The Show

Before the lightning spears could find their mark, a glint of defiance flickered in Sebastian's eyes. With a surprising burst of energy for a man seemingly on the verge of defeat, he surged upwards in a powerful roll. At the same time, he brought his massive sword swinging in a wide arc, the elemental auras swirling around the blade momentarily coalescing into a shimmering shield. The deafening clang of metal meeting electricity echoed across the field as Sebastian deflected the first wave of lightning spears. Sparks showered the ground, and the remaining spears veered off course, embedding themselves harmlessly in the dirt around the Archmage.

Sebastian rose to his full height, his breathing still ragged but his posture regaining its former strength. A dangerous glint flickered in his eyes as he met Alex's gaze. "Not bad, boy," he rumbled, his voice laced with a hint of grudging respect. "But that won't be enough to defeat me."

Alex's breath hitched as Sebastian reached his full potential. Gone was the playful demeanor of the sparring instructor, replaced by the cold fury of an Archmage. Sebastian's eyes, however, remained closed. This wasn't a surrender; Alex knew with a jolt of unease. It was something far more dangerous.

A low murmur escaped Sebastian's lips, the words weaving together in an ancient tongue. The air crackled with a strange energy, the five elemental auras swirling around him intensifying to the point of blinding brilliance. Then, with a final guttural word, Sebastian snapped his eyes open.


[Skill Activated: PHOENIX]


The world seemed to hold its breath for a moment. Then, a magnificent creature materialized from the swirling mass of elemental energy. A phoenix, its form composed entirely of molten fire, spread its majestic wings, casting an otherworldly glow across the field. The students in the bleachers gasped, some awestruck, others trembling with fear. The heat radiating from the creature was almost unbearable, scorching the earth where it stood.

Alex stared in disbelief. This wasn't a technique he'd encountered in his virtual battles. With that skill, this feat can destroy the whole moon. Sebastian, it seemed, held secrets far beyond what Alex had anticipated. Sweat beaded on his brow, a cold dread settling in his gut. This wasn't a duel anymore. This was a fight for survival. He had to think fast, or the fiery wrath of the phoenix would consume him whole.

Suddenly, a booming voice echoed across the field, cutting through the tense silence. "Enough, Sebastian!"

All eyes turned towards the source of the voice. It wasn't a teacher, nor any student visible in the stands. Instead, a huge wave of water falling from the sky surged into view, cresting high above the dueling ground. The sheer volume of it took everyone's breath away.

As the wave crashed down, it doused the phoenix in a torrent of cool water. A hiss of steam filled the air as the majestic creature flickered and dissipated, leaving behind only a faint wisp of smoke. Sebastian, caught in the deluge, stumbled back, his aura extinguished and his massive sword clattering to the ground.


He spittered and coughed, water streaming down his face as he looked around in bewildered confusion. "Lily…?" he rasped, his voice barely audible over the receding wave.

A figure emerged from the dissipating water. Lily, the mage Alex had encountered in the dungeon, was with the Elera knight.

"You are taking this too far, Sebastian," she declared, her voice echoing with a power that belied her youthful appearance. She turned her gaze towards Alex, a hint of recognition flickering in her eyes. "Hey," she said, a faint smile tugging at the corner of her lips, "We meet again..."

Alex, still shaky from the near-death experience, managed a weak nod towards Lily. Gratitude mingled with a healthy dose of awe as he watched the powerful mage approach.

Lily walk past Sebastian, her voice cool and authoritative. "Cool your head, Sebastian," she commanded. "Go back to your room and reflect on your actions." Sebastian, his fire extinguished both literally and figuratively, lowered his gaze and mumbled a grudging apology. Without another word, he turned and lumbered away, his massive sword dragging heavily behind him.

When Lily finally got to Alex, her expression softened from earlier's fierce demeanor. "I'm sorry~" she said, her voice tinged with apology. "Sebastian... well, he can get a little carried away sometimes when he sees someone with potential. He probably saw a bit of himself in you," she added with a knowing wink.

Alex offered a weak smile. "Potential or not," he croaked, his voice hoarse, "I could have used a little less 'carried away' and a little more holding back." He winced, gingerly touching his throbbing cheek.

Lily chuckled, a warm, melodic sound. "You did well, considering the circumstances. Most students wouldn't have lasted that long against an Archmage, even a playful one." She extended a hand towards him, the blue energy from her staff pulsing faintly. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up. Those injuries look nasty."

The students in the bleachers erupted in a cacophony of noise as the duel came to a sudden and unexpected end. Whispers and hushed shouts filled the air, a mixture of awe and relief. Lily, the mage, stood tall and serene amidst the chaos, her earlier display of power still fresh in everyone's minds. Alex, battered but alive, leaned heavily on her staff as she channeled healing energy into his wounds.

A slow exodus began from the bleachers. Students, eager to discuss the events they had just witnessed, streamed out of the arena. 

Olivia, however, remained rooted in her spot. Her gaze followed Sebastian's retreating figure as he slunk away from the arena, his head hung low and his shoulders slumped in defeat. An unfamiliar pang of sympathy pricked at her heart. Despite his initial arrogance, it was clear Sebastian had not intended to seriously injure Alex. He had simply gotten carried away, lost in the thrill of the fight.

With a resolute nod, Olivia broke away from the crowd and hurried after Sebastian. He was already nearing the school entrance, his pace quickening as if he wished to disappear into the building. Olivia called out his name, but he didn't respond, his silence a testament to his shame.

"Master Sebastian, wait!" she cried, her voice carrying over the murmur of the departing students. He finally stopped, his back to her, a tense stillness settling over his broad shoulders. Olivia took a deep breath and approached him cautiously.

"Master," she said softly, her voice laced with concern. "Are you alright?"

He remained silent for a long moment, then finally turned to face her. His face was a mask of stoicism, but his eyes held a flicker of vulnerability. "I… I apologize for my actions," he rumbled, his voice gruff. "I underestimated the boy, and I let my pride get the better of me."

Olivia offered him a small smile. "We all make mistakes," she said gently. "But what matters most is how we learn from them."

Sebastian stared at her for a beat, his expression unreadable. Then, with a barely audible nod, he turned and continued walking towards the school entrance. Olivia watched him go, a flicker of hope blooming in her chest. Perhaps, just perhaps, this unexpected incident had opened a door for a new understanding between the legendary Archmage and the students he was meant to mentor.


A chuckle, weak and laced with pain, escaped Alex's lips as he leaned heavily on Lily's staff. Frey pushed his way through the throng of students, his concern etched clearly on his face. The battle had been a whirlwind—a chaotic clash of power that left Alex feeling both exhilarated and utterly spent.

"Master?" Frey's voice, laced with worry, cut through the buzzing in Alex's ears. He glanced up, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his lips despite the throbbing pain in his cheek.

"More or less alive," Alex rasped, his voice hoarse. "Just a few dents and scratches, thanks to Lily here." He gestured towards Lily, whose serene expression contrasted sharply with the dramatic display of power she'd just unleashed.

Lily offered a warm smile. "Think of them as battle scars," she said, the blue energy from her staff pulsing softly as it continued to mend Alex's injuries. "A reminder of your first duel against a legend."

Frey's brow furrowed. Though he was relieved to see Alex on his feet, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The legendary Archmage, known for his playful demeanor during training sessions, unleashed a terrifying power today.

"What happened out there?" Frey pressed, his voice low. "Sebastian… he wasn't holding back."

Alex grimaced, the memory of the phoenix searing into his mind. "He… went all out," he admitted, his voice tinged with awe. "He used some crazy skill using Phoenix."

Frey's eyes widened in surprise. The legendary skill, Phoenix, was a closely guarded secret of the Archmages. That Sebastian had used it on a student, even a talented one like Alex, spoke volumes about the intensity of the duel.

Lily finished channeling her healing energy, her staff returning to its usual unassuming form. "He does have a tendency to get a bit carried away," she admitted with a sly wink. "But don't worry, he'll cool down eventually."

A tense silence settled over the trio. The weight of the unexpected events hung heavy in the air. Alex, despite his bravado, couldn't help but wonder if he'd pushed Sebastian too far. Frey, ever the strategist, knew there was more to the story than met the eye. And Lily, the mage, her motives in secrecy.

"How are you doing after the dungeon?" Lily finally asked, seemingly shifting the topic.

"Good, thanks, actually..." Alex replied. "Now I'm here because Sebastian invited me to be his student."

"Really? That's surprising, but good news nonetheless," Lily said with a genuine smile. "Well, don't worry too much about Sebastian. He might seem gruff, but he does care. Besides, with me around, I can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't go overboard again." She winked at Alex, a hint of amusement playing on her lips.

"Are you a teacher here, Lily?" Alex rasped, the question laced with curiosity despite the pain.

Lily chuckled, a sound like wind chimes dancing in a summer breeze. "Me? No, not exactly. I'm still part of a former Hero party, waiting for the next big quest from the king."

Alex's eyebrows shot up. "So, you're… jobless?" he ventured, the word sounding foreign coming from him.

Lily threw her head back and laughed, a carefree sound that echoed across the deserted field. "Haha, I suppose you could say that." She twirled her staff with practiced ease before stopping it mid-air and resting a hand on its smooth surface. A faint blue glow emanated from her palm as she channeled a sliver of healing magic, soothing the ache in her own face from the exertion of the fight.

"I just happened to be nearby," she continued, her voice regaining its seriousness. "I felt Sebastian's power spike, and with everything that's been happening lately, I thought there might be trouble. I found you two in the middle of a rather… unconventional duel, it seems."

"Hmm, how did you know it was a duel?" Frey interjected, his voice sharp with suspicion. He still couldn't shake the feeling that something more was at play.

Lily gave him a sly smile. "Let's just say I have my ways. Besides, a few stray students hanging around after class whispering about a legendary Archmage and a mysterious new student… well, the rumors tend to travel fast."

Then Lily's gaze flicked down to Alex's clothes, lingering for a moment on the crimson cloak draped around his shoulders. A flicker of surprise crossed her features.

"You're a… Blessed class?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Alex blinked, momentarily confused. "Huh?"

Lily tilted her head, her brow furrowed slightly. "Is this your first day?" she clarified.

"Yeah," Alex confirmed, wincing as the movement sent a fresh throb through his cheek. "Just started today."

Lily's surprise deepened. "…And Sebastian dueled you on your first day?" she pressed, disbelief lacing her tone.

"Yeah," Alex replied, shrugging despite the pain. "He said it was his free time, so he wanted to see what I was made of." A wry smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Guess I made quite an impression."

Lily stared at him for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Then, she let out a slow exhale, as if processing the absurdity of the situation. "Right," she murmured finally.

"So, anything I should know about this academy?" Alex asked, trying to lighten the mood. He'd noticed Lily's surprised reaction to his cloak and figured there might be something he was missing.

"Ah, yes," Lily said, a hint of amusement creeping back into her voice. "This academy uses a color-coded uniform system. White uniforms are for standard students, new to magic or with very weak abilities. Blue uniforms signify those with exceptional magical potential. And red…" she paused dramatically, her eyes twinkling, "Red uniforms are for Blessed students, those who possess a rare and powerful connection to the otherworldly realm."

Understanding dawned on Alex's face. "Oh, yeah," he muttered, the memory of skipping through those tutorial sections in the game nagging at him. 

That explains a lot… In the game, I remember there was a whole storyline about that. Well, I kind of skipped it all. It seemed boring anyway…

He mumbled sheepishly, realizing his mistake a little too late.

Lily's lips twitched, and a playful glint appeared in her eyes. "Seems like you have a lot to learn, Blessed one," she said, her voice laced with amusement. "This academy, and the world of magic, is anything but boring."

Lily released her hand, the blue energy from her staff dissipated. Alex cautiously touched the healed skin, the throbbing pain gone and replaced by a pleasant warmth. "Done," Lily confirmed with a gentle smile. "Your scars are gone. Though, considering your opponent, a few battle marks wouldn't be a bad thing for a student like you. It serves as a reminder of your first duel against a legend, right?"

Alex winced playfully. "Maybe next time I'll convince him to hold back a little," he joked, his voice still hoarse but laced with a newfound confidence. The experience, near-death as it was, had left him exhilarated—a baptism by fire that solidified his resolve to become a powerful mage.

Lily chuckled, the sound melodic and light. "Don't count on it," she said, shaking her head. "Sebastian has a… competitive streak. But hey, at least you survived your first duel against a legend. Not everyone can say that." She glanced towards the departing crowd, a hint of concern flickering in her eyes. "So, what do you say? Want to go check on Sebastian?"

"Yeah, sure, that sounds good," Alex agreed, pushing himself off the staff with a newfound spring in his step. He turned to Frey, who was staring at Lily with wide eyes. "Frey, you coming?"

"Wait a minute..." Lily interjected, her brow furrowed as she finally placed Frey. "...Isn't that the girl from the dungeon?"

Alex's eyes widened. He shot a glance towards Frey, who seemed to shrink under Lily's scrutiny. He'd completely forgotten about their acting in dungeon.

"Yes, I am..." Frey finally stammered, stepping forward and bowing deeply to Lily. "Thank you for helping me that day at the dungeon. It… it meant a lot to me. And after everything, I decided to dedicate my life to serving the one who saved me." Her voice firmed with resolve.

Alex sighs of relief.

Lily studied Frey for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Hmm," she murmured finally. "That's… certainly a choice. But dedication and loyalty are admirable qualities. Just make sure you're serving the right person, alright?"

"Then follow me," Lily said, a hint of amusement lingering in her voice. With a swish of her blue robe, she turned and began to walk purposefully in the direction Sebastian had taken. Alex, his body is still buzzing with the aftereffects of the duel.

Frey, couldn't help but analyze the situation. Lily's presence at the academy was unexpected, and her knowledge of Sebastian's power, particularly the legendary "Phoenix" skill, was intriguing. Then there was the matter of Alex, a Blessed student thrown into a duel with a legendary Archmage on his very first day. It all felt strangely orchestrated, and Frey, with a growing sense of unease, decided to keep a close eye on things.

As they followed Lily, the chatter and bustle of the academy slowly faded away. They entered a quieter section of the grounds, lined with ancient trees and adorned with statues of legendary mages from the academy's past. The air here felt different, charged with a subtle magical energy.

Lily finally stopped before a large oak door, its surface etched with intricate arcane symbols. She placed a hand on the cold wood, and the door creaked open with a groan, revealing a dimly lit corridor beyond.

"Sebastian should be cooling off in his quarters," Lily announced, her voice echoing slightly in the stillness. "Just a heads up, his room can be a bit… cluttered." With a playful wink, she stepped through the doorway, disappearing into the shadows.

Alex and Frey exchanged another hesitant glance. A cluttered room seemed like the least of their concerns at this point. But with a deep breath and a shared look of determination, they followed Lily, ready to face whatever awaited them in Sebastian's quarters.

Through the gloom. Sunlight streamed in through a single, high window, illuminating Sebastian's broad form. He cradled a steaming cup in his hands, his head bowed in silence.

But Sebastian wasn't alone. He with Olivia.

As they entered the room, Lily cleared her throat, the sound echoing through the chamber. Sebastian's head snapped up, his face a mask of surprise before giving way to a grimace of annoyance. Olivia, startled, whirled around, her eyes widening in recognition as they fell upon Alex and Frey.

"Sebastian," Lily drawled, her voice laced with amusement. "I see you've found company."

Sebastian grunted in response, taking a long sip from his cup before setting it down. Olivia, recovering from her initial surprise, stood up and gave a small curtsy.

"Master Lily…"

"Oh, Olivia, you're here..." Lily's voice dropped as she walked past Alex and Frey, coming to stand before Sebastian. A playful yet firm edge entered her tone as she addressed the Archmage. "Hey, idiot."

Sebastian sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping further. "Yeah, yeah, I know it was my fault."

Lily crossed her arms and tapped a foot impatiently. "Don't do that again," she commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument. "Scaring the new students on their first day isn't exactly how we make a good impression, is it?"

Sebastian winced, stealing a glance at Alex and Frey. A hint of shame flickered across his gruff features. "Sorry, kids," he mumbled, his voice barely audible.

Lily rolled her eyes and turned back to Sebastian. "Look," she said, her voice softening slightly. "I get it. You see potential in the kid, that's good. But there's a fine line between pushing someone and pushing them too far."


< Chapter 22 > Fin.