Someone He knew

The rising sun, a pale gold peeking over the city's jagged skyline, cast a warm glow across the opulent LuneLuxe hotel. The luxurious suites, once shrouded in the darkness of slumber, began to stir with the telltale signs of a new day.

On the exclusive penthouse floor, however, silence reigned supreme. Lost in the world of dreams, Alex and Frey remained blissfully unaware of the bustling activity unfolding below.

In the grand lobby, a flurry of activity unfolded. Bellhops in crisp uniforms scurried to and fro, assisting well-heeled guests with their luggage. Doormen, adorned in top hats and tailcoats, greeted arriving carriages with practiced bows. The air itself buzzed with a quiet energy, a symphony of hushed conversations, and the clinking of fine china from the opulent breakfast room.

Among the departing guests were a group of boisterous dwarven merchants, their deep voices booming with laughter as they recounted tales of their latest business venture. A group of elven diplomats, their movements imbued with an ethereal grace, sipped on steaming cups of a rare herbal tea while finalizing the details of a treaty. A lone human noblewoman, her face veiled and her figure draped in silks of a vibrant emerald green, swept through the lobby with an air of quiet regality, a retinue of servants trailing in her wake.

The scene below was a stark contrast to the peaceful haven of the penthouse suite. Sunlight, filtering through the sheer curtains, bathed the room in a soft, golden light. Alex, sprawled across the king-sized bed, slept soundly. A faint smile played on his lips, a testament to the restful sleep he'd finally managed after the emotional revelations of the night before.

Beside him, Frey lay curled up, her head resting on a plush pillow. Unlike Alex, who slept deeply, a frown marred her features. Fragments of dreams, remnants of a past she couldn't quite grasp, flickered behind her closed eyelids.

A sliver of sunlight, like a mischievous finger, poked through the gap in the curtains and danced across Frey's eyelids. She stirred, a soft groan escaping her lips as the remnants of sleep slowly receded. For a moment, she lay perfectly still, caught between the hazy world of dreams and the crisp reality of a new day.

A frown creased her brow as fragmented memories flickered through her mind—a conversation filled with revelations, a shared vulnerability with Alex. But something else lurked beneath the surface, a dream, or perhaps a forgotten memory, that left a disquieting taste in her mouth. It was a scene shrouded in mist, a vast, echoing hall filled with countless chests, each one an enigma waiting to be unlocked. A sense of duty, a compulsion to organize, swirled within it.

Frey squeezed her eyes shut, trying to grasp the details, but the image remained frustratingly elusive. With a sigh, she finally opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. The opulent bedroom, far removed from the cold, utilitarian dungeon throne room of her past, seemed alien yet strangely familiar.

Her gaze fell upon Alex, still fast asleep beside her. His chest fell with each steady breath, a peaceful serenity washing over his features. A soft smile touched Frey's lips. Despite the unsettling dream and the whirlwind of emotions from the previous night, a sense of comfort settled over her.

Hesitantly, she reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair from his forehead. The warmth of his skin sent a jolt through her, a new and unfamiliar sensation. She quickly retracted her hand, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

Frey get up from the bed, her movements careful not to disturb Alex's slumber. The plush carpet felt luxurious beneath her bare feet, a stark contrast to the cold stone floors she was accustomed to. She padded over to the expansive window and gazed out at the bustling city below.

The sight captivated her. Carriages streamed down avenues lined with towering structures of gleaming metal and glass. Whimsical flying contraptions, some resembling giant insects and others akin to ornately decorated birds, zipped through the air. People of all shapes, sizes, and races bustled about, their voices a distant hum reaching her ears.

It was a world that felt both fantastical and strangely ordinary at the same time. Frey's lips pursed as a new question formed in her mind. Where did she fit into this world? Who was she, truly, beyond being a former NPC from a game?

A steely determination settled in her eyes. She wouldn't let the uncertainty paralyze her. Today, she would start searching for answers. But first, she needed to find out how things worked in this strange new reality. A glance at the unfamiliar control panels lining the wall beside the bed told her that navigating this opulent suite might be its own adventure.

Frey muttered to herself, her voice barely a whisper. "Now… as a maid, what should I do…" She cast a critical eye around the opulent bedroom. The plush bed was perfectly made, the furniture gleamed with an almost unnatural shine, and not a single speck of dust dared to settle on the polished surfaces. A small frown creased her brow.

"Nothing I can do, it all clean…" she sighed, a hint of dejection creeping into her voice. The familiar routine of cleaning the dungeon throne room, as monotonous as it was, had offered a strange sense of purpose. Here, in this luxurious suite, she felt oddly… useless.

Then, a scoff escaped her lips. "So far from the dungeon, yuck," she grumbled, mostly to herself. The memory of the cold, damp stone walls and the constant musty smell brought a grimace to her face. Maybe this… clean… life wasn't so bad after all.

But a flicker of movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. A massive wardrobe, crafted from a dark, polished wood she didn't recognize, stood silently across the room. Its ornately carved double doors were slightly ajar, revealing a glimpse of a fantastical interior. Curiosity piqued, Frey approached the wardrobe, her bare feet sinking silently into the plush carpet. Hesitantly, she reached out and pushed the doors open a fraction further.

An gasp escaped her lips. Inside, the wardrobe was a world unto itself. Rows upon rows of clothing, were neatly arranged. Sparkling gowns in a kaleidoscope of colors shimmered beneath the soft glow of embedded lighting. Tailored suits, some adorned with intricate embroidery and others boasting sleek, futuristic designs, filled the remaining space. A shiver of wonder ran down Frey's spine. These weren't just clothes; they were works of art, each garment whispering of a life of luxury and extravagance.

Frey gently ran her fingertips across the soft fabric of a nearby dress. The material, cool and smooth against her skin, felt unlike anything she'd ever touched. A pang of longing, sharp and unexpected, pierced her heart. Would she ever get to wear such finery? Was it even appropriate for a maid to be curious about her master's clothes?

With a resolute shake of her head, Frey pushed the thought aside. There was no time for such musings. She had a duty to fulfill, even if it was currently unclear. Turning away from the wardrobe, she continued her exploration of the room.

Next, her gaze fell upon a sleek, table positioned near the window. Its surface, flawlessly smooth and devoid of clutter, held only a single, ornately bound book. Frey cautiously approached, drawn to the intricate symbols and swirling script adorning the cover. Could it be a spellbook, a guide to the magic of this world? Her fingers twitched with the urge to reach out and touch it, to unlock the secrets held within its pages.

But once again, caution won over curiosity. This was Alex's private space, and prying wouldn't be appropriate. With a deep breath, Frey forced her gaze away from the enticing book. There was one more place left to explore: the bathroom.

Steeling her nerves, Frey pushed open a hidden door disguised as a section of the intricately patterned wallpaper. A gasp escaped her lips as she stepped through the doorway. The bathroom, larger than her entire living quarters in the dungeon, was a marvel of modern technology and opulent design. A freestanding bathtub, crafted from a white marble that seemed to glow with an inner light, dominated the center of the room. Crystal-clear water cascaded from a faucet sculpted in the form of a mythical creature, filling the tub with a gentle hiss. Across the room, a vast walk-in shower boasted holographic controls and jets that promised a massage fit for royalty.

Frey felt a mixture of awe and apprehension. This was far removed from the simple bucket and washcloth she was accustomed to. A nervous laugh bubbled up from her chest. It seemed even the most basic tasks in this world would require some learning.

A mischievous glint sparked in her eyes. Maybe, she thought, a hot bath wouldn't be the worst way to start getting acquainted. But before she could indulge in the luxurious temptation, a new thought struck her. Glancing towards the bed, she saw Alex still fast asleep, a peaceful serenity washing over his features. A soft smile touched Frey's lips. There was a more important task at hand.

"I think it's time to wake up, Master Alex," she announced softly, her voice barely a whisper. She approached the bed, her bare feet silent on the plush carpet. Reaching out, she gently nudged his shoulder.

Alex stirred at the sound of Frey's voice and the light touch on his shoulder. A soft groan escaped his lips as he slowly blinked his eyes open, momentarily disoriented. The opulent surroundings of the suite swam into focus, and then, he saw Frey standing beside the bed, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Morning, sleepyhead," she teased, her voice playful. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on her face.

Alex's initial disorientation gave way to a smile. "Good morning, Frey," he replied, his voice still thick with sleep. "Did you sleep well?"

"Well enough," she admitted, shrugging. "Though, I'm still getting used to this… luxurious bed. It feels like I'm sinking into a cloud."

Alex chuckled. "That's what they're designed for, I guess." He stretched, his bare arms flexing as he pushed the covers back. "So, what are your plans for today, oh loyal maid?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Frey's cheeks flushed slightly under his playful gaze. "Well, since everything seems to be perfectly clean…" she trailed off, the uncertainty evident in her voice. "Perhaps you could show me how things work around here? This technology… it's all very new to me."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Technology? You mean the control panels and stuff? Sure, that's easy enough. Come here." He patted the spot beside him on the bed, gesturing for her to sit.

Frey hesitated for a moment, then perched cautiously on the edge of the bed. Alex scooted closer, leaning in and pointing towards a sleek panel embedded in the headboard.

"This one controls the lights and temperature," he explained, his voice warm. "See these buttons? Up for warmer, down for cooler. And this one adjusts the brightness."

Frey watched intently as he demonstrated, her brow furrowed in concentration. It was a lot to take in, so different from the simple levers and switches she was used to.

"And that one?" she asked, pointing towards another panel near the window.

"Ah, that's for the window blinds," Alex explained. "You can open and close them automatically, or adjust the slats for more or less light."

He continued patiently, walking her through the various controls for the room – the hidden compartment for storing valuables, the voice-activated communication system, and even the elaborate climate control settings that could conjure anything from a gentle summer breeze to a roaring fireplace.

By the time he finished, Frey's head was spinning with information. "Wow," she breathed, a mixture of awe and apprehension in her voice. "This is… incredible. But also a little overwhelming."

Alex smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. And besides, you don't have to learn it all at once. Just ask me if you need anything."

A beat of silence fell between them, broken only by the soft hum of the unseen technology. Frey's gaze drifted from the control panels to Alex, a newfound sense of camaraderie settling in her chest. This world might be strange and confusing, but at least she wasn't alone in navigating it.

"Thanks, Alex," she murmured, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "I appreciate it."

Alex returned her smile, a warmth flickering in his eyes. "Now," he said, his voice playful, "how about we get something to eat? I'm starving."

Excitement bubbled in Frey's chest as Alex finished explaining the final control panel. With a newfound confidence, she straightened from her perch on the edge of the bed. "Alright, Master Alex," she declared, a hint of playfulness in her voice. "Lead the way! I'm famished myself." Maybe, she thought, exploring the breakfast options in this luxurious hotel would be less daunting than tackling the rest of this strange new reality.

Alex chuckled and rose from the bed, stretching his arms over his head. Together, they walked towards the door that led to the hallway. A woman was unexpectedly blocking their path as they left the suite by remaining motionless in the middle of the hallway.

Her eyes were closed, a serene smile playing on her lips. She wore flowing white clothes, but a disheveled quality about them hinted at recent exertion. One hand rested behind her back, seemingly clutching something hidden from view.

A jolt of recognition shot through Alex. He remembered her from the game – Olivia, the student of Sebastian the Rose Mage, known for her healing abilities and affinity for roses. But unlike the confident woman he remembered, this Olivia seemed… almost fragile.

That is... Olivia, right? I think she came to bring me to Sebastian.

Alex just stared at her, a confused frown creasing his brow.

"Hmm?" Frey echoed, her voice laced with equal confusion. They both recognized the woman—or, at least, Alex did.

Uncertainty gnawed at Alex. This was Olivia, he was sure of it. But her demeanor was so different from the vibrant healer he knew in the game. He hesitated, then took a tentative step forward, the plush carpet muffling the sound of his approach.

Olivia, her eyes still closed, continued, a serene smile playing on her lips. "Good morning—"

Before she could finish her greeting, Alex, driven by a mix of nervousness and misplaced teasing, blurted out, "I don't have any money for you," with a playful lilt to his voice.

Frey's eyes widened in surprise. This clearly wasn't the right approach. Olivia, after all, was a stranger to Alex in this reality, their past bond from the game has yet to be forged. The playful jab, meant to be lighthearted, might come across as rude or dismissive.

Olivia's smile faltered, her brow furrowing slightly even beneath her closed eyelids. A hint of irritation tinged her voice as she spoke, her tone no longer serene but laced with mild annoyance. "What... did... you... say!?" she questioned, her voice barely raised above a whisper but laced with a clear edge.

Frey's face flushed crimson. This was a disaster. Alex's attempt at humor had clearly backfired, leaving them in an awkward and potentially hostile situation. She shot Alex a pointed look, silently conveying her disapproval of his approach.

Taking a deep breath, Frey stepped forward, placing a calming hand on Alex's arm. "Excuse us," she said politely, her voice a soothing balm compared to Alex's blunder. "My master isn't feeling well this morning. Perhaps there's been a misunderstanding?"

Her words were carefully chosen, deflecting blame from Alex while acknowledging Olivia's presence and the awkward exchange. She hoped it would open a channel for communication and clear the air.

Olivia's serene smile returned, though a hint of annoyance lingered beneath the surface. She slowly opened her eyes, revealing pools of emerald green that held a glimmer of confusion. Turning towards them, she spoke in a clear, firm voice.

"I am Olivia," she declared, her posture straightening slightly. "I am a student of Sebastian the Rose Mage, and I'm here to take Alex… Master Alex," she corrected herself with a slight nod towards Frey, "to train with him."

Alex, caught off guard by her sudden formality, stumbled over his words. "Oh, right," he stammered, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "So, you're… his student. I, uh…" His gaze flickered to Frey, then back to Olivia. "Didn't mean to be rude before. Just… wasn't expecting…"

Frey, sensing his fluster, decided to intervene. "We apologize, Olivia," she interjected politely. "Alex isn't quite himself this morning. He seems to be… adjusting to his new surroundings."

Alex, however, oblivious to the tension he'd created, blurted out, "Olivia, it still morning. How about you come with us eat breakfast? You might want taste a food of rich people, aren't you?"

Olivia's eyes narrowed. A prickle of anger, laced with a deep-seated insecurity, ran down her spine. Alex's comment, though lighthearted in his mind, landed like a slap. 

How did he know i was poor? Was this some kind of cruel joke?

"Well well," she began, her voice tight with suppressed anger, "if you'll excuse me, I might be-"

"Don't worry, I'm the one paying," Alex interrupted, completely oblivious to Olivia's emotional state.

Silence descended upon the hallway. Frey's face flushed crimson with embarrassment. Olivia stared at Alex, a mixture of shock and suspicion flickering across her features. Was this man from Elera Village, a small, impoverished community known for its farmers and simple living? If so, how could he afford to stay in the luxurious LuneLuxe hotel, let alone offer to pay for breakfast? The situation had gone from awkward to bizarre.


The opulent breakfast hall of the LuneLuxe buzzed with a symphony of clinking silverware and hushed conversations. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow upon the lavishly decorated tables, each adorned with an array of exotic fruits, glistening pastries, and steaming dishes.

Alex, Frey, and Olivia sat at a secluded corner table, the tension from the hallway encounter lingering in the air. Olivia, still smarting from Alex's earlier comments, picked at her food with a disinterested air. Alex, oblivious to the undercurrent of discomfort, seemed fixated on Olivia. He watched her every move, a strange curiosity etched on his face.

Finally, unable to bear the silence any longer, Olivia broke the tension. "I-Is there anything you want to say... Sir Alex?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of irritation.

"Hmm..." Alex mumbled, his gaze lingering on Olivia for a beat too long before he looked away. "Did you always close your eyes… everyday?" he finally blurted, the question seemingly random.

Frey smothered a sigh. Alex's bluntness was endearing sometimes, but in this situation, it only served to further alienate Olivia.

Olivia let out a long, exasperated sigh, the sound echoing softly in the vast hall. "It was part of my training," she explained, her voice strained. "Master Sebastian believes that honing one's other senses is crucial for a mage. By closing my eyes, I can better focus my magic and perceive the world around me in a different way."

A flicker of understanding dawned on Alex's face. "Oh, that makes sense," he said, a sheepish grin breaking out across his features. "Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. It's just… you seem different from how I remember you."

Olivia raised an eyebrow, a spark of curiosity igniting in her emerald eyes. "Different? How do you remember me?" she inquired, leaning forward slightly.

Alex hesitated, then shook his head. "It's… a long story. Maybe not for here." He looked down at his plate, a shadow of doubt crossing his features. Was it even appropriate to mention the game at this point? The memories were still hazy, and he wasn't sure how Olivia would react.

Suddenly, Olivia spoke again, her voice tinged with a hint of suspicion. "…Are you from Nourician Village?" she asked. 

Alex's head snapped up, surprise flickering across his face. "That's where you're… formed, right?" he stammered, momentarily thrown off guard. "No, I'm not from there. I wasn't born in that game world."

"…Then how do you remember me?" Olivia pressed, a hint of hope battling with the lingering suspicion in her voice.

Alex hesitated, his gaze flitting nervously between Frey and Olivia. A playful smile tugged at the corner of Frey's lips, urging him on with a silent nudge. Taking a deep breath, Alex finally met Olivia's gaze. "Haha," he chuckled, the sound slightly forced. "Nothing, really. Just forget about it." But the nervous glint in his eyes betrayed his words, leaving the question hanging heavy in the air. 

< Chapter 18 > Fin.