The Exam

Ms. Yoo-Euni, helped Alex navigate the bustling hallways until they reached the doorway of the nurse's office. With a gentle hand on his shoulder, she ushered him inside.

A weary-looking woman with kind eyes looked up from her paperwork. "Well, this is a surprise," she said, her voice laced with amusement. "It's not often we see Blessed students in here. What seems to be the trouble, Ms. Yoo-Euni?"

Ms. Yoo-Euni hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering to Alex, who looked pale despite the Outergod's intervention. "It's a long story, Nurse Aina," Ms. Yoo-Euni finally admitted. "Just help him out, please. It's rather… extraordinary."

Nurse Aina's eyebrow shot up, a spark of curiosity replacing her initial amusement. "Extraordinary, you say? Alright then," she said, gesturing towards the examination bed. "Hop on up, young man. Let's see what kind of trouble you've gotten yourself into this time."

Ms. Yoo-Euni nodded, a hint of worry lingering in her eyes as she helped Alex onto the bed. "I'll leave you two to it," she said. "The other students need to continue their exam."

"I understand," Nurse Aina replied, already reaching for a thermometer. "Leave it to me. I'll take good care of him."

The door clicked shut behind Ms. Yoo-Euni, leaving Alex alone with Nurse Aina. The kind-eyed woman placed a cool hand on his forehead, her touch gentle but firm. "Alright, young man," she said with a low chuckle, "tell me everything. What kind of extraordinary event managed to land a Blessed student in my office?"

Alex, still reeling from the encounter with the God of Wind and the intervention of the Outergod, hesitated. Should he tell her everything? It all felt so unbelievable, like something out of a fantastical story.

He stole a glance at Nurse Aina, her gaze patient and encouraging. Taking a deep breath, he decided to trust her. Starting from the beginning, he recounted the events of the exam in detail, from the strange feeling he got about the spell to the God of Wind's furious appearance. He described the excruciating pain of the wind blade and the blinding golden light that erupted from him. Finally, he spoke of the message from the Outergod and the miraculous healing of his wound.

As he spoke, Nurse Aina listened intently, her expression a mixture of concern and newfound respect. She didn't interrupt, simply letting him tell his story. Once he finished, a thoughtful silence descended upon the room.

"Well," Nurse Aina finally said, her voice soft, "that certainly is an extraordinary tale, Alex. I won't pretend to understand everything you've described, but one thing is clear - you possess a unique power."

Alex looked at her, a flicker of hope igniting in his eyes. "Do you think so?"

"I do," Nurse Aina confirmed. "The way you reacted to the spell, the defiance you showed against the God of Wind… that wasn't something ordinary. And the message from this Outergod… intriguing, to say the least."

She paused, taking his temperature again. "Now, let's get you checked out and make sure this 'healing' is complete." As she began her examination, a gentle smile played on her lips. 

This Blessed student, Alex, was unlike any she'd encountered before. He was a mystery waiting to be unraveled, and Nurse Aina had a feeling their paths would cross again soon.


On the green field, the students had regrouped, a tense silence hanging heavy in the air. The wind that had whipped around them moments ago was now a gentle breeze, carrying the scent of fresh grass and wildflowers. There was no longer the oppressive cold; instead, there was a warm, almost comforting presence.

"Sh*t... that was insane," Yunus finally speaking, breaking the silence. His voice trembled slightly, a mix of awe and fear still lingering.

Duny nodded mutely, his eyes wide and reflecting the same emotions.

"I gotta admit," Marco chimed in, his usual cocky smirk replaced by a thoughtful expression, "he really did pull a main character move out there."

"Do you think he'll become some kind of hero?" Eve whispered, her voice barely audible.

June, remained silent. Her mind replayed the events the terrifying wind blade, the golden light erupting from Alex, the booming voice of the God of Wind, and finally, the mysterious intervention of the Outergod.

Just then, Ms. Yoo-Euni reappeared, her usual composure slightly ruffled. "Alright everyone," she addressed the students, "Have you had enough time to refresh your memory on the spell?"

A chorus of responses greeted her.

"Yes, Ms. Yoo-Euni!" June chirped cheerfully, ever the diligent student.

"I think I got it," Marco mumbled, scratching his head, a hint of uncertainty creeping into his voice.

"Ugh, this exam got way more complicated than I signed up for," Yunus muttered under his breath, earning a glare from Ms. Yoo-Euni.

A wry smile touched the teacher's lips. "Indeed," she said, her gaze lingering for a moment on the empty spot where Alex had been standing. "This exam has certainly taken an unexpected turn. Now, let's resume. Remember, focus is key. Channel your inner strength, and don't be afraid to push your limits."

The students settled back on the green field, the weight of the extraordinary events hanging heavy in the air. The surprise exam had become something far greater a test not just of their spellcasting abilities, but of their courage and resilience in the face of the unknown.

Ms. Yoo-Euni scanned the students, her gaze lingering for a moment on the empty spot where Alex had been. Clearing her throat, she addressed the group. "Alright everyone, it seems June is ready to give it a go. June, step forward whenever you're prepared."

June, who had been the first to declare her readiness, hesitated slightly. The memory of the God of Wind's terrifying power and Alex's near-fatal encounter was still fresh in her mind. Taking a deep breath, she shuffled forward, a flicker of doubt clouding her usual cheerfulness.

"Ms. Yoo-Euni," she began hesitantly, "there's... there's no chance a sword will appear and attack me, right? Or, you know, a god?"

A nervous giggle escaped her lips, betraying her worry. The other students exchanged glances, some stifling their own anxieties. Even Marco seemed a touch subdued.

Yunus, couldn't resist a jab. "Meh, don't worry about it, June," he said with a nonchalant shrug. "You're not exactly, uh, extraordinary like Alex."

His words, though intended to lighten the mood. June's face fell, a deep pang of hurt replacing her initial nervousness. An "Ughh..." escaped her lips, more of a defeated sigh than anything else.

Ms. Yoo-Euni sighed. "Don't worry, June," she reassured gently. "The exam has been... adjusted. There won't be any surprise attacks or deities interrupting you this time. Just focus on channeling your energy and reciting the spell correctly."

June, her shoulders slumping slightly under Yunus's insensitive comment, nodded slowly. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her posture and stepped forward, moving towards the center of the green field. As she stood in the designated spot, a nervous energy crackled around her. All eyes were on her, the weight of expectation was hanging heavy in the air.

Taking another deep breath, June closed her eyes and began to recite the spell, her voice barely a whisper at first:

"Telekinetic Vivens, Anima mea vim Sentio Intus. Surge!"

The words, an ancient dialect, flowed from her lips with increasing confidence. Her hands, outstretched towards the sky, tingled with anticipation. 

The students watched, some with a hint of nervousness, others with a newfound respect for the power they were about to witness.

A sudden surge of energy erupted in June. Her hair whipped around her face as she channeled her mana, a crackling light briefly enveloping her outstretched hands. But then, just as quickly as it flared, the power sputtered and died. June stumbled slightly, her face flushed with exertion, and sank to her knees.

"Good enough for a first try," Ms. Yoo-Euni announced, her voice neutral but her eyes betraying a hint of disappointment. "However, as you've all witnessed, successfully casting the spell requires a significant amount of mana. June, you have the right idea, but your reserves need work."

"So this exam needs a lot of mana, huh?" Marco muttered, still sprawled on the green field, his gaze fixed on June in the center.

Suddenly, Duny, the towering figure of the class, approached Ms. Yoo-Euni. "Can I just say the translate part?" he asked, his voice booming slightly. "It seems simpler."

Ms. Yoo-Euni, dwarfed by Duny's height, tilted her head back to meet his gaze. A faint smile touched her lips. "Of course, Duny. Go ahead."

June, her initial disappointment fading, stepped back from the center of the field to make way for Duny. A newfound determination flickered in her eyes as she watched her classmate take his place.

Duny stood tall, his broad chest puffing out with confidence. He took a deep breath and began to recite the spell, emphasizing the Latin words:

"Oh, Mana give me power."

A light blue aura erupted around Duny as he channeled his mana. Unlike June's brief flicker, the light intensified, swirling around him with growing power. And then, with a final flourish, a materialized weapon condensed from his mana a massive scythe.

"Woah, that one is big," Marco exclaimed, his eyes wide with awe. He leaned forward and so did the other students, who were equally fascinated by the display.

Duny stood proudly, his scythe held aloft. He turned to Ms. Yoo-Euni, a triumphant grin splitting his face. "Is this good, Ms. Yoo-Euni?" he boomed.

Ms. Yoo-Euni, her voice barely reaching him over the distance, nodded enthusiastically. "Excellent, Duny! You can either return or continue exploring your other skills."

Duny nodded with a satisfied grunt, his massive scythe dissipating into motes of light as he walked back to the group. Anticipation crackled in the air as Ms. Yoo-Euni addressed the remaining students.

"Now, who's next?" she called out, her voice ringing across the green field.

A hand shot up from the crowd. "Me!" Eve, ever the eager one, practically bounced in place. A spark of excitement danced in her eyes, a stark contrast to her initial nervousness.

Ms. Yoo-Euni gestured towards the center of the field. "Go on, Eve. Show us what you've got."

Eve straightened her posture, a confident smile replacing her earlier anxiety. Unlike Duny who focused on the translate, she began by chanting the entire spell, her voice clear and strong:

"Fulgur Coruscans, Vox Tonitrus! Spiritus Electricus Intra Me Fervet. Concentra et Libera!"

The ancient words, a mix of Latin and a language that seemed to crackle with electrical energy, flowed from her lips with increasing power. Her hands, outstretched towards the sky, tingled with a potent electric current that danced across her skin in vibrant sparks. The students watched, mesmerized, as the air around Eve seemed to vibrate with raw electrical potential.

With a final flourish, Eve slammed her palms together, her eyes flashing a vibrant electric blue. A crackling orb of pure lightning materialized between her hands, pulsing with an otherworldly energy. Then, with a controlled flick of her wrist, she launched the orb skyward. It soared high above the green field, leaving a trail of crackling light in its wake, before exploding in a dazzling display of electrical fireworks.

A thunderous applause erupted from the students, their initial awe replaced by pure exhilaration. Eve's display was unlike anything they'd witnessed before. While Duny's giant scythe demonstrated raw power, Eve's control and finesse with her electrical abilities were truly awe-inspiring.

"Extraordinary, Eve!" Ms. Yoo-Euni exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine pride. "That was a magnificent display of your elemental power. Have you ever tried a spell of such complexity before?"

"N-No!" Eve stammered, her voice strained as she channeled the electric energy. The orb of lightning crackled and pulsed between her hands, its raw power threatening to overwhelm her. Her initial confidence wavered as the strain of maintaining the spell became evident. Sparks danced across her skin, not playful but painful, a sign of her mana reserves nearing depletion.

The students watched with bated breath, their excitement morphing into concern. Eve's ambition had pushed her to attempt a complex spell beyond her current capabilities. While the initial incantation flowed smoothly, the demanding nature of maintaining the electric orb was taking its toll.

With a final, desperate surge of energy, Eve attempted to launch the orb skyward. But it faltered, the vibrant electric current flickering erratically. Then, with a pop and a sputter, the orb fizzled out, dissipating into harmless wisps of electric smoke. Eve stumbled back, panting heavily, her face pale with exertion.

"It seems your mana isn't quite there yet for a spell of that complexity," Ms. Yoo-Euni said gently, her voice laced with understanding. "It takes practice and control to handle such raw power. But don't be discouraged, Eve. That was a valiant attempt. Perhaps you'd like to try a simpler electric spell to solidify your control?"

Eve took a deep breath, her initial disappointment giving way to a newfound determination. There was a thrill in wielding such power, even if it had momentarily eluded her grasp. "Yes, Ms. Yoo-Euni," she replied, her voice regaining its strength. "I'd like to try a different spell, something to hone my control over the electricity."

Eve, drained but exhilarated from her attempt, rejoined Ms. Yoo-Euni on the sidelines. A pleasant ache thrummed in her muscles, a reminder of the immense power she wielded. Glancing at the remaining students, she noticed Marco and Yunus sprawled side-by-side on the green field, a picture of nonchalance.

Ms. Yoo-Euni surveyed the group, her gaze lingering on the two boys. "So, it seems we only have two left. Who's ready to go next?"

Yunus, ever the braggart, puffed out his chest and grinned. "Heh, looks like I get the grand finale, Ms. Yoo-Euni!"

Ms. Yoo-Euni chuckled, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Always the showman, Yunus. Very well, you can go next. And Marco," she addressed the other boy, who was now lazily stretching, "you're up after him."

Marco finally rose to his feet, a nonchalant shrug accompanying his movement. "Alright, alright," he mumbled, feigning disinterest but unable to hide a flicker of anticipation in his eyes.

Marco stood alone in the center of the green field, the weight of his classmates' expectations and his own bravado pressing down on him. He'd witnessed Duny's imposing scythe and Eve's electrifying display. Now, all eyes were on him. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and forced himself to recall the complex spell Ms. Yoo-Euni had taught them.

This wasn't just any spell, however. It wasn't about conjuring telekinetic or manipulating electricity. This one felt… different. The words resonated within him, carrying a power unlike anything he'd experienced before. It was a legend whispered among the Blessed a spell that connected one to an ancient deity, the bringer of light, Lux Aeterna.

He began the incantation, his voice a low murmur at first:

"Lux Aeterna, fons lucis infinitae, lumen caelestium, audi preces meas."

The words, a mix of Latin and an archaic language that seemed to shimmer with light, flowed from his lips with increasing confidence. He felt a strange tingling sensation in his hands, a warmth spreading from his palms outwards.

"Ego, Marco, humilis servus tuus, peto donum tuum divinum. Imbue manus meas potestate tua splendida, ut dispergam tenebras et illuminem viam."

With each word, the tingling intensified. He imagined a celestial light coursing through his veins, charging his very being. He raised his hands towards the sky, palms open, as if receiving a divine blessing.

"Fac manus meas instrumenta lucis tuae, Lux Aeterna. Fiat lux!"

A blinding light erupted from Marco's hands, engulfing him in a sphere of pure, radiant energy. The students shielded their eyes, gasping in awe at the spectacle. The green field shimmered, bathed in the otherworldly glow. It wasn't the harsh glare of the sun, but a gentle, all-encompassing light that seemed to banish the very shadows from existence.

The spell continued, the incantation becoming more powerful with each repetition:

"Lux Aeterna, fons lucis infinitae, lumen caelestium, audi preces meas... Ego, Marco, humilis servus tuus, Peto donum tuum divinum... Imbue manus meas potestate tua splendida, ut dispergam tenebras et illuminem viam... Fac manus meas instrumenta lucis tuae, Lux Aeterna. Fiat lux!"

The tingling sensation in his hands shifted, the warmth turning into a pleasant hum. He glanced down at his hands, noticing a faint white light emanating from them, a gentle glow that seemed to outline his fingers like a glove.

A curious smile crept onto his face. "My hands feel... so light," he murmured, the sensation both strange and exhilarating. He tentatively threw a few punches—a jab, a jab, a hook—his movements fluid and effortless. His body moved with a grace, unlike the strenuous physical exertion of combat, thanks to the divine light that was coursing through him.

"Heh," he chuckled, a hint of surprise in his voice, "This doesn't seem to drain much mana at all."

Ms. Yoo-Euni watched with a satisfied smile as Marco lowered his hands, the celestial light fading to reveal a wide grin on his face. "Good one, Marco," she praised. "You displayed excellent control and focus. Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe Yunus is itching to show off his own talents."

Marco chuckled, stepping aside as Yunus, who had been bouncing impatiently on the sidelines, practically leaped into the center of the field.

"Heh," Yunus boasted, puffing out his chest, "you better lock me up in a room, Ms. Yoo-Euni! My power is a bit… wild."

Ms. Yoo-Euni raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. She'd seen his boisterous personality all year, but there was a glint of nervous excitement in his gaze that intrigued her. "We shall see, Yunus," she replied, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Now, why don't you show us what you've got?"

Yunus strutted confidently towards the center of the field, Marco and Duny flanking him on either side, their faces a mix of amusement and apprehension. Eve and June huddled together on the sidelines, their gazes fixed on Yunus with a mixture of curiosity and unease.

Ms. Yoo-Euni, sensing the unpredictable nature of Yunus' power, surprised everyone by raising her hand. A shimmering barrier of light materialized around Yunus, encasing him in a protective sphere. "Just a precaution," she explained to the wide-eyed students. "Yunus' abilities tend to… have a wider area of effect."

Yunus, grinned from within the barrier. "Don't worry, Ms. Yoo-Euni! This won't be a problem. Just a little party trick!" He stretched his arms wide, his voice booming as he began the incantation. The words were unlike any they had heard before, a guttural language that seemed to vibrate the very ground beneath them.

"Ab inani voco, Vorax Maelstrom, Devorator mundi, Audi preces, vas mortale Desiderium potentiae. Solve famem infinitam, Terminos consume, et voraginem Constringe. Da mihi virtutem supra modum; et vicissim fiat vobis cibus hic mundus!"

The students watched, mesmerized, as a swirling vortex of dark energy materialized around Yunus within the barrier. The air crackled with a chaotic hunger, a primal urge that sent shivers down their spines. Yunus' body contorted, his muscles rippling beneath his skin as the power coursed through him. A guttural growl escaped his lips, a sound devoid of humanity, replaced by the insatiable hunger of the Vorax Maelstrom.

Ms. Yoo-Euni, her calm demeanor momentarily shaken, gripped her staff tightly, her eyes trained on the vortex. This wasn't the bravado she'd expected. This was raw, untamed power, and she wasn't sure if the barrier would hold.

The incantation continued, a relentless litany that seemed to warp the very fabric of reality. Yunus' form began to shift, his features contorting, his limbs morphing into grotesque appendages that pulsed with an unnatural energy. His once boisterous persona was completely gone, replaced by a primal, ravenous beast driven by an insatiable hunger.

Just as the transformation seemed complete, just as the barrier began to strain under the immense power, a sudden change occurred. A booming voice, like thunder rolling across the sky.

"Foolish mortal! You dare attempt to harness my power? You are but a vessel, a conduit for my endless hunger!"

The voice echoed around the field, shaking the very ground. The students, their ears ringing from the sound. Even Ms. Yoo-Euni struggled to stand firm, the raw power threatening to overwhelm her.

"I shall not be bound!" the voice continued. "This world, this power... it shall all be consumed!"

A wave of dark energy pulsed from the vortex, slamming against the barrier with unimaginable force.


< Chapter 33 > Fin.