
With a sinister grin, the figure summoned all its dark powers to sever the connection between the crown and the underworld. Feng Lou felt a sudden surge of panic as the crown's glow dimmed, the link weakening under the figure's assault.

But Feng Lou didn't care. Drawing on his witch powers, he tapped into the elements around him. Flames erupted from his fingertips, swirling into a blazing inferno that surrounded him like a protective cloak. The figure's eyes widened in shock as Feng Lou's power blazed forth, defying its expectations.

With a roar of fury, the figure launched itself at Feng Lou, its dark energy crackling. Feng Lou met the attack head-on, his flames swirling into a tempest of fire that clashed against the figure's darkness.

The chamber shook with the force of their battle, the air crackling with energy as they unleashed their powers upon each other. Feng Lou's flames danced and twisted, weaving intricate patterns of destruction that lashed out at the figure from all sides.

But the figure was relentless, its dark energy cutting through the flames with deadly precision.

With a sudden burst of speed, the figure lunged forward, its claws slashing through the air with deadly accuracy. Feng Lou dodged and weaved, his movements fluid and graceful as he danced around the figure's attacks.

Then, with a quick motion, Feng Lou unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts, each one crackling with raw power as it streaked toward the figure. The figure staggered back, its form flickering as the lightning struck true.

But the figure refused to be defeated. With a guttural growl, it summoned a maelstrom of darkness, engulfing Feng Lou in its shadowy embrace. Feng Lou fought against the darkness, his focus steady even as the shadows threatened to consume him.

Feng Lou unleashed his final attack. Drawing on the very essence of his being, he channeled all his remaining energy into a single, devastating blast of elemental power.

The chamber erupted in a blinding flash of light as Feng Lou's attack collided with the figure's darkness. For a moment, everything seemed to hang in the balance, the very fabric of reality trembling under the strain of their clash.

With a deafening roar, the darkness shattered, dissipating into nothingness as Feng Lou's power overwhelmed it. The figure let out a final, anguished scream, its voice echoing through the chamber. "I will not be defeated!"

Then, in a flash of dark energy, the figure turned and fled, vanishing into the shadows before anyone could react. Feng Lou narrowed his eyes, watching as the figure disappeared into the darkness.

"We can't let it escape," Han Mei said.

Feng Lou nodded, his gaze fixed on the spot where the figure had vanished. He sprinted after it. But just as he neared the spot, a portal materialized, swallowing the figure whole before sealing shut with an ominous finality.

Disheartened but undeterred, Feng Lou returned to his companions. Han Mei's husband was awake now, though still visibly shaken by the ordeal. Feng Lou approached him, concern etched on his features.

"What happened?" he asked gently. "Who was that figure, and how did you end up here?"

Xiao Lei took a deep breath, his voice trembling as he recounted his experience. "It... it's the holy god of the Mo Sect, Santuro," he said, his tone filled with fear. "I went to the Mo Sect headquarters because they said they found their holy daughter. But when we got there, suddenly the whole sect was taken into a portal by a huge hand."

Feng Lou exchanged a glance with Xiao Meiying and Han Mei, hearing the name Santuro.\

"What happened next?" Feng Lou asked.

Xiao Lei took a moment to compose himself before continuing his tale. "After the Mo Sect was taken into the portal, I tried to follow them, but before I could reach it, I was attacked by some dark shadows. They overwhelmed me, and the next thing I knew, I woke up here."

"You know it's been many months since you disappeared, are you sure that's the only thing you remember?" Feng Lou asked, a little suspicious

Feng Lou's question hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow of doubt over Xiao Lei's account. The discrepancy in time was a cause for concern, and Feng Lou couldn't shake the feeling that there might be more to the story than Xiao Lei was letting on.

Xiao Lei hesitated, his gaze flickering with uncertainty. "I... I'm not sure," he admitted, his voice tinged with unease. "Everything's a blur, like I was in a dream. But I remember those dark shadows, and the feeling of being overwhelmed."

Feng Lou nodded, his expression thoughtful. "It's okay if you don't remember everything," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "But we need to know as much as we can if we're going to figure out what happened to you and the Mo Sect."

Xiao Lei nodded, his features drawn with concern. "I understand," he said, determination shining in his eyes. "I'll do my best to remember."

Han Mei approached her husband, her heart heavy with a mixture of relief and unease. She wrapped her arms around him in a tentative embrace, but this time, her touch was tinged with discomfort. The memory of her actions towards Feng Lou just hours ago weighed heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over their reunion.

As she held him close, Han Mei couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that gnawed at her. Despite her relief at seeing her husband safe and sound, there was an underlying sense of unease that lingered in the back of her mind.

She couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for her earlier behavior, and a part of her couldn't shake the thought that her husband seemed somewhat diminished in her eyes now.

With a heavy heart, Han Mei held her husband at arm's length, her gaze searching his face for any sign of the man she once knew.

But as she looked into his eyes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment, a nagging doubt that things would ever be the same between them again.

But despite her misgivings, Han Mei forced a smile, determined to put on a brave face for the sake of their shared history. "I'm just glad you're safe," she said softly, her words tinged with uncertainty. "We'll figure this out together, I promise."