How to Grinding

Despite the whirlwind of events the malfunctioning core test, the unexpected Side Quest, and the stolen bag retrieval it was still afternoon. Exhaustion gnawed at Alex's muscles, but a restless energy crackled beneath the surface. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to explore, more to his newfound abilities than met the eye.

As he navigated the bustling street, a translucent window flickered into existence before him, visible only to him. 

[Pet Collection]

[Lv. 1 Sumatran Tiger] (Unequiped)

A surge of surprise jolted him. The tiger cub he'd rescued from the simulation training academy? Was it real now? A part of him?

Intrigued, Alex considered his options. "Maybe I should work on leveling this tiger up," he murmured to himself, a flicker of excitement dancing in his eyes. He envisioned the majestic creature by his side, a powerful companion on his journey. He altered his path, steering away from walking to his mansion and towards the imposing gates that marked the entrance.

Alex's steps quickened as he approached the imposing academy gates. Two familiar figures stood guard, their gleaming armor glinting in the afternoon sun. As he drew closer, one of the knights, a grizzled veteran with a weathered face, chuckled.

"Oh, it's you again... Acomakla... or Alex?" he teased, his voice booming with good humor.

Alex grinned. "Just call me Alex," he replied. "Actually, I was wondering if I could head out for a bit of training. Maybe some goblins are hunting outside the kingdom walls?"

The knight raised an eyebrow, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. "Goblins, huh? Trying to level up?"

Alex's cheeks flushed slightly. He hadn't meant to brag about the Side Quest, but it did feel like a lifetime ago. "Well," he stammered, "I'm still new to this Blessed stuff. Figured some practice wouldn't hurt."

The knight studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Fair enough. Just be careful out there, kid. Goblins might be small, but they can be nasty in packs. And remember, stay within the designated hunting grounds."

"Thanks," Alex said, his voice filled with gratitude. He wasn't sure if the knight knew about the strange map interface only he could see, but he felt a surge of confidence nonetheless.

With a final wave, Alex stepped out onto the path leading away from the kingdom. He activated the map interface with a practiced swipe of his hand. There it was—a glowing blue waypoint pulsating on the digital map, leading him directly to a cluster of level 53 goblins not far from the gate. 

He glanced up, and a trail of shimmering blue light materialized in the air, mirroring the path on the map. A helpful addition he hadn't noticed before.

A grin split his face. "Let's go then!" he declared, adrenaline coursing through him. 

He took off at a run, the blue light guiding his way, eager to test his abilities and his mysterious tiger companion against some real-life enemies.

The crisp forest air filled Alex's lungs as he emerged from the bustling kingdom grounds. Sunlight dappled through the dense canopy, casting shifting patterns on the forest floor below. He'd followed the blue waypoint diligently, and now, crouched atop a sturdy branch, he found himself overlooking a clearing teeming with goblin activity.

A guttural chuckle erupted from one of the goblins, a hulking brute with a missing ear and a wicked gleam in his bloodshot eyes. He brandished a crudely sharpened axe, swatting playfully at a smaller goblin scurrying past. The smaller one yelped and darted behind a gnarled tree, the chase eliciting a chorus of raucous laughter from the other goblins.

Alex watched the scene unfold, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. These weren't the simulated training dummies of the academy. These were real, live creatures, and even though the map designated them as level 53, their unpredictable nature and pack mentality added a layer of risk.

[Pet Collection]

[Lv. 1 Sumatran Tiger] (Equiped)

Taking a deep breath, Alex turned his attention inward. "Now, get them, Tiger!" he commanded mentally, a strange certainty washing over him.

A low growl echoed in his mind, a sound both primal and reassuring. He didn't see the tiger materialize, but he felt its presence – a surge of power coursing through him, a heightened sense of awareness. His vision seemed sharper, his reflexes quicker. It was as if the tiger had become an extension of himself.

A shrill scream shattered the stillness as the nearest goblin, a scrawny creature with a patchy beard, pointed a gnarled club at Alex. "Zbureakk!!!" he shrieked, his voice high-pitched with fear.

The other goblins reacted with a frenzy of activity. Some, armed with crude axes and rusty swords, charged towards him, their faces contorted in savage grins. Others scrambled for cover behind rocks and fallen trees, launching a barrage of stones and crudely crafted spears.

But before the goblins could truly engage, a blur of orange and black erupted from the undergrowth at the edge of the clearing. 

Roarr! A mighty roar filled the air, a sound that sent shivers down Alex's spine despite the surge of power coursing through him. The Sumatran tiger, magnificent and terrifying, had arrived.

"It's my first time hearing that mad tiger sound this close… heh, glad he's with me," Alex muttered, a nervous grin tugging at his lips.

The lead goblin, the one with the missing ear, turned his gaze from Alex, his eyes widening in terror as the tiger launched itself into the fray. With a lightning-fast pounce, the tiger tackled the largest goblin, sending the creature sprawling in a spray of dirt. The brute let out a surprised bellow, his axe clattering away as the tiger sank its teeth into his shoulder.

The other goblins faltered. Panic flickered in their eyes as they witnessed the raw power of the tiger. But goblins were known for their cunning and viciousness. One, a particularly bold one, lunged at the tiger from the side, aiming a rusty dagger at its flank.

Alex watched, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it. The first real test. He couldn't just stand there and watch. However, before he could react, a surge of primal instinct coursed through him. The tiger, seemingly sensing the danger, twisted mid-attack, its powerful tail whipping out like a furry club. The goblin yelped as he was struck squarely in the chest, sending him flying through the air before landing with a thud several meters away.

"Seems he could do it by himself… well, I'll name it AFK Grinding in Real Life!" Alex blurted out, a strange mix of relief and disappointment washing over him.

He stared in awe. The tiger, his tiger, was fighting with a ferocity he hadn't expected. But it wasn't just raw power. There was a level of strategy, a calculated efficiency in its movements. Was this the tiger's intelligence, or was it something more… a connection he shared through their bond?

A rapid series of notifications flooded Alex's vision:

[Sumatran Tiger Leveled Up!]

[Sumatran Tiger Leveled Up!]

[Sumatran Tiger Leveled Up!]

[Sumatran Tiger Leveled Up!]

[Sumatran Tiger Leveled Up!]

[Sumatran Tiger Leveled Up!]

The barrage of notifications momentarily blinded him to the battle. When he finally cleared his vision, the fight was over. The remaining goblins lay groaning on the forest floor, subdued but not necessarily defeated. The tiger stood panting, its fur ruffled, but its gaze sharp and alert.

Alex stretched languidly, the adrenaline slowly draining from his body. "Guess I'll take a nap up here and see if the tiger gets his own limit… probably around level 40," he mumbled to himself, deciding to let his powerful companion take the lead for now. 

He clambered back up the tree, finding a comfortable branch to settle on. As he drifted off to sleep, the rhythmic growls of the tiger below served as a lullaby, a strange and exhilarating reminder of his new reality.

An hour bled into two, the once vibrant sunlight filtering through the leaves now tinged with an orange hue signaling the approaching dusk. Below, the relentless symphony of growls and pain yelps continued. The rhythmic thwack of the tiger's tail against goblin flesh had long since lulled Alex, who was cozy in the crook of a large branch, to sleep.

A sudden and jarring shriek shattered the monotonous soundscape. "Kyaa! A tiger and goblins!" The high-pitched scream pierced the fading light, jolting Alex awake with a gasp.

He scrambled to his feet, a knot of dread tightening in his stomach as another notification flooded his vision:

[Your Pet 'Sumatran Tiger' Has Reached Its Limit Lv 40]

[Do you Wish to Limit Break?] (Yes)/(No)

But Alex didn't see the options. His vision swam with the remnants of sleep and a frantic urgency to reach the source of the scream. "Shit, someone's screaming..." he muttered, his voice thick with concern. He bypassed the notification entirely, his mind already focused on getting down to the ground.

Reaching the forest floor in a flurry of leaps, he scanned the clearing. The Tiger were gone, replaced by an unsettling stillness. Then, his eyes landed on the tiger. It was crouched low, its powerful muscles tensed, its gaze fixed on a figure lying unmoving a few meters away.

Panic surged through Alex. Had the tiger… He sprinted towards the voice, his heart thundering in his chest. As he drew closer, the horrifying truth became clear. A young woman, more than a teenager, lay sprawled at the foot of a ground, her face pale with fear. The tiger, its stripes against the fading light, seemed poised to attack.

Without hesitation, Alex launched himself at the tiger, landing awkwardly on its broad back. "It's okay! It's okay! She's not a threat!" He clung on desperately, his voice strained as he tried to assert his dominance.

The tiger, initially startled, seemed to recognize his voice. Its powerful muscles relaxed, and it lowered its head in a grudging nod. Instead of attacking, it laid down on the forest floor, a rumbling growl escaping its throat.

The young woman, witnessing the display, flinched but didn't scream again. Her eyes, wide with fear, met Alex's. "T-Thank you..." she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

Alex clambered off the tiger's back, relief washing over him in waves. "Hey, it's alright," he said gently, extending a hand towards her. "What happened? Did the goblins hurt you?"

The woman scrambled to her feet, her voice trembling slightly. "N-No... I was just trying to level up," she stammered. "I... I thought the tiger was part of the enemy and I attacked it."

Alex winced. "Oh wow," he said, his voice laced with sympathy. "Yeah, that explains things." He glanced at the tiger, which was now lying calmly on the forest floor. "Luckily, these guys are pretty smart for beasts. Seems it understood you weren't a real threat."

The woman let out a shaky breath.

"Haha... you trying to level up, huh?" Alex chuckled, the tension easing a bit.

She nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Y-Yeah... I'm an adventurer, just starting out. I'm D-Rank."

"D-Rank, huh?" Alex mused. "Well, this area is definitely more suited for adventurers level 50 and above."

The woman's eyes widened. "That high!?"

"Yeah," Alex confirmed, "but don't worry. I can show you some places better suited for beginners. There are good hunting grounds closer to the academy that are safer for lower-ranked adventurers."

"Really? You'd do that for me?" Gratitude filled her voice. "I'd be so grateful, but it's already getting dark..."

"No problem," Alex reassured her. "We can always head there tomorrow. Just be careful venturing out alone at night, especially for a newbie."

A flicker of disappointment crossed the woman's face. "Yeah, you're right," she sighed. "Maybe tomorrow would be better..."

"What's your name?" Alex asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I'm Bridget," she replied, her voice still shaky but regaining some strength.

"Bridget, huh?" Alex mused. A thought struck him, and with a silent apology to Bridget's privacy, he activated his Crystal Scanner, directing it discreetly towards her. A translucent panel flickered into existence before his eyes, revealing her stats.

[Name: Bridget Louis]

[Class: Not Chosen Yet]

[Level: 8]

[Health (HP): 80/130]

[Mana (MP): 10/140]

[Attack: 10]

[Defense: 22]

Alex's initial shock quickly morphed into concern. Her MP reserves were practically depleted, and her health hadn't fared much better. It was clear she was new to adventuring, and probably bitten off more than she could chew.

"Bridget Louis, right?" Alex confirmed, the scanner panel fading from view. "Don't worry, I didn't know you before. Just..." he trailed off, unsure how to phrase his next words without sounding condescending.

"Just what?" Bridget's voice held a hint of suspicion, but also a flicker of hope.

After taking a deep breath, Alex decided honesty was the best policy. "Your stats," he admitted. "They show you're pretty new to adventuring, and you ventured into a high-level area. That can be dangerous, especially at night."

Bridget's face flushed ed. "I... I wanted to level up quickly," she mumbled, shame creeping into her voice. Stat.. is he talking about my stat…

"Hey, it's okay," Alex reassured her. "We all start somewhere. Listen, how about this?" He grinned, a spark of determination in his eyes. "Meet me at the Adventurer's Guild tomorrow, late afternoon. I'll show you the ropes, teach you some things about being a real adventurer. Deal?"

Bridget stared at him, a mixture of surprise and relief washing over her features. "T-Teach me?" she stammered.

"Sure," Alex confirmed, his grin widening. "Think of it as a way to pay back that scare you gave my tiger. Besides, it'd be nice to have someone to explore with. Just promise me one thing – no more solo adventures in high-level areas at night, alright?"

Bridget's lips curved into a hesitant smile. "Alright," she agreed, a newfound confidence shining in her eyes. "I wouldn't want to put your tiger through that again. See you tomorrow, Alex."

"Sounds good, Bridget," he replied, a sense of satisfaction warming him. He might have started the day with a goblin hunt, but it seemed fate had a different plan – one that involved helping a rookie adventurer and maybe, just maybe, forging a new friendship.

Alex glanced at his tiger, who seemed to be slumbering peacefully on the forest floor. "Well, big guy, looks like you wore yourself out," he murmured, a hint of amusement in his voice. He turned back to Bridget, who was still visibly shaken by the encounter.

Before her eyes, Alex reached out and tapped a holographic interface only he could see. With a silent command, a section labeled "Pet Collection" flickered, and he pressed his finger against the "Equipped" option. It instantly changed to "Unequipped." The change was instantaneous. The magnificent tiger, moments ago a powerful presence, vanished without a trace.

Bridget's eyes widened in astonishment. "W-What? How?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

Alex chuckled, sensing her bewilderment. "It's a long story," he said, winking. "Let's just say I have some unique abilities. Don't worry about it, though. He's safe and sound."

He gestured towards the path leading back towards the kingdom. "So, you said you live in Zuberk, right?"

Bridget hesitantly nodded, still trying to process the disappearing tiger.

"Great," Alex continued. "It's getting late, and it wouldn't be safe for you to walk back alone. Let's head back together. We can talk more about your adventures, and maybe I can answer some questions you might have."

Bridget, unsure but grateful for the unexpected offer, mumbled her agreement. She followed cautiously behind Alex, her mind swirling with questions about the mysterious Blessed student and his even more mysterious tiger companion.

They walked together in a comfortable silence, the imposing kingdom gates growing larger with each step. Bridget, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, blurted out a question.

"Are you... a high-level adventurer perhaps?"

Alex chuckled, a hint of self-consciousness creeping into his voice. "Not quite," he admitted. "Just a level 20 Blessed student."

Bridget's brow furrowed. "But... how'd you survive out here then? This area is supposed to be for level 50 and above."

Alex scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Well," he began, carefully choosing his words, "being Blessed does give some advantages, for sure. Plus, I had a little... unexpected help from my friend." He glanced at the empty space beside him, a silent reminder of the powerful tiger.

Bridget's eyes widened in understanding. "The tiger!" she exclaimed. "But how...?" She trailed off, unsure if it was appropriate to pry further.

Alex, sensing her hesitation, offered a partial explanation. "Let's just say I have a unique connection with him," he said with a cryptic smile. "It's not exactly a standard Tamer class like you might be familiar with." This wasn't entirely a lie; the bond he shared with the tiger.

He hadn't lied about the tiger, just the nature of their connection. "Yeah, he's pretty strong, my friend," he confirmed, a grin returning to his face. "Still a bit of a work in progress, though."

"I see..." Bridget nodded, a flicker of intrigue replacing her initial shock. They continued their walk in comfortable silence, the imposing knight guards at the gate barely giving them a second glance as they passed through.

As they reached a fork in the path, Alex stopped. "So, I'll head this way," he said, pointing towards a well-kept road leading off to the right.

Bridget nodded in understanding. "Thank you so much for saving me, Alex," she said, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. "And... about tomorrow..."

"Sure thing," Alex interrupted with a smile. "Meet me at the Adventurer's Guild late afternoon. We'll get you started on the right path."

Bridget's lips curved into a grateful smile. "Sounds like a plan. I really appreciate this, Alex. See you tomorrow."

They exchanged a final wave, and Bridget continued down the straight path leading towards the bustling heart of the city. Alex, meanwhile, turned onto the quieter road, heading towards the imposing gates that marked the entrance to his own mansion.


< Chapter 30 > Fin.