Grinding Again

Time seemed to warp and bend within the AFK leveling machine. What felt like minutes to Alex could have been hours. When he finally blinked his eyes open, a dull ache throbbed in his muscles, and sweat slicked his brow.

Alex stumbled back a step, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon. The reassuring weight of his meteor-forged sword met his grasp, and a surge of adrenaline shot through him. With a battle cry that echoed through the cavernous chamber, he launched himself into the fray.

"Hiyah!" he roared, swinging his blade in a wide arc that cleaved through a group of smaller creatures. Hisses and screeches filled the air as he parried a clawed swipe from a hulking monstrosity. He continued to fight despite sweat dripping into his eyes because of a primal instinct and the knowledge that his AFK training had sharpened his reflexes and built up his body.

Across the AFK leveling machine, Frey stood at a safe distance, her posture standing still as a statue. Her eyes narrowed as she watched her master fight, her gaze tracking every move.

I don't know why he finds this AFK leveling so ingenious…

She murmured to herself, a hint of amusement lacing her monotone voice. While Alex reveled in the thrill of the simulated combat, she saw it for what it truly was, a cheating way to exploit the system and gain an unfair advantage.

However, her loyalty never wavered. If this was what Alex desired, then she would ensure his safety and efficiency.

The battle raged on. Alex moved with a practiced grace as a result of countless cycles of simulated combat inside the machine. He dispatched his opponents with deadly precision, with each swing of his sword a testament to his honed skills.

A gentle chime and a notification followed as the last monster collapsed to the ground in his mind:

[Congratulations! You have reached level 61!]

A wave of satisfaction washed over him, despite the fatigue gnawing at his body. He'd gained several levels while he was "afk," a testament to the effectiveness of his strange invention. He leaned heavily on his sword, panting for breath.


"Hahh... hahh... its not even afk again… Frey! Turn it off!" he managed to gasp out.

Frey, saw her master's exhaustion. She nodded curtly and deactivated the machine with a wave of her hand.

Alex stumbled towards the nearest wall, collapsing onto the cool stone floor with a groan. Despite the artificial nature of the battle, the physical exertion had been real. He closed his eyes, letting the rhythmic hum of the deactivated machine lull him back to a semblance of normalcy.

Frey stood beside him, her expression unreadable. A single question hung in the air, unspoken but clear:

"What level do you want to reach before we return?" Frey's voice cut through the ringing in Alex's ears, a touch of amusement lacing her monotone.

"Hahh... hahh..." Alex leaned heavily against the cool stone wall, his chest heaving with exertion. Sweat stung his eyes, and his muscles screamed in protest. "Give me six more hours," he gasped out. "Just six more, and I should hit level 62."

Frey studied him for a moment, her gaze taking in his ragged breathing and slumped posture. A small, almost imperceptible, flicker of concern crossed her features before vanishing as quickly as it appeared. "Very well, Master," she said, her voice returning to its usual neutrality. "Prepare yourself. I will retrieve sustenance to replenish your energy."

He slumped further against the cool stone wall, his chest heaving with exertion. Sweat stung his eyes, and his muscles screamed in protest. Despite the artificiality of the battle, the training program within the machine pushed him to his physical limits.

Suddenly, a nagging realization struck him. He reached into his inventory with practiced ease, intending to grab a mana potion to help with his recovery. However, his fingers brushed against nothing but empty space. 

A frown creased his brow. "Frey!" he called out, his voice hoarse.

Frey, who was halfway up the stairs leading out of the chamber, stopped and looked back at him. "Yes?" she inquired, her posture as rigid as ever.

"Before you leave," Alex began, wincing slightly as he shifted his weight against the wall, "can you grab a Mana Potion for me?" The simulated battles within the machine didn't drain his mana reserves, but the intense physical exertion left him feeling depleted nonetheless. A good mana potion would help him recover faster and potentially push himself further during his next training session.

Frey nodded in understanding, and she activated her storage system. Within moments, she reappeared beside him, a large, blue bottle filled with swirling liquid held in her hand.

"Here, Master," she announced, handing him the potion. The bottle pulsed with a faint magical aura, and Alex recognized it as one of the most potent mana potions in his collection. It was a bit excessive for his current needs, but he wasn't about to complain.

"Thanks," he rasped, taking the bottle and unstoppering it with a grateful nod. He tipped his head back and gulped down the cool, sweet liquid. A warm sensation spread through his body, invigorating his tired muscles and restoring a sense of clarity to his mind.

After seeing her master down the entire mana potion, Frey paused for a moment, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. It wasn't unusual for Alex to request a potion, but the size and potency of the one he'd just consumed seemed excessive for a simple recovery. Perhaps the simulated battles were taking a greater toll on him than he let on.

"Very well, Master," she said, her voice as neutral as ever. "While you rest, I'll prepare something more substantial than just the retrieved food." 

Alex chuckled, a weak sound but genuine nonetheless. "Sounds good, Frey," he rasped. "Surprise me." He leaned back further against the cool stone wall, closing his eyes as the invigorating effects of the mana potion washed over him.

Frey's steps echoed softly in the vast chamber as she made her way back to the throne room. The silence, once broken only by the rhythmic hum of the deactivated machine.

Reaching the throne room, Frey looks around the opulent yet oddly incongruous decor. A dusty corner where a white wooden door stood concealed. She pushed the door open, revealing a simple room beyond.

It was her personal room, a space devoid of the ostentatious displays of wealth found elsewhere in the dungeon. A comfortable bed, a sturdy wardrobe are necessities for any inhabitant.

However, her current mission had nothing to do with sleep or attire. Her gaze immediately focused on the far corner of the room, where there was a well-equipped kitchen.

"Let's see what we can prepare," she murmured to herself, her voice echoing softly in the confined space. 

With a flick of her wrist, a holographic user interface materialized in front of her, displaying the inventory of the storage system.

"Hmm, oysters," she muttered, her finger tracing across a list of ingredients. "A good choice for a pre-battle feast." With practiced ease, she selected the necessary items "plump oysters" a rich sauce, and various herbs and spices. One by one, they materialized beside her.

Frey moved with quiet efficiency, her steps silent on the stone floor. She expertly prepared the ingredients, and her movements precise and practiced. The clink of cutlery and the sizzle of food hitting a hot pan filled the room, a stark contrast to the heavy silence that had reigned just moments before.

As the enticing aroma of cooking oysters wafted through the air, a hint of something akin to satisfaction flickered in Frey's eyes. 

A frown creased Alex's eyes as he slumped against the cool stone wall. He reached into his inventory. There, nestled amongst his other items, lay three scrolls 600% Combat Exp, 300% Exp, 500% Exp. He'd purchased them from the "Central Shop" earlier.

"Combination…" he muttered, his voice hoarse. A spark of hope ignited within him. He'd noticed a "combine" function within the inventory, and a daring plan began to form. With trembling fingers, he selected all three scrolls. A confirmation window popped up, displaying the potential outcome: "14000% Combat Exp Boost." His heart pounded in his chest a fourteen thousand percent experience boost! It was tempting, incredibly so, but a flicker of hesitation held him back.

"That's not big enough…" he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. The prospect of reaching level 62 in a single, extended training session was alluring, but a nagging feeling of unease wouldn't go away. What were the potential drawbacks of such a significant boost? Was it safe?

He glanced down at the activation button for the machine. The simulated battles, while grueling, were at least controlled. Pushing the button now, with this untested, potentially risky boost active, felt reckless.

With a sigh, he deactivated the inventory interface. He needed a moment to think, to weigh the risks. He decided against activating the machine for now. There was still time before Frey returned, and safety, he concluded, was more important than a quick power boost.

Despite the lingering fatigue, a spark of determination flickered in Alex's eyes. Leaning against the wall, he closed his eyes and focused. He opens his inventory again and use the three scrolls within it. He felt a surge of energy course through him, a tingling sensation that promised amplified experience gains.

"Alright," he muttered, a newfound resolve hardening his voice. "Let's do this."

Opening his eyes, he rose to his full height, the fatigue momentarily forgotten. He gripped his meteor-forged sword, its familiar weight a source of comfort. He was ready. The Afk Leveling, he awaited the return of the grotesque creatures that awaited him within the machine's program.

As the battlefield materialized around him, a wave of monstrous creatures surged forward. Orcs with snarling tusks, goblins wielding rusty blades, and towering ogres.

"This one… yea, thanks to me, it's getting faster."

Alex launched himself into the fray, his movements honed and precise. The boost coursed through him, granting him heightened reflexes and an almost superhuman level of strength. His meteor-forged sword became a blur of motion, cleaving through the enemy ranks with deadly efficiency.

With each fallen creature, a notification flickered in his mind, the numbers far greater than usual thanks to the combined scrolls. He felt a wave of satisfaction and a good amount of caution at the same time. This power boost was exhilarating, but he knew it wouldn't last forever. He had to make the most of this limited time.

The battle raged on, and the simulated creatures were relentless in their assault. But Alex, fueled by the experience boost and his own determination, fought with unwavering ferocity. He pushed himself further than ever before, his skills honed to a razor's edge.

"Hmm~ hmm~" Frey hummed softly to herself as she plated the expertly prepared oysters, a delicious aroma wafting through the air.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement in the distance caught her eye. She turned, her gaze sharpening as she saw a faint blue glow emanating from the base of the throne room. It was the activation light for the AFK leveling machine.

A flicker of surprise crossed her features. She hadn't expected her master to activate the machine so soon. With a sigh, while holding the plate of oysters, Frey strode towards the discreet doorway hidden at the base of the throne room. Descending the spiral staircase that led down to the chamber housing the machine, she felt the temperature drop significantly.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she found herself in the chamber. Her trained eyes scanned the room, immediately landing on Alex's form. He stood amidst a swirl of simulated combat, his movements a blur of deadly efficiency.

Frey stopped at a safe distance, her usual stoic demeanor in place. She watched as Alex dispatched his monstrous opponents with a ferocity she hadn't witnessed before. The three scrolls he'd activated must have been working, granting him a significant boost in his combat abilities.

However, a hint of concern flickered in Frey's eyes. While the boost was undoubtedly effective, it could also be dangerous. She would have to monitor him closely, ensuring his safety despite his reckless decision.

As she observed the battle unfold, the enticing aroma of the oysters wafted down the stairs, a tempting reminder of the delicious meal awaiting Alex when his training session concluded. 

Alex's meteor-forged sword continued its deadly dance. Each swing was a blur, cleaving through orcs with chilling efficiency. Their snarls and pained roars were lost in the rhythmic clang of steel on flesh.

Sweat streamed down his face, stinging his eyes. Despite the amplified power coursing through him, fatigue gnawed at his edges. His movements, while still precise, lacked the initial burst of adrenaline-fueled energy.

Across the battlefield, Frey watched with a keen eye. She saw the telltale signs of exhaustion creeping into Alex's movements a slight hesitation in his swings, a flicker of sluggishness in his footwork. While the experience boost was impressive, it wasn't without its drawbacks.

With a decisive movement, she deactivated the machine with a wave of her hand. The swirling vortex of simulated combat dissolved, revealing the sterile chamber once more.

Alex stumbled back a step, the sudden cessation of activity disorienting. He leaned heavily against the wall, gasping for breath. His vision swam slightly, and his muscles screamed in protest.

"Frey?" he rasped, his voice hoarse. His eyes darted around the room until they landed on her figure, standing a few paces away with a steaming plate of food held aloft.

"Better eat first, Master," she announced, her voice calm and even.

Alex let out a shaky sigh, the sound almost comical given his fierce demeanor moments prior. He pushed himself away from the wall and shuffled towards her, drawn by the enticing aroma of the oysters.

"Thanks," he mumbled, taking the plate from her outstretched hand. The savory scent filled his nostrils, and his stomach rumbled in agreement. He looked down at the plump, succulent oysters, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Perhaps a quick bite to eat and a short rest wouldn't hurt. He had a feeling Frey wouldn't let him overdo it, and with a renewed boost of energy, he could always return to the machine later. 

"It's not like you," Frey stated, her voice laced with a hint of concern. "You're sweating more easily than usual."

Alex stared at her, his mind churning. The truth, the gnawing uncertainty about his past, threatened to bubble over. "Well…" he began, his voice trailing off. Maybe because I have no life in the past, he thought glumly. He forced a smile, masking the turmoil within.

Maybe it because I have no life in past and my stamina is so low…

"Guess it's a brand new me, pushing my limits, right?" He finished with a question, hoping to deflect from his internal struggle.

Frey studied him for a long moment, she nods.

Alex devoured the last oyster, the briny taste a tang of sweat in his mouth. A sense of purpose flickered in his eyes. He wouldn't let the sweat hold him back.

"Alright, Frey," he announced, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Turn on the machine again. I'm going to level grind until six hours are up, then we can head back to the mansion."

Frey, who had been watching him intently throughout the meal, gave a curt nod. Despite her usual impassive demeanor, a concern in her eyes. She knew the dangers of pushing himself too hard.

Without further comment, she raised her hand and a wave of energy pulsed through the chamber. The colossal machine whirred back to life, the runes etched upon its surface glowing with renewed intensity. The Orc start fall from above around Alex.

A determined glint hardened Alex's gaze. He gripped his meteor-forged sword. He wouldn't dwell on the past, not now. He had a goal – to reach level 62.

Clang! Clang!

He took a deep breath and positioned himself within the designated area. As the machine activated, a surge of energy coursed through him, a tangible reminder of the combined scrolls' power. 

Frey watched from a safe distance, her posture rigid as ever. Her gaze never left her master, her keen eyes tracking his every move. While she wouldn't interfere, she was prepared to deactivate the machine at the first sign of him faltering. A silent guardian, ever vigilant, she stood by as Alex embarked on his self-imposed training marathon.

The next six hours stretched into an eternity of simulated combat. Alex, fueled by a potent mix of the experience boost and his own unwavering determination, fought with relentless ferocity. His movements became a blur, a deadly dance honed to perfection. Each fallen enemy brought him closer to his goal, each notification a tiny victory.

Despite the amplified power and his initial burst of enthusiasm, fatigue inevitably began to creep in. His muscles protested with each swing of his sword, and his breath came in ragged gasps. But he pushed on, fueled by a stubborn will and the promise of reaching level 62.

As the final orc crumpled to the ground, a triumphant chime resonated in Alex's mind. A notification materialized in front of him, glowing with a soft blue light:

[Level Up! You are now Level 62!]

A wide grin split Alex's face. Six hours of relentless combat, sweat stinging his eyes, muscles screaming in protest it had all been worth it. He let out a satisfied sigh.

"Frey, turn it off!" he called out, his voice hoarse but laced with victory.

Frey, who had been a silent observer throughout his grueling leveling session, responded with turn off the machine.

The adrenaline rush subsided, his legs gave way, and Alex slumped heavily onto the cool stone floor. He lay there for a moment, catching his breath, the holographic notification hanging in the air before him.

"Hahh... Hahh..." he wheezed, exhaustion momentarily stealing his ability to form a coherent sentence.

A soft rustle alerted him. He turned his head slightly to see Frey kneeling beside him, her face a mask of its usual straight. A hint of concern flickered in her eyes.

"You done...?" she inquired, her voice calm and measured.

Alex mustered a weak smile. "Y-Yes," he rasped, confirming the achievement displayed in the holographic notification. Despite the fatigue gnawing at his body, a sense of accomplishment washed over him.

"Good," Frey replied succinctly. Though her words were few, they held a subtle undercurrent of pride. 


< Chapter 36 > Fin.