After the duel

As they exited the academy gates, the weight of the day settled heavily on Alex and Frey. The bustling street sounds felt distant.

"That was unexpected," Alex finally muttered, breaking the silence. He rubbed his cheek unconsciously, the memory of the duel still fresh in his mind.

Frey, ever the strategist, offered a wry smile. "Glad you didn't die there, Master. I thought you stronger than him."

Alex grimaced. "There's a lot you don't know, Frey," he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. "Back in the game, I was a powerful with level 600. But coming here…" He hesitated, searching for the right words. "Everything is… reseted. My level is zero again. I have to start from the beginning."

Frey's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Level zero? You're telling me all that power you wielded you grinding the whole month's… it's gone?"

Alex nodded glumly. "Seems so. This academy, this world… it operates by different rules. I still have a lot to learn, which apparently includes beatings at the hands of grumpy archmages. A hint of defiance flickered in his eyes despite his frustration. "But don't worry, Frey. I won't give up. I'll learn everything I can, train harder than ever, and become stronger than I ever was in the game."

Frey studied his master with a newfound respect. The near-death duel, the humbling truth about his power would have broken some people. But Alex, despite his initial bravado, seemed determined to rise to the challenge.

"But also…" Alex stopped walking abruptly, his brow furrowed in thought.

Frey, who had continued walking a few paces ahead, turned around at the sudden pause. "What's on your mind, Master?"

"I think… there's something weird…" Alex mumbled, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Something weird?" Frey echoed, intrigued.

"According to what I know," Alex explained, his voice low, "Sebastian should be familiar with the mythic 'Meteoried Sword'. He also should've known about the Sage class… But it seems like he wasn't… he seems shock at first time when I dodge and make him goes to sky?"

"Hmm, that is strange, Master," Frey agreed, a thoughtful crease forming on his forehead. "Perhaps his knowledge is outdated, or maybe…" His voice trailed off, a flicker of a thought sparking in his mind. "Maybe the information you have from the game isn't entirely accurate."

Alex's eyes widened at the realization. "You think this world might be different from The Old Quest, some fundamental ways?"

Frey shrugged, a hint of a plan forming in his eyes. "It's certainly a possibility. The more I see, the more I think relying solely on your knowledge about this world or game, might not be the best strategy. Besides, for me, everything here is completely new. I don't recognize anything about it…"

"And Olivia too," Alex chimed in, a new suspicion forming. "In The Old Quest, she's supposed to be around 26 and fighting with Sebastian… but here, she seems younger and… well, working for him."

"That is weird," Frey conceded. "Does that mean we could be in a different timeline altogether?"

"Maybe," Alex pondered, the weight of the revelation settling on him. "The game could be based on a historical account, or maybe…" His voice trailed off, a thrilling possibility dawning on him. "Maybe The Old Quest is a prophecy, and we're actually living it!"

A wry smile tugged at Frey's lips. "..." She tilted her head, amusement flickering in her eyes. "So, by that logic, you're some kind of chosen one, a prophesied hero?"

Alex rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Umm... I don't think so..." he mumbled, the excitement of the theory fading under Frey's scrutiny.

Frey chuckled softly. "Alright, alright," she said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still have a lot to learn about this world, and clearly, the information from the game isn't a perfect fit."

"Right," Alex agreed, a newfound determination settling in his gaze. "We need a plan. First things first, we need a place to stay."

"Indeed," Frey said, her ever-strategic mind already formulating a course of action. "Finding a suitable lodging will be our first priority. Perhaps there are dormitories for students like yourself?"

Alex shook his head. "Not for this Blessed students, that well blessed enough to buy our own place." He winked at Frey. "Thanks to you keeping the dungeon on farm mode back in the game, at least we have some coin to work with."

"Right, that dungeon," Frey muttered, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Seems like it keeps providing benefits even here. Well then, let's search for some houses for sale around the kingdom. With your newfound magical potential and my strategic mind, I'm sure we'll find a perfect place to call home… or at least a base of operations."

The afternoon sun beat down on Alex and Frey as they wandered the bustling marketplace of the kingdom. Luxurious shops overflowing with silks and jewels lined the streets, while the air buzzed with the chatter of merchants and hagglers. Despite the vibrant atmosphere, a frown etched itself onto Alex's face.

"Hahh," he sighed, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "This is crazy. Back in the game, there were always plenty of houses for sale. Here, it seems like every nook and cranny is occupied."

Frey, ever the pragmatist, shot him a withering look. "Master, for the tenth time, this isn't the game you know. This is a real world. Besides," she added with a hint of amusement, "you still miss your world?"

Alex flushed sheepishly. "Right, sorry. Force of habit, I guess."

They continued their trek, their path eventually taking them to the outskirts of the city. The bustling marketplace gave way to quieter, cobbled streets lined with older, more weathered buildings. As they rounded a corner, a sight stopped them both in their tracks.

Looming before them was a grand, yet undeniably dilapidated, mansion. Cobwebs draped the arched windows, and ivy snaked its way up the crumbling stone facade. An air of neglect hung heavy in the air.

"This is..." Alex trailed off, a mix of curiosity and apprehension tinging his voice.

"Hmm," Frey murmured, her gaze sweeping across the mansion. "It certainly looks… uninhabited."

"Frey!" Alex exclaimed, a hint of excitement breaking through his earlier frustration. "This mansion! It's a haunted mansion, and look at the sign!" He pointed to a faded, weather-beaten placard propped precariously against a gnarled tree branch. Scrawled across it in barely discernible lettering were the words:

[Whispering Willows mansion For Sale – Haunted Mansion (Price Greatly Reduced!)]

Frey raised an eyebrow. "A haunted mansion, you say? And it's for sale… cheaply?" A hint of amusement flickered in her eyes. "it seems your 'game' knowledge might come in handy after all. Haunted or not, a cheap roof over our heads sounds good right about now. Shall we see if this is truly for sale?"

Alex's excitement was almost palpable. "Sure thing! I know exactly who owns it by Koi Mira. She lives about a kilometer from here, let's go!" He practically bounced as he started walking, his frustration from the afternoon's search forgotten.

Frey followed close behind, her eyes narrowed in thought. A whisper escaped her lips, barely audible even to her own ears. "...I think you might know more about what's going on in this world than you're letting on, Master."

The walk to Koi Mira's residence was a pleasant one, the setting sun casting long shadows across the path. Alex, fueled by his newfound hope for a home, chattered excitedly about the Whispering Willows mansion, recounting the spooky stories and legendary treasures (according to the game) rumored to be hidden within its walls.

Finally, they reached a quaint two-story house nestled amidst a vibrant flower garden. A small sign beside the gate declared it as the residence of Koi Mira. Alex, without hesitation, marched right up to the door and knocked loudly.

A moment later, the door creaked open, revealing a petite woman with fiery red hair and eyes that sparkled with a hint of mischief. She was dressed in flowing robes adorned with swirling magical symbols, a stark contrast to the simple exterior of the house.

"Can I help you two?" Koi Mira inquired, her voice melodic and laced with amusement. "Lost perhaps? Or maybe…" she trailed off, her gaze flickering to Alex, "looking for a little thrill?"

Alex, oblivious to the woman's scrutiny, beamed. "We're here about the Whispering Willows mansion! Are you Koi Mira?"

Koi Mira's lips curled into a sly smile. "Indeed, I am. And you two are…?"

"Alex, and this is Frey," Alex introduced them with a flourish. "We're interested in buying the mansion."

Koi Mira raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eyes. "Buying the Whispering Willows? Are you sure you know what you're getting yourselves into?"

"We know it's haunted," Alex declared confidently. "But we're not afraid of a few ghosts!"

Frey, on the other hand, remained silent, studying Koi Mira with a cautious gaze.

Brak! She gets in and closes the door

The abruptness of Koi Mira's actions startled both Alex and Frey. One moment she was standing at the doorway, a playful glint in her eyes, and the next she was disappearing back into the house.

"What in the world...?" Frey began, her voice laced with suspicion.

"Don't worry," Alex interjected, waving a dismissive hand. "She's just getting… ready."

Frey wasn't convinced. There was something about the way Koi Mira had vanished. But before she could voice her concerns, the door creaked open once more. This time, Koi Mira emerged transformed.

Gone were the simple robes. She now stood adorned in a shimmering gown of midnight blue, its fabric swirling with what looked like constellations. A silver circlet adorned her fiery hair, and an ornate staff, crackling with barely contained energy, completed the ensemble. The playful glint in her eyes had been replaced by a steely determination.

"So," she declared, her voice echoing with a hint of power, "if you truly want to see the Whispering Willows mansion, then let's go."

Koi Mira wasted no time. She led Alex and Frey out of her garden and onto the path. The setting sun cast long shadows that danced eerily in the twilight, and the air seemed to hum with a subtle energy that sent shivers down Frey's spine.

They walk to the Whispering Willows mansion was surprisingly quick. Koi Mira navigated the city with an uncanny ease, taking shortcuts through hidden alleys and deserted streets that Frey wouldn't have dared to venture into alone. As they progressed, the cheerful bustle of the marketplace gave way to an unsettling silence. Crumbling buildings loomed on either side of the path, their windows like vacant eyes staring out at the world. The air grew thick with a damp, oppressive chill.

Finally, they reached the outskirts of the city. There, shrouded in an unnatural mist, stood the Whispering Willows mansion. Its once grand facade was now marred by chipped paint, cracked windows, and overgrown vines that seemed to writhe like living things. The silence here was absolute, broken only by the mournful creak of a loose shutter and the rustle of unseen creatures in the overgrown foliage.

Koi Mira, unfazed by the imposing sight, stopped before the wrought iron gate. The intricate design depicted twisted branches and skeletal figures, sending a shiver down Frey's spine. With a flick of her wrist, Koi Mira chanted a short incantation, the language melodic yet incomprehensible. The gates creaked open with a groan, as if protesting the intrusion.

"Welcome," Koi Mira announced, her voice echoing eerily in the stillness, "to the Whispering Willows mansion. But remember, this is... Tread carefully, and let your instincts be your guide." With that, she stepped through the gate, the darkness of the overgrown courtyard swallowing her whole.

Alex and Frey exchanged a nervous glance. They had come for a house, but the Whispering Willows mansion seemed to offer far more than a roof over their heads. 

"Owner first," he declared, gesturing towards the mansion's looming entrance.

Koi Mira, however, seemed hesitant. A flicker of nervousness, completely at odds with her confident demeanor earlier, crossed her features. "E-Eh!? W-Well… I was just waiting outside…" she stammered, her voice uncharacteristically shy.

Frey, ever observant, noticed the shift and raised an eyebrow. Something was definitely off here. Why would the owner be reluctant to enter her own property?

Alex, however, seemed oblivious to the subtle cues. "I don't want to waste time," he stated bluntly. "Just tell me the price, Koi Mira. Tell me how much you have in debt."

The question seemed to strike a nerve. Koi Mira's eyes widened in shock, and a flush crept up her neck. "!? W-Wait… how did you know…" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

Recovering quickly, she forced a smile. "Uhum… well, regardless," she continued, her voice regaining some of its earlier confidence, "I'll make a special price for you two. 100,000 gold coins for the Whispering Willows mansion, a steal considering its… unique qualities."


Frey, intrigued by the sudden turn of events, decided to play along. "Hmm, that does seem a bit steep considering the… condition of the property," she added, her voice laced with a hint of skepticism.

Koi Mira hesitated, a silent battle seemingly raging within her. Finally, she sighed. "Alright, alright," she conceded, a hint of desperation creeping into her voice. "How about 95,000 gold coins? It's practically giving it away!"

Alex, with a mischievous glint in his eye, pushed his advantage. "84,000," he countered, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

Koi Mira threw her hands up in mock surrender. "WAIT! OKAY, OKAY, 85,000 gold. You win!" she exclaimed, a relieved laugh escaping her lips. "Deal," she confirmed, extending a hand towards Alex.

Alex clasped her hand firmly, sealing the agreement. "Deal," he echoed, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. He had secured a home, and perhaps, stumbled upon a secret Koi Mira desperately wanted to keep hidden.

"So, how about payment?" Alex asked, a confident smile playing on his lips.

Koi Mira, still slightly flustered from the negotiation, looked at him expectantly. "Ah, yes, payment. Of course… you can use a coin or you want a check?"

Alex, reached into the air in front of him. 

To Koi Mira's bewildered eyes, it appeared as if he was grabbing nothing but thin air.

A moment later, a hefty bag materialized in his hand, seemingly out of nowhere. A soft chime resonated in Alex's head, barely audible, along with a message only he could see:

[Alert: 85,000 Gold successfully withdrawn.]

[Remaining balance: 17,118,194 Gold]

He ignored the internal notification and presented the bag to Koi Mira. The weight of the coins made the bag surprisingly heavy, causing Koi Mira's eyes to widen further.

"Wait… how…?" she stammered, completely bewildered by the sudden appearance of the hefty coin purse.

Alex simply winked. "Let's just say I have a way with… finances," he said vaguely, his voice laced with a hint of mystery.

Koi Mira, still struggling to comprehend what had just happened, gingerly accepted the bag. The weight nearly toppled her over, forcing her to clutch it with both arms. "This… this is much heavier than I expected," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper.

A mischievous glint sparked in Alex's eyes. "Perhaps it's haunted by particularly greedy ghosts," he joked, unable to resist a playful jab.

Frey, watching the exchange with amusement, couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Where's the key, Koi Mira?" Alex asked, his hand outstretched.

Koi Mira, finally regaining her composure after the unexpected payment, set the heavy coin purse down with a sigh. Reaching into her pocket, she fished out a ring of five different keys. "Here they are," she said, her voice slightly breathless. "One for the front door, another for the basement, another for the back garden... the rest, well, you'll just have to figure them out."

Alex took the ring, his fingers brushing against hers briefly. "Good," he said, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. Without waiting another moment, he strode towards the imposing gate, eager to explore his new (and slightly haunted) home.

Koi Mira watched him go, a thoughtful frown etching lines on her forehead. "That kid..." she murmured to herself, her gaze lingering on the red cloak Alex wore. "A Blessed one, and yet..." she trailed off, a flicker of something akin to fear crossing her features. "There's something more to him, something I can't quite place."

Frey, who had remained by Koi Mira's side, observed the exchange with a keen eye. She noticed the woman's unease and the cryptic comment about Alex. With a silent nod of thanks towards Koi Mira. "Excuse us…" Frey followed Alex through the creaking gate, the mansion's shadowed entrance beckoning them forward. 

Koi Mira watched the gate groan shut behind the two figures, the weight of the coin purse a stark contrast to the emptiness she felt inside. "Those two..." she muttered, her voice laced with a mix of relief and unease. "Who are they, truly?"

A small smile tugged at her lips as she glanced at the hefty purse at her feet. "At least the debt is settled," she sighed, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. "Five thousand gold… enough to finally buy that plot of land outside the city." A mischievous glint flickered in her eyes. "Maybe then I can get some peace and quiet, away from all the whispers..."

Frey trailed close behind Alex, the imposing mansion casting long shadows that danced eerily in the fading light. As they reached the front door, she ascended the short steps, her hand hovering over the ornately carved handle. Alex, with less hesitation, reached out and pushed the door open with a groan.

"Well, well, Frey," Alex called out, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness of the foyer.

Frey peered into the dimly lit interior, a shiver dancing down her spine. "I had a bad feeling about this," she muttered, her voice barely a whisper.A playful chuckle drifted back from the shadows. "Hehe, looks like you'll be cleaning all this mess, Frey," Alex teased, his silhouette barely discernible in the gloom.

Frey sighed dramatically. "Right, right," she conceded, stepping through the threshold. "Guess I'm the official maid after all."

Despite the playful banter, Frey couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. This mansion held secrets, and she had a feeling cleaning wouldn't be the most dangerous chore they'd face within its walls.

Alex's laughter echoed again, bouncing off the dusty walls of the mansion. "And also," he announced with a mischievous grin, "they apparently appear at midnight, nothing to worry about! Just some playful… residents who like to tease humans."

Frey raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on her face. "Hmm, alright then," she muttered, unconvinced. "Let's just hope their idea of 'playful' doesn't involve throwing furniture."

They stepped fully into the house, and Frey's initial apprehension intensified. Darkness hung thick in the air, broken only by the faint sliver of moonlight peeking through a boarded-up window. Dust motes danced in the pale light, revealing a scene of utter disarray. Cobwebs draped the furniture like macabre tapestries, and a layer of grime coated everything in sight.

"Ugh, this place needs a miracle," Frey grumbled, pinching her nose to ward off the dust motes tickling her nostrils.

Alex, ever the optimist, clapped her on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Frey. I'll help you clean!"

A grateful smile graced Frey's lips. "Thanks, Master," she said, her voice sincere. Knowing she wasn't alone in this daunting task lifted a small weight off her chest.

[Skill activated: Creation]

[Successfully created: (Event) Holy Broom {Note: This Broom makes you clean ten times faster as the size cleaning is large}]


< Chapter 23 > Fin.