Train Newbie in Real Life

The late afternoon sun cast an eerie yellow glow across the land, a sickly reflection of the disquiet that lingered after the events at the training field. The air crackled with an unseen tension, a stark contrast to the carefree laughter that usually echoed from the grounds.

Alex, his body still bearing the marks of the God of Wind's wrath—a bandage peeking out from under his new, non-academy attire of a simple white shirt and black pants—approached the imposing facade of the Adventurer's Guild.

There, perched regally on the familiar front chair outside the entrance, sat Bridget Louis.

Alex cleared his throat. "Hey Bridget," he greeted, the words sounding hollow in the heavy silence. "Sorry I'm late..."

Bridget's response was subdued. "Oh, don't worry about it," she muttered, her voice barely a whisper. "I just arrived myself." She cast a hesitant glance towards the imposing building of the Adventurer's Guild.

A flicker of hope ignited in Alex's eyes. "So," he began cautiously, "you're still up for that leveling session? I have a place there's a good place nearby where we can level up."

Bridget hesitated for a moment, her gaze lingering on the Guild entrance. Then, with a barely perceptible nod, she seemed to steel herself. "Alright," she mumbled, a hint of determination creeping into her voice.

"Alright, let's go," Alex said, a touch of forced cheer in his voice. "Follow me."

Bridget rose from the chair, her movements stiff and hesitant. Together, they left the bustle of the Adventurer's Guild behind. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows as they exited the city walls. The sound of their footsteps on the rough stones broke the eerie silence in the once bustling cobblestone streets leading out of the kingdom.

As they reached the city's edge, the path branched out. On one side, the familiar fields and rolling hills stretched out, dotted with farmhouses and grazing livestock. On the other hand, a dense forest loomed, its ancient trees forming a dark and imposing wall against the fading sunlight.

Alex stopped, glancing from the open fields to the brooding forest. Here, the tension that hung in the air thickened.

Bridget's hesitation deepened, her gaze fixed on the dark woods. "Are you sure about this?" she finally asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "The forest… it feels different today."

Alex cleared his throat, forcing a smile. "Yeah, it'll be nighttime soon. But don't worry, I know a spot a little further out. I've been there before, so I know the route. Just a heads-up, it's not recommended to venture out here alone if you're not familiar with the area. You could easily get lost."

Bridget offered a curt nod, a flicker of unease still lingering in her eyes.

They continued walking for a while, the silence growing heavier with each step. Finally, Alex stopped abruptly. A clearing opened up before them, revealing a patch of overgrown grass dotted with small burrows. Scampering around in the fading light were several creatures that vaguely resembled rabbits, but with a maniacal glint in their red eyes and razor-sharp teeth protruding from their twitching noses.

"Here we are," Alex announced, his voice still carrying a hint of forced cheer.

Bridget peered at the creatures, a frown creasing her brow. "Rabbits...?" she questioned, her voice laced with disbelief.

"Psycho-Rabbits, to be precise," Alex clarified. "Low-tier monsters, probably even weaker than the weakest Skeleton. Perfect for testing out those new skills."

He gestured towards her back. "Alright, Bridget, bring out your weapon."

Bridget, still bewildered, unfurled a staff from her back. "I-I bought this at the Guild," she stammered. "They said it suited a mage-type fighter..."

"Well, let's put it to the test, then," Alex said, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice. "Time to see what you can do."

Alex watched expectantly as Bridget unfurled her staff. The clearing with the Psycho-Rabbits stretched before them, the perfect opportunity to test her newfound magic. However, as the silence stretched, a deep sense of unease settled in his stomach.

Instead of the confident spellcasting he envisioned, Bridget stood rooted to the spot. Her staff trembled in her grip, and a faint tremor ran through her legs. A low whimper escaped her lips, and she mumbled incoherently, "Umm... ehmm... ermmm...."

Concern etched itself onto Alex's face. "Bridget, are you okay?" he asked gently, his forced cheer fading completely.

Bridget's gaze darted between him and the Psycho-Rabbits, fear paralyzing her. Finally, the truth tumbled out in a choked whisper, "I don't know anything about magic..."

Alex's head snapped back in surprise. Everything he thought he knew about Bridget, the confidence she displayed at the Guild, the supposed recommendation for a mage staff it all crumbled in that moment. Here she stood, exposed and vulnerable, the weight of the deception heavy in the air.

A heavy sigh replaced Alex's forced cheer. His disappointment gnawed at him, but worry for Bridget's safety quickly overshadowed it. He wasn't naive; venturing out here unprepared was reckless, and the fear in her eyes was a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation.

Reaching into his inventory, a hidden compartment most Blessed kept for emergencies, Alex retrieved a simple dagger. Thankfully, his foresight had paid off in this unexpected situation.

Luckily, I brought this…

He muttered more to himself than Bridget. 

He placed the dagger in her trembling hand, its cool metal a stark contrast to the warmth of her staff. Taking the staff from her grasp, he spoke gently, but firmly. "We can discuss magic later. Right now, use this."

Bridget stammered, caught between the indignity of having her staff taken and the gratitude for the offered weapon. "H-Hey, that's my staff!" she protested weakly, a hint of defiance flickering in her eyes.

"I'll teach you magic sometime," Alex promised, his voice leaving no room for argument. "But right now, these Psycho-Rabbits aren't going to wait for a lecture. Defend yourself."

Shamefaced, Bridget gripped the dagger tightly, its weight unfamiliar in her hand. She stole a glance at the Psycho-Rabbits, their beady red eyes gleaming in the fading light. Embarrassment morphed into a flicker of determination. She might not know magic, but she wouldn't be a burden anymore.

Alex, sensing Bridget's hesitance, decided to take a different approach. He cautiously approached one of the Psycho-Rabbits, its twitching nose and razor-sharp teeth belying its seemingly cute exterior. 

Despite the danger, Alex reached out a hand, his movements slow and deliberate. Thankfully, the Psycho-Rabbits, while aggressive, weren't particularly intelligent. The creature, momentarily startled, froze in place, its beady eyes darting between Alex's hand and Bridget.

Kieeek! Kieeek!

"See?" Alex said, his voice calm and reassuring, keeping his eyes on Bridget. "They're not exactly cuddly, but they're not the brightest either. Now, focus on the one in front of you." He gestured with his head towards the rabbit, keeping his own hand a safe distance.

Bridget's gaze flickered between Alex and the Psycho-Rabbit, her grip tightening on the unfamiliar dagger. A wary understanding had taken its place in place of the initial cuteness. She may not know magic, but this was something she could handle. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself.

"Now!" Alex commanded, his voice sharp but not unkind.

Bridget lunged forward, the dagger flashing in the fading light. It wasn't a graceful movement, but it was effective. The Psycho-Rabbit, caught off guard, didn't even have a chance to react before the blade found its mark. A startled yelp escaped the creature as it went limp, its lifeless body twitching on the ground.

Bridget froze, staring at the fallen rabbit, her chest heaving with exertion and a mix of fear and accomplishment swirling in her eyes. It wasn't a glorious victory, but it was a start. She had faced her fear and emerged on the other side.

"Now go on, kill them all!" His voice boomed across the clearing, devoid of the earlier concern.

The sudden aggression startled Bridget, who flinched. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with confusion. The remaining Psycho-Rabbits, sensing a shift in the atmosphere, scattered back into their burrows. The clearing, once teeming with movement, fell silent.

Hesitantly, Bridget nodded, her gaze lingering on the fallen creature. She wasn't a monster hunter, and the thrill of the kill had already faded, replaced by a dull ache in her arm and a nagging unease. She started towards another Psycho-Rabbit, her steps slow and hesitant.

Meanwhile, Alex stood observing her, a sly smile playing on his lips. He wasn't looking at the rabbits, however. His focus was entirely on the translucent screen hovering in front of him, the user interface of the Central Shop. With a few taps, he navigated the menus, a glint of calculation in his eyes. His fingers scrolled down a list of items until they landed on a specific scroll: a 320% Exp Boost for a mere 1000 silver coins. A bargain, considering the potential rewards.

A satisfied smirk stretched across his face as a notification popped up: "

[Successfully added '320% Exp Boost' to your inventory.]

He pocketed the purchase, his gaze returning to Bridget. "Bridget, come here!" he called out, his voice carrying a forced urgency.

Bridget, mid-stride towards another Psycho-Rabbit, froze. The frustration evident in her voice as she turned towards him was undeniable. "No...! What is it now?"

"Come here," Alex beckoned, his voice clipped.

Bridget shuffled closer, her brow furrowed in confusion. "What is it...?" she muttered, her voice laced with apprehension.

Instead of addressing her question, Alex reached out with surprising speed. Bridget flinched, anticipating another yell, but instead, Alex's hand seemed to grasp at thin air. Her eyes widened in shock as a glowing scroll materialized in his palm, seemingly plucked from the very air itself.

"What... how..." she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. The display of magic, so effortless in his grasp, only deepened the chasm of confusion and unease that had been growing within her.

Before she could voice another question, Alex unfurled the scroll, revealing intricate symbols that pulsed with a soft, otherworldly light. He positioned it close to Bridget's face, the glowing symbols bathing her features in an ethereal glow.


Bridget gasped, a jolt of energy coursing through her as the scroll shimmered and vanished. In its place, a faint, shimmering outline began to radiate around her form, a subtle effect that spoke volumes of the power that now coursed through her veins.

"There," Alex said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "That should even the odds a bit."

Bridget stared at her shimmering outline, her mind racing. The confusion remained, but a flicker of something else sparked in her eyes.

A holographic message flickered into existence before his eyes:

[You just gave a blessing to the NPC 'Bridget Louis']

[She's now your party member.]

Surprise washed over Alex. An NPC as a party member? This was unexpected, but the potential benefits were intriguing. He could share experience points, which would accelerate her leveling. 

A sly grin spread across his face. "How about we start changing places," Alex announced, the grin not leaving his face, "to goblins?"

Bridget stammered, "H-Huh... I don't even kill all the Psycho-Rabbits here, and my level is low..." Doubt gnawed at her, but the faint hum of power coursing through her veins offered a sliver of confidence.

Alex waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry, come follow me." He extended a hand towards her. "With the buff I gave you, we can handle a few goblins. Besides, it's all about gaining experience, right?"

Bridget hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering between Alex's outstretched hand and the remaining Psycho-Rabbits. Taking a deep breath, she brushed aside her doubts and placed her hand in his. A surge of warmth traveled up her arm, solidifying the newfound bond between them.

Bridget stared at her shimmering outline, confusion battling with the flicker of hope in her eyes. The message Alex saw only deepened her unease. "I-I don't understand..." she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "What did you just do? And a party? I'm just a beginner..."

"There will be time for explanations later," Alex said curtly, the earlier amusement replaced by a steely glint in his eyes. 

Before she could protest further, he grasped her hand, the warmth momentarily dispelling the chill of fear that had gripped her.

Ignoring her protests, Alex pulled her towards the edge of the clearing. "Just follow me," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Bridget stumbled after him, her legs shaky and her mind reeling. The Psycho-Rabbits, forgotten for the moment, watched their strange departure with twitching noses. As they emerged from the clearing, the world beyond unfolded before them, bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun. But the beauty of the landscape was lost on Bridget. Her gaze fell upon a dark and foreboding mass in the distance: a goblin camp. Spiked fences encircled a cluster of ramshackle huts, wisps of smoke curling from their crude chimneys. A shiver ran down her spine.

"Goblins?!" she shrieked, her voice a mixture of fear and disbelief. "They're level 50 and above! We'll be slaughtered!" Reality slammed into her, shattering of confidence the buff had offered. This wasn't a training exercise; it was a suicide mission.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. Alex, his face devoid of any emotion, continued to drag her towards the camp. Desperate, Bridget dug in her heels, refusing to budge another step. "No! This is crazy! Let go of me!"

This time, Alex stopped. He turned to face her, his expression unreadable. The silence stretched, thick with tension, before he finally spoke. "We'll discuss this later," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

Suddenly, Alex lift her up with his hands.

Panic surged through Bridget as Alex, his expression resolute, ignored her pleas and hoisted her into the air. A startled yelp escaped her lips as the ground fell away, the clearing shrinking below them.

"Kyaah!" she shrieked, clinging to him desperately. "Put me down! This isn't funny!"

Alex, his face devoid of amusement, kept climbing. He reached a sturdy branch on a towering oak and gently deposited her onto it.

"Wait here," he instructed, his voice firm but not unkind. "It'll only be a short while."

Bridget scrambled further out on the branch, the vastness of the forest stretching out before her. Looking down at the clearing, she saw a few remaining goblins milling about, their misshapen forms grotesque even from a distance. A tremor ran through her.

"And how exactly will waiting here make me level up?" she questioned, her voice laced with frustration and fear.

"There's more to leveling up than fighting," Alex explained patiently. "Sometimes, just being near defeated monsters does the trick. We'll go to the Adventurer's Guild later, and they can scan you with an orb to see if you gained any levels."

Bridget eyed him skeptically. Everything about the situation felt wrong, but she had no chance of fighting back now. With a hesitant nod, she settled herself on the branch, keeping a wary eye on the remaining goblins below.

Meanwhile, Alex reached the top of the tree and surveyed the goblin camp below. He bypassed the flashy Golden Sage box, opting for a different approach. A mental command sent a ripple through his mind, and a weapon materialized in his hand.

[You Equiped the 'Meteoried Sword']

It wasn't the weapon he always used, the Golden Sage box, but a rather unassuming one. The once-polished surface was now dulled with rust, and the etchings on the hilt were barely visible. To an untrained eye, it would appear as nothing more than a discarded relic. However, Bridget wouldn't know the difference. This was the fabled Meteoried Sword, a Mythic weapon with hidden power, perfect for the task at hand.

A smirk played on Alex's lips. He adjusted his grip on the sword and leaped down towards the goblin camp, ready to create a diversion and, hopefully, some quick experience points.

Swung! Alex swung his meteorite sword through the goblin skin

"Why did you put me up here?!" she shrieked, her voice tight with a mixture of terror and anger.

Alex, his face grim, ignored her for the moment. He had a job to do. A mental command sent a ripple through him, and the Mythic Meteoried Sword materialized in his hand. Though disguised by a layer of deceptive rust, the blade hummed with hidden power.

With a powerful leap, Alex descended upon the goblin camp. His movements were a blur of deadly efficiency. The rusty blade sang a silent song of destruction as it carved through the goblin ranks. Each swing was precise, and each slice was final. 

Bridget watched in horrified fascination as Alex, a whirlwind of deadly force, dispatched the goblins with ease.

"He's so strong..." she whispered, a strange mix of awe and fear twisting in her gut.

Below, Alex muttered to himself, glancing at the holographic party list only visible to him. "Hope this works. Carrying newbies through its a classic strategy, right?" A humorless chuckle escaped him. This was no game, but the objective remained the same: get Bridget leveled up, even if it meant unconventional methods.

He dispatched two more goblins with a single, brutal maneuver, their blood staining the rusty blade a shade darker. 


As twilight settled, the warm glow of the city lights began to pierce the gathering darkness. Bridget, her legs still shaky from her ordeal, clung tightly to Alex's arm as they hurried towards the familiar facade of the Adventurer's Guild.


When they got to the doorway, they noticed that the frantic atmosphere had changed to a tranquility that was almost unsettling. Inside, a lone figure sat slumped behind the reception desk, her head lolling back against the wall.

"Good evening," Alex greeted cautiously, his voice barely a whisper.

The receptionist's head snapped up, her startled yelp echoing through the quiet room. She blinked blearily at them for a moment, her eyes adjusting to the dim tavern lighting.

"Good evening, May I help you?" she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.

"Hey Lara! It's me, Bridget!" Bridget chimed in, a hint of relief washing over her. Recognizing the friendly receptionist, she offered a sliver of normalcy in the midst of the bizarre events of the day.

Lara's sleep-addled face finally registered recognition. "Oh, heyyy Bridget! You are back this late... Are you lost earlier?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.

"No, no," Bridget replied, straightening her posture and puffing out her chest a bit. "This man here helped me kill those goblins!"

Lara's eyes widened in surprise. "Goblins, eh? Look, you seem pretty strong," she said, her gaze shifting to Alex. "What's your name, adventurer?"

"Alex," he responded, offering a polite nod. "From Elera Village."

"Oh, that one, Alex…?" Lara drawled, a hint of amusement in her voice. "We've got a lot of rumors about you around here."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Really?" A flicker of curiosity sparked in his eyes.

"Haha, yes, you're quite the celebrity among the adventurers here," Lara chuckled, a hint of mischief twinkling in her sleep-deprived eyes. "Ever since the rumors started swirling, everyone's been itching for a chance to meet you, test their skills against yours, or just get a glimpse of the infamous Alex from Elera Village."

Alex raised an eyebrow, a surprised smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He hadn't realized his exploits had caused such a stir. "Really? It seems like they're a curious bunch," he replied, a touch of amusement in his voice. It wasn't his first time in a city, but it was his first time visiting this particular Adventurer's Guild. He usually kept to the outskirts, his business rarely leading him to such bustling hubs.

"Oh, you have no idea," Lara confirmed, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye brought on by a stifled yawn. "So, what brings you two to the Guild at this hour?"

"Actually," Alex interjected, glancing at Bridget, "Bridget here just wants to get her level checked."

Bridget, who had been fidgeting nervously beside him, straightened slightly. "Yeah, I, uh, just wanted to know how much progress I'd made."

Lara tilted her head, her gaze flickering between them. "Her level, huh? Well, that's easy enough. Let's see..." She reached under the counter and pulled out a small, glowing orb. "Hold still, Bridget, and place your hand on this."

Bridget tentatively reached out and rested her palm on the orb's smooth surface. A soft light pulsed from within, scanning her for a moment. Lara squinted at the readout appearing beside the orb.

"Hmmm..." she murmured, drawing out the word. "Interesting. According to the orb, your level is 41... Wait, how did you even level up this fast!?"


< Chapter 34 > Fin.