How many god out there?

The academy's green field opened up in front of them, a vast expanse of green. The scent of fresh grass and wildflowers wafted across the open area in a crisp wind that almost tore at their clothing. A row of trees swayed wildly in the distance, their branches flailing in the constant breeze.

At the far end of the field, Ms. Yoo-Euni stood beside a simple wooden table, her dark hair whipping around her face like a living thing. A collection of thick, leather-bound books lay scattered across its surface, their aged pages turning frantically in the wind's grasp.

June, her usually bright smile replaced by a taut line of determination. "We're here," she announced, her voice barely audible over the howling wind.

Their red cloaks, a symbol of their status as Blessed students, billowed dramatically behind them like crimson flags in a storm. Alex gripped the fabric at his shoulders, momentarily struggling against the wind's attempt to transform him into a human kite. He stole a glance at his classmates, each battling with their own unruly cloaks as they gathered around Ms. Yoo-Euni.

Ms. Yoo-Euni's voice cut through the howling wind. "Alright everyone, listen up! For this exam," she announced, "you have five minutes to review the material on that table. Each book contains the specific spell you'll be tested on today."

A wave of frantic nods rippled through the group as the students bolted towards the table, their red cloaks billowing behind them like flags in a hurricane. The table, laden with a hefty collection of leather-bound tomes, resembled a miniature library at the mercy of the wind. Each book bore a name etched on its cover, a silent promise of the spell it held within.

Alex weaved through the throng of students, his eyes scanning the table. There, nestled amongst the other books, was one with his name emblazoned on its worn leather cover. A familiar thrill ran down his spine as he opened it.

The text was identical to the one he had earlier seen in June's small book, with his mysterious system translating the ancient symbols into understandable Latin. A satisfied smile tugged at his lips. This unexpected twist in the exam format wasn't a problem for him anymore. He had a distinct advantage, and he couldn't wait to see how it played out.

Five minutes of frantic activity filled the green field. The wind whipped the pages of the books on the table, making it a challenge for the students to decipher the ancient text within. There was a tense atmosphere of concentration in the air, with the occasional murmur or exasperated sigh.

Everyone except Alex. He flipped through the book assigned to him, only glancing at the pages with a hint of amusement. The Latin text, a familiar sight thanks to his system's translation, held no mysteries for him. He wasn't actively memorizing; he simply knew he could access the information at any moment.

Ms. Yoo-Euni, with her keen eye for detail, noticed Alex's casual demeanor amidst the sea of furrowed brows. A flicker of curiosity crossed her face. She strode over to him, her black cloak billowing dramatically in the wind.

"Alex!" she called out, her voice firm but laced with a hint of amusement.

Alex lifted his chin from the book and met her gaze. "Yes?"

"Come here for a moment."

He readily followed her. As they reached the middleof the green field, Ms. Yoo-Euni turned to him, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Do you already recall everything in the spell?" she inquired, her voice low enough to avoid the ears of the other students still struggling at the table.

Alex shrugged, a nonchalant air about him. "Well, yeah," he admitted. "It's a bit long, but I managed to memorize it." A slight twinkle in his eyes betrayed the truth, but Ms. Yoo-Euni chose not to pry further.

"Fascinating," she remarked, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. This unexpected display of quick learning piqued her interest. "Then, in that case," she continued, her voice ringing out across the field, "Alex, you may proceed to the first stage of the exam!"

A stunned silence descended upon the students. They watched in disbelief as Alex, the boy who hadn't seemed to be taking the exam seriously, was the first one cleared to begin. Muttering and confused glances swirled around the table as the weight of Alex's accomplishment sank in. 

He, seemingly unfazed by the sudden attention, simply offered a confident nod to Ms. Yoo-Euni and strode towards the center of the field.

A hush fell over the green field. Every student abandoned their books, their gazes fixed on Alex as he stood confidently in the center. The wind seemed to hold its breath, creating an almost eerie silence.

Alex, oblivious to the scrutiny, wasn't focused on the swirling wind or the curious stares. He activated his system with a thought, and a translucent holographic screen materialized in front of him, only visible to his eyes. The screenshot he'd taken earlier glowed brightly:

[Spell for Alex]

['O The one of who created us, forgive the heat on my body, forgive the cold on my body, lock a power that hurt everyone, everything, make us strong by your holy, make us the one who regain everything, make us the strongest among the strongest']

The sheer length of the text made him grimace internally. "That's so long..." he muttered under his breath, more to himself than anyone else.

But remembering wasn't necessary. He took a deep breath, centered himself, and began to recite the spell aloud, his voice clear and unwavering.

"O, The one who created us," he started, his voice ringing out across the windswept field, "forgive the heat on my body, forgive the cold on my body..."

He continued, each word echoing through the air, carrying a weight of power he didn't fully understand. The students watched in a mixture of awe and confusion. This wasn't just memorization; there was an undeniable conviction in Alex's voice, a connection to the words that went beyond simple recitation.

As he reached the last line, a surge of energy pulsed around him. The wind picked up, swirling around Alex in a miniature tempest. A faint golden light began to emanate from his body, growing brighter with each passing second.

A collective gasp rippled through the students. They had never seen anything like it. This wasn't just a simple exam; it was a display of raw power, a glimpse of Alex's true potential.

Ms. Yoo-Euni's eyes widened as she witnessed the wind around Alex not just swirling but coalescing. Due to the power of his chanted spell, it was no longer a light breeze but rather a small hurricane that was forming around him.

Suddenly, the wind took on a terrifying new form. It solidified into a massive, ethereal blade, its tip pointed directly at Alex. A gasp escaped Ms. Yoo-Euni's lips, but the wind tore her words away before they could be heard.

"A-Alex!" she screamed, her voice lost in the howling gale. "Stop! You could anger him! Stop!"

But Alex, lost in the throes of the spell and the holographic display before him, remained oblivious to the rising danger. He saw his classmates' mouths moving but couldn't decipher their shouts. Were they cheering him on? Worried? He caught a glimpse of Ms. Yoo-Euni's frantic hand gestures, but the meaning was lost in the wind's roar.

"He must be doing something amazing!" he thought with a surge of misplaced pride. "Being the main character has its perks, I guess."

Wuuushhh! His self-congratulatory thoughts were shattered as the monstrous wind blade swooped down with terrifying speed. 

"Ackkk!" A primal scream ripped from his throat as the blade slammed into him with a bone-jarring thud. Pain seared through him, the wind's energy tearing at his very being. He crumpled to his knees, his vision blurring at the edges.

The world spun around him, the wind's roar replaced by a deafening silence. As his vision cleared slightly, he saw a towering figure emerge from the swirling chaos. A muscular man, his form sculpted from pure wind, materialized before him, his face etched with fury. A swirling cloak billowed behind him, the very air itself seeming to obey his will.

"You... brat," the figure boomed, his voice a chilling combination of wind and fury. "How dare you try to harness such power in my domain!"

A new holographic display flickered into existence before Alex, the familiar blue letters against the swirling chaos.

[Alert! You have angered the God of Wind!]

A primal curse ripped from Alex's throat as the wind blade slammed into him. Pain exploded through his body, the raw energy of the attack threatening to tear him apart. He crumpled to his knees, his vision blurring at the edges. Through the haze, he saw a colossal figure materialize from the swirling storm—a muscular man formed entirely of wind, his face twisted in a mask of fury. A swirling cloak billowed behind him, the very air itself seeming to obey his will.

"The fu-..." Alex gasped, the rest of his curse lost in a ragged breath.

"Did you not know the rules of this field?!" the God of Wind boomed, his voice a chilling combination of wind and fury. "No one gains strength here except me! This domain is mine!"

A jolt of recognition shot through Alex's pain-addled mind. Areoluious! he thought, gritting his teeth against the agony. The arrogant God of Wind. Always the same, isn't he? Can't stand anyone else even attempting a pity of power. He experienced a surge of rage as a result of the excruciating pain and Areoluious' arrogant remarks.

With a defiant snarl, Alex ignored the pulsing agony in his body. He focused everything he had on the holographic display before him, the words of the spell blurring slightly at the edges. He wasn't finished yet. He wouldn't let this arrogant god intimidate him.


Suddenly, a golden light erupted from Alex, a beacon amidst the swirling chaos. As the unexpected force pushed back the wind, which had previously been a howling tempest, shrieked in protest. The storm clouds above the green field parted, revealing a clear blue sky. The God of Wind, Areoluious, stumbled back, his ethereal blade flickering uncertainly in his hand.

Shock and disbelief contorted his features. No one, not even the most powerful Blessed students, had ever challenged his dominance in this domain. Who was this boy, radiating such raw power, who dared to defy him?

The sudden eruption of light and the booming voice of the God of Wind ripped through the stunned silence of the students. Ms. Yoo-Euni, cried out, "Alex!"

Duny, his eyes wide with awe, stammered, "Wait, who's that!?" pointing towards the colossal figure beside Alex.

The other students, their faces a mixture of fear and confusion, turned their gazes towards the center of the field, where Alex stood, bathed in golden light, facing off against a powerful deity.

The wind, no longer a howling tempest, subsided into a gentle breeze. The storm clouds above dissolved, revealing a clear blue sky dotted with puffy white clouds.

In the sudden calm, a horrifying sight came into view. Alex, still on his knees, clutched at his chest. A jagged tear ran across his red cloak, revealing a deep, bloody wound beneath. His face was pale, a bead of sweat clinging to his forehead despite the sudden coolness of the air.

Across from him, Areoluious, the God of Wind, stood rigidly, his ethereal blade still clutched in his hand. Gone was the arrogant sneer; his expression now reflected a grudging respect, a flicker of surprise lingering in his eyes.

Ms. Yoo-Euni, gasped, but a hint of fear flickered across her features. "He shouldn't have... angered the God of Winds..." she murmured under her breath, a tremor in her voice betraying her concern.

A collective gasp of shock rippled through the students. "God of Winds!?" they echoed in stunned whispers. The surprise exam had taken a drastic turn, revealing a powerful deity and a classmate who, despite his injury, had somehow managed to challenge him. Uncertainty and a mixture of fear and awe hung heavy in the air.

Again…? How strong is he truly is? he thought, a flicker of envy sparking in his eyes. Alex, the boy who hadn't seemed to take the exam seriously, was now facing a god, his body wracked with pain but his spirit unbroken. Yunus couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration mixed with a touch of jealousy. Here he was, struggling to memorize a simple spell, while Alex stood toe-to-toe with a divine being.

Maybe there's more to him than meets the eye, Yunus conceded grudgingly. He glanced at Marco and Duny, who were equally wide-eyed with a mixture of awe and concern. A silent understanding passed between them. 

"I never accept that anyone with great power coming here!" Areoluious roared, his voice echoing across the green field. He glared down at Alex, who remained kneeling, his hand still pressed against his wound. Despite the pain etched on his face, a spark of defiance flickered in his eyes.

Suddenly, a wave of inky blackness erupted from the ground, swirling around Areoluious with unnatural speed. The God of Wind let out a startled cry as the darkness materialized into thick, cosmic chains that wrapped around his form, binding him tightly. He struggled against his restraints, but the chains held firm.

"Ackkk!? You!"

A voice, booming yet somehow gentle, resonated across the field, seemingly emanating from everywhere and nowhere at once. "We apologize for this sudden intervention."

"No! let me finish him!"

A new holographic display flickered into existence before Alex, the familiar blue letters stark against the chaos.

[Alert! The Outergod has helped you from death]

Relief washed over Alex as the truth dawned on him. He wasn't facing this alone. This mysterious Outergod, a powerful entity beyond their mortal comprehension, had intervened. He watched in stunned silence as the holographic display shifted, revealing a message of warning directed at Areoluious.

The message, though brief, resonated with a power that sent shivers down Alex's spine. It spoke of maintaining order, of allowing potential to grow, and of the consequences of stifling such potential. As the final words faded, the chains binding Areoluious pulsed with an otherworldly light, and the God of Wind dissolved into a swirling vortex of wind that dissipated into the clear blue sky.

Silence descended upon the green field, broken only by the gasps and murmurs of the students. Alex, his wound miraculously healed, looked around at his wide-eyed classmates. 

Ms. Yoo-Euni met his gaze with a look of intense contemplation having replaced her initial expression of shock. A silent understanding passed between them. This wasn't just about the exam anymore.

Alex looked down at his chest, where a ragged tear had split his red cloak open. The wound itself, however, was gone. No blood stained his clothes, and no pain lingered. The Outergod's intervention completely undid the harm the wind blade had caused. He reached up and touched the smooth, unmarked skin where the gash had been, a wave of awe washing over him.

He glanced at the holographic display before him, the message from the Outergod pulsing faintly. A shiver ran down his spine as he remembered the entity's words about potential and its power. He may not have fully understood the situation, but one thing was clear – the Outergod had seen something special in him.

Across the field, Ms. Yoo-Euni watched Alex with a newfound curiosity in her eyes. The initial shock of the God of Wind's appearance had subsided, giving way to a deeper intrigue.

"What is… happening...?" she murmured, her brow furrowed in thought. "In all my years, you are the one who… changed everything. Who are you, Alex?" Her voice, usually firm and composed, held a tremor of genuine curiosity.

Marco's voice, barely a whisper amidst the stunned silence, broke the spell. "I think..." he began, his eyes fixed on Alex, "he's the blessed among the blessed... I guess."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the students. The events that had unfolded on the green field were beyond anything they'd ever witnessed. Alex, the boy who'd breezed through the exam with an almost nonchalant attitude, had not only faced a god but somehow earned the intervention of a mysterious Outergod. In their eyes, he was no longer just a classmate; he was something more, a potential legend in the making.

Even Ms. Yoo-Euni, ever the composed teacher, couldn't help but nod slowly in reluctant agreement. The way Alex had channeled the spell, the defiance in his eyes as he faced Areoluious – it defied all logic. And then there was the Outergod's intervention, a testament to Alex's yet-to-be-understood potential.

A sense of awe and a touch of nervous excitement crackled through the air. This surprise exam had become a turning point, not just for Alex, but for all of them.

June, ever the observant one, scanned the vast green field. The wind that had whipped around them moments ago was now a gentle breeze, carrying the scent of fresh grass and wildflowers. The cold had vanished, replaced by a warm, almost comforting presence.

Turning to Alex, still standing in the center of the field, she voiced the question that hung heavy in the air. "The wind is gone... the cold too. Did you, Alex, make the god of wind... go away?"

Her voice, though hesitant, held a hint of wonder. The revelation of a God and Alex's seemingly effortless defiance had left everyone shaken, June included. Could a single student, even a Blessed one, truly possess such power?

Alex, still visibly shaken, stammered, "S-Should we continue...?"

The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Everyone's eyes were glued to Alex and the aftermath of the extraordinary display.

Before anyone could respond, Ms. Yoo-Euni, her calm facade momentarily shattered, rushed towards Alex. Reaching him, she gently but firmly grasped his arm. "Everyone," she addressed the stunned students, her voice carrying a hint of urgency, "I'm giving you an additional twenty minutes to review the spell. I need to take Alex to the nurse."

A collective gasp rippled through the students. While the God of Wind's appearance and Alex's defiance had been awe-inspiring, they hadn't forgotten the raw power unleashed and the wound Alex had sustained.

"Damn! I thought for sure this meant the exam was canceled!" Marco yelled

Ms. Yoo-Euni shot him a withering look. "The exam will continue," she declared firmly. "But with a slight modification. Consider this a valuable lesson, not just in memorization, but in the true potential that lies within each of you." Her gaze lingered on Alex for a moment, a flicker of something unreadable in her eyes. "Now, everyone, get back to your studies. And Alex," she added, a hint of warmth softening her voice, "let's get you patched up."

Alex nods.


< Chapter 32 > Fin.