Before she could finish her sentence, the bell in Feng Lou's mind rang again. This time, it resonated with an overwhelming intensity, drawing on every ounce of spiritual energy within him. The power surged through his body.

With a brilliant flash, the energy was released, targeting the woman with unerring precision. Her eyes widened in shock and fear as the pure, chaotic energy enveloped her. She barely had time to react before the force of the attack reduced her to dust, dissipating her presence entirely.

As the last remnants of the woman's form vanished into the air, Feng Lou staggered slightly, the drain on his spiritual energy leaving him momentarily weakened.

"What the heck was that? What was the woman going to say?" Feng Lou muttered to himself, frustration and curiosity mixing in his voice. He listened intently, but the bell in his mind remained silent, offering no further insight or explanation.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Lou steadied himself and returned to Xiao Meiying and Han Mei. He found Xiao Meiying still holding the protective barrier around Han Mei, who seemed to be slowly regaining her composure.

"The threat is gone for now," Feng Lou said, his voice calm but resolute. "But we need to walk for a while now."

Xiao Meiying nodded, gently releasing the barrier as Han Mei stood on her own, albeit a bit unsteady. "Are you alright, Mother?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Han Mei took a deep breath, nodding. "Yes, I'm fine now. Thank you, both of you." She avoided looking directly at Feng Lou, embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

The memory of her actions, fueled by the impure thoughts that had been exposed, left her feeling vulnerable. She couldn't shake the shame of having such intimate parts of herself revealed to someone so young, the same age as her daughter.

Sensing her discomfort, Feng Lou maintained a respectful distance, his expression gentle and understanding.

the trio set off through the forest. The path was still eerie, but the natural light filtering through the trees provided some comfort. As they walked, Feng Lou remained alert, his senses attuned to any potential threats.

The forest gradually began to change, the pink hues fading into more natural greens and browns. The oppressive atmosphere lifted slightly.