Age Reveal III

Anya raised an eyebrow. "And what if there are open slots? Can Alex choose Blessed students from other kingdoms to fill them?"

Jian Gang smiled. "Precisely, Anya. We want Alex to have the freedom to build the strongest team possible."

A collective nod of approval filled the room. The weight of responsibility on Alex's shoulders was undeniable, but it was also an opportunity – a chance to forge his own path and create a team unlike any other.

"Um, a month, huh?"

Jian Gang, sensing his apprehension, offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Alex. We'll guide you every step of the way. This month will be packed with intensive training – combat, strategy, leadership skills. You'll be well-prepared when the time comes."

Alex nodded. "Thank you."

Anya, piped up. "Speaking of teams, Alex, didn't you already choose some potential members yesterday at the arena?"

"Y-Yeah, The King sort of… demanded I choose the team and I take who's strong..."