Rest Day II

Just as the situation seemed ready to escalate, Barty, intervened. "This is pointless posturing, Zen. We have a spar to prepare for. Coming, Culian?"

Without a word, Culian turned and began walking away. Barty nudged Zen with a pointed look, and with a final glare at the Zuberk students, Zen followed suit. The Laury trio disappeared around the corner, leaving Alex and his friends speechless.

Marco's jaw dropped, mirroring the stunned silence that followed the Laury students' abrupt departure. "What the f**k!? They just… show up, challenge us, and then walk away?"

June, furrowed her brow. "Yeah, that was weird. How did they even know we'd run into them here?"

Eve, scoffed. "Attention seekers, most likely. Don't waste another thought on them. Come on, let's get back to the dorms and relax before dinner."

With a shared look of bewilderment, the Zuberk students resumed their walk. Alex, however, couldn't shake off the encounter entirely.