Giving Information

The wave of excitement from room 340 had yet to subside when Alex, Akiko, and Angelina made their way next door to room 345.

Knock! Knock! Alex, knuckles rapping a steady rhythm.

The door creaked open, revealing a frazzled-looking Zen from the Laury Kingdom. A brow furrowed and shoulders slumped in place of his customary carefree demeanor. The sting of their recent loss to Rhino, evident in his defeated posture.

"Yeah...?" Zen mumbled, his voice devoid of its usual enthusiasm.

"Is Barty here?" Alex inquired, his voice carrying a hint of cheer that Zen clearly lacked.

"Yeah, lemme call him…" Zen mumbled, shuffling back into the room.

A moment later, a disheveled Barty emerged, his sleep-tousled hair and baggy eyes betraying a restless night. The sight of Alex, Akiko, and Angelina at his doorstep brought a flicker of surprise to his face. He straightened slightly, managing a tired, "Oh, Alex… yeah, what's up…"