Cycle of God II

Anya, raised an eyebrow at Aseira's unexpected wisdom. "This is a new side of you, Aseira."

Akiko, always quick with a playful jab, chimed in. "Never thought you'd be the one spouting philosophical theories, Aseira. Must be the tea."

Aseira, unfazed by their teasing, simply shrugged. "Perhaps… I'm just tired of this endless cycle of gods and followers. They rise, they fall, and the people they leave behind are left scrambling for a new deity to cling to. It's a never-ending loop of dependence and disappointment."

Angelina, added her own thoughts to the conversation. "They're not truly immortal. They may be powerful, but they are not above the cycle of life and death."

The weight of their words hung heavy in the air. The concept of impermanence, even for these powerful gods, was a sobering realization.