Should she know about this?

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the village square as Alex emerged from Amelia's house. He felt a wave of conflicting emotions—a pang of regret for leaving the warmth of Amelia's company, a flicker of hope for what awaited him in the kingdom, and a gnawing anxiety about the secrets he carried.

He found Amelia waiting for him near the stables, a worried look etched on her face. She was dressed more formally than he'd seen her before, her fiery red hair pulled back in a simple braid.

"Be careful, Alex," she said, her voice barely a whisper. Her hand lingered on his arm for a moment, a silent plea for his safety.

Alex squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I will," he promised, his voice sincere. "Thank you for everything, Amelia. I… I won't forget this."

A blush crept up Amelia's cheeks, and she looked away for a moment. "Neither will I," she mumbled.

He climbed into the rented horse-drawn wagon, the driver, a grizzled old man with a weathered face, eyeing him curiously. Alex tossed a pouch of coins onto the seat beside him.

"Take me to the Zuberk Kingdom," he instructed, his voice firm.

The driver grunted in acknowledgment, clucked his tongue, and the wagon lurched forward, kicking up dust as it left the village behind.

Alex stole a glance back at the village one last time, a pang of nostalgia tugging at his heart. He had grown strangely attached to this small place and the kind people who had taken him in. But the mystery of Sebastian and the truth about the dungeon called to him, a siren song he couldn't ignore.

Settling deeper into the wagon, Alex made sure the old man wasn't looking before muttering a single word.


A faint blue light emanated from his hand, resolving into a holographic projection—the very map from The Old Quest! Relief washed over him. Thankfully, the map wasn't covered by a cloud, which means it was not unlocked, it was all unlocked!

He scanned the intricate network of lines and symbols, his finger tracing the path to the Zuberk Kingdom. With a final tap, a waypoint materialized, a glowing blue dot marking his destination.

"Now we just need to wait…" he murmured, a steely glint entering his eyes. The journey to the kingdom would be long.

Alex shifted uncomfortably on the pile of luggage he was using as a makeshift seat. The rhythmic clopping of the horse's hooves and the creaking of the wagon filled the air. He was lost in thought, replaying the farewell with Amelia in his mind, when a sudden rustling sound snapped him back to reality.

It came from the seemingly innocuous bag of supplies resting next to him. A low groan followed a lump shifting beneath the canvas. Alex's eyes widened in alarm.

"What the…?" he stammered, reaching out a hand to cautiously prod the bag.

A whispered curse came in place of the groan. Then, with a surprising burst of energy, the bag ripped open at the seams and Frey tumbled out.

"Frey!?" Alex exclaimed, startled. "Why are you… how did you...?"

Frey landed on the floor of the wagon with a soft thud, brushing dust off her uniform. A scowl marred her usually composed features.

"Don't play dumb," she retorted, her voice laced with annoyance. "I heard the whole thing. You leaving with that woman… how romantic."

Her sudden appearance and her pointed accusation caused Alex to sputter. "W-Well… it's not what it sounds like!"

Frey crossed her arms, her expression unconvinced. "Humph," she simply uttered, dismissing his explanation.

The silence stretched between them, thick with tension. Alex wasn't sure what to say.

Sweat beaded on Alex's brow. Sh*t… Is Frey jealous? Alex thought, bewildered. The thought hadn't even crossed his mind. He wasn't sure if it was jealousy or simply her usual brand of possessiveness, but either way, it wasn't ideal.

He cleared his throat, trying to formulate a plan. "Hey Frey...?" he began cautiously.

Frey remained stubbornly silent, her arms crossed and a frown etched on her face. It was a classic Frey pout, a tactic she often used to get her way. But this time, Alex wasn't sure what "her way" even was.

"Frey...?" he repeated, a touch more insistent this time.

Finally, she whipped her head towards him, her emerald eyes flashing. "What!?" she snapped, a hint of betrayal lacing her voice.

"Um," Alex stammered, "open storage." This was his best shot at diffusing the situation, hoping a task would shift her focus.

Frey sighed dramatically, a hint of exasperation softening her features. With a flick of her wrist, a holographic display materialized above her hand, showcasing a vast network of interconnected vaults—the storage system accessible across every kingdom and village.

"What item are you looking for?" she inquired, her tone neutral, but a flicker of curiosity peeking through.

Alex seized the opportunity. "Umm… can you find a 600% Exp Scroll?"

"Let me see, master," Frey replied, her voice regaining its usual professionalism as she navigated the complex storage system. The mention of a rare and powerful scroll seemed to momentarily pique her interest, pushing aside whatever emotional turmoil she might be experiencing.

A moment of silence passed as Frey's eyes scanned the holographic display. Then, a hint of surprise flickered across her face. "Yes, you have a rather impressive stock, actually," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "Forty scrolls of 600% Exp. Quite the collector, aren't we?"

Alex managed to manage a weak smile. "Just… stocking up for the journey," he mumbled, hoping to deflect any further questions.

Frey smirked, her earlier annoyance seemingly forgotten. With a practiced flick of her wrist, she reached into the holographic display and retrieved a single scroll. It materialized in her hand, a shimmering tube etched with arcane symbols.

But instead of handing it directly to Alex, she playfully tossed it towards him in a gentle arc. It landed with a soft thud on the wooden floor of the wagon.

"There you go, master," she said, a mischievous glint in her emerald eyes. "Catch."

Alex watched the scroll roll across the wooden floor, a playful glint mirroring Frey's in his own eyes. He reached down and snatched it up, letting the smooth surface cool against his palm.

Taking a moment, he decided to check his inventory, both to appease his own curiosity and subtly remind Frey of the vast resources at his disposal. With a thought, he activated his mental interface.

A translucent screen materialized in his mind's eye, displaying a grid-like layout. This was his personal inventory, a digital representation of the items he carried.




Meteoried Sword (Mythic) – A legendary blade forged from fallen celestial rock, imbued with otherworldly power. Its gleaming surface whispered

Golden Sage (Rare) - A small, intricately carved box, once a weapon wielded by an elven king. Its true purpose remained shrouded in mystery, but its craftsmanship hinted at a powerful magic within.


Instant Healing Potion (x202) - A shimmering red vial, each containing a potent draught that could mend even the most grievous wounds in a blink.

Crafting Materials:

Enchant Stone (x10) - Luminous stones pulsating with raw magical energy, waiting to be harnessed for powerful enchantments.

Iron Ore (x5) - Raw iron ore, waiting to be smelted.


600% Exp Scroll (x39) - A shimmering scroll that grants a massive boost to experience points when used. (Just a few in stock for emergencies.)]


Alex scanned the list mentally, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. He might not have been the most well-equipped adventurer, but he wasn't completely unprepared either. And with the map and a healthy stock of experience scrolls, he felt a surge of confidence for the challenges that awaited him in the Zuberk Kingdom.

He closed the inventory screen, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Thanks, Frey," he said, meeting her gaze with a hint of amusement. "Catching things seems to be a specialty of both of us."

"As you wish, master…" Frey nods.

Alex watched Frey nod, a hint of amusement flickering in his gaze. He couldn't help but steal another glance at her maid's attire. The game developers of "The Old Quest" certainly seemed to have a fondness for short, impractical clothing for women, especially for maids. It was a detail that always felt a little out of place in the otherwise immersive world of the game.

Frey, ever perceptive, caught his lingering gaze. Her cheeks flushed a faint pink, and she crossed her arms defensively. "Is there something you'd like to say, master?" she inquired, her voice laced with a playful challenge.

Alex quickly averted his eyes, a blush creeping up his own neck. "N-no, nothing at all," he stammered, suddenly flustered. "Just… lost in thought, that's all," He cleared his throat, hoping to change the subject. "So, how long is this journey to the Zuberk Kingdom anyway?" he just chit-chat even though he knew how long it was going to be by just look at the map

Frey uncrossed her arms, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "It depends on the route the driver takes," she replied. "But a rough estimate would be around two hours, give or take a few days, depending on unforeseen circumstances."

A beat of silence followed, then a slow grin spread across Alex's face. "A few days, huh?" he chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes. "It seems the developers took some creative liberties with travel times in The Old Quest."

Frey's smile widened, her earlier jealousy seemingly forgotten. "The Old Quest, huh?" she echoed, a playful jab in her voice. "Still lost in that world, are we?"

"Maybe a little," Alex admitted with a shrug, but then a jolt of surprise shot through him. "W-What did you say!?"

"What?" Frey raised an eyebrow, her smile faltering slightly.

"You know The Old Quest...?" he stammered, disbelief coloring his voice. "But you are just… a-" He trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence.

"A companion?" Frey supplied, a hint of amusement returning to her tone.

For months, a nagging suspicion had gnawed at Frey. Something felt off about Acomalaka – Alex's character, a castaway from another world. His occasional, unexplained mutterings in a foreign tongue, the way his gaze would glaze over with a distant longing, and the bizarre episode forgetting his own dungeon—all these hints whispered of a deeper mystery. Yet, his offhand comment about travel times and his surprised reaction to her knowledge of "The Old Quest" slammed into her with the force of a revelation.

"Master Alex," she began, her voice low and serious, a stark contrast to their playful banter just moments ago. "Explain to me what you just said. What do you know about The Old Quest, master?"

Alex, caught off guard by her sudden shift in tone, stammered. "I-It just… it's a game, that's all. A popular one back in my world." His voice lacked conviction, and he knew it.

Frey's emerald eyes narrowed. Over the months, she had observed a subtle shift in Alex's behavior. The pieces were starting to fall into place, forming a picture that both intrigued and frightened her. "A game, huh?" she pressed, her voice laced with disbelief. "Does that mean I'm just something? Does Acomalaka name not your real name… but Alex is?"

The question hung heavy in the air, a painful accusation wrapped in a desperate plea for understanding. Alex felt a cold sweat prickle his skin. The truth was on the verge of spilling out, but fear kept him silent. What would Frey think of him? A glitch in the system? Some kind of overpowered avatar? No, she was just a maid… or maybe not.

"Tell me, Master… I've seen something strange than this, a month ago lot of people were gone, but only you, but then they appeared again… like dust, they disappear and come."

He didn't know, and the uncertainty terrified him.

"Master, I need to know if I am really a person or something object in your world…? Are you the god who made us? Or are you a person who plays us?"

Just then, the rhythmic clopping of the horse's hooves faltered, and the wagon lurched to a halt. The old driver poked his head through the canvas flap.

"We're stopping for the night, travelers," he announced in a gruff voice. "Small village up ahead. Food, rest, the usual."

The interruption momentarily distracted Frey, who took a deep breath. This unexpected pause gave Alex a chance to gather his thoughts. He knew he couldn't keep Frey in the dark forever, but revealing his true nature was a risk he wasn't sure he was ready to take.

As they disembarked from the wagon and followed the driver towards the village, a silent tension hung heavy in the air. The weight of Alex's secret pressed down on him, and he stole a glance at Frey, wondering if their peculiar bond could withstand the truth he carried within him.


< Chapter 14 > Fin.