Chapter LXXXVIII: A new era begins

The dawn of the day came, bringing with it the news that Pope Alexander VI had passed away, having been killed by an unknown assailant. Some people blamed me for this, given the enemy lurking in our every step, while others condemned the Pope for trusting his concubine, Giulia Farnese.

In the morning, I asked the Cardinals and Cesare to let me pray beside the dead body of the Pope. The cardinals agreed, and I was left alone with the Pope, trying to pray for his resurrection. Never had I prayed so fervently as I did then, and never before had I felt so unheard. Despite my vows and other oaths, considering myself the man of Providence, nothing happened.

Seeing that my powers had abandoned me, I left the Pope's chamber and exited the Papal Palace, heading towards the seashore to find a ship that would take me back to Wallachia. It seems Providence had another plan for me, as Cesare caught up with me and stopped me from leaving.