Home Sweet Home

"Hello, ladies, I'm home!" Alex called out cheerfully, pushing open the double doors of the mansion with his foot.

In the center of the grand foyer stood Frey, her arms crossed and a frown etched on her face. Facing her, a translucent figure shimmered into existence—Wisp, the resident ghost who had taken up residence in the mansion some time ago. Wisp, usually a mischievous sprite, appeared flustered, her voice echoing slightly as she protested.

"I just want to sleep in the basement!" Wisp declared, her voice tinged with exasperation.

Frey, ever the picture of stoicism, simply stared back at her. "No, you should get a room as well, Wisp. You are part of this family since now."

"Don't claim me!" Wisp shot back, her translucent form flickering in what might have been a pout.

Alex chuckled, the scene before him a familiar one. Frey's stern demeanor and Wisp's defiance created a strange, yet oddly endearing dynamic in the mansion.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" he asked, stepping into them and closing the doors behind him. The weight of the day's events seemed to lift a little as he entered the familiar warmth of his home.

Frey whirled around at the sound of Alex's voice, a flicker of relief crossing her usually stoic features. "Master Alex! You're back early," she exclaimed, her frown momentarily forgotten. "And just in time to settle this little… disagreement."

Wisp, on the other hand, let out a playful groan. "Oh great, the human's back. Now I have two against one."

Alex grinned, slinging his bag casually over his shoulder. "Sounds like a lively debate. What's the issue this time?"

Frey cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "Wisp insists on residing in the basement despite having a perfectly suitable room prepared for her."

Wisp puffed up her spectral chest, or at least attempted to. "Basements are quiet! Perfect for napping ghosts!"

Alex raised an eyebrow playfully. "Napping ghosts? Sounds like a fascinating lifestyle. But wouldn't a comfy bed be more conducive to peaceful slumber, even for a ghost?"

Wisp hesitated, her shimmering form flickering indecisively. "Well, yeah, but… basements are spooky! And bedrooms are… not spooky."

Frey let out a small, exasperated sigh. "Master Alex, perhaps you can reason with her."

"Hmm," Alex mused, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "How about a compromise? Frey can prepare a room for you, Wisp, but you get to choose the theme. Make it as spookyor not-so-spooky as you like."

Both Frey and Wisp stared at Alex, a surprised silence momentarily filling the foyer. Then, a slow smile spread across Wisp's translucent face.

"Deal!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing slightly.

Frey, ever the pragmatist, simply raised an eyebrow. "Deal," she echoed, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. "But I expect good taste, even with a spooky theme, Wisp."

Wisp snickered, her form shimmering with delight. "Oh, I can guarantee good taste," she teased. "Maybe even a touch of haunting elegance."

Alex chuckled, the tension dissolving into a comfortable camaraderie. He knew life in the mansion would never be dull, with Frey's quiet efficiency and Wisp's playful antics keeping things lively. "Excellent," he declared. "Now, how about some dinner? I'm famished after a long day."


As the aroma of roasting chicken and freshly baked bread filled the air, Alex recounted his adventure to Frey and Wisp over dinner. Wisp, perched precariously on the back of Alex's chair, listened intently, occasionally flitting closer to punctuate a point.

"Overly enthusiastic goblins," she'd whisper with a giggle, sending a shiver down Alex's spine at the memory. Or, "Questionable fashion choices," she'd remark with a mischievous glint in her translucent form, referring to some of the more outlandish adventurers he'd encountered.

Frey, refilled water glasses and offered additional helpings of vegetables with a stoic nod whenever Alex paused for breath. The warmth of the fire crackled in the hearth, casting flickering shadows on the walls and lending a cozy ambience to the scene.

"So, you ended up making a new friend?" Frey inquired, a hint of curiosity peeking through her usual reserved demeanor.

Alex grinned. "Sort of. She's a new adventurer, just starting out. Seems she wandered into an area a bit too high-level for her comfort." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Though, to be fair, I can't blame her for being surprised by a giant tiger living in the woods."

Wisp let out a playful giggle. "A tiger, you say? Sounds like you have quite the secret weapon, Human."

Alex rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Well, it's more of a… partnership, really. But yeah, she was definitely surprised." He recounted his encounter with Bridget, emphasizing his offer to help her navigate the world of adventuring.

"Sounds like a noble cause," Frey remarked, a hint of approval in her voice. "There are far too many rookies venturing out unprepared."

"Exactly!" Alex agreed. "I figured I could offer some guidance, maybe show her some good training grounds for beginners. Plus, it't be nice to have someone to explore with. Exploring alone gets a little old after a while."

Wisp drifted closer to Alex, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "Speaking of exploring," she said, her translucent form shimmering with excitement, "did you discover anything interesting out there? Any hidden passageways, perhaps? Or maybe a dusty old tome filled with forbidden knowledge?"

Alex chuckled. "Not today, Wisp. Mostly just goblins and a rather vocal tiger."

Wisp's spectral form flickered with disappointment. "Oh well," she sighed dramatically.

"How's school, master?" Frey asked, her voice a welcome return to the steady rhythm of the conversation.

"School?" Alex repeated, a grin splitting his face. "Well, my first day was so impressive that when they tried to scan my stats, the orb denied me, and they say I'm too strong! Haha!"

Frey's lips curved into a rare smile. "That's my master alright," she said, a hint of pride in her voice.

"Oh, and also..." he began hesitantly, glancing between Frey and Wisp. "Two girls invited me to drink tea today."

Wisp hooted with laughter. "Seems you're popular, human!" she declared, her voice bouncing off the walls.

Frey's cheeks flushed a faint pink, a sight so uncommon it startled both Alex and Wisp. She cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure.

"He handsome after all," she mumbled, barely audible.

Alex pushed back from the table, his stomach pleasantly full. A contented sigh escaped his lips. "Well, that was delicious, Frey," he said, offering a grateful smile. "Thanks for the meal."

Frey inclined her head in a small acknowledgment. "You're welcome, Master Alex."

"I think I'll head up to bed," Alex continued, stretching his arms above his head. "Tomorrow promises to be another boring day, go to school and I wouldn't want to be sluggish for my meeting with Bridget."

Wisp drifted closer, her translucent form shimmering playfully. "Already making plans for your next adventure, Human? Don't forget to leave some excitement for the rest of us!"

Alex chuckled. "Don't worry, Wisp. I'm sure there'll be plenty of excitement to go around. Besides, I wouldn't want to deprive you of the opportunity to unearth some ancient secrets along the way."

Wisp winked conspiratorially. "Now you're talking my language!"

With a final wave goodbye, Alex turned towards the stairs. As he ascended, he called out over his shoulder, "Oh, and Frey? Did you have a chance to clean my bathroom today?"

Frey's voice floated up from below. "Without your permission, I already cleaned the entire mansion, Master Alex."

Alex chuckled. "That's the Frey I know," he mumbled to himself. "Always one step ahead." With a final yawn, he disappeared into the hallway, ready to rest up for the challenges and adventures that awaited him tomorrow.


The following morning dawned bright and crisp. Alex, well-rested and energized from a good night's sleep, stretched languidly in his bed. A yawn escaped his lips as he slowly blinked his eyes open.

But before he could fully register his surroundings, a translucent holographic screen flickered into existence beside him. Three glowing dice spun lazily within the frame

[You have 3 Dice to roll today!]

Alex stared at the unexpected display for a moment, a frown creasing his forehead.

He reached out tentatively, his finger hovering over the screen. A faint hum resonated as the dice seemed to pulse with an inner light. 

It gonna be trash anyway… im gonna ignore it.

With a mental shrug, Alex decided to ignore it for now. There were more pressing matters at hand. He pushed himself out of bed, the playful morning light streaming through his window.

"Shiiiiiieeeaaaaaaa!" he stretched his body with a loud groan, his voice thick with sleep. He could definitely use another hour or two, but duty called.

He padded over to the bathroom adjoining his room, the luxurious suite a testament to his family's status. Reaching for the handle, he pushed the door open, expecting the usual cold tiles and sterile white fixtures.

Instead, his jaw dropped open in surprise. A large, steaming pool filled the room, the gentle scent of lavender and chamomile wafting through the air. Steam rose in wispy tendrils, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere.

"Oh, it's not a pool," he muttered to himself, stepping closer to get a better look. The water, perfectly warm to the touch, swirled invitingly. "It's a… bath? With a long, square shape… haha."


The morning hustle of the academy buzzed around Alex as he hurried through the halls, his red cloak billowing behind him. Sunlight streamed through the expansive windows, casting long shadows across the polished stone floors. He weaved through groups of students, their animated chatter echoing in the air. His destination: his classroom.

He skidded to a halt at his desk, his chest heaving slightly from his hurried pace. 

June, turned towards him. "Hey Alex, you know today we have an exam?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Alex's heart skipped a beat. "An exam? No one told me..." he stammered, a grimace twisting his features. He hadn't cracked open a single book since orientation, much to his growing sense of guilt.

June's grin widened. "Hehe, it's a sudden one," she explained. "Ms. Yoo-Euni says that's how it goes sometimes."

Alex groaned internally. Sudden exams were not his forte. "Great," he mumbled, burying his face in his hands. "I haven't learned anything..."

"Don't worry," June reassured him, patting his shoulder consolingly. "It's not a usual exam, thank goodness. We're going out to the field and test if we remember the spells we'll be using in the future!"

A flicker of hope sparked in Alex's eyes. "Oh, so it's not a paper and answer question thing?"

June shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. "Nope! Remember, we're Blessed after all. This is more about practical application than rote memorization."

Relief washed over Alex. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't completely embarrass himself. He wasn't sure what spells they might be tested on, but at least it wouldn't involve dusty textbooks and endless memorization.

"Alright, that's not so bad," he admitted, a hint of confidence returning to his voice. "Thanks for letting me know, June. You're a lifesaver."

Yunus, leaned across the aisle, his voice booming over the classroom chatter. "Lucky for you guys, mine's super long!"

Eve, turned towards Yunus. "That's because you have the Power of Consumption, right? Your exam tests your memory to keep you from, well, going psycho, right?"

Yunus scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "W-well, yeah... but still! It's a monster!" he grumbled, his voice dropping to a dramatic whisper.

Across the aisle, Duny, a quiet boy with a perpetually dreamy expression, finally turned his gaze from the window towards Yunus. "Me? Oh, Mana give me power... just like that." He snapped his fingers with a flourish.

"Too short!" Yunus exclaimed, rolling his eyes in mock despair. He then swiveled his head towards Marco. "How about you?"

Marco pursed his lips in concentration, tapping his pen against his notebook. "Hmmm... if I remember correctly, 'O almighty one, grant me the power of light in my hands, and um... I forget the rest..."

Yunus, threw his hands up in the air. His gaze finally landed on Alex. "And you?" he demanded. "You haven't said a word! You know what your exam is?"

Alex, caught off guard by Yunus's outburst, stammered, "Um... I don't know, honestly. Let's just see what Ms. Yoo-Euni says."

A chorus of groans and nervous laughter erupted around him as the students exchanged worried glances. The sudden exam announcement had certainly shaken their usual pre-class routine.

June, noticed the rising panic amongst her classmates. With a warm smile, she reached into her bag and pulled out a small, worn leather-bound book. She leaned across the aisle and offered it to Yunus.

"Here," she said gently, "if you forget your spell…"

A blush crept up Yunus's cheeks, and Duny and Marco both shot her surprised glances. They hadn't noticed June preparing the book.

"T-Thanks..." Yunus stammered, hesitantly accepting the offering. He cracked open the book, revealing pages filled with neat, handwritten text in an unfamiliar language.

Marco, fueled by curiosity, leaned closer. "Where did you get this?" he whispered.

"Ms. Yoo-Euni gave it to me before class," June explained with a shrug. "She said it might be helpful for those who, uh, appreciate a little last-minute review."

A collective sigh of relief rippled through the group. Yunus, Marco, and Duny all flushed again, this time with gratitude.

Across the aisle, Alex watched with a mixture of curiosity and a flicker of panic. He couldn't help but crane his neck to get a glimpse of the book's contents. Ancient symbols and unfamiliar script swam before his eyes. Luckily, a memory flickered in his mind – the strange holographic screen. Maybe the system could translate this ancient text too!

He quickly sat back in his seat, trying to appear nonchalant. With a silent plea to whatever force governed his system, he focused on the page in Yunus's hand. A familiar tingle ran down his spine, and the words on the page blurred momentarily before solidifying into clear Latin.

A wave of relief washed over him. Latin may not be his strongest suit, but at least it was something he could understand. He might not have studied beforehand, but with a little help from his unexpected system, he might just survive this surprise exam.

A frustrated groan escaped Yunus's lips. He slammed the small book shut with a dramatic flourish. "Forget it!" he declared. "This is impossible! I'm doomed to fail this test."

Marco sighed, slumping down in his chair. "I give up too. There's no way I can memorize all that on such short notice."

Alex, emboldened by a newfound hope, decided to take a chance. He leaned across the aisle, offering a hesitant smile.

"Hey, guys," he started, "mind if I take a look at that book?"

Yunus glanced at him, surprised. He hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "Sure, but I don't think it'll help much. It's all ancient text. You probably won't understand a word."

Alex reached out and gently took the book, his fingers brushing against June's as he did so. A warmth spread through him, not just from the touch, but from the knowledge that he wasn't alone in facing this predicament.

He flipped open the book to the page where Yunus had stopped. The strange symbols swam before his eyes, mirroring the ones he'd seen that morning. But this time, instead of panic, a sense of anticipation filled him.

Just as he'd hoped, a familiar holographic screen flickered into existence beside the book. The words on the page blurred momentarily before solidifying into clear Latin. A title at the top of the screen read: "Spell for Alex."

He skimmed through the text, a mixture of relief and excitement washing over him. Yes, it was long, but at least he could understand it. A mischievous grin spread across his face. He glanced at the screen, then back at the book.

"Hmm, yeah, it's definitely long," he admitted with a feigned sigh. "That's a lot to memorize." But a playful glint in his eyes betrayed his true thoughts.

Then, another option appeared on the screen:

[Do you wish to screenshot this Text?] (Yes)/(No)

Alex's grin widened. This wasn't just helpful, it was downright awesome! Forget memorizing, he could just access the information whenever he needed it. He tapped the "Yes" option with a triumphant smirk. This unexpected power might just give him the edge he needed to ace this exam, even without any prior preparation.

A triumphant grin spread across Alex's face as the screen displayed the message:

[Screenshot successful, you can see it whenever you want!]

He glanced back at the book, the ancient text now a mere formality. He closed the book and returned it to Yunus.

"Thanks, this was a lifesaver," Alex said genuinely

Yunus, still flustered but slightly less defeated, mumbled a response. 

Marco, however, seemed to have caught on to Alex's confidence. "Hey, Alex," he murmured, "did you memorize any of that?"

Alex chuckled, keeping his voice low. "Not exactly," he admitted. "But let's just say I have a way of remembering things in a pinch."

Marco's eyes widened didn't understand what he say.

Suddenly, the classroom door creaked open, and Ms. Yoo-Euni appeared in the doorway, her usual calm demeanor replaced by a hint of amusement. She scanned the room, taking in the mixture of nervous faces and Alex's uncharacteristically confident grin.

"You guys ready?" she inquired, a playful lilt in her voice.

"Noo!" A collective groan erupted from the students, Alex being the only exception. His enthusiasm was a stark contrast to the general sense of dread.

"Ready or not," Ms. Yoo-Euni continued, a hint of a smile gracing her lips, "let's head down to the academy field for your practical exam. And remember," she added, turning back to address the class with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "the green field, not the training grounds."

A wave of confusion washed over the students. The training grounds were where they usually practiced their spells. What did Ms. Yoo-Euni mean by the green field? But before they could voice their questions.

June, jumped to her feet with a determined glint in her eyes. "Alright, team, let's go!" she declared, gathering her things.

Eve, nodded in agreement and rose from her seat. The tension in the room was palpable, but June's positive attitude was infectious.

The four boys – Alex, Marco, Yunus, and Duny – exchanged nervous glances before scrambling to their feet. With a mix of apprehension and a flicker of Alex's newfound confidence, they followed June and Eve out of the classroom.

The hallway buzzed with activity as students from other classes hurried to their own destinations. Conversations swirled around them, laced with nervous chatter about the surprise exam. But as Alex walked alongside his classmates, a sense of camaraderie bloomed. They were all in this together, facing the unknown.


< Chapter 31 > Fin.