Chapter 3

She hadn't the slightest idea of why she was summoned to the dean's office but here she was hurrying up the stairs to make it to the office as she was already late. She was in quite a hurry that she lost her footing and her face nearly collided with the floor but she quickly reaching out her hands to the floor to stop the collision. Quickly looking around, Naina was glad that no one witnessed her embarrassing situation and if it weren't for her dark skin she would have been red as a cherry.

I would have used beet but am not a fun.

Making her way into the dean's office she was meet with her best friend already having arrived.

Groaning she took her set next to her already knowing the reason of the summoning and wondering why she was here as she was not a part of it.

"Sorry ladies for keeping you waiting for so long," the Dean apologized taking a sit at the head of the desk.

Naina herself had interacted with the Dean on few occasions and he was an amiable and agreeable man. She hoped he would remain so during the course of the meeting and grant them favorable punishments.

"I apologize for been late," a low throaty voice sounded behind her immediately getting her attention.

She figured it must be the guy that Lily was with the night before, but having round the desk and sat next to the Dean on a chair not so far a way got her unsettled and having second thoughts about their punishment.

It was unheard of for the school president to set in during this meetings.

"Again I apologize for having you all here on a weekend but circumstances call for it. For am I set to retire on the coming Monday and a new Dean shall take over a few weeks after my retirement. Which shall be straining for you ladies as you will be on your attachments," he began his British accent heavily dripping as he spoke.

"And I assure you all that the Dean to replace me is a no nonsense man and I endeavor to have this settled before his assumption and the presence of the president is to atone for the meeting having occured,"he continued sending his gaze to Lily.

"Miss Lily Hathaway, it has come to my attention that you are responsible for the destruction of one of the rooms in the Uzma kappa sorenity house. is that true?" He asked looking up from the paper he was reading. His face was calm, Naina couldn't read him and she so very feared for her friend.

"Yes I was responsible," Lily chocked out still obviously very much with a hangover.

"According to this documents it shows you have caused destruction to a lot of the school property, you have caused fights. And have been suspended on many occasions but let back in after a huge investment was made by your father," he paused eyeing Lily, giving her time to defend herself, she didn't take it. Making the president snicker from his seat.

Ignoring the president, The Dean continued," With this strick, the school is required to expell you. But early in the morning the school received a very handsome donation for the students on scholarship from your father."

"Excuse me for being so informal," the Dean spoke. " I found it very unjust that the school is willing to get corrupt to keep you in school but with the current money strains affecting the school I wouldn't make myself a judge on the case. You are a very promising student if you just controlled your anger, thereby I shall have committed great injustice if I were to let you go scot free. Thus your punishment is during your attachment period you shall attend anger management classes and you shall not be allowed to join the first  semester of your fourth year without it. You will also be required to get involved in an extra curriculum activity," he finished having spoken so plain that it caused Lily the greatest of embarrassment.

"Miss Naina Njue," he addressed after a short pause of drinking water, "You were to receive a letter not to far from today informing you that your scholarship has been terminated," he paused again.

To say Naina was shocked by the statement would have been an understatement of the year. She loved studying here and wanted to finish here and it would certainly not be possible without the scholarship for her family could never afford to pay the school fees required to study here. She felt like crying.

"But with great thanks to your friend's action you might be fine," he continued pulling back her thoughts before they could get lost into despair. "After Mr. Hathaway's donations the school has money to continue the scholarship but not fully. Only the tuition is to be paid for. But I understand your situation and know it better that you shall not be able to do with just the tuition and have taken it upon myself to see you through campus for you deserve reward for your hard work. I shall pay for the rest till you finish schooling but for the upkeep you shall have to depend upon yourself. Here I have a few recommendations on where to seek employment after your attachment," he finished handing an envelope to Naina.

Naina was touched and she couldn't even find a voice to thank the Dean for his gracious offer.

No sooner had she found her voice when the Dean said, "I haven't anymore reasons to keep you all here, do enjoy your weekend and have a wonderful attachment period," he said wishing them out of his office for he wanted to get home the soonest to not miss his last born daughter's birthday.

"You must have captured the Dean's mind to have him help you with your fees. Don't fail him, it would be such a disappointment," the president said to  Naina after leaving the office before  making his way out of school.

Naina had never interacted with him anywhere, thou seeing him around they had never spoke and having him bear witness to such a meeting left her embarrassed and feeling humiliated for not being able to afford her fees.

But her friend was in higher spirits now and couldn't help but mention of the good looks of the school president and hoping that she might get him to bed one of this fine days. Not long after convincing her friend they go drinking and party tonight before they leave for their home on the morrow, they left the campus grounds.