New class

"Enough with the pleasantries," the woman declared, her voice sharp and clear. "We have a lot to cover today."

A voice from the doorway, shattering the fledgling introductions. A tall woman with sleek black hair strode into the room, her every step radiating authority. The air crackled with a sudden tension as the students – even the stoic boy by the window – snapped to attention.

June, her initial enthusiasm dampened slightly, mumbled a quiet, "Good morning, Ms. Yoo-Euni," her earlier cheer replaced with a hint of reverence.

Alex, however, felt a jolt course through him. Yoo-Euni? His mind raced. Wasn't she... a legendary figure from the stories of The Old Quest? A powerful mage, revered for her skills, but also tragically cut down during a great war. Yet, here she stood, alive and seemingly well.

Disbelief warred with a flicker of excitement within him. A million questions swirled in his head. Was Yoo-Euni truly the same person from the legends? If so, how was she alive? And what did it all mean for him and his newfound abilities? He stole a glance at his classmates, their expressions unreadable, offering no clue as to their own knowledge of Yoo-Euni's supposed dead.

Yoo-Euni strode to the front of the class, her sharp gaze sweeping over the students. Her eyes landed on Alex, a hint of curiosity flickering within their depths. "You," she addressed him directly, her voice firm yet laced with a hint of amusement, "the new student, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am," Alex stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. He fidgeted in his seat, his mind still reeling from the revelation. Everything he thought he knew about this world, about the game, was being turned upside down. A stolen glance at the other students revealed nothing – their faces were unreadable, offering no clue as to their own knowledge of Ms. Yoo-Euni's supposed demise.

Suddenly, a vivid scene from The Old Quest flashed through his mind. A vast, sun-drenched plaza, a towering monument etched with countless names, and a legend whispered by a grizzled old veteran: "Yoo-Euni, the hero who saved King Aethelred from the traitor's blade." The image was crystal clear, burned into his memory. Yet, here she stood, alive and vibrant, a living contradiction to the game's lore.

Uncertainty gnawed at him. Was this Yoo-Euni truly the same legendary figure? If so, how could she be alive? The game depicted her death as a historical fact. A cold shiver ran down his spine. The lines between reality and the game were blurring, and Alex was caught in the middle. He stole another glance at Ms. Yoo-Euni, a single question burning on his lips:

"Hmm?" Yoo-Euni raised an eyebrow. "You have a question, Alex…?"

"N-No..." he stammered, caught off guard.

"Well, first, introductions," Ms. Yoo-Euni declared with a chuckle, her voice surprisingly warm despite its commanding presence. "I'm Yoo-Euni, a Mage, like most of the students and teachers here. It's a rather common profession, wouldn't you agree?"

She stopped, a hint of amusement playing on her lips, before walking towards Alex's desk. "Now, tell us about yourself, Alex."

"Umm... well..." Alex stood awkwardly, feeling all eyes on him. "I... I go by Alexander. That's my adventurer name."

A low murmur rippled through the class. Duny, the tall, imposing boy, leaned forward with a surprised look. "Adventure name? Wait, are you already an adventurer?"

Alex turned, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Y-Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

Duny shrugged. "...I mean... usually you need a license from the school to be an adventurer, but I think you're a special case, bro."

A strange mix of emotions washed over Alex – relief at not being completely out of place, and a flicker of unease at the implications of Duny's words. "W-Well..." he stammered, trying to regain his composure. "I'm from Elera Village, and I dealt with... well, a goblin problem there. Became an adventurer afterwards."

"That explains it," Yoo-Euni nodded, her eyes gleaming with a spark of interest. "Please, continue."

Taking a deep breath, Alex decided to hedge his bets. "My class is... Sage... and I'm level..." He hesitated for a beat, then lied. "Level 20."

The revelation hung in the air for a moment.

"Level 20? That's impressive," Yoo-Euni finally said, a hint of surprise in her voice. "Certainly above most students here. The average level for common classes is around 5, with rare classes reaching 10. But of course, this being the Blessed Class, we do have a few level 15 students."

A ripple of mixed reactions passed through the class. Some students looked impressed, while others seemed skeptical. But the most curious reaction came from Yoo-Euni herself. A hint of something unreadable flickered across her eyes before she schooled her expression once more.

"How about you, Yoo-Euni...?" Alex stammered, a touch of boldness replacing his earlier nervousness.

"Excuse me?" Ms. Yoo-Euni raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. "Please, put Ms. before my name, young man."

"S-Sorry, Ms. Yoo-Euni," Alex apologized, his cheeks burning red. "It's just... I was curious. What level are you?"

A surprised laugh escaped Ms. Yoo-Euni's lips. The sound echoed in the classroom, momentarily breaking the tension. "Well, that's an interesting question," she said, her smile widening. "Believe it or not, I'm stuck at level 61. No matter how much I train, slay goblins, or vanquish demons, the counter never seems to budge."

Alex, well-versed in the intricacies of leveling thanks to The Old Quest, could only nod in understanding. It made sense now. Ms. Yoo-Euni, powerful as she might be, probably didn't have access to the same mechanics as him – things like experience scrolls or the concept of grinding for levels. He knew from his own experience that climbing from level 61 to 62 could take a grueling four hours of constant battle.

Despite understanding the limitations, a flicker of curiosity sparked within him. "How can that be?" he blurted out, unable to contain his question.

Ms. Yoo-Euni's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her features before she quickly masked it. "That, young Alex," she said, her voice regaining its authoritative tone, "is a question for another time. Perhaps once you've settled in and learned the ways of magic."

He stole a glance at his classmates, their expressions unreadable. Did any of them know the truth about Ms. Yoo-Euni? Or was he the only one who saw the cracks in the carefully constructed facade? A shiver ran down his spine. This academy, this entire reality, was becoming more and more enigmatic, and Alex knew he was just scratching the surface.

"Alright... forgive me," Alex mumbled, sinking back into his seat.

Now then," she declared, her voice ringing clear, "let's delve into a topic that's likely on all your minds: the appearance of dungeons."

A wave of nods rippled through the students. This was a subject they were all familiar with, yet its complexities remained a source of fascination and frustration.

"Why do they appear?" Ms. Yoo-Euni continued, her voice laced with a smile. "How do these portals to danger and potential fortune manifest across the land? These are excellent questions, ones that have puzzled mages for generations."

Ms. Yoo-Euni's smile deepened, a hint of amusement playing on her lips. "The question of why and how dungeons appear is a complex one, rooted in ancient magic and forces beyond our immediate understanding. However, there are theories, whispers passed down through generations of mages."

She paused, letting the anticipation build. "Legends speak of a race far older than any human civilization, beings of pure magical essence known as the Weavers. These unkown entities, some say, possess the power to manipulate the very fabric of reality, to bend it to their will and create the very structures we call dungeons."

A low murmur rippled through the class. The students, most of whom came from prestigious magical lineages, had likely heard snippets of these legends, but Ms. Yoo-Euni's confirmation sent a spark of curiosity through the room.

"The Weavers," Ms. Yoo-Euni continued, her voice taking on a more serious tone, "are said to be the architects of these labyrinths, weaving them with magic and danger as a testing ground. Some speculate it's a form of entertainment for them, a twisted game where adventurers become their unwitting pawns."

Duny, the stoic boy, finally spoke up, his voice gruff. "But that's just speculation, right? There's no proof of these Weavers."

Ms. Yoo-Euni nodded. "Indeed, Duny. No living human has ever encountered a Weaver directly. Their existence is based on ancient texts and cryptic murals found in the ruins of forgotten civilizations. However, the evidence, circumstantial as it may be, suggests a connection between these beings and the appearance of dungeons."

She leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with a newfound intensity. "But there's another, more intriguing theory. Some scholars whisper that the Weavers weren't always these aloof, god-like beings. They believe the Weavers were once… well, us."

A collective gasp escaped the students' lips. Even Alex, still grappling with the revelation of Ms. Yoo-Euni's supposed death, couldn't help but be drawn into the discussion.

"Us?" June, the black-haired girl, echoed, her voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and fascination. "How is that possible?"

Ms. Yoo-Euni's lips curled into a knowing smile. "That, my dear students, is a question for another day. For now, let's just say the concept of Weavers and their connection to dungeons is a complex and fascinating one. And perhaps, as you delve deeper into the mysteries of magic, you may one day come closer to unraveling the truth."

Ms. Yoo-Euni strode to the chalkboard, a piece of chalk appearing in her hand with a flourish. With practiced ease, she began sketching a complex diagram. "This," she declared, her voice ringing out through the classroom, "is believed to be the structure of the first dungeon ever discovered, unearthed over a million years ago."

The intricate lines depicted a sprawling network of tunnels, chambers, and traps. Strange symbols, glowing with a faint magical luminescence, adorned the edges of the diagram.

"Now, compare that," Ms. Yoo-Euni continued, drawing another structure beside the first, "to the layout of the newest dungeon discovered just a few weeks ago."

The second diagram, while similar in its core design, deviated in subtle yet intriguing ways. The tunnels seemed more organic, less rigidly geometric. The symbols, though faintly visible, were different, their purpose a mystery.

A jolt shot through Alex. The layout on the board bore an uncanny resemblance to the dungeon , it was his own dungeon.

That is… my dungeon…well for in the game I can make the dungeon even I'm not a Dungeon Master, but lets hear their theory.


"The difference here is," Ms. Yoo-Euni explained, tapping the older diagram. "Notice the complexity? The sheer number of twists and turns – a labyrinth designed to test even the most adventurer. The newer dungeon, however," she continued, gesturing towards the second diagram, "is far simpler. Straighter paths, fewer chambers, but the symbols…" she trailed off, her brow furrowing.

"The symbols are different," June piped up, her earlier shyness replaced by genuine curiosity. "They seem more… modern, almost like some kind of puzzle."

Ms. Yoo-Euni nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed. While the overall structure is less intricate, the presence of these new symbols suggests a level of sophistication not seen before. It raises a fascinating question – are the dungeons evolving?"

A murmur rippled through the class. The idea of these structures somehow adapting, becoming more complex or even intelligent, was unsettling yet thrilling.

Alex, the one who made that dungeon could only listen. Well… that because it for exp farm anyway… not for defense….

"And now," Ms. Yoo-Euni announced, her voice taking on a more serious tone, "to truly understand the nature of these evolving dungeons, we'll be putting theory into practice. The school has prepared a duplicate virtual simulation of the newest discovery."

A collective gasp rippled through the class. The prospect of tackling a real dungeon, even a simulated one, sent a jolt of excitement and nervous energy through the room.

"Ready yourselves," Ms. Yoo-Euni continued, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Now, get up and follow me."

She turned and strode towards the back of the classroom, where a previously unnoticed section of the wall shimmered with an otherworldly light.

The six students of the Blessed Class rose from their desks, a mix of emotions etched on their faces. June and Eve, the seemingly inseparable duo, chattered excitedly.

"Training again?" June chirped, her voice brimming with barely contained energy.

"Yup," Eve replied, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. "I can't wait to try out the new fire spell I've been working on with Dad."

"New spell? That's awesome!" June exclaimed, her eyes wide with anticipation.

The boys, however, weren't so enthusiastic. Marco, the messy-haired boy, groaned dramatically. "Ugh, another training session. Feels like I spend more time dodging spells than studying."

Duny, the stoic one, let out a low rumble of agreement. "Yeah, training every day... it gets tiring."

Alex, still reeling from the recent revelations, frowned. "What do you mean? Don't the other classes train?"

The boys exchanged exasperated glances. Yunus, the wiry student, took pity on him. "Haven't you noticed, newbie? The other classes have regular lessons – theory and stuff. We're the Blessed Class, remember? We're constantly training because we're supposed to be the next generation of heroes and all that."

Just as Yunus finished, Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice boomed through the hallway. "Enough chit-chat, team! We have a virtual dungeon to conquer. Remember, the Blessed Class leads by example – especially you, Alexander."

A flicker of something akin to pride crossed Alex's face. Leading the world? It was a daunting proposition, but a surge of determination coursed through him. He was a part of something special, something bigger than himself. With a newfound resolve, he followed Ms. Yoo-Euni, eager to prove himself and unravel the mysteries that swirled around him.

However, Yunus's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Why him?" he asked, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Why not us, or me?"

Duny and Marco remained silent, a flicker of something akin to disappointment crossing their features.

Ms. Yoo-Euni's gaze held Alex for a long moment, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Don't you remember?" she said finally, her voice laced with a hint of something… else. "Alex has already duel with Sebastian."

The boys froze. Recognition dawned on their face. And none of them, not even Duny with his stoicism or Marco with his hidden talents, had ever managed to land a single blow on him.

"You guys couldn't even touch Sebastian," Ms. Yoo-Euni continued, her voice gaining a note of finality. "That's why Alex is… special."

They walk to the virtual training facility was shrouded in a tense silence. Alex, the recipient of Ms. Yoo-Euni's pronouncement, felt a mix of emotions churning within him. Pride warred with a nagging sense of unease. He had indeed hit Sebastian, but it was a fluke, a lucky shot in a chaotic duel. Being singled out as "special" felt undeserved, especially when surrounded by these other students who exuded power and an air of hidden potential.

Duny, ever the stoic, broke the silence with a gruff question. "So what happened with Sir Sebastian? How'd you even manage to hit him?"

Alex hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. He settled for a vague explanation. "It... it was a mess. We both got caught off guard, and I landed a lucky kick."

Marco, the messy-haired boy, scoffed. "Lucky kick, huh? Sounds convenient." His voice held a hint of bitterness, contrast to his usual nonchalant demeanor.

Eve, the more outspoken half of the inseparable duo, shot Marco a withering look. "Maybe he's just got more talent than you, Marco."

A heated exchange seemed imminent, but Ms. Yoo-Euni cut them off with a sharp clap. "Enough bickering," she commanded, her voice firm. "We have important training ahead of us. We'll discuss Sebastian and Alex's… abilities later. Right now, focus on the task at hand."

They arrived at the training facility, a large, circular room lined with glowing panels. In the center, a swirling vortex of blue light shimmered, its edges crackling with magical energy.

"This," Ms. Yoo-Euni announced, gesturing towards the vortex, "is the virtual reality simulator. It will recreate the layout and challenges of the newly discovered dungeon. Your objective is simple: work together, utilize your skills, and conquer the dungeon within the allotted time."

A collective nod went through the students, the tension momentarily replaced by focused determination. They took their positions around the simulator, each student placing a hand on the glowing panel.

"Remember, teamwork is key," Ms. Yoo-Euni reminded them. "Communicate, rely on each other's strengths, and most importantly, don't be reckless. Now, activate!"

With a surge of magical energy, the simulator roared to life. The blue vortex expanded, engulfing the students in a blinding flash of light. When their vision cleared, they found themselves standing at the entrance of a dark, cavernous dungeon, the air thick with anticipation and the promise of adventure.

Oh… thought it gonna be my dungeon, seem different they just use the other lay out maybe…

He glanced around, taking in his team. June and Eve stood together, their eyes gleaming with excitement. Duny, was checking his equipment, a heavy mace strapped to his back. Marco, still sporting a sour expression, adjusted the straps of his backpack filled with potions.

"Alright, let's play this game!" Yunus, the energetic one, declared with a wide grin.

"Alright team," Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice echoed in their minds, a telepathic link established for communication within the simulation. "Remember what we discussed. This dungeon seems less complex but potentially more dangerous. Stay alert, and use your strengths wisely."

"Right!" came the collective reply, their voices brimming with a mix of nervousness and determination.

Suddenly, a low growl resonated through the cavern, sending shivers down Alex's spine. A hulking creature, vaguely humanoid but covered in thick, matted fur, emerged from the shadows. Its eyes glowed with an eerie red light, and its guttural snarl sent chills down Alex's spine.

"Looks like we've got company," Marco muttered, his tone laced with a hint of grim amusement. He swiftly donned a pair of skin gloves, his posture shifting to one of practiced defense.

"I'm going first!" Duny bellowed, his crimson cloak billowing dramatically as he charged towards the red-eyed monstrosity.

"It's a werewolf!" Alex yelled, the creature's feral appearance sparking a flicker of recognition from his own experiences.

Duny, however, remained undeterred. With a guttural battle cry, he surged forth, his hand outstretched. A ripple of magical energy flowed from his palm, coalescing into a shimmering construct – a massive scythe of pure mana.

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. Item creation? That was an advanced skill, typically reserved for higher-level mages.

"He's... got item creation?" Alex thought, a surge of respect welling up within him. This wasn't just any training session – this was a chance to witness his teammates' true capabilities.

The werewolf, reacting with surprising agility for its size, lunged towards Duny. The clash of claws and mana-forged blade echoed through the cavern, sending sparks flying. Duny held his ground, his powerful physique matched by his impressive magical prowess.

"We can't just stand around!" June's voice cut through the tension, her dark eyes flashing with newfound determination. "Eve and I will cover you, Duny! Distract the beast!"

Eve, nodded curtly. Her hands crackled with electric energy, a dangerous storm brewing at her fingertips.

The scene unfolded with a blur of action – Duny, wielding his scythe, parrying the werewolf's attacks. June, nimble and quick, darted around the creature, drawing its attention with bursts of telekinetic energy. Eve, her movements precise and controlled, unleashed bolts of lightning that arced across the cavern, singeing the werewolf's fur.


< Chapter 26 > Fin.