Age Reveal


Alex pushed open the dorm door, the familiar sight of his room a welcome relief after his unusual afternoon. He wasn't expecting company, however. Marco, Yunus, Duny – the whole gang – were sprawled out on his bed, a tense air hanging heavy in the room. Even June and Eve, usually radiating calmness, seemed on edge.

"Oh, you guys here…" Alex stammered, surprised.

"There's the guy who came back from the dead!"

Marco, however, cut straight to the chase. His voice was serious, his brow furrowed. "Alex, we need to talk."

Alex swallowed hard, a knot forming in his stomach. He braced himself for accusations, maybe even fear. "What's up?"

"We know you're not… you," Marco began, his voice trailing off. 

Just as he seemed to be on the verge of revealing their suspicions, June intervened. Her hand shot out, a flicker of telekinetic energy forcing Marco's mouth shut.

"Marco!" Eve hissed, her eyes wide with surprise.