Belong to the world

Alex's take the seat offered by Sebastian. Across from him, Olivia walked skipped over to the Sebastian side. Frey, remained beside Alex, her posture rigid, her hand resting near the hilt of the dagger strapped to her thigh.

Sebastian leaned back in his chair, his gaze flickering between Alex and Frey with an intensity that made Alex squirm. "So," he began, his voice still holding that warm rumble, "how's your condition after the… rehabilitation?"

"Good, actually," Alex responded, nodding curtly. "Thank you for inviting me here, for the training opportunity."

Sebastian chuckled, a rich sound that seemed to fill the room. "Don't worry about it, Alex. And speaking of your abilities…" He paused, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I heard through Amelia that you managed to vanquish the Nightmare Goblin. It is impressive for someone who are from that village."

"Yes, that's true," Alex admitted, a touch of defensiveness creeping into his voice. "But it wasn't just me. There were other knights involved – Garath, Gareth, and Lyra. They helped, too. Though, I did manage the final slice." He puffed out his chest slightly, a hint of pride battling with the lingering uncertainty gnawing at him.

Sebastian's curiosity was piqued. "Interesting," he mused, leaning forward in his chair. "And also… when we met at the dungeon that time… you were using some kind of… a sword?"

Alex's heart hammered in his chest. He remembered the Meteoric Sword, a powerful weapon that felt strangely connected to him. He desperately hoped Sebastian wouldn't recognize it for what it truly was. "Oh, yeah, that sword," he stammered, trying to sound nonchalant. "I just found it lying on the ground after the whole ordeal. It seems like it belonged to one of the unfortunate adventurers."

Sebastian studied him for a long moment, his dark eyes unreadable. "I see," he finally said, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "Well, Amelia did mention something about your prowess in combat. She said you had the makings of a fine warrior."

"Yeah, that's what she said too," Alex mumbled, a tad relieved Sebastian hadn't pressed the issue of the sword. He glanced down at his new red coat, a stark contrast to the roughspun tunic he'd been accustomed to. "But then there's this whole… sage class business."

A sly smile played on Sebastian's lips as he reached into a drawer on his desk and pulled out an identification card. He placed it on the surface with a soft thud. "Indeed. It seems there's been a bit of… confusion about your classification." The card displayed Alex's image, but underneath his name was printed "Acomalaka" and the designation "Sage."

Alex's jaw dropped. Where in the world had Sebastian gotten that? He fumbled in his own pocket, pulling out his own identification card. There it was, identical in every way except for the name – Alex. So, there were two? A duplicate?

"Wait, where did you—" he began, his voice laced with a mixture of confusion and alarm.

Sebastian held up a hand, silencing him with a gentle but firm gesture. "Relax, Alex… or should I say Acomalaka. This is just a duplicate. A knight delivered it to me last night, mentioning there was something… strange about you. But worry not," he added with a wink, "your secret is safe with me."

Alex's heart hammered against his ribs. A duplicate ID, a strange comment about something being "strange" about him— the weight of the situation pressed down on him. He stole a glance at Frey, but her face remained an impassive mask, offering no clues.

Across from him, Olivia's eyes darted between Alex and Sebastian, a flicker of confusion replacing her earlier excitement. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again, her brows furrowed in concentration. Was this Alex, the farmboy she'd rescued, or was this Acomalaka, this "strange" individual Sebastian spoke of?

Sebastian, oblivious to the turmoil brewing around him, leaned back in his chair, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Now then," he boomed, his voice breaking the tense silence, "it seems there's a bit of a mystery to unravel. Tell me, Alex, or perhaps I should call you Acomalaka, who really you are…?"

After taking a deep breath, Alex decided honesty was the best policy. He met Sebastian's gaze head-on. "... my real name is Acomalaka," he confessed, hesitantly at first, then with growing conviction. "And Alex, well, that was just an alias I used for my adventures."

A slow smile spread across Sebastian's face. "An adventure name, you say? Intriguing. Forgive my suspicion, Acomalaka. It appears there's more to you than meets the eye." He chuckled, the sound warm and inviting. "Perhaps that's all the more reason to welcome you here. The blessed one."

"The blessed one?" The new title surprised Alex, who echoed it.

"Indeed," Sebastian boomed. "Vanquishing a Nightmare Goblin as an unranked adventurer is no small feat. What rank are you now, Alex?"

Alex hesitated, unsure if it was wise to reveal his entire status window. However, Sebastian's gaze held a genuine curiosity, and perhaps a hint of respect. With a silent nod to himself, Alex decided to take a chance. He focused his mind, and a translucent screen materialized in front of him, visible only to himself.


[My Information]

[Name: Acomalaka]

[Class: Sage]

[Level: 58]

[Health (HP): 2305/2305]

[MP: 3005/3005]

[Adventure Rank (Based on Level): B+ Rank]

[Battle Stats]

[Attack: 269]

[Defense: 360]

[Critical: 25%]


Alex quickly scanned the information, a flicker of pride warming his chest. He looked back up at Sebastian, a newfound confidence in his voice. "B rank," he declared.

"B rank...?" Sebastian boomed, a hint of surprise coloring his voice. "That's impressive for someone who just started venturing out. It took me ages to break through that B rank barrier myself. Keep it up, Alex, you have a lot of potential."

"Thanks," Alex mumbled, a blush creeping up his neck at the praise. Being called impressive by a powerful person like Sebastian was a heady feeling.

Sebastian leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful look on his face. "Speaking of potential," he began, "how would you feel about becoming one of my students here at the academy?"

Alex blinked, taken aback. "Your student?" He glanced around the room, picturing rows of teenagers with bright, eager faces. "But isn't this academy mostly for… well, kids? Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen years old?"

"Indeed," Sebastian chuckled, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "So what's the concern? Feeling a little out of place among the youngsters?"

Alex squirmed in his seat, suddenly self-conscious. "Well, I mean… wouldn't my face look kind of… out of place too?"

Sebastian's brow furrowed in confusion. He glanced at Olivia, who mirrored his expression. Neither of them understood Alex's apprehension. Frey, however, remained silent, a knowing glint in her eyes.

Leaning closer to Alex, she whispered quietly, "Master, I think Sebastian and Olivia… they can't see your face clearly."

Alex's jaw dropped. "What do you mean they can't see my face clearly?"

Frey's voice dropped to a conspiratorial murmur. "Remember the throne room dungeon? When did you meet me again? Your face… it was blurry, almost like a mask hiding your true features. I think it might be the same thing here."

A wave of realization washed over Alex. So, it wasn't his age that made him look out of place—it was the strange effect that seemed to obscure his features! Relief flooded through him.

"Oh," he stammered, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "I guess I was just overthinking things. Yes, I'd be honored to be your student, Master Sebastian."

Sebastian chuckled, relief washing over his features. "Haha, it seems we both had a bit of a misunderstanding. Also, no need for formalities, Alex. Call me Sebastian. It seems we share a few peculiarities, wouldn't you say?"

"Alright, Sebastian," Alex replied, a newfound ease settling in his voice. The revelation about his obscured face had lifted a weight from his shoulders.

"Excellent!" boomed Sebastian, his earlier seriousness replaced by a warm enthusiasm. "Since I have a free day today, what do you say we head straight to the academy grounds and get started with your training? We can take it one step at a time."

Olivia's eyes widened in surprise. "W-Wait, Master Sebastian," she stammered, concern coloring her voice. "Don't you think it might be a bit… much for Alex's first day? Perhaps a more… introductory session would be better?"

Sebastian chuckled, a hearty sound that filled the room. "Don't worry yourself, Olivia," he reassured her. "It'll just be a light spar, a chance for me to gauge Alex's abilities. Nothing too strenuous, I promise." He winked at Alex, a playful glint in his eyes. "Besides, a little practical experience can be the best kind of learning, wouldn't you agree?"

Alex, still reeling from the news about his face, found himself caught between amusement and apprehension. He wasn't sure he was ready for a duel, even a "light" one, but the idea of testing his skills against a powerful mage like Sebastian was undeniably exciting. He stole a glance at Frey, who remained impassive, but a flicker of anticipation danced in her eyes.

"I-I guess so," Alex stammered, a nervous smile tugging at his lips. He wasn't about to back down in front of his new teacher, especially not with Frey watching.

Olivia, though clearly unconvinced, seemed to accept Sebastian's decision with a resigned sigh. "A-Alright, Master Sebastian," she mumbled. "But please, go easy on him." She shot Alex a worried look, silently conveying her concern.

Sebastian boomed with laughter, the sound echoing through the wood-paneled room. "Excellent! That settles it then. Let's get some fresh air and see what you're truly made of, Alex." With a flourish, he pushed himself out of his chair. The worn leather creaked in protest as he stood to his full height, a towering figure that both reassured and intimidated Alex in equal measure.

"Follow me," he commanded with a smile, gesturing towards the door. A hint of playful energy crackled around him, and Alex couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement bubble within him. Perhaps a light spar wasn't such a bad idea after all. He straightened his red coat, a newfound determination hardening his gaze. With a quick nod to Frey, he followed Sebastian out of the office, ready to face whatever awaited him on the academy grounds.


The heavy oak door of Sebastian's office swung shut with a soft thud behind them, leaving them standing in the quiet hallway. Sunlight streamed through stained-glass windows at the far end, casting vibrant colors across the polished stone floor. A gentle hum of activity emanated from behind the closed classroom doors lining the corridor.

Alex followed close behind Sebastian, his gaze scanning their surroundings. The academy buzzed with an unseen energy, a potent mix of youthful enthusiasm and arcane knowledge. He couldn't help but feel a thrill course through him—he was finally here, a student at the prestigious Aethel Magical Academy.

A sudden urge to learn more about Sebastian flickered in his mind. He hadn't forgotten the strange power he possessed, the ability to see hidden information like a character sheet in a game. Perhaps by scanning Sebastian, he could glean some insight into the powerful mage standing before him. He subtly shifted his position, trying to get a clear line of sight on Sebastian's back. Just as he was about to focus his energy...

[Failed to look at other information.]

A wave of frustration washed over him. Without the proper tool, his ability was useless. He cursed himself for forgetting. "Sh*t, I forget," he muttered under his breath, clenching his fist.

Catching the flicker of his frustration, Frey sent him a questioning glance. Alex leaned in close, his voice barely a whisper. "Frey, can you open your storage and see if there's a Scanner Crystal?"

Frey's brow furrowed slightly in concentration. Her hand flickered, and a holographic screen materialized in front of her, displaying a variety of items categorized in neat rows. Her eyes scanned the inventory with practiced ease, searching for the specific crystal Alex needed.

A moment later, Frey straightened with a small smile. "Found it," she whispered, a vial containing a shimmering blue crystal appearing in his hand. "Scanner Crystal, one piece."

Relief washed over Alex. "Excellent," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. He reached out and took the vial from Frey's grasp, his fingers brushing against hers for a fleeting moment. A spark of something unexpected shot through him, a warmth that spread beyond mere physical contact. He quickly tucked the vial into a pouch hidden beneath his red coat, the action momentarily distracting him from the notification that materialized in his vision.

[Alert! Scanner Crystal successfully placed in inventory!]

[Would you like to integrate it into your inner crystal power system?] (Yes)/(No)

Alex, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, pressed the 'Yes' button without hesitation. The vial pulsed with a warm light in his hand, then dissolved into a stream of energy that flowed up his arm and into his chest. A surge of power coursed through him, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake.

[You successfully use the Scanner Crystal; now you can scan other people information]

A mischievous grin tugged at Alex's lips. He subtly shifted closer to Sebastian, keeping a casual pace as they walked down the hallway. With a silent focus of his will, he activated the scanner function, a holographic window appearing in his field of vision.


The familiar holographic window materialized in front of him, obscuring his view of Sebastian for a brief instant.

[Scan Target: Sebastian]

[Loading Sebastian Information]

A tense silence hung in the air as Alex waited, his breath catching in his throat. Had it worked? Would he finally be able to see Sebastian's hidden stats?

The holographic window flickered, and then solidified with a soft chime. Alex's eyes widened as he took in the information displayed before him.

A tense silence stretched between them as the information loaded. Alex held his breath, a mixture of excitement and nervousness gnawing at him. Finally, with a soft chime, the holographic window flickered to life, displaying a detailed breakdown of Sebastian's stats.

[Name: Sebastian Thorne]

[Class: Archmage]

[Level: 85]

[Health (HP): 5280/5280]

[Mana (MP): 8720/8720]

[Adventure Rank (Based on Power): SS+]

[Attack: 480]

[Defense: 395]

[Magic Power: 790 (Extremely High)]

[Speed: 280]

Alex's jaw dropped as he scanned the information. Sebastian was an Archmage, a level far surpassing his own! (Well, for now.) His stats were staggering, with his magic power reaching an "Extremely High" level. A sense of awe, tinged with a hint of trepidation, washed over Alex. This was the man he was about to spar with?

He glanced at Sebastian, stealing a covert look at his profile. The powerful mage seemed completely oblivious, humming a tune under his breath as he strolled down the hallway. Alex couldn't help but wonder what other secrets Sebastian might be hiding beneath that unassuming exterior.

But a disquieting thought wormed its way into his mind. Is he always this powerful...? Alex mumbled to himself, his brow furrowed in confusion. I don't remember it being like this in the game... Level 85, wow, even a player number two below me is leveled 66...

A shiver ran down his spine. The world he found himself in seemed to be following the same basic rules as the game he once played, but with significant deviations. This anomaly—Sebastian's immense power—was just one example. What other differences lurked beneath the surface? Was there anything he could rely on from his game knowledge, or was he completely lost at sea in this strange reality?


They arrive at the academy field, which is surrounded by tiered stone bleachers that are currently bustling with activity. A large group of students, clad in the academy's blue and white uniforms, milled about, their voices forming a cacophony of excited chatter. The field itself bore similarities to a football or basketball court, its surface marked with white lines and faint traces of past contests.

As Sebastian and Alex emerged from the corridor, a hush fell over the crowd. All eyes turned towards them, curiosity and speculation swirling in the air. Whispers erupted like popcorn kernels on a hot pan.

"Who is that guy with a red cloak?"

"A new student?"

"Why is Master Sebastian sparring with him?"

Alex felt a bead of sweat roll down his temple under the scrutiny of a hundred watchful eyes. He tightened his grip on the vial containing the now-dissolved Scanner Crystal, a silent reminder of the hidden power now coursing through him.

Sebastian, however, seemed completely at ease with the attention. He raised a hand, silencing the crowd with a booming laugh.

"My esteemed students!" he declared, his voice cutting through the chatter. "Today, we have a special guest with us! This young man," he gestured towards Alex, "is Alex, a new arrival to Aethel Academy."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the crowd. New students, especially those starting mid-semester, were rare.

"And," Sebastian continued, a playful glint in his eyes, "he has expressed a keen interest in testing his skills."

Another wave of murmurs swept through the bleachers. Sparring with a powerful mage like Sebastian? Most students would shy away from such a challenge, especially newcomers.

"Therefore," Sebastian concluded with a flourish, "I have decided to grant his request and offer him a… friendly duel!"

A beat of stunned silence followed his declaration. Then, as the weight of his words sank in, the students erupted in a thunderous applause. The prospect of witnessing a duel, especially one between a new student and a renowned mage like Sebastian, was a rare treat. Cheers and excited chatter filled the air, transforming the initial curiosity into a vibrant mix of anticipation and amusement. Alex, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs, found himself the center of this unexpected spectacle.

Frey watched from the sidelines beside Olivia, a crease forming between her brows. "Does Sebastian always put on such a show?" she murmured in a low voice.

Olivia turned to her, a hint of melancholy tingeing her usually serene expression. "What do you mean, Alex Maid?"

"He just seems... so enthusiastic," Frey clarified, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is that truly how he is all the time?"

Olivia's gaze drifted back to the field, where Sebastian stood, basking in the cheers of the students. A flicker of sadness replaced the melancholy on her face. "The Sebastian you see today... the jovial, kind, brilliant man who inspires these young students..."

Frey followed Olivia's gaze, her earlier curiosity morphing into a deep concern. "What happened?" she whispered, her tone gentle.

Olivia took a deep breath, her voice shaking slightly. "There was another Sebastian once. A different person entirely..."

"A different person?" Frey echoed, her confusion evident. "What do you mean?"

Olivia hesitated for a moment, then shook her head, sadness clouding her features. "It's a long story, and not one for this setting. But trust me, Frey, the Sebastian we know today... he's not who he once was."


< Chapter 20 > Fin.