
Four days had passed since their escape from the collapsed dungeon. A cautious normalcy had emerged in place of the initial frenzy surrounding Alex's "return." Alex, now sporting a freshly bandaged arm for appearances' sake, strolled alongside Frey through the heart of Elera Village. The warm afternoon sun cast dappled shadows on the cobblestone streets, and the air buzzed with the lazy hum of conversation.

They reached the village square, a bustling hub of activity. Children shrieked with laughter as they chased each other around the central fountain, its cool spray a welcome respite from the summer heat. Alex paused, a thoughtful expression on his face, as he gazed at the cascading water.

"It seems like everyone's settled back into their routines," he remarked, his voice barely a whisper.

Frey, with her sharp eyes scanning the crowd, offered a curt reply. "Except for us, apparently."

Their situation remained shrouded in secrecy. Alex, now officially registered as a recuperating knight at the Rehabilitation Center, played the part with practiced ease. Frey, disguised as a simple villager in a borrowed dress, maintained a watchful presence by his side. All the while, they harbored a shared secret – the truth about the figure they encountered in the dungeon, the unsettling mystery of the collapsed entrance, and the nagging suspicion that the real Alex might still be trapped within.

Suddenly, a voice broke through their silent contemplation. "Alex?"

They turned to see Amelia approaching, a hesitant smile playing on her lips. Her hand, clasped behind her back, seemed to twitch nervously.

"Hey, Amelia," Alex greeted, a hint of surprise in his voice. "You here?"

Amelia shuffled her feet, her cheeks flushing a faint pink. "I… well, I just wanted to see how you were doing." She peeked at Frey, then back at Alex. "Both of you, actually."

Frey, ever the opportunist, sensed an opportunity. With a theatrical flourish, she dipped into a low curtsy, her voice dripping with feigned gratitude. "Thank you, kind sir! You are my savior, for rescuing me from that dreadful dungeon!"

Alex blinked, taken aback by her sudden performance. He stole a glance at Amelia, who seemed equally surprised by Frey's dramatic outburst. But remembering their charade, he quickly recovered his composure.

"Your welcome," he replied, forcing a smile.

Amelia watched Frey disappear into the bustling crowd, a flicker of suspicion lingering in her eyes. 

I'm glad that woman got away.

Amelia thought to herself, the sentiment laced with a hint of unease. Frey's overly dramatic performance had

With Frey gone, Amelia squared her shoulders and walked closer to Alex. "So," she began, her voice hesitant, "how are you really feeling?"

Alex shifted his weight, the bandage on his arm seeming a little too pristine. "Honestly? A bit stiff," he admitted, trying for a lighthearted tone. "But the healers here seem to know what they're doing."

A beat of silence hung between them. Amelia wasn't convinced. There was a guarded quality in his eyes—a distance she hadn't noticed before. She decided to take a different approach.

Reaching into her pocket, she produced a small, wrapped package. "Actually," she said, her voice softening, "I brought you something."

Alex raised an eyebrow in surprise. "For me?"

Amelia nodded, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Well, you did save the village from that Nightmare Goblin, and save from the dungeon." Though some claim it might be because you are a god's blessing, she added mockingly.

Alex chuckled, a more genuine sound this time. "Blessed, huh? Maybe I should start praying more often then."

He reached out and gently took the package from her hand. Unwrapping it slowly, he revealed a small box of chocolates, their rich, dark color enticing.

"Chocolate?" Alex's eyes widened a fraction. "You shouldn't have-"

"Think of it as a thank you," Amelia replied, her gaze lingering on him for a beat too long. "For everything."

A blush crept up Alex's cheeks, a welcome change from his pale demeanor. He opened the box, the aroma of chocolate filling the air.

"Would you like one?" he offered, holding out a piece to Amelia.

Amelia hesitated for a moment, then a playful smile lit up her face. "I suppose a hero does deserve a reward."

Taking the chocolate from his hand, their fingers brushed briefly, sending a spark through Amelia. As they both bit into the sweet treat, a comfortable silence settled between them.

Taking a bite, the sweetness of the chocolate mingled with the unexpected flavor of their encounter. She stole a glance at Alex. His eyes were closed, savoring the taste, and for a fleeting moment, she saw a vulnerability beneath his facade.

Unable to resist the pull any longer, Amelia cleared her throat and sat down on the bench beside him.

"So," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "what did you do before... before the dungeon, I mean?"

Alex opened his eyes, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. He met her gaze for a long moment, then a wry smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"That's a long story, Amelia," he admitted. "But maybe, if you have some time, I could tell you over dinner sometime."

Amelia felt a blush creep up her cheeks. Was he asking her out? The thought sent a thrill through her.

"I... I'd like that," she stammered, a smile blooming on her face.

As they sat there, bathed in the warm sunlight, an unspoken connection crackled between them. The promise of something brand-new and exciting was currently overshadowing the mystery surrounding Alex and Frey.

The conversation took an unexpected turn. Alex, the chocolate halfway to his mouth, lowered his hand and tilted his head, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features.

"Where'd that guy go?" he inquired, his voice feigning nonchalance.

Amelia, caught off guard, furrowed her brow. "That guy? You mean Sebastian?"

Alex chuckled, a touch too forced. "Yeah, Sebastian. The one with the, uh..." he paused, searching for the right word, "...the heavy sword, right?"

His attempt to appear clueless felt transparent. Amelia's suspicion, momentarily subdued by the chocolate and the budding connection, flared back to life.

"Why are you asking about Sebastian?" she countered, her voice laced with a hint of suspicion.

Alex shrugged, a touch too casually. "Just asking..." His gaze darted away from Amelia for a moment, then back. It was clear he was trying to appear nonchalant, but his eyes held a flicker of something Amelia couldn't quite decipher.

"Oh, he came back with his partner to the kingdom," Amelia explained, her voice laced with a hint of lingering suspicion. "You know him?"

The question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. Alex hesitated, caught between maintaining his act and revealing more than he intended.

"Oh, no-no..." he stammered, his voice tripping over itself. "Well, maybe... but no, not really."

Amelia pressed on, her curiosity piqued by his obvious discomfort. "...not really? Haha, what do you mean by that?"

Alex forced a nervous chuckle. "Haha, nothing, nothing. Just forget I said anything."

His behavior only heightened Amelia's suspicion. Here was a man who supposedly knew nothing about his fellow adventurer, yet seemed strangely interested in his whereabouts. It didn't add up.

"Anyway..." Amelia started, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small piece of paper. Her gaze flickered between Alex and the note for a brief moment.

"What…?" Alex stammered, a flicker of something akin to fear crossing his features.

Amelia held out the note to him. "Speaking of Sebastian, he gave you this before he left."

"A note?" Alex's voice was barely a whisper as he reached out and hesitantly took the piece of paper.

Amelia watched him unfold the note.

 [Hey Alex,

I'm Sebastian, one of the top ten strongest mankind in this worlds, I was hearing about your story killing the Nightmare Goblin, and that might be a great power you have! I sincerely will taught you a better power and make you strong


The note crackled in Alex's hand, the weight of the lie he was living pressing down on him. He scanned the childish scrawl, a single bead of sweat forming on his temple.

"The top ten strongest mankind in this world…" he muttered, his voice barely audible. He shot a glance at Amelia, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"That's what it says," Amelia confirmed, her voice gentle but firm. "Is this something you want to explain?"

Panic flickered in Alex's eyes, a stark contrast to the practiced ease he'd maintained so far. His mind raced, searching for a plausible explanation. A memory flickered across his mind – a past encounter with Sebastian during a training mission when he play The Old Quest. A hint of a smile played on his lips, a genuine one this time, born of nostalgia.

He chuckled again, a touch more convincingly. "Seems like that hasn't changed. Top 7 strongest, huh? It sounds like the usual Sebastian boasting."

Amelia watched him, her brow furrowed in thought. The memory he shared seemed genuine, but the note still cast a shadow of doubt.

"Enthusiastic adventurer, huh?" she echoed, her voice laced with skepticism. "And what about the note?"

"He wants to train me."

"Train you!? Huh… well, he says you blessed…"

"Oh, so what you said earlier is his word?"

Amelia nods.

The silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken questions. Alex knew he couldn't keep up this charade forever. He had to find a way to explain the note—to explain himself, without revealing the truth about the collapsed dungeon and the real Alex. But how? As he pondered his next move, a new concern gnawed at him.

"Amelia," he began cautiously, "did Sebastian say anything else? About the dungeon, perhaps?"

Amelia shook her head, her gaze flickering away from Alex for a moment. "No, nothing about the dungeon. He seemed more interested in… well, you." Her voice trailed off, leaving the unspoken implication hanging in the air.

A wave of relief quickly gave way to a renewed sense of dread for Alex. Sebastian's interest in him, particularly after the encounter with the Nightmare Goblin, was concerning. Could it be Sebastian somehow recognized him? The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

"Just me, huh?" he echoed, trying to sound nonchalant. "That's… odd."

"Indeed," Amelia agreed, her voice laced with a hint of skepticism. "The whole situation is odd, wouldn't you say?"

Alex forced a smile. "Maybe a little. But hey, adventurers are always getting into strange situations, right?" He tried to lighten the mood, but Amelia wasn't convinced. Her gaze held his for a long moment, filled with a mixture of curiosity and a growing suspicion.

"Perhaps," she conceded, her voice barely a whisper. "But some situations are stranger than others."

The weight of her words hung heavy between them. They were no longer in the familiar silence they had earlier, but rather in a tense awareness. Just as Alex was about to stammer out a response, a booming voice shattered the delicate tension."Alex! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!"

A burly figure rounded the corner, his booming voice echoing across the square. It was Baldor, the Blacksmith. His face etched with a mixture of concern and relief.

"Baldor?" Alex raised an eyebrow, surprised by the interruption. "What's wrong?"

Baldor lumbered towards them, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. "Hahh.... Hahh..."

"Relax, relax," Alex soothed, a hint of concern creeping into his voice. "What happened, Baldor?"

Baldor took a moment to catch his breath before finally blurting out, "Good job, kid! You can actually come back alive. I knew you had it in you!"

Alex managed a hesitant smile. "Thanks."

"Also…" Baldor continued, reaching into a worn leather satchel strapped to his hip. He rummaged around for a moment before pulling out a small, wrapped package. The moment he unwrapped it, both Amelia and Alex felt a surge of nausea rise in their throats.

"W-What!?" Amelia shrieked, her eyes widening in horror.

"Is that…" Alex stammered, the words catching in his throat.

Baldor, oblivious to their disgust, beamed proudly. "Yep! That's the Sage Box you ordered!"

The "Sage Box" wasn't a wooden box filled with fragrant herbs as they'd expected. It was a crudely stitched pouch, the green leather looking suspiciously… well, leathery. Upon closer inspection, they realized the "leather" was actually green hide, covered in barely discernible bumpy scales.

"A Nightmare Goblin skin…?" Amelia choked, her voice laced with disbelief.

"Yup!" Baldor confirmed, completely missing their reaction. "Strongest part of the beast, perfect for storing your sage. Keeps it fresh for ages! You won't find a better deal anywhere in Elera."

"Where did you even found that skin…?" alex asked

Baldor scratched his beard thoughtfully, a frown creasing his brow. "Where'd I get it, you say? Well, it's a bit of a story..."

Alex leaned in, his nausea momentarily forgotten in his curiosity. "Do tell," he urged.

Baldor chuckled, a booming sound that vibrated through the cobblestones. "You see, a few days after you took care of that Nightmare Goblin, the sage box I'd been working on turned out a right dud. Leaked like a sieve, the whole thing! Deadline was that very day, and I was about to tear my beard out in frustration. Then, who walks in but that big green fellow, the same one you tangled with, dragging a hefty horse he'd bought at the market."

Amelia's eyes widened. "The Nightmare Goblin?"

"Yep, the very same," Baldor confirmed, oblivious to Amelia's growing suspicion. "Apparently, the brute decided he wanted a proper weapon after his little encounter with you. Wanted something 'strong enough to smash heroes,' is how he put it." Baldor mimicked a guttural growl, sending shivers down Alex's spine.

"So, there I was," Baldor continued, "hammer in hand, staring down this monstrosity, when a light bulb went off in my head! Here I was, fretting over a leaky box, and this oaf was practically giving me the perfect solution!"

A mischievous glint flickered in Baldor's eyes. "Let's just say, I convinced the goblin to 'donate' a small part of his… uh… 'former self' for the cause. Promised him it'd make his new weapon extra powerful. Didn't have the heart to tell him it was going to be a fancy pouch, mind you, but hey, the goblin seemed happy enough with his fancy new axe."

Well… this is weaker than my golden sage box, well ill keep it apparel since its look disgusting, haha

Alex stared at the grotesque pouch, a grimace twisting his features. It was undeniably functional – a testament to Baldor's resourcefulness, if nothing else. But the thought of storing his sage in the flayed skin of a Nightmare Goblin was enough to turn his stomach.

"Well," he finally managed, his voice tight, "this is… certainly unique, Baldor. Thanks for going through the trouble."

Amelia, still struggling to control her nausea, shot a pointed look at Alex. "Unique is one way to put It down," she muttered under her breath.

Baldor, blissfully unaware of their disgust, beamed proudly. "No problem at all, lad! You saved the village, the least I could do is provide a proper container for your… uh…" He trailed off, momentarily forgetting the purpose of the pouch.

"Sage," Alex supplied with a forced smile.

"Right, sage!" Baldor boomed, slapping his forehead. "The finest sage will stay fresh in that pouch for years to come, mark my words!"

Alex chuckled weakly, a touch of morbid humor creeping in. "Years, huh? Well, that's good to know. In that case, I suppose I'll… keep it as a… memento."

He couldn't bring himself to say he'd actually use it. The image of his precious sage nestled against the bumpy scales of the Nightmare Goblin was simply too horrifying to contemplate. But discarding Baldor's gift, especially after the trouble he'd gone through, felt equally rude.

"A memento, huh?" Amelia echoed, her voice laced with amusement. "A rather… unconventional one, wouldn't you say?"

Alex shrugged, offering her a weak smile. "Unconventional times call for unconventional measures, right?"

Just then, the village bell tolled, signaling the approach of dusk. The playful banter died down, replaced by a more serious air. The setting sun cast long shadows across the square, painting the scene in a warm, yet melancholic glow.

Alex broke the silence, a sudden resolve hardening his features. "I think I should go to the kingdom," he announced, surprising both Amelia and Baldor.

Amelia's eyes widened in shock. "Right away!?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief. "But Alex, you just got back! Don't you need more time to recover?"

"What happened? Why the sudden change of heart?" Baldor boomed, his brow furrowed in concern.

Amelia, ever the quick thinker, intervened. "Actually," she interjected, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Alex just received an invitation. He's been chosen as one of Sebastian's students!"

Baldor's face broke into a wide grin. "A student of the great Sebastian, you say? That's fantastic news, lad! Told you you were something special! Make sure you put that sage box to good use – it'll bring you all the luck you need!"

"Thanks, and before its getting dark I should go to the kingdom."

"D-Don't you want to stay a little longer?" Amelia stammered, a blush creeping up her cheeks. The playful banter they'd shared earlier had sparked something unexpected within her, and the thought of him leaving so soon sent a pang of disappointment through her.

"Well," Alex admitted, running a hand through his hair, "I don't really know where to go in the kingdom. I don't exactly have a house here."

A hesitant smile played on Amelia's lips. "W-Well," she began, blushing even harder, "you could always stay... like you did that other day."

"Oh, in your house?" Alex's voice held a hint of surprise, perhaps a touch of hope. The invitation, delivered with such a blush, was unexpected, yet undeniably tempting.

However, Baldor's reaction cut through the moment like a rusty sword. His eyes widened comically, his jaw slackening in disbelief. The famous Captain Amelia offering hospitality to him? This village just keeps getting more interesting!

He winked at Alex, his booming voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. "Make the most of it, lad! But remember, a hero's work is never done!" With that, Baldor slapped Alex on the back with surprising force, then turned and run away, still chuckling to himself.

Alex winced, rubbing his sore back and trying to regain his composure. Amelia, her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red, cast a helpless look at Baldor's retreating form. "Ignore him," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper.

The unexpected interruption had broken the spell of the moment, leaving a mix of amusement and awkwardness in its wake.

Well I think I can call this a sign of farewell by doing it with her

A genuine smile spread across his face as he turned to Amelia. "Lead the way," he said, his voice warm.

Amelia, her blush deepening to a radiant crimson, could only nod. Relief and a flicker of excitement battled within her as she turned and began walking towards her home.

Unseen, lurking in the shadows of a narrow hallway within the very same house, Frey watched the exchange. She had already changed back into her usual maid attire, her face a mask of conflicting emotions. Jealousy flickered in her eyes, a sharp pang of possessiveness warring with the cold logic of her situation.

Master… you gonna sleep with that woman...?

she thought bitterly.

But Frey knew her place. She was his companion, a tool, not a lover. She could only clench her fists and watch as Alex and Amelia disappeared around the corner, the weight of her secret loyalty a heavy burden in her chest.


< Chapter 13 > Fin.