Mana Capacity Training II

Aseira give him a reassuring smile. "It's actually quite simple… For this simplified version, imagine you're creating a void in your palm. Picture it as a hungry little black hole, just waiting to devour excess mana."

She held out her own hand, palm facing upwards. With a flick of her wrist, a small, shimmering orb of blue light materialized above her skin. "Now, focus all your energy on pushing a small amount of your own mana into that empty space in your hand. Imagine feeding the hungry void."

Alex watched intently, mimicking her hand gesture. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation of his mana pool. 

Hesitantly, he willed a tiny wisp of energy towards his outstretched palm. A faint tingling sensation filled his hand, followed by a flicker of surprise as the wisp of mana vanished without a trace.

He opened his eyes, a frown creasing his forehead. "Huh, that easy? It feels... strange."