Just a Tea

The three of them set off together. The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the cobbled street, lined with quaint houses that spoke of a long history.

"So, Alex," Eve began, her voice curious, "you live in a dorm, right?"

Alex shook his head, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Actually, no. I live…" he paused, searching for the right words. "Not at academy."

Eve and June exchanged a surprised look. "Huh, interesting," June piped up, her earlier blush fading. "Where do you live then?"

Alex took a deep breath. Revealing too much about his circumstances felt unwise. "I live in a… mansion," he said finally, choosing his words carefully.

The revelation hung in the air for a moment. "Woah, seriously? You're like, a rich kid?" Eve exclaimed, a mix of awe and disbelief in her voice.

Alex chuckled, a touch of self-consciousness creeping in. "Kinda, I guess," he mumbled, looking down at his worn sneakers.

"How about you guys?" he asked, eager to shift the focus. "Where do you live?"

Eve's eyes brightened. "I live just past the few markets at the edge of town. My family owns a bakery shop there, the one with the red awning and always-fresh cinnamon rolls!"

"That's cool!" Alex said, genuinely intrigued. "How about you, June?"

June, finally finding her voice, chimed in, "Me? I live in a normal house with my mom, not far from the school."

"So, mansion, huh?" Eve's curiosity returned. "Which one? Are we talking about the grand one on the left side of the kingdom, or…?"

Alex's smile faltered slightly. He couldn't reveal the exact location, not yet. "Hmm, it's hard to tell where it is," he said vaguely. "Maybe… I could take you there sometime."

Eve's eyes widened with excitement. "Sure!" she exclaimed, a spark of adventure igniting in her gaze. June, usually more reserved, simply nodded, a hint of curiosity flickering in her eyes.

Their conversation flowed as they continued their walk, the afternoon sun casting long shadows on the cobblestone streets. Soon, the aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air, guiding them towards a charming tea shop nestled amongst quaint houses.

As the three settled into their seats at the tea shop, a wave of warmth and relaxation washed over them. The cozy atmosphere, with its dim lighting and worn wooden furniture, was a welcome contrast to the stressful events of the day.

Eve, ever the chatterbox, launched into a lively description of her family's bakery, her voice punctuated by animated gestures. Her enthusiasm captivated Alex, who paid close attention. He learned about her family recipe for cinnamon rolls, the early mornings spent baking, and the joy of seeing customers savor her creations.

June, initially withdrawn, gradually warmed up to the conversation. She shared her passion for music, her fingers twitching as if playing an invisible instrument.

As they sipped their tea, a warm, golden-brown liquid that tasted faintly of honey and ginger, a comfortable silence settled between them. A sense of camaraderie had taken the place of the initial invitation's awkwardness.

Their conversation drifted back to the day's events. Eve's brow furrowed as she recalled the core's malfunction. "So, Alex," she began cautiously, "what do you think happened with the orb? Why did it reject you?"

Alex shrugged, the memory stirring a knot of frustration in his stomach. "I honestly don't know," he admitted. "Maybe I'm not… Blessed enough."

Eve's eyes narrowed, and her brow furrowed in a frown. She shook her head firmly. "Don't say that, Alex! There has to be another reason. Blessed or not, it still counts for everyone. The core malfunctioned with you, but it worked perfectly for everyone else."

June, ever the optimist, chimed in with a bright smile. "Maybe it's the opposite! Maybe you're so powerful, the core couldn't handle it! Like, it overloaded or something cool like that!"

Alex raised an eyebrow, a flicker of hope battling the lingering frustration. June's theory, while far-fetched, held a strange allure. "So, you're saying I'm secretly super strong?"

June giggled. "Well, you did almost beat Sir Sebastian in that duel! Maybe the core just freaked out because you have hidden potential or something!"

A thoughtful silence descended upon them. While Eve remained skeptical, a seed of doubt had been planted. 

"Anyways..." Eve interjected, her voice cutting through the thoughtful silence. "Alex, everyone else displayed their Blessed abilities. What about you? What kind of power do you have?"

Alex hesitated, the weight of his secret pressing down on him. He wasn't ready to share everything, not yet. "Well," he began cautiously, "I'm a Sage, which means I have access to a… unique power set." He left it deliberately vague, unsure of how much to reveal.

Eve's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "A Sage, huh? Sounds fascinating! Can you tell us a little more? What can you do?"

Alex bit his lip, torn between honesty and caution. He decided to offer a glimpse without revealing the full extent. "It's… a bit hard to explain," he hedged. "But let's just say I can manifest my power in different ways. Maybe something like… creating powerful bursts of energy, or manipulating the environment in a specific way."

June leaned forward, her eyes wide with wonder. "Wow, that's so cool! Is it like elemental magic? Can you control fire or water?"

Alex chuckled. "Maybe," he said enigmatically. "It's more… versatile than that."

He wasn't comfortable disclosing the specifics. But their genuine interest warmed him. Perhaps, in time, he could trust them enough to share more.

"So, being a Sage," Eve continued, her curiosity piqued, "is there anything special about the way you feel? Do you have heightened senses or anything like that?"

Alex shook his head. "Not really. To be honest, I feel pretty… normal. Maybe a little more alert than usual, but that's about it."

As they continued their conversation, sipping their tea in the warm, golden glow of the tea shop, a flustered woman suddenly rushed towards their table. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, and her face was flushed red from exertion.

The three of them exchanged confused glances. Why would this woman approach them specifically in a crowded market place cafe?

"Y-You guys..." the woman stammered, clutching the edge of the table for support. "Y-You're from the Blessed class, right...?"

"Yeah, that's us," Eve answered cautiously. "What's wrong?"

"I-I just got robbed!" the woman blurted out, her voice trembling. "My bag... there are no security guards nearby... please, you have to help me! The thief... he was wearing a black cloak..."

As the woman spoke, a translucent blue window materialized in the air, visible only to Alex. It shimmered with a faint light, outlining the words:

[Side Quest]

[Help the woman recover her stolen bag from the thief in the black cloak.]

[Time Limit: 10 minutes]

[Reward: 15,000 Silver and Common Chest.]

Alex recognized it instantly. A Side Quest. He knew he was the only one who could see this notification, and these quests usually offered some kind of reward. Without hesitation, he stood up.

"Here," he said gently to the woman, offering her his chair. "Sit down, take a sip of tea. I'll handle this."

The woman, visibly shaken, nodded gratefully and sank into the chair.

"Let me come with you," June piped up, her voice carrying a hint of concern.

"Don't worry," Alex assured her, a determined glint in his eyes. "It should be quick. I'll be right back."

He hardened his legs, focusing on his agility. With a powerful push, he propelled himself vertically through the milling crowd, his movements swift and sure. The bustling marketplace blurred around him as he searched for any sign of a fleeing figure in a black cloak. The clock was ticking – ten minutes to find the thief and recover the stolen bag. The Side Quest had begun.

Alex knew navigating the dense crowd on the ground floor would be a losing battle. The throng of people wouldn't stop the thief because time was of the essence. Focusing his newfound agility, he channeled a surge of energy through his legs. With a powerful burst of strength, he propelled himself upwards, leaping from table to chair with impossible grace. His heart was pounding so loudly that it drowned out the surprised shouts of the customers below.

Reaching the rooftop, Alex crouched low, using the cover of a billowing awning to conceal his initial movement. His crimson cloak, a stark contrast to the dull grey rooftops, might give him away later, but for now, it served as a temporary disguise. He scanned the bustling marketplace below, his gaze darting through the sea of bobbing heads. There! A flash of black, weaving through the crowd with surprising speed. The thief, identifiable by the dark cloak billowing behind him, was already making his escape towards the edge of the market.

Without hesitation, Alex pushed himself off the rooftop, landing silently on a nearby stall with barely a wobble. He didn't have time to consider the surprised yelp of the startled vendor as he vaulted over a display of fruit, his eyes fixed on the fleeing figure. His boots pounded a steady rhythm across the cobblestones as he sprinted after the thief, his red cloak billowing heroically behind him.

Heads turned, and a collective gasp rippled through the crowd. A lone figure, cloaked in crimson, streaked across the marketplace, seemingly defying gravity with his inhuman leaps and bounds. 

"Who is that?" someone shouted. 

"A hero?" whispers spread like wildfire.

Ignoring the commotion he was causing, Alex focused on the chase. He couldn't afford to lose sight of the thief, not with the woman's stolen belongings and the potential reward on the line. He closed the distance steadily, his enhanced agility granting him an unfair advantage. 

With a final burst of speed, he lunged, yelling out, "Stop there!" The thief stumbled in surprise as his voice resounded throughout the marketplace thanks to his newfound abilities.

Alex's powerful leap propelled him across the alleyway, cutting off the thief's escape route. The man in black froze, a startled yelp escaping his lips as he skidded to a halt just inches from Alex. "Kiekk!?" he shrieked, his voice choked with fear.

Before the thief could react further, Alex wasted no time. This was a Side Quest, and its simplicity—a ten-minute time limit and a seemingly easy target—hinted at a straightforward solution. With a swift movement honed by his newfound agility, Alex unleashed a powerful kick aimed at the thief's midsection.

However, something unexpected happened. At the last moment, the thief threw himself to the ground with surprising agility, narrowly avoiding Alex's blow. The force of the missed kick sent Alex stumbling slightly, his initial confidence faltering.

The thief scrambled to his feet, a glint of defiance replacing his fear. He wasn't going down without a fight. "Who are you?" he snarled, clutching a small pouch close to his chest and see the red cloak Alex use. "Some kind of Blessed goon?"

Alex, thrown off guard by the thief's unexpected agility, quickly regained his composure. Diplomacy wouldn't work here. "Give me the bag," he commanded, his voice firm. "This doesn't have to get messy."

The thief scoffed. "Like I'd give up my haul so easily! Come and get it, Blessed freak!" He lunged forward, a wicked glint in his eyes, a small knife glinting in his hand.

Alex's mind raced. The thief's unexpected resistance and the glint of the knife forced him to think on his feet. He needed a quick solution, something that wouldn't escalate the situation but would still subdue the thief. 

With a silent command, he activated one of his Sage abilities: 

[Skill Activated: Chain of Rules].

Wisps of translucent gold energy erupted from the cobblestones at the thief's feet, swirling around his ankles and rapidly solidifying into glowing chains. The thief yelped in surprise, his eyes widening in terror as the magical restraints immobilized him. 

"W-What is this!?" he shrieked, his voice laced with panic.

Alex approached cautiously, his crimson cloak billowing behind him. The sight of the restrained thief and the otherworldly chains binding him sent a shiver down his spine. This was the first time he'd used this particular ability in a real situation, and the raw power of it both surprised and unsettled him.

"Just a little Sage skill," Alex said coolly, trying to project an air of confidence despite the tremor in his voice. He knelt down and retrieved the stolen pouch from the thief's grasp, his movements swift and practiced. "The guards will be here any minute," he continued, his voice firm. "You'd best stay put."

The thief, trapped and defeated, could only glare at Alex with impotent rage. A low groan rumbled in the distance, signaling the approach of the marketplace guards alerted by the commotion. 

Alex knew it was time to leave. His gaze lingering on the thief for a moment longer, he turned and sprinted back towards the tea shop, the stolen bag clutched securely in his hand.


"It's okay," Eve soothed, patting the woman's hand gently. "The Blessed are here to help. We'll get your things back, I promise."

June, ever the optimist, chimed in, "Exactly! They're practically heroes, you know. Just relax and sip your tea. Everything will be alright."

Suddenly, a blur of crimson reappeared. Alex landed gracefully next to their table, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. He held out the familiar pouch towards the woman.

"I found it," he announced, his voice tinged with a hint of accomplishment.

The woman's eyes widened in disbelief. "You found it...?" she stammered, her voice trembling slightly.

Alex nodded, his gaze warm. "Yes, here you go. Is this your bag?"

The woman snatched the pouch from his grasp, her hands shaking with relief. Glancing inside, a wave of gratitude washed over her face. "Y-Yes," she choked out, tears welling up in her eyes. "Thank you... thank you so much!"

A satisfied chime echoed in Alex's mind, invisible to everyone else.

[Side Quest: Completed]

[You gain rewards: 15,000 Silvers and Common Chest added to your inventory]

A surge of satisfaction coursed through him. He'd not only helped someone in need, but also completed the unexpected Side Quest. The reward, a hefty sum of silver and a mysterious chest, piqued his curiosity.

Eve and June, witnessing the scene, exchanged surprised glances. "Wow, Alex," Eve exclaimed, a hint of awe in her voice. "You did it! That was amazing!"

June, her initial apprehension replaced by admiration, added, "Seriously, you're like a superhero! How did you find the thief so quickly?"

Alex chuckled sheepishly. "Well, let's just say I have a few… tricks up my sleeve." He couldn't reveal the true nature of his abilities just yet, but their genuine appreciation warmed him.

The woman, overcome with relief, clutched the bag to her chest and burst into a fresh wave of tears. "I can't thank you enough," she sobbed, her voice thick with emotion. "Those were my life savings and some irreplaceable heirlooms in there!"

Alex reached out a hand but hesitated in mid-air, unsure of the appropriate gesture. "It's alright," he mumbled, offering a hesitant smile. "Helping people is what we Blessed are supposed to do, right?" The truth was, this act of heroism felt strangely satisfying, a departure from the isolation he'd grown accustomed to.

Evechimed in, "See? We told you the Blessed are here to help. Now, why don't you tell us exactly what happened? Maybe we can help you contact the guards or something."

The woman, wiping away her tears, took a deep breath and began to recount the details of the robbery. 

Alex listened intently, his mind already formulating a plan. He couldn't ignore the lingering message from the Side Quest – a Common Chest added to his inventory. He had a feeling it held more than just silver.

"There you are!" A booming voice cut through the woman's narrative. A Zubrek Knight, clad in the official guard uniform, stomped towards their table. "We received reports of a commotion from the people. What seems to be the trouble here?"

Before anyone could answer, Alex stepped forward. "This woman was robbed," he explained, gesturing towards the shaken woman. "I managed to retrieve her belongings."

The guard raised an eyebrow, taking in Alex's crimson cloak and the woman's tear-streaked face. "Is that so?" He turned to the woman, his gaze stern. "Can you elaborate on what was stolen, ma'am?"

The woman recounted the details of the robbery once more, describing the thief and the contents of her bag. The guard listened intently, his expression hardening as she spoke.

"Thank you for your assistance, young man," he said to Alex, a grudging respect in his voice. "We'll take it from here. We'll have someone escort you home and file a proper report." He turned towards his fellow guards, barking out orders to apprehend the thief who was still likely lurking somewhere in the marketplace.

As the guards bustled away, the woman rose from her seat, her gaze filled with gratitude. "You are a true hero," she said to Alex, her voice trembling slightly. "I don't know how to thank you enough."

Alex felt a blush creep up his cheeks under her sincere gaze. "It was nothing," he mumbled, suddenly uncomfortable with the attention. "Just doing my duty."

"Nonsense!" Eve interjected, a playful glint in her eyes. "You're definitely a hero, Alex. Maybe you can buy us all some celebratory tea with your new silver!" she teased, nudging him playfully.

Alex chuckled, a sense of camaraderie washing over him. He may not have understood the core malfunction or his own abilities, but for the first time since arriving, he felt like he belonged. He belonged with these people, these friends, and perhaps, he belonged as a Blessed student after all.

As they finished their tea, the woman insisted on leaving a generous tip, her way of expressing her gratitude. With full bellies and lighter hearts, they exited the tea shop, the setting sun casting a warm glow on their faces.

"It's been a tiring day," Alex sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as the adrenaline from the chase subsided. His crimson cloak seemed a little less heroic now, just a bit dusty from the rooftop sprint.

June and Eve exchanged glances, a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration etched on their faces. "You can say that again," Eve agreed, stretching her arms above her head with a satisfying pop.

"I think I need to head back to my home," Alex announced, a hint of longing for a quiet space lacing his voice. 

"Sounds good," June chimed in, her voice uncharacteristically subdued. "We'll probably stick around here for a while longer. Thanks for, you know, saving the day and all that."

A genuine smile spread across Alex's face. "Don't worry about it," he chuckled. "I actually enjoyed it. Drinking tea with you guys wasn't boring at all. It was… interesting."

Eve smirked. "Interesting? Try terrifying! You disappeared into thin air and then reappeared with a stolen bag. You're basically a superhero, Alex."

June, ever the thoughtful one, cleared her throat hesitantly. "Speaking of superheroes," she began, then paused, seemingly searching for the right words. "Welcome to the Blessed class at Aethel Academy, Alex." A hint of warmth and something akin to… acceptance flickered in her eyes.

Alex met her gaze, a silent understanding passing between them. He offered a small nod, a silent acknowledgment of their newfound bond. With one last lingering look, he turned and disappeared into the bustling crowd.

Eve leaned back in her chair, taking a final sip of her tea. "He so… handsome would you say?" she remarked, her voice thoughtful.

June nodded, a hint of excitement lingering in her eyes. "Definitely not the boring tea date we planned."

Eve chuckled. "True enough. But hey," she added, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "at least it was eventful."

June blushed slightly, but quickly masked it with a playful nudge. "Yeah, thanks to our resident hero here." She glanced around the now-empty space where Alex had been sitting.

Eve smirked. "Hero, huh? Maybe a bit dramatic, but he did handle things well." She paused for a moment, her gaze fixed on the bustling crowd outside. "He seems… interesting, doesn't he?"

June hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Definitely. And powerful. Did you see how he… jumped? Like, on rooftops and stuff? That wasn't normal."

"That's the whole Blessed thing, right?" Eve mused. "Mysterious abilities and all that."

June hummed in agreement. "Still, there's something more to him. The way the core malfunctioned… and those weird windows only he could see."

Eve's brow furrowed. "You think there's something he's not telling us?"

"Maybe," June admitted. "But one thing's for sure Alex is no ordinary Blessed student. He's an genius among genius iin a redcloak."

Eve laughed, the tension was breaking. "An enigma, huh? Well, enigmas can be fun to unravel. Besides," she added with a wink, "we have a whole semester to get to know him better."

June grinned, a sense of adventure sparking in her eyes. "You're right. This Blessed class is already getting interesting."


< Chapter 29 > Fin.