Meet again

The opulent breakfast eventually came to an end, the remnants of exotic fruits and pastries disappearing down eager (or, in Olivia's case, not-so-eager) throats. Once they finished, Alex, with a newfound confidence, rose from the table.

"Alright, Olivia," he announced, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Shall we head out and meet Sebastian?"

Olivia, still grappling with the strange undercurrents of their conversation, simply nodded in agreement. As they exited the extravagant breakfast hall, the sheer opulence of the LuneLuxe hotel hit Olivia like a physical blow. Gleaming metal and glass formed a stark contrast to the weathered stone and simple wooden structures of her own village.

Stepping out onto the bustling street, Olivia couldn't help but voice her lingering observation. "I... I didn't know you had a maid," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper above the city's cacophony.

Alex glanced back at Frey, who walked a few paces behind them, a comfortable distance established. A playful smile spread across his face. "Is that a problem?" he teased.

Olivia's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "N-No... just," she stammered, struggling to find the right words. "I didn't know you were such a rich person."

Alex chuckled, a warm, genuine sound. "Rich? Maybe in some ways," he admitted. "But money isn't everything. Frey's more than just a maid, she's… well, she's a friend." He looked back at Frey, his gaze lingering for a moment, before returning to Olivia. "Besides, even in a fancy place like this, burnt toast still tastes like burnt toast."

Olivia cracked a hesitant smile. Alex's lightheartedness was disarming, and she found herself relaxing a touch. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to him than the wealthy stranger he first appeared to be.

The bustling city streets unfolded before them, a cacophony of shouts, haggling, and the rhythmic clatter of carriage wheels. Street vendors lined the avenues, their colorful displays overflowing with exotic fruits, glistening trinkets, and leather-bound tomes. The air vibrated with a frenetic energy, a stark contrast to the serene tranquility of Olivia's village.

Olivia instinctively reached out and briefly held Alex's arm as she struggled with the sensory overload, her emerald eyes wide with wonder. Alex, smiled reassuringly at her before turning his gaze to Frey, who walked a few steps behind them. Frey, offered a subtle nod of understanding.

Suddenly, Olivia stopped short, her finger pointing towards a building across the street. "That place…" she exclaimed. "That's where you'll find the best tailor in the city. Master Sebastian has already ordered some new clothes for you."

Alex raised an eyebrow, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. "Clothes? Sebastian ordered me clothes? I don't remember…" His voice trailed off as he caught Frey's pointed look. Memories, hazy and fragmented, stirred within him. 

Olivia, oblivious to Alex's internal struggle, beamed. "Of course! A new apprentice deserves proper clothes, wouldn't you say?" she chirped, her excitement infectious.

Alex felt a tug-of-war within him. The logical part of his mind cautioned against blindly accepting gifts from strangers, especially considering the bizarre circumstances surrounding his arrival in this world. Yet, there was something about Olivia's genuine enthusiasm that disarmed him. Hesitantly, he turned to Frey, seeking her silent counsel.

Frey, her expression unreadable, simply shrugged and offered a slight smile. The decision, she seemed to imply, was ultimately his.

Stepping off the curb, they navigated the bustling throng of people, a human river flowing through the city streets. Carriages jostled for space with horse-drawn carts and the occasional, lumbering beast of burden. The air thrummed with a symphony of shouts, laughter, and the rhythmic thwack of a hammer against metal.

Olivia, her initial surprise at the city fading slightly, skipped ahead with renewed enthusiasm. She pointed out landmarks—a bakery with the most delectable pastries in all of Aethel, a bookstore rumored to hold ancient tomes lost to time, and a sprawling marketplace overflowing with treasures from faraway lands.

The sights and sounds overloaded Alex's senses, making it difficult for him to keep up. Yet, a spark of curiosity ignited within him. This world, so different from his own, held a strange allure. He stole a glance at Frey, who walked beside him now, her eyes taking in everything with a quiet focus. A silent question hung between them – were they heading in the right direction?

Finally, they reached the tailor shop Olivia had pointed out. It was a modest building compared to the towering structures around it, but its unassuming facade held a certain charm. A wooden sign hung crookedly above the entrance, depicting a pair of shears snipping a length of fine fabric. The words "Sylvan's Stitches" were painted in faded black lettering.

Olivia pushed open the door with a flourish, a cheerful chime announcing their arrival. The interior was a haven of organized chaos. Bolts of cloth in every color imaginable lined the walls, their textures ranging from the smooth sheen of silk to the rough durability of leather. Unfinished garments hung on racks, half-formed promises of elegant attire. A table in the center of the room was overflowing with spools of thread, buttons, and pins—the tools of a tailor's trade.

A man with a shock of white hair looked up from behind the counter, his face creased with a warm smile. "Ah, Olivia!" he boomed, his voice surprisingly youthful for his age. "Come in, come in! And who might this fine gentleman be?"

"This is Alex," Olivia introduced, gesturing towards him. "Master Sebastian's new apprentice."

The tailor's smile widened. "Ah, the new apprentice! Welcome, welcome! I've been expecting you. Master Sebastian ordered a special outfit for you. Let's see, let's see…" He rummaged around behind the counter, his nimble fingers extracting a long garment bag from a hidden compartment.

Olivia bounced on the balls of her feet with anticipation. Alex, caught between curiosity and apprehension, exchanged another silent glance with Frey. This world was full of unexpected twists and turns, and he wasn't sure what to expect next.

The tailor, pulled out the garment bag and unfurled it, revealing a stunning ensemble of clothing. Inside lay a crisp white shirt, its cotton gleaming in the afternoon light. Draped over it was a black suit, expertly tailored to fit a lean frame. A waistcoat of rich beige silk completed the undergarments, adding a touch of elegance. But the true showstopper was the outer layer—a magnificent red overcoat. The fabric, a deep, luxurious crimson, flowed in a graceful arc, hinting at a satin lining within. A single row of black buttons adorned the front, contrasting beautifully with the rich color.

"There you have it!" the tailor declared, his voice brimming with pride. "Made from the finest materials, of course. And this," he added, holding up a separate piece of clothing, "is the finishing touch." It was a cape, crafted from the same luxurious red fabric as the coat, lined with a plush black faux fur.

Olivia's eyes widened in awe. "It's… it's perfect!" she gasped, her voice filled with delight. "Master Sebastian really outdid himself."

Alex stared at the clothes, a mix of emotions swirling within him. There was an undeniable sense of awe at the craftsmanship—the suit looked both stylish and practical, and the red coat with its flowing cape exuded an air of power. However, a nagging uncertainty gnawed at him. Why would a complete stranger, this Sebastian, go to such lengths for him? Was there a catch? He stole a glance at Frey, hoping to find some insight in her expression.

Frey, noticed his hesitation. She leaned in and whispered, "Perhaps you should try it on, Master Alex. See how it fits." Her voice was neutral, offering no judgment on his decision.

Taking a deep breath, Alex reached for the clothes, the weight of the decision settling on his shoulders. He needed a moment to gather his thoughts. "Excuse me," he said to the tailor, his voice polite. "May I use a changing room to try on the clothes?"

The tailor beamed. "Of course, of course! Right this way." He led Alex through a beaded curtain towards a small room in the back. As they entered, Alex cast a final glance at Frey, a silent question hanging in the air – would he accept this gift from Sebastian.

Inside the changing room, Alex held the white shirt in his hands, the fabric cool and smooth against his skin. He closed his eyes for a moment, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. This wasn't just about clothes – it was about taking a step into this strange new world, a world where magic was real, A deep breath escaped his lips. 

The crisp white shirt felt cool and smooth against Alex's skin, a stark contrast to the rough spun tunic he'd grown accustomed to in his old life. As he buttoned it up, a flicker of self-consciousness washed over him. He wasn't used to such fine clothes, and the fitted style felt foreign compared to the loose comfort of his old garments.

He slipped on the black suit, the fabric soft and light despite its tailored structure. Looking at his reflection in the small mirror hanging on the wall, he barely recognized himself. The clothes exuded an air of sophistication he never knew he possessed. He straightened his shoulders, a newfound confidence blooming in his chest.

Finally, he reached for the pièce de résistance – the red overcoat. The luxurious crimson fabric felt heavy in his hands, and he ran his fingers across the smooth surface. Lifting it over his shoulders, he slipped his arms through the sleeves, the satin lining whispering against his skin. He buttoned the coat, and a thrill shot through him as he gazed at his reflection once more.

"This is… too, this makes me look like it was a weebs sh*t."

A hesitant knock came from outside the changing room. "Are you alright in there, Master Alex?" Frey's voice called.

Alex took a deep breath, the weight of the decision settling on his shoulders. He could choose to remain who he was, a simple farmboy thrust into an extraordinary situation. Or, he could embrace this new identity, this Alex clad in crimson, and see where the path led him. A slow smile spread across his face.

"Yes, I'm fine," he replied, his voice stronger than before. "In fact, I think these clothes fit quite well." He pushed aside the beaded curtain, stepping out into the shop with a newfound confidence, ready to face whatever awaited him.

A collective gasp rippled through the shop as Alex emerged from the changing room. The red overcoat, with its flowing cape, seemed to command attention, drawing every eye in the room. Olivia, her back turned as she chatted with the tailor, spun around at the sound of his voice. Her emerald eyes widened in surprise, then lit up with delight.

"Wow, Sir Alex!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "You look… amazing!"

A blush crept up Alex's neck under her scrutiny. He wasn't used to such compliments, especially from a pretty girl like Olivia. He cleared his throat self-consciously.

"Thanks," he mumbled, avoiding her gaze. The clothes felt strangely empowering, yet he still felt like an imposter in this new skin.

The tailor, beaming with pride, bustled over to him. "A perfect fit, wouldn't you say, young sir? Master Sebastian has a keen eye for style, that much is certain."

"Indeed," Alex agreed, forcing a smile. He stole a glance at Frey, who stood by the door, her expression unreadable. Did she approve of the new direction he was taking?

"So, what are we waiting for?" Olivia chimed in, her enthusiasm infectious. "Let's go meet Master Sebastian! He's probably at the academy already, teaching his classes."

Alex frowned slightly. "Academy?" he echoed, a flicker of confusion crossing his features. He remembered something about a school, but the details remained hazy.

"Yeah, you know," Olivia explained, tilting her head. "The Aethel Magical Academy. Master Sebastian is a teacher there, one of the best. He trains promising young mages, like you!"

"I… I know about the academy," he stammered, trying to sound confident. "Just not all the details."

Frey stepped forward, a subtle smile playing on her lips. "Perhaps Olivia can fill you in on the way," she suggested. "The academy isn't far from here."

Taking a deep breath, Alex squared his shoulders. He still had no idea what he was getting himself into, but for now, he was determined to see it through. He looked at Olivia, a newfound resolve hardening his gaze.

"Alright then," he announced, his voice stronger than before. "Let's go meet this Master Sebastian."

A grin stretched across Olivia's face. With a skip in her step, she led the way out of the tailor shop, the crimson cloak of the new Alex billowing out behind him as they embarked on their journey towards the Aethel Magical Academy.

The bustling streets buzzed with activity as they walked, a whirlwind of merchants hawking their wares, carriages jostling for position, and pedestrians rushing to their destinations. Alex, still adjusting to the weight of the red overcoat and the unexpected path his life had taken, fell a step behind Olivia and Frey.

"So," Olivia chirped, her voice barely audible over the city's cacophony, "the Aethel Magical Academy is the most prestigious school for magic in the entire kingdom! Only the most talented mages get to study there, and Master Sebastian is one of their star instructors."

Alex, already aware of Sebastian's status but wanting to draw Olivia out, feigned ignorance. "A star instructor, huh?" he echoed, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Sounds impressive. So, he's some kind of big deal?"

Olivia puffed out her chest, clearly proud to be associated with Sebastian. "The biggest!" She exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. "He's a master of Swords, you know. Can you imagine? Being able to control flames, even create fiery creatures – it's incredible!"

A flicker of amusement danced in Alex's eyes. Olivia's awe was infectious, and despite his own confusion, he couldn't help but be drawn into her enthusiasm. "Fiery creatures, huh?" he repeated, his voice tinged with playful curiosity. "Sounds… intense."

"So how about you, a mage getting trained by a sword teacher?" Alex pressed, a hint of amusement lingering in his voice. The image of a fiery mage wielding a sword was a peculiar one, and he couldn't resist teasing Olivia a bit.

Olivia's brow furrowed in concentration. "Well, Master Sebastian's different," she explained, her voice taking on a defensive tone. "He's a prodigy, you see? He's not just a master swordsman, he's a master of all the elements! Fire, water, earth, air… he can control them all." Her voice dropped to a reverent whisper. "They say he's even dabbled in the forbidden arts."

Alex raised an eyebrow, surprised by this new revelation. "The forbidden arts? Sounds… dangerous."

Olivia shrugged, a hint of unease flickering across her eyes. "Maybe. But Master Sebastian's powerful enough to handle it. They say he's the reason the kingdom hasn't been overrun by those shadow creatures from the north."

A shiver ran down Alex's spine. Shadow creatures? This world was becoming more and more fantastical with each passing moment. He stole a glance at Frey, hoping for some kind of explanation, but her face remained an impassive mask.

"Shadow creatures, huh?" he mumbled, more to himself than to Olivia. This was all a lot to take in. Being whisked away to another world, a prestigious magic academy, a powerful mage rumored to dabble in forbidden arts… His head spun with questions, and a knot of apprehension tightened in his stomach.

Olivia, oblivious to his internal turmoil, continued chattering excitedly about the wonders of the academy and the legendary Master Sebastian. As they walked, the bustling cityscape slowly gave way to a more academic atmosphere. Grand buildings of red brick and gleaming marble lined the streets, their imposing facades adorned with intricate carvings depicting fantastical creatures and arcane symbols. A sense of anticipation thrummed within Alex.

I really don't pay attention to the game story… all I do is griding…

Alex stay to hear what Olivia said.

"See that building over there? That's the Aethel Magical Academy! Isn't it amazing?"

Alex stopped in his tracks, gazing up at the magnificent structure before him. The academy was a sprawling complex, its spires reaching towards the sky like grasping fingers. Sunlight glinted off the vast windows, hinting at the wonders that lay within. A wave of nervousness washed over him, but beneath it, a spark of excitement ignited. This was it. The threshold to a new life, a life filled with magic and mystery. He took a deep breath, the red overcoat swirling around him like a cloak of destiny.

"Yeah," he admitted, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "It is amazing."


Their walk to the academy felt shorter with Olivia's enthusiastic commentary filling the air. The closer they got, the more students they encountered, each clad in flowing robes adorned with intricate symbols that hinted at their magical disciplines. A nervous tremor ran down Alex's spine – he stood out like a sore thumb in his new red overcoat, feeling more and more like an imposter with every step.

Finally, they reached the imposing structure. The Aethel Magical Academy was even more awe-inspiring up close. The grand oak doors were etched with arcane symbols, glowing faintly with an inner light. Olivia, practically vibrating with excitement, pushed open the doors without hesitation.

Inside, the air crackled with a tangible energy. Bustling hallways echoed with the chatter of students, their voices animated with discussions of spells and magical theories. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting epic battles between mages and mythical creatures, their vibrant colors and dynamic poses further fueling the atmosphere of wonder.

Olivia led the way, weaving through the throngs of students with surprising ease. Alex trailed behind, his senses overloaded by the sights and sounds around him. He stole a glance at Frey, who remained a stoic presence at his side, her dark eyes scanning their surroundings with practiced vigilance.

After a series of turns and climbs up winding staircases, they reached a heavy wooden door at the end of a secluded corridor. A brass plaque gleamed beside it, the inscription reading simply: "Sebastian's Room."

Olivia straightened her robes, a hint of nervousness replacing her earlier enthusiasm. "Here we are," she announced, her voice hushed. "Master Sebastian's office."

Alex took a deep breath, his hand hovering over the ornately carved doorknob. A wave of doubt washed over him. What awaited him on the other side? A powerful mage, a teacher, a rumored dabbler in the forbidden arts? He suppressed the urge to turn and flee. He had come this far, and the curiosity burning within him wouldn't be quelled. With a newfound resolve, he pushed open the door.


The scent of woodsmoke and old books greeted them as they entered Sebastian's office. The room was surprisingly spartan, considering the man's reputation. Sunlight streamed through a large stained-glass window, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the worn leather armchair positioned in front of a massive oak desk. A crackling fire danced in the hearth, casting flickering shadows on the walls lined with overflowing bookshelves.

As they entered, Sebastian looked up from the book in his hands, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His gaze met Alex's, and Alex felt a strange sensation—a warmth emanating from Sebastian, along with a probing energy that seemed to pierce his very soul. For a moment, Alex felt his mind laid bare, his anxieties and uncertainties exposed.

"Ah, Olivia," Sebastian boomed, his voice a warm rumble that resonated in the room. "And Alex, finally we meet again after the dungeon. Welcome." He gestured towards a chair in front of his desk with a wave of his hand. "Please, come in and have a seat." His eyes twinkled with an amusement Alex couldn't quite decipher.

Here it comes… seven strongest NPC in this world…


< Chapter 19 > Fin.