Chapter 4

Since the girls knew each other, it has always been a ritual for them to go home together. They would start at Naina's home, stay no longer than a week, then head over to Lily's, and if there's still time before school reopens, they would spend it at Lily's uncle's place, who was roughly two years older than them.

As such, this time was no different. Hardly had they set out when Lily received a call from her father to go home at once. Thus changing their plans, they went over to Lily's home- or mansion.

"Hello Naina, how are you doing? How is your family doing? I hope that we are to expect good results this semester?" he asked with the utmost care he had always shown her after their arrival.

"I'm quite fine, thank you for asking. Hope you all are too. My family is okay, and they send their greetings, and yes, I hope for good results," she humbly replied.

With her answer, Mr. Hathaway began to talk of their recent encounter with Naina's family, and they began in earnest talking of the importance of school and the achieving of good grades about especially for a young girl such as she was. After delivering what he intended, he made his way to his office, barely acknowledging the presence of his daughter.

"Naina dear, do you mind looking after Adrian while we have a word with Lily?" Mrs. Hathaway asked ever so nicely.

''Of course," Naina tried her best to give her a smile.

Getting up, she sent her best friend an encouraging smile because she knew what was going to happen to her.

''Ree, come i show you what I made today," a ten-year-old Adrian pulled Naina to his room.

The Hathaway family was like any other out there yet so different from the others. Naina had noted that on her first day at the house. John Hathaway was an accomplished man in the field of business, owning a chain of car dealerships. Of this he held himself in the highest esteem and would never want his reputation ruined. Marrying Anne Hathaway, he hoped for a son but got a daughter instead, a daughter who by all means refused to major in business and take over after her father. Ten years later, when Adrian was born, he was the happiest till he found out he was a fruit of infidelity and that destroyed the family, but he kept the son to preserve his dignity.

"This is wonderful art. Are you selling it because I would like to buy it?" she joked, to keep his mind on her and not to the screaming contest happening downstairs.

"I would never sell it to you," he paused, making Naina display a mock hurt look.

"I would give it for free," he continued with a laugh. The thought of selling his art to anyone seemed impossible to him. 

"Do you think she will like it?" he asked, suddenly feeling perturbed by his sister's rejection of the painting.

Naina felt for the little boy, how he wished to have his sister's and father's affection, but the former couldn't bear to look at him without thinking everything happening was his fault, while the latter only saw his wife's infidelity. 

"Am sure she would love it, who wouldn't," she assured, giving him a mischievous smile, then quickly starting to tickle him, making him shriek out in laughter at the attack.

"Shall we watch the Lion King," Naina suggested after noticing the tears lurking behind his eyes from laughing so hard.

"No, I want to watch the new Zootopia," he said, moving to the TV in his room and starting the show. They then got settled to watch it, with Naina giving him one of the chocolates that she always carries with her out of habit.

Not too long after, she had the door banging and knew that it was her friend leaving the office. Asking Adrian to stay put, she made her way downstairs to her friend. Racing out the front door, she found her crouched on the porch crying her eyes out. On lifting her head, Naina was shocked to find bruising forming around her eye. Need not ask any questions, Naina just hugged her friend before she requested to be alone and left the Hathaway manor.


"Glad you are home, Naina.," she greeted her with a hug.

"I'm happy to be home, mum," Naina replied. Hugging her mother back.

She missed her. Having not seen her for the past six months, while she was busy at school.

She looked different, Naina noted. Her eyes sunken with black rings around them, and she had lost weight as compared to the last time Naina saw her.

Making a mental note to ask her about it later, she pulled out of the hug and turned to her father who was still lying on the couch scrolling through his phone, and greeted," hello dad".

Grunting, he sat up straight," Hello to you too. Thought you said you would be staying at your friend's house?" He began, his voice taking an edgy tone.

Listening to her father's greetings, Naina squared her shoulders,"I decided to come home instead".

Laughing, he asked, "why? Isn't that your home now? With all the money to pay for your lifestyle, why come back here instead?"

Without waiting for a reply, he got up and left, but not before giving his wife a dirty look.

"Don't mind him. Come sit down, I will get food for you-" her mother began.

"No mum. I'm not hungry, and it's really late, and you look tired. Go sleep, I will turn the lights off," She said, pushing her mother in the direction of her bedroom.

Her smile not reaching her eyes, she said,"I really am happy that you have come home." Before turning and making her way to her bedroom.

Sighing, she turned the lights off and made her way to her bedroom, finding it already organized with her bed made. Immediately crawling into bed, she slept, thanking her mum as her last thought.