Laughing God

"Why did you not laugh? You should have laughed," the voice said, its tone growing angrier with each word. "You have to laugh!"

The air around them grew colder, and the oppressive atmosphere intensified. The walls seemed to close in, and the shadows darkened as if responding to the voice's anger.

Suddenly, Han Mei, who was behind Feng Lou, started laughing uncontrollably, a strange, eerie sound that echoed through the hall. Feng Lou, realizing the voice was affecting her, quickly used the power of the underworld crown to isolate her from the weird energy. A dark shimmer emanated from the crown, enveloping Han Mei in a protective barrier.

As the laughter stopped, Han Mei fell silent, her expression returning to normal as the crown's energy shielded her from the malevolent influence. She looked up at Feng Lou, gratitude and fear in her eyes. "Thank you, Feng Lou. I don't know what came over me."

The voice, now furious, roared through the hall. "This damn crown! You cannot resist me forever! You will laugh, or you will suffer!"

Ignoring the voice's threats, Feng Lou led the way, keeping Han Mei shielded with the crown's power. They moved cautiously down the corridor, the oppressive atmosphere pressing in on them from all sides.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared at the end of the corridor, and they quickened their pace. As they approached, the light revealed another large, ornate door, similar to the one they had encountered earlier. Feng Lou paused, sensing another powerful presence beyond it. "Be ready for anything," he whispered, pushing the door open.

Inside, they found themselves in a vast, dimly lit chamber. The ceiling stretched high above them, disappearing into darkness. At the center of the room stood a pedestal, and atop it lay a glowing orb that pulsed with a strange, pink light.

"Welcome," the voice echoed through the chamber, its tone dripping with malice.

Feng Lou stepped forward, his eyes scanning the room, "Show yourself," he demanded.

The voice chuckled, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. "You think you are brave? Let us see how brave you truly are."

Without warning, the shadows in the room coalesced into a towering figure, it had horns and its eyes glowing with the same pink light as the orb. The figure's presence was overwhelming, exuding an aura of malevolence and power.

"You seek the one who is lost?" the figure intoned. "Prove your worth, and perhaps you shall find him."

Han Mei, her fear giving way to anger, stepped forward. "We will not play your games. Release my husband, now!"

The figure laughed, a deep, resonant sound that echoed through the chamber. "You are in no position to make demands. But very well, if you wish to see him..."

With a wave of its hand, the figure conjured an image in the air. Han Mei's husband appeared, in a room filled with beauties, and he was engaging in intimate acts with them. The sight was shocking, a grotesque mockery of love and loyalty.

"You still want to see him?" The figure laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the chamber. "This is the man you seek. Weak, indulgent, and utterly lost."

Han Mei's face paled, her eyes wide with disbelief. Tears welled up, but she fought them back, clenching her fists. "This isn't real," she whispered, more to herself than anyone else. "It can't be real."

Xiao Meiying, her expression hardening with determination, stepped forward. "You're trying to break us with illusions and lies. We won't fall for your tricks."

"Shut up, you thief," the figure snarled, its voice dripping with contempt. The accusation hung in the air, mysterious and unexplained. "Illusions? Lies? Perhaps. Or perhaps this is the truth you refuse to see."

Feng Lou, his patience wearing thin, spoke firmly. "Enough of your games. If this is the truth, we will face it. But if it is a lie, we will see through it."

The figure's sinister smile widened. "Very well. Let us see if you have the strength to confront your own realities."

The chamber shifted again, this time morphing into a hauntingly familiar setting—a serene garden, but with an air of decay and sadness. Han Mei's husband was still there, now alone, looking lost and tormented.

Han Mei stepped forward, her voice trembling. "Xiao Lei, please. Can you hear me?"

He turned to her, his eyes filled with sorrow and regret. "Han Mei... I'm sorry. I... I just couldn't resist someone more beautiful than you. Your beauty in front of them is nothing but trash." His expression twisted into a crazed smile as he started laughing maniacally.

Han Mei recoiled, tears streaming down her face. "No, this isn't real. This can't be you."

The figure's laughter echoed around them, cold and mocking. "You still think this is another illusion? Perhaps it's simply the truth you refuse to accept."

"Stop with your games," Feng Lou said angrily, his voice echoing through the chamber.

"Boohoo, you are no fun," the figure mocked, its tone dripping with sarcasm. Then, with a casual wave of its hand, the figure conjured an image in the air. Han Mei's husband appeared, suspended in a cage of dark energy. His eyes were closed, and he seemed unaware of their presence.

Han Mei's breath caught in her throat. "Xiao Lei... is that really you?"

The figure's sinister smile widened. "Oh, it's him, all right."

Han Mei, her eyes narrowing in determination, stepped forward. "What do you want from us? Why are you doing this?"

The figure's eyes glowed with a malevolent light. "What do I want? Entertainment. Despair. Chaos. You mortals are so amusing when you're suffering."

Feng Lou, feeling the power of the crown surging within him, took a step forward, his voice unwavering. "Release him, and we might let you live."

The figure laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "You think you can threaten me just because you have the crown? Very well, let's see if you can back up those words."

With that, the figure sent a pulse of dark energy towards them. Feng Lou raised his hand, channeling the power of the crown to form a protective barrier. He didn't use his witch powers because he wanted to keep them as his trump card.

The figure's eyes gleamed with malevolence. "Impressive, but not as impressive as the old king. Let's see how long you can last."

The dark energy intensified, pounding against the barrier with increasing force. Feng Lou's brow furrowed in concentration, the crown glowing brightly as it resisted the onslaught.