A Combination

"I thought you were more of a swordmaster hero type."

"Hahaha!" Sebastian chuckled, that echoed across the field. "Never underestimate an Archmage, young one," he boomed. "Especially one who prefers a good blade by his side."


As if on cue, a shimmering portal ripped open in the air above Sebastian. From it, a massive greatsword materialized, its polished steel surface glinting in the sunlight. The portal snapped shut with a crackle of energy,

Thud! and the sword landing point-down right before Sebastian.

The students in the bleachers gasped in awe. Even Frey, usually stoic, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the dramatic entrance of the weapon.

Sebastian reached down, easily grasping the hilt of the enormous sword. He hefted it with surprising ease, a playful grin etching itself across his face. "See?" he declared, brandishing the weapon with a flourish. "Archmage with a sword."

The students' cheers erupted into a frenzy. Whistles and shouts filled the air, a wave of excitement radiating from the bleachers.

"Let's go, Sir Sebastian!"

"Kick his butt!"

"Kyaa! Master Sebastian, show him what a real mage can do!"

Sebastian chuckled at the display of enthusiasm, his gaze then turning to Alex. "So, Alex," he boomed, his voice cutting through the cheers, "what weapon do you prefer to wield?"

Alex, didn't hesitate. He reached into his inventory with a thought, and a faint shimmer surrounded him. A moment later, the familiar weight of the Golden Sage box settled comfortably in his hands. However, the box used a Nightmare Goblin skin. In its place was a rough, greenish-brown leather exterior, vaguely resembling goblin skin.

He held out the transformed box, a neutral expression on his face. "This."

A startled silence followed the abrupt decline in cheers. All eyes fixed on the unassuming box in Alex's grasp. A collective grimace spread across the students' faces.

"What is that...?" someone muttered, their voice laced with confusion.

"Gross..." another whispered, their disgust barely concealed.

Meanwhile, amongst the crowd, Frey's lips quirked into a barely-there smile. Unlike the others, she recognized the transformed Golden Sage box, its rough leather exterior a testament to Alex's quick thinking.

Olivia, however, remained silent, her eyes squeezed shut in deep concentration. Despite the physical barrier, she could feel a faint, yet undeniable presence emanating from the box in Alex's hand. It pulsed with a strange energy - a curious mix of unsettling darkness and an underlying sense of purity.

A box... with goblin skin? a frown creasing her brow beneath her closed eyelids. The aura... it's faint, almost masked, but there's definitely a holy presence emanating from it. Yet, there's also a residual darkness, a remnant of its previous form. What in the world is that?

Intrigued and a touch bewildered, Olivia cracked open one eye, a sliver of silver peeking through her lashes. She focused her gaze on the box, trying to pierce the veil of confusion surrounding it. Could it be some kind of enchanted artifact? A relic with a hidden history? The possibilities swirled in her mind, each one more perplexing than the last.

Sebastian chuckled, the sound booming across the now-quiet field. The unexpected choice of weapon had clearly taken the crowd by surprise, but Sebastian himself seemed unfazed.

"So, it's not what's on my mind, eh?" he teased, hefting his massive sword with a practiced ease. "Thought I'd be charging in with some rusty dungeon loot, is that it?"

Alex, caught slightly off guard by the playful jab, managed a sheepish grin. "Well, not exactly," he admitted. "Let's just say your choice of weapon… surprised me a bit."

Rusty deungeon loot…? Well meteoried is look like rusty but its overpower… Is he even aware about the meteorid sword…?

Alex thought, a flicker of confusion crossing his mind. 

Sebastian's grin widened further. "Always good to keep your opponents guessing, young one." A playful glint flickered in his eyes. "Now, shall we get started with this 'friendly duel'?"

"Start!" Olivia Yell

Sebastian's booming laughter echoed across the field as he charged towards Alex with surprising speed for a man of his stature. Despite his massive sword, his movements were surprisingly agile. Alex, however, stood his ground, his heart pounding a steady rhythm in his chest. Thanks to his recent awakening, his own reflexes had sharpened considerably. He knew the key to this duel was staying calm and reacting strategically.

As Sebastian closed the distance, a crimson glow emanated from his colossal sword. Alex's eyes widened in recognition. 

[Skill Activated: Heating Sword] 

The blade was now a furnace of molten metal, capable of inflicting horrific burns on contact.

But Alex was prepared. With a silent focus of his will, he channeled his newly awakened power through the Sage Box in his hand. A shimmering golden barrier materialized around him, pulsing with an ethereal light. 

[Mortals Shiled]

A defensive skill he'd unlocked during his awakening had been activated, providing a temporary shield against physical and magical attacks.

Clang! The steel against the energy resonated through the field as Sebastian's flaming blade met the golden barrier. A wave of heat radiated outward, singeing the grass at their feet. The students in the bleachers gasped in awe, their earlier amusement replaced by a tense excitement.

Sebastian grunted in surprise at the unexpected resistance. He hadn't expected a new student to possess such a powerful defensive skill. A glint of respect, perhaps even a hint of amusement, flickered in his eyes.

"Not bad, Alex," he boomed, his voice filled with a playful challenge. "Let's see how you handle this!"

With a flick of his wrist, Sebastian unleashed a barrage of fiery slashes towards Alex, each one aiming to break through the shimmering shield. The golden barrier held firm, absorbing the onslaught with a series of muffled thuds. Alex, his face a mask of concentration, moved nimbly behind the shield, his mind racing with strategies. He knew the shield wouldn't hold indefinitely, and he had to find a way to counterattack.

Suddenly, a flicker of opportunity emerged in Sebastian's relentless assault. With a practiced maneuver, Alex twisted to the side, narrowly avoiding a swing that sent a wave of scorching air whipping past his ear. This was his chance.

[Skill Activated: Sage Dodge]

"What the…?"

A surge of energy pulsed through the Sage Box in his hand, and in a blink, Alex vanished from sight. Sebastian's next cleaving attack met only empty air, the momentum throwing him slightly off balance.

Reappearing behind Sebastian in a burst of golden light, Alex acted with lightning speed. He lashed out, grabbing a fold of the Archmage's crimson robe with one hand. Before Sebastian could react, Alex followed up with a a powerful kick aimed at the base to his spine.


The unexpected blow connected with a sickening thud, sending a jolt of pain up Alex's own leg and propelling Sebastian skyward. The students in the bleachers erupted in a cacophony of gasps and shouts, the playful mood of the duel replaced by stunned silence.

"This is not ordinary... friendly duel..." someone hesitantly muttered, voicing the sudden shift in atmosphere.

As they both ascended, the world seemed to slow down for Alex. He activated another skill, channeling his power through the Sage Box.

[Skill Activated: Sage Hand]

A shimmering golden hand, a colossal replica of his own, materialized high above him. It pulsed with radiant energy, mirroring his movements with an eerie grace.

Sebastian, however, was far from incapacitated. Though caught off guard by the brutal maneuver, he reacted with the reflexes honed by years of experience. In mid-air, he twisted his massive sword, the searing blade tracing a fiery arc as he parried the descending blow of the giant golden hand. The clash of energy sent shockwaves rippling outwards, causing both combatants to be momentarily buffeted by the force.

[Skill Canceled due the hit damage]

Alex gritted his teeth, the exertion of using these powerful skills draining his energy reserves faster than he anticipated. He needed to end this quickly before his advantage dwindled.

Alex you are a pro player duel of The Old Quest! This sky battles you awlays been there!

A wry smile tugged at Alex's lips. Alex, you are a pro player of The Old Quest! This sky battle, you've been there countless times! he thought, his mind a whirlwind of strategy honed in countless gaming battles.

As the momentum reached its peak, Alex use the skill.

[Skill Activated: Sage Dodge]

With a flash of golden light, Alex disengaged from the spin, reappearing high above Sebastian. The Archmage, still caught in the dizzying momentum, continued his rotation for a sickening moment before gravity took hold.

"Kuwack!?" A surprised grunt escaped Sebastian's lips as he plummeted towards the ground. Alex, capitalizing on the opening, launched himself downwards in a meteor-like descent. He didn't need a fancy skill for this – just raw power and a well-timed kick.

Just before Sebastian slammed into the earth, Alex connected with a resounding double-leg takedown, driving the wind out of the Archmage's lungs with the force of his combined weight and momentum. The impact sent a shockwave through the ground, creating a crater of dust that momentarily obscured the scene.

A cloud of dust billowed outwards, obscuring the scene for a tense beat. The students in the bleachers held their breath, their excited chatter replaced by a stunned silence. Finally, the dust settled, revealing the aftermath of the earth-shattering impact.

Alex stood tall, his chest heaving slightly. Unlike Sebastian, who lay sprawled on the ground, Alex seemed to have landed with a curious lightness, his feet touching the ground almost as if he were still floating moments earlier. Olivia, noticed this subtle detail with a flicker of surprise in her eyes. She knew, however, that Sebastian hadn't unleashed his full power yet. This "friendly duel" was far from over.

A deep groan echoed from the crater. Sebastian slowly pushed himself up, a wince etching across his features. Dust coated his crimson robes, and his powerful aura seemed dimmed, but not extinguished. He met Alex's gaze, a grudging respect replacing the earlier amusement.

"You know, Alex," he rasped, his voice rough around the edges, "I think I underestimated you..."

As he spoke, a change began to ripple outwards from Sebastian. A faint, shimmering energy, the color of molten gold, emanated from his body, intensifying with each passing second. The temperature in the field seemed to rise noticeably, and the students in the bleachers shrank back in fear. This wasn't the playful aura of a friendly duel anymore. This was the raw, unbridled power of a legendary Archmage, and it was terrifying.

"But don't get too cocky, young one," Sebastian continued, his voice regaining its strength. "This duel isn't over yet. Now, let's see how you handle a real challenge."

The air crackled with anticipation. The students watched, mesmerized and terrified, as Sebastian rose to his full height, his golden aura blazing with renewed intensity. Alex, his own eyes narrowed in determination, gripped the Sage Box tighter. He knew this was the moment of truth. 

A collective gasp rippled through the student body as a system notification materialized in the air above them, visible only to Alex:

[Warning!!! Sebastian has been released his Level Cap from Lv. 40 to Lv 85]

The weight of that revelation settled on Alex's shoulders like a leaden cloak. Sebastian, a playful sparring partner moments ago, was now a force to be reckoned with, a high-level mage unleashed. But Alex wasn't about to back down. He gritted his teeth, a determined glint flashing in his eyes.

"He really unleashed his power..." he muttered under his breath, a hint of nervous energy lacing his voice. "Heh, at least I remember his movement patterns from…" his voice trailed off, a silent acknowledgment of his gaming training.

Sebastian, meanwhile, stood bathed in his newly amplified aura. The faint, molten gold shimmer had morphed into a breathtaking spectacle. Fire danced around him, interlaced with swirling currents of water and earth. Then, a final element coalesced – a deep, celestial blue that hinted at the boundless power of the stars. It was the legendary Astra aura, a manifestation of an Archmage who had mastered all five elemental disciplines. The students watched in awe, some trembling with fear, as the very air crackled with the raw power emanating from Sebastian.

"Impressive that you remember a few moves, Alex," Sebastian boomed, his voice echoing with newfound power. 

A wry smile tugged at Alex's lips. He may not have possessed Sebastian's raw power or years of experience, but he had something else – a detailed blueprint of Sebastian's fighting style, gleaned from countless hours spent battling in a game of the very mage standing before him. "Ready or not," Alex declared, his voice surprisingly steady, "this duel ends now."

He raised the Sage Box, channeling his own energy. The golden light emanating from it seemed paltry compared to Sebastian's dazzling display, but within it simmered a potential yet to be fully unleashed. The crowd held its breath as Alex, the unassuming new student, stood defiant against the legendary Archmage. The true battle was about to begin.

A fiery blur streaked across the field. Sebastian, empowered by his unleashed potential, moved with a speed that defied his age and stature. His massive sword, now ablaze with the combined might of five elemental auras – fire, water, earth, wind, and the celestial Astra – trailed behind him, a deadly comet hurtling towards Alex.

The air crackled with raw power, the very ground trembling under the approaching force. Alex, however, stood his ground, his eyes narrowed in concentration. Just as Sebastian's blade loomed a hair's breadth away, a translucent window flickered into existence before Alex's eyes.

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds]

The world around him seemed to slow down. Sebastian's furious charge became a lumbering crawl, the fiery maw of his sword frozen in mid-air. 

A wry smile tugged at Alex's lips. "This... right timing," he murmured, his voice a low rumble amidst the distorted soundscape.

With preternatural agility, Alex slipped past the frozen blade, easily maneuvering behind Sebastian. Time remained dilated, granting him a precious window of opportunity. He raised the Sage Box, channeling his energy into a focused beam of light.

[Skill activated: Basic Laser]

A blinding bolt of golden energy erupted from the Sage Box, aimed squarely at Sebastian's back. But just as the laser was about to connect, the world lurched back into normal speed. With a deafening swish, time resumed its normal flow.

Sebastian, with reflexes honed over years of combat, reacted instantaneously. "Behind you!" he roared, his voice a thunderclap in the sudden silence. Without a moment's hesitation, Alex twisted, throwing himself to the side in a desperate dodge.

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds]

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds]

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds]

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds]

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds]

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds]

The translucent window materialized once more, but this time the message was stark and urgent. Alex had mere milliseconds to react.

Alex's smirk widened as he launched himself to the side, the translucent window flashing before his eyes [Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds] The message seemed almost comical at this point. Sebastian's mighty blade, still crackling with elemental fury, sliced through the empty space where Alex had just been.

"Heh," Alex chuckled, a hint of mania creeping into his voice. "I could do this all day."

The students in the bleachers gasped in disbelief. Here was the new student, dodging the legendary Archmage's attacks with an almost casual ease. 

Sebastian, however, was far from amused. A frown creased his brow as he surveyed Alex, his initial amusement replaced by a cold fury.

"Don't get cocky, boy," he growled, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "These Dodge tricks won't save you forever."

Sebastian raised his massive sword, the five elemental auras swirling around it with renewed intensity. He charged once more, this time his movements more measured, his attacks more calculated. Alex, however, wasn't about to be intimidated. He met Sebastian's gaze head-on, a newfound confidence burning in his own eyes.

The translucent window flickered back into existence. 

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds] 

This time, however, the message wasn't a comfort. Alex knew his luck wouldn't hold forever. He needed to find a way to counterattack, and fast. His mind raced, searching for an opening, a strategy gleaned from the countless game battles he'd fought. Could he exploit Sebastian's newfound aggression? Or was there a hidden weakness in the dazzling display of elemental power? The answer, Alex knew, lay within the swirling vortex of Sebastian's amplified aura.

Warning flashed before Alex's eyes:

[Alert: Perfect dodge activated: time dilation - 5 seconds]

But this time, the world refused to slow down. Exhaustion gnawed at his reflexes, the strain of dodging Sebastian's relentless attacks finally taking its toll. He lunged to the side with all his remaining strength, but it wasn't enough.

The edge of Sebastian's massive sword connected with a sickening thud, catching Alex squarely on the cheek. A searing pain erupted across his face, the world spinning wildly as he was sent flying through the air. A metallic tang filled his mouth as blood trickled from a deep gash.

The students in the bleachers erupted in a collective gasp of horror. Their awe at Alex's dodging prowess had been replaced by a sickening dread. They watched in slow motion as Alex's body arced through the air, a red trail of blood marking his trajectory.

Thud! He landed several meters away, the wind knocked out of his lungs. Groaning in pain, he tried to push himself up, but a wave of dizziness washed over him. His vision blurred, the world tilting precariously on its axis.


Sebastian, his face etched with a grim determination, didn't waste a moment. He charged towards the fallen Alex, his massive sword held high. The students watched, hearts pounding in their chests, as the legendary Archmage prepared to deliver the final blow.

But just as Sebastian's shadow loomed monstrously over Alex, a surge of energy pulsed through the Sage Box clutched in his hand. A desperate gamble flickered in his eyes. With a raw cry that tore from his throat, Alex slammed the box against the ground.

[Skill Activated: Sage Hands]

The earth around Sebastian trembled violently. A colossal hand, a shimmering golden replica of Alex's own, erupted from the ground beneath the Archmage. It pulsed with radiant energy, its massive fingers clenched into a powerful fist. Before Sebastian could react, the giant hand slammed into his chest with a thunderous boom.

The force of the blow sent Sebastian flying backwards through the air. He landed hard several meters away, the air knocked out of his lungs. A surprised grunt escaped his lips as he struggled to regain his bearings. The students in the bleachers erupted in a cacophony of shouts and gasps, many of them staring in disbelief at the scene before them.

This wasn't the playful duel anymore. This was a desperate struggle for survival, and Alex, the outmatched student, had just landed a devastating blow on the legendary Archmage. 

Alex's vision as he pushed himself up from the ground. His cheek throbbed with a dull ache, the metallic tang of blood still lingering in his mouth. He winced, wiping a trickle of blood from his jaw. Despite the pain, a sliver of defiance sparked in his eyes. He wouldn't give up. Not yet.

Sebastian lay sprawled several meters away, the impact from the Sage Hand visibly taking its toll. 

Seizing the opportunity, Alex crossed his hands in a practiced gesture, channeling the remaining energy within the Sage Box. A surge of golden light erupted from his palms, crackling with raw power. The students in the bleachers held their breath, their fear momentarily replaced by a morbid curiosity.

[Skill Activated: Piercing Lightning]

As Alex completed the incantation, a dozen shimmering spears of pure lightning materialized around him. They pulsed with a malevolent energy, their tips crackling with anticipation. With a flick of his wrist, Alex directed the deadly volley towards Sebastian, the spears blurring into streaks of golden light as they shot towards the fallen Archmage.


< Chapter 21 > Fin.