Dice System


A jarring blue notification box flickered into existence right in front of Alex's closed eyelids, momentarily disrupting his peaceful slumber.


He stirred slightly, his brow furrowing in annoyance. Following that, a holographic display appeared in the air above him along with another insistent chime.

[You have 42 Dice that you haven't rolled yet!]






A barrage of similar notifications filled the air, each accompanied by an insistent chime. Alex groaned, swatting at the holographic screen with a sleepy hand as if trying to swat a fly. It shimmered and passed through his hand harmlessly.

"SHUT UP!" he mumbled, half-asleep, punching the air in frustration. The digital interface remained stubbornly in place.

He finally forced his eyes open, blinking away the remnants of sleep. His gaze fell on the glowing notification. "The hell is that…?" he muttered, squinting at the unfamiliar interface. Hesitantly, he began to read the text. "Ah, right," he mumbled in realization, "I completely forgot about the Dice System…"

Alex glanced around, taking in the unfamiliar comfort of his new room. He was still in his pajamas, and the morning sunlight was a welcome change from the dusty gloom he'd initially encountered. "Well… Go on, open dice system!" he commanded, a hint of curiosity lacing his voice.

[Dice System Opened.]

The holographic display unfolded, revealing a digital tray filled with 42 shimmering dice. Each die glowed a different color, hinting at the unknown rewards they might unlock. A mischievous grin spread across Alex's face. This unexpected addition to his arsenal promised interesting possibilities. He settled back against the plush pillows.

"Auto Roll," Alex declared, settling back against the pillows. The dice tray tilted, and the dice tumbled out in a cascade of glowing light. As they spun and clicked, the system whirred to life, calculating the results.

The dice tray tilted, and the dice tumbled out in a cascade of glowing light. As they spun and clicked, the system whirred to life, calculating the results.

[Congratulations! You rolled a Common Chest!]

Alex decided to freshen up while the dice rolled. He stretched and swung his legs over the side of the bed, his bare feet sinking into the plush carpet—a contrast to the cold stone floor he'd remembered. Stepping out of the bedroom, he padded down the hallway, the notification for his dice roll fading from his mind.

He entered the newly remodeled bathroom, a marvel compared to the dusty, cobweb-filled room it once was. Stepping inside, he marveled at its spaciousness. His eyes then fell on a large… pool? But it was dirty and filled with stagnant water.

[Congratulations! You rolled 500 Silver Coins!]

"This bathroom is so big… is that…?" The unexpected pool briefly distracted Alex, who muttered.

He grabbed a towel from a rack that materialized seemingly out of thin air, the notification for his dice roll chiming once more.

[Congratulations! You rolled a Medkit!]

"Well, maybe I'll clean it up next time," he decided, turning his attention to the shower. As he lathered up, a chime echoed through the room, signaling the end of the dice roll.

[Congratulations! You rolled a Common Chest!]

He rinsed off the soap, a grin on his face. This Dice System was certainly… interesting. He grabbed a towel and hurried back to the bedroom, eager to see what treasures his latest rolls had bestowed upon him.

Alex toweled himself dry, the soft fabric a welcome sensation against his skin. As he stepped out of the bathroom, another chime echoed through the room. He glanced at the holographic display hovering beside his bed—another dice roll completed in his absence. A wry smile touched his lips. This system was certainly persistent.

[Congratulations! You rolled a Potion of Minor Healing!]

He ignored it for now, padding over to his bed, where a set of neatly pressed clothes lay folded—a white shirt, black suit, a beige vest, and red cloak. These too, he suspected, were a courtesy of his ever-present inventory. With a sigh of contentment, he slipped into the comfortable clothes, the familiar weight of the cloak settling on his shoulders.

Reaching his hand out, he dismissed the holographic display with a flick of his wrist. "I think it's time for breakfast," he announced, deciding to ignore the dice until he was finished. "And maybe see what Frey's whipped up this morning."

He walked outside the bedroom and headed downstairs, his bare feet sinking pleasantly into the plush carpeting that now lined the hallway. As he entered the living room, a delicious aroma greeted him, sending his stomach mumbling.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Frey greeted him with a hint of a smile. "Breakfast is ready."

A chime echoed through the room just then, and a holographic display flickered to life beside Alex. He glanced at it with a sigh. Another dice roll completed.

[Congratulations! You rolled a Simple Lockpick!]

"Thanks, Frey," Alex replied, settling onto the couch. He took a grateful sniff of the food. "This smells amazing. What did you make?"

"Just some scrambled eggs and sausages," Frey said. "Nothing fancy, but it should fill you up."

"Sounds perfect," Alex grinned. "Let's eat, Frey."

"So, Master," Frey began, her voice laced with a hint of inquiry, "should I accompany you to school today, or would you prefer I stay here and manage the mansion?"

Alex pondered for a moment. "Honestly, Frey," he replied, using her name casually, "there's not much point in you coming to school. It wouldn't exactly be stimulating for a maid, would it?"

Frey chuckled softly, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. "True enough," she conceded. "Perhaps I could tackle some of the mansion's neglected corners while you're gone. There's quite a bit of dust accumulated over the years."

"Excellent idea," Alex said with a grin. "This place could certainly use a good cleaning."

He paused, noticing Frey's hesitant posture. "But haven't you eaten yet?" he asked, a touch of concern in his voice.

Frey's smile faltered slightly. "...Only if you'd like company," she mumbled, looking down at her shoes.

Alex's grin widened. "Of course, I'd like company," he declared. "Breakfast is much more enjoyable with good conversation, wouldn't you agree?"

Frey's cheeks flushed a faint pink, but a genuine smile returned to her face. "Yes, I suppose it is," she agreed, nodding her head.

After a while, another chime echoed through the room. A holographic display flickered to life beside Alex, displaying the results of his automatic dice rolls. His eyes widened as he scrolled through the list of rewards.

[Roll Dice finished, you have 0 Dice to roll]

[Reward you get:

Common (28 items):

Potion of Minor Healing (x2) - Restores a small amount of health.

Simple Lockpick (x3) - A basic tool used to bypass simple locks.

100 Copper Coins - The lowest denomination of currency.

5 Arrows (x2) - Standard arrows for ranged combat.

Trail Rations (x3) - A small pack of food that provides sustenance for a day.

Bandage (x4) - Used to heal minor wounds.

Empty Flask (x2) - Can be filled with water or potions.

Flint and Steel - Used to create fire.

Basic Repair Kit - Can be used to fix minor damage to clothing or equipment.

Glowstick (x2) - Provides a small amount of light in a dark environment.

Traveler's Cloak (x2) - A simple cloak that provides basic protection from the elements.

Antidote (x2) - Cures basic poison effects.

Traveler's Map (local area) - A basic map of the surrounding area.

Pouch (x2) - A small bag for carrying items.

Shovel - Used for digging or burying objects.

Crowbar - A tool used for prying open objects or breaking through weak structures.

Rations (x2) - A more substantial food pack that provides sustenance for a few days.

Simple Bedroll - A basic sleeping bag for outdoor use.

Lantern - Provides a brighter light source than a glowstick.

Sack (x2) - A larger bag for carrying more items.

Waterskin - Holds a significant amount of water.

Hemp Rope (x2) - A strong rope with multiple uses.

Antidote (stronger) - Cures more potent poisons.


Uncommon (8 items):

Potion of Moderate Healing - Restores a moderate amount of health.

Potion of Mana Regeneration - Restores a moderate amount of magical energy.

Lockpick Set - A collection of lockpicks that can bypass most standard locks.

500 Silver Coins - A more valuable currency than copper.

Traveler's Map (regional) - A more detailed map of a larger region.

Potion of Invisibility (short duration) - Grants the user invisibility for a short period.

Simple Weapon (random type) - A basic weapon like a dagger, sword, or club.

Leather Armor - Provides basic protection against physical attacks.


Rare (6 items):

Potion of Major Healing - Restores a large amount of health.

Potion of Full Mana Restoration - Fully restores magical energy.

Master Lockpick - Can bypass even the most complex locks.

1 Gold Bar - The most valuable form of currency.

Potion of Strength (short duration) - Grants the user increased strength for a short period.

Enchanted Weapon (random type) - A weapon imbued with magical properties.]

"There's so much..." he muttered, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and surprise. The Dice System had showered him with a plethora of items – potions for healing and invisibility, lockpicks of varying complexity, weapons both simple and enchanted, even a hefty gold bar.

Frey, having finished her breakfast, glanced at the holographic display with a raised eyebrow. "What's got you muttering, Alex?" she inquired.

"N-No, nothing's wrong," Alex stammered, a touch of defensiveness creeping into his voice. He quickly flicked his wrist, dismissing the holographic display. "It's just... this 'Dice System' thing. It gave me a whole bunch of stuff."

Frey's lips twitched at the corner. "Another one of those magical game systems you keep mentioning, Master Alex?" she teased, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Alex chuckled nervously. "Haha, yeah, you could say that. It's part of 'The Old Quest' system..." He trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid, a spark of curiosity flickering in his eyes.


Alex strode out of the mansion gate, the weight of the day settling on his shoulders. Academy awaited, a place he hadn't set foot in for quite some time. "Maybe I should actually try and learn something today," he muttered to himself, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Reaching the end of the mansion's driveway, he paused. The bulging backpack, a familiar sight for most students, was absent from his shoulders. A mischievous grin spread across his face. Thanks to his ever-reliable inventory, there was no need for such mundane burdens.

"First stop, however," he declared, "is Guildhold."

He wasn't about to lug around a whole mess of potions, lockpicks, and a solid gold bar. A visit to the local adventurers' guild to stash some of his newfound loot in a secure storage locker seemed like the most sensible course of action. With a spring in his step, Alex set off towards Guildhold, the promise of a new day and the possibilities his inventory held thrumming with anticipation.

Alex strode purposefully down the bustling street, the morning sun glinting off the polished stone buildings. Guildhold, the grand headquarters of the local adventurer's guild, loomed ahead. Its imposing facade, adorned with crossed swords and a fearsome griffin statue, served as a constant reminder of the dangers and rewards that awaited those who dared to venture beyond the city walls.

However, today, Alex wasn't there for a quest or to join a party of seasoned adventurers. He had a different purpose in mind. This Guildhold, unlike the bustling one for adventurers, was a smaller, more discreet building tucked away in a side alley. Its name, simply "The Vault," hinted at its true function – a secure storage facility for adventurers to safely stash their hard-earned loot.

A single door broke the austere facade, its sturdy oak construction promising a level of security that reassured even the most paranoid treasure hunter. Alex pushed open the door, a faint jingle announcing his arrival. A bell hanging above the door chimed, echoing through the dimly lit interior.

Behind the counter sat an elderly gnome, his wizened face etched with countless wrinkles. His sharp eyes peered over a pair of spectacles as thin as spiderwebs, taking in Alex's youthful appearance and curious cloak.

"Well, well," the gnome rasped, his voice dry as parchment. "What brings a young lad like you to The Vault on a fine morning?"

"Well, I have a locker with the name," Alex began, his voice brimming with a hint of pride at his possession, "Acomalaka."

The gnome's wizened face crinkled in concentration as he reached for a thick, leather-bound ledger. His gnarled finger traced down the densely written pages, muttering under his breath as he scanned for Alex's entry. Finally, with a triumphant grunt, he nodded. "Correct it is, young adventurer," he rasped. "Locker Acomalaka. You can head on back to the storage room."

Alex grinned, a thrill of anticipation coursing through him. He thanked the gnome politely and strode towards a side door marked "Storage." The room beyond was surprisingly large, the low ceilings creating an almost oppressive atmosphere. Countless rows of identical metal boxes lined the walls, each one bearing a small metal plaque with a name or symbol.

He spotted his own locker—Acomalaka – —nestled amongst the sea of metal. A soft chime and a faint blue shimmer surrounded the box as he approached. An information panel materialized in the air before him, displaying a simple label:

[Storage] (Open)

With a thought, Alex mentally selected the "Open" command. The physical locker remained unchanged; to an ordinary observer, it would appear nothing had happened. However, for Alex, a different world unfolded within his mind's eye. A vast, seemingly endless expanse of virtual space materialized, shimmering with the echoes of countless items stored within. Here, in this digital realm accessible only to him through his inventory system, resided the fruits of his Dice System's generosity. Potions, weapons, lockpicks—the sheer abundance was staggering.

Despite the physical limitations of the small locker, Alex's inventory system allowed him to navigate this virtual warehouse with ease, his mind acting as the interface between the physical world and the digital one. A mischievous grin spread across his face. With a system like this at his disposal, the possibilities for adventure seemed endless.

With a satisfied sigh, Alex mentally closed the virtual storage space, the faint blue shimmer around the locker fading away. The physical metal box remained unremarkable, but Alex knew its unassuming exterior held a treasure trove waiting to be unleashed. Now, with only the most valuable and practical items remaining in his inventory, he felt lighter and more prepared for what the academy might throw his way.

"Now," he declared, a glint of determination in his eyes, "time to face the academy." He turned and strode purposefully back out of the storage room, the morning sun glinting off his cloak as he set off towards the imposing figure of the school in the distance. 


[Blessed Classroom]

The Blessed Classroom, a small, select group of people with exceptional magical potential, buzzed with nervous energy. Five students, each adorned in a red cloak emblazoned with a silver sigil—the mark of the Blessed—sat scattered around the room.

A black-haired girl nudged her friend. "A new sutdent?" she whispered, barely containing her excitement.

A blonde-haired girl, leaned back in her chair, a smirk playing on her lips. "Yeah, yesterday's newbie," she replied, a hint of amusement lacing her voice. "The one who sparred with Sir Sebastian, no less."

Thud! The door swung open, shattering the low hum of conversation.

All eyes, except for the stoic boy's, swung towards the newcomer. Alex stood there, the weight of five scrutinizing gazes settling upon him. The tension in the room grew palpable, thick enough to choke on.

What did his arrival signify for this small, intimate group?

Two girls exchanged a knowing glance, a hint of a smile flickering across their lips. The remaining boys—one tall and imposing, another wiry and jittery, and the last with a mess of brown hair—remained impassive, their gazes fixed elsewhere. Their reactions were a stark contrast to the girls' curiosity, leaving Alex to wonder what awaited him within this exclusive circle.

Alex lingered awkwardly in the doorway, the weight of five stares pressing down on him. "Um... where should I sit?" he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

The black-haired girl, the one who had earlier expressed curiosity, nudged her friend and gestured towards the empty seat beside her. "This one's free," she said, her voice surprisingly friendly. "Nobody's claimed it yet."

The black-haired girl pointed to the empty desk, so Alex shuffled in that direction. The classroom itself defied expectations. Gone were the dusty tomes and overflowing shelves he'd half-imagined. Instead, the room felt strangely... normal. Sunlight streamed through high windows, illuminating the polished wooden floor. Six desks, each crafted from sturdy oak and adorned with simple silver sigils like the ones on their cloaks, were arranged in a neat grid—three across the front, three across the middle. The small size of the class hit him—only five other students, including himself. Only the gentle scratching of a quill on parchment could break the unsettling silence.

The other students remained largely unfazed by Alex's arrival. The stoic boy continued gazing out the window, seemingly oblivious to everything else. The wiry boy, brow furrowed in concentration, scribbled furiously in a notebook. The boy with messy brown hair stared intently at his desk, a single glowing orb hovering above his palm. Only the two girls offered him a semblance of welcome—the black-haired girl with a hesitant smile, the blonde-haired girl with a raised eyebrow of curiosity.

Alex settled into his desk, his heart pounding a nervous rhythm against his ribs. This was it. The Blessed Classroom. He had no idea what to expect, but the quiet intensity of the room, the focused energy emanating from his classmates, told him this wouldn't be an ordinary school experience. A sense of anticipation mingled with a touch of apprehension filled him. 

The silence finally shattered as the two girls exchanged whispers, punctuated by soft giggles. They seemed shy, but determined. 

Then, both girls turned towards Alex. The black-haired girl, a blush creeping up her cheeks, finally spoke.

"Y-You… what's your name?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Me?" Alex replied, surprised to be addressed. A small smile touched his lips. "Alex."

"Alex… that's a rare name," the girl said, a hint of confidence returning to her voice. "I'm June..." she gestured towards the blonde-haired girl. "This is Eve."


June, determined to be welcoming, continued pointing out the other students. 

"The tall one over there is Duny," she said, her voice barely reaching him over the distance. Duny, however, simply grunted in acknowledgment, his attention remaining fixed on the window.

"That's Yunus," June pointed to the wiry boy, who glanced up briefly with a nervous nod before returning to his furious scribbling. 

The final introduction came with a wave of June's hand towards the boy with messy brown hair. "And that one's Marco." Marco, however, didn't even bother to look up.

Three lukewarm greetings—a grunt, a nod, and an averted gaze—were all Alex received from his new classmates. He felt a tinge of disappointment, but it quickly vanished in the face of curiosity. This group was a far cry from the enthusiastic welcomes he'd expected. What secrets did they hold? What hidden talents did they possess that allowed them to be part of the Blessed Classroom?


< Chapter 25 > Fin.